Speedtronic Mark V IDOS HMIs PDF
Speedtronic Mark V IDOS HMIs PDF
Speedtronic Mark V IDOS HMIs PDF
Course Information
GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE TRAINING The training course is exclusively meant for employees of
COURSE SPEEDTRONIC MARK V IDOS / HMI end users of gas turbines (companies with one or more
for E&I SPECIALISTS operating gas turbines or companies that are going to
operate one or more gas turbines).
(Reference number: 39700908)
To ensure end user personnel are fully competent,
The gas turbine control system, ‘Speedtronic’, since 1968 Ansaldo Thomassen B.V. offers a five-day “Speedtronic
has proven to be a highly reliable system to control and Mark V IDOS/HMI” training course, during which the
protect stationary gas turbines of General Electric design. control and protection systems shall be explained and
discussed in detail.
Mark V is the completely computerized version of the
Speedtronic control system, which has been on the The training participants should be familiar with analog
market since 1992 and is now utilized in hundreds of and digital control techniques. They should also have a
units throughout the world in both heavy duty and aero thorough understanding of the principles and operational
derivative gas turbines. aspects of the subject gas turbine for their assistance. If
The operator interface for the Speedtronic, can be a DOS required they can participate in the open training course
or a Windows NT based computer system, resp. IDOS or “Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines” in week 38 (2013) at Ansaldo
HMI. HMI is a Windows based computer station with Thomassen B.V.
The enclosed program gives more details about the
The Mark V Speedtronic has such a high degree of contents of the training course.
reliability that end user control specialist rarely get the This training course will be organized in:
opportunity to gain experience in the calibration or
troubleshooting of their own control systems. WEEK 44
(27 OCKTOBER – 31 OCKTOBER 2014)
• Introduction • Practice: Making Mark V software
- Make acquaintance, presentation of the program - Digital input (going through all the steps, IO report,
- Discussion of subjects of special interest to the assign file, control constant, MK5MAKE, editor)
participants - Analog input with software by students
- Digital input with software example by students
• Introduction Speedtronic Mark V
- Triple redundancy of the Mark V • Gas turbine sequence
- Basics of gas turbine protection - Control modes, Start up and permissive for start,
- Basics of gas turbine controls Purging the turbine and/or boiler with stack, IGV
sequence, Normal stop, Emergency stop
• Speedtronic Mark V hardware
- Panel discussion • Discussion of the following controls and sequencing
- Mark V modules - Fuel control
- Internal and external Mark V wiring o Start up, Speed, Acceleration, Temperature,
- Hardware documentation Shut down control and Manual FSR control
- The main protection system - Special control loops
- Supply voltage o Inlet Guide Vane, Anti icing, Water / steam
injection and Start and stop control loops
- The protection systems
SECOND DAY (IDOS / HMI DAY) o Flame detection, Over speed, Vibration, Exhaust
Simultaneously IDOS and HMI will be discussed. temperature, Lube oil pressure and temperature,
Fire protection system.
• Data structure of the operator interface
- Brie f discussion of the related operator interface • Discussion of the following controls and sequencing
- Most important files of the operator interface and - Synchronization, auto and manual
their function, TCI (Turbine Control Interface) / - Power factor control MVAR control
- Failure of the operator interface, what to do • Dry Low NOx
- Communications with the operator interface, Arcnet - Explanation of the system
and DCS communications - Discussion of the controls, implementation in Mark
V controls and logics
• Operator interface facilities (IDOS / TCI functions)
- The "logic forcing display" FOURTH DAY
- The "rung display" (practical, running a simulated gas turbine application)
- The "prevote data display" • Trouble shooting, alarm analysis and limited software
- The "trip history display" changes in practice:
- Alarm display - Mark V alarms (what to do when a specific Mark V
- Trouble shooting procedure card is defect)
- The "backup operator interface" - Alarm display
- Control constants adjust - What to do when an alarm of the gas turbine pops
- "Control sequence editor" up (flow chart explanation)
- "Control sequence documentor" - Exercise of different simulated alarms trouble
• Mark V tools (all in practice) - Changing control constants, adding alarms,
- Short / long term trending instrumentation
- Historical trip display (continuation of the practical part of day 3)
- View2 function, the ultimate trouble shooting tool for
control specialists
- Alarm display (explain function) FIFTH DAY (practice day)
• Trouble shooting, actual situations
• CIMPLICITY / IDOS ANIMATION EDITOR - Several cases as an exercise “not ready to start“
- Theory: frame containers, database etc. - First failure analyses for trips (emergency stop
- Practical: how to modify a screen.
• Remaining subjects
A qualified instructor of Ansaldo Thomassen B.V. will If you wish to participate in the course register online at
present the course. He is a full-time professional with vast www.ansaldothomassen.com at least 21 days prior to
experience in all aspects of gas turbine operation, the start of the course.
maintenance and control technology.
Receipt of the registration forms will be formally
confirmed by mail.
Training manual / computer simulation program The maximum amount of participants will be 12.
Hotel accommodation
Training location
As an attachment to the registry confirmation, you will
The training course will be held close to the Ansaldo receive a list of hotels in the vicinity of Rheden, and a
Thomassen buildings, which are part of the Business- map showing the route to the training location.
Park in Rheden, The Netherlands. A visit to the work and
repair shops is part of the training program.
Further information