GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log JUNE 3-7 2019 (WEEK 1) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log JUNE 3-7 2019 (WEEK 1) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log JUNE 3-7 2019 (WEEK 1) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
The learners demonstrate understanding of different types of mixtures and their characteristics
A. Content Standards
The learners should be able to prepare beneficial and useful mixtures such as drinks, food, and herbal medicines.
B. Performance
C. Learning Describe the appearance and uses of uniform and non-uniform mixtures. S6MT-Ia-c-1
Write the LC code for
Recall the states of matter Describe the Describe the Describe the Identify more examples of mixtures
appearance of appearance of appearance of formed
mixtures formed mixtures formed mixtures formed
Matter and Mixtures : Mixtures: Mixtures: Heterogeneous and Homogeneous
II. CONTENT Three Physical States of Matter Introduction Experimentation Presentation of Mixtures Examples
Data of the
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials BEAM 4. 5 Explain
from Learning what happens after
Resource (LR) portal Mixing Materials.
Learning Guides. Mix it
Up. July 2009. pp. 5-7.
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Teacher’s Instruction Teacher’s Teacher’s Instruction Teacher’s Teacher’s Instruction
lesson or presenting Picture Analysis. The teacher should show three pictures Instruction Classroom Discussion. Instruction Activity 1.4 Mix and Match. The teacher will
the new lesson referring to solid, liquid and gas. Activity 1.1 Pinoy The students will Recitation. use the activity as guide.
Pictures may be: Henyo. The share their reflection The students will
a. wood (solid) teacher will use and insights about the recall the activity Use the terms used from the week’s lesson
b. water in a container (liquid) the activity as previous lesson. from the previous such as solid, liquid , gas, mixtures and
c. smoke (gas) guide. lesson. other related terms.
D. Discussing new Teacher’s Instruction Teacher’s Teacher’s Instruction Teacher’s Teacher’s Instruction
concepts and Direct Instruction. Instruction Development of Data. Instruction Class Discussion.
practicing new skills Interactive The students will Direct Instruction. The teacher prepares several examples of
Teacher’s Concept: Lecture in prepare the following The teacher points heterogeneous and homogeneous
Classroom information regarding out important mixtures. Examples, smoke, air, smog, halo-
Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. The three Discussion. The the Activity 1.3. information from halo, orange juice, coffee drink, tea drink
physical states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. Solids have teacher will the experiment and other examples
definite volume and shape. Liquids have definite volume but no discuss the done.
definite shape and takes the shape of the container. Gases have previous activity Heterogeneous Homogeneous
no definite shape and volume. and input lesson
through Teacher’s Concept:
A mixture forms
when two or more
substances are
combined such that
each substance
retains its own
chemical identity. A
mixture has a single
phase and a
mixture has two or
more phases.
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making Teacher’s Instruction Teacher’s Continuation of the Teacher’s Teacher’s Instruction
generalizations and Concept Webbing. The teacher will ask the students to give their Instruction Experiment/Activity Instruction Fill in. The teacher will present the
abstractions about summary of what they learned from the lesson. Ask the Story Wheel. The 1.3 Concept Hat. The structure that the students will answer.
the lesson
students to attach it on the following diagram. teacher will ask teacher will ask the
the students to students to write Example
give their their final concept The ___________ is an example of
summary of and ideas on the (heterogeneous/homogeneous ) mixture
what they cards/sheet of because it is a combination of ________
solid gas learned from the papers and place it which is (solid, liquid ,gas) and ________
lesson. Spin the on a paper hat. which is (solid, liquid, gas) that is (single
story wheel. Students share /more than one) phase.
Note: The story their
should be concept/learning
prepared before and wears the hat.
the lesson.
The story wheel
should contain
important terms.
I. Evaluating learning Teacher’s Instruction Teacher’s Continuation of the Teacher’s Teacher’s Instruction
KWL chart. Let the students answer the last column of the chart Instruction Experiment/Activity Instruction Poster Making. The students create a
or what you have learned? Reflection Log. 1.3 Laboratory Sheet. poster showing examples of mixture.
The students will The students
write their should submit their Use Rubric 1.3 on Poster Making
reflection on the laboratory sheet.
The Laboratory
rubric will be used
to grade their
output. Rubric 1.2
J. Additional activities
for application or