GEA-S1209 Mark VIe Control Cabinets For Plant Controls
GEA-S1209 Mark VIe Control Cabinets For Plant Controls
GEA-S1209 Mark VIe Control Cabinets For Plant Controls
Communication between the controllers and I/O modules is Redundant I/O network switches are mounted at the top of
achieved by using 100 MB Ethernet. Fiber-optic cables are the cabinet, and use 100 MB Ethernet. Each I/O module
used for long distances or noisy environments when the I/O contains an I/O pack with a local processor, a data
modules are distributed throughout the plant. acquisition board in a plug-in assembly, local status LEDs,
and a temperature sensor. When alternate field wire interface
The electronics are mounted on pre-fabricated bases, which is desired, marshalling or interposing terminal cabinets can
are mounted on isolators. This allows the controllers and I/O be provided.
modules to be connected to Functional Earth (FE) ground
while the power base, with a protective ground plate, is Conclusion
connected to the frame of the case. GE Energy offers a versatile selection of cabinets to optimize
plant layouts, wiring, and ergonomics. They include standard
I/O modules are arranged in vertical columns, and contain models, many additional options, and the flexibility to
pluggable, box-type terminal blocks. These blocks accept one customize your cabinets to meet the requirements of virtually
2.05 mm² (0.081 in²) #12 AWG wire or two 1.63 mm² (0.064 any equipment room or control room.
in²) #14 AWG wires with 300 V insulation per point. Screw
spacing is 5.08 mm (0.2 in) minimum, center-to-center.
contact the nearest GE Sales or Service Office, or an
authorized GE Sales Representative.
GEA-S1209 090122