Electric Fuel Pumps Models Damages Reasons 52495
Electric Fuel Pumps Models Damages Reasons 52495
Electric Fuel Pumps Models Damages Reasons 52495
4th Edition 05.2015 All information in this brochure has been carefully researched and compiled. Nevertheless, it is possible that errors have
Item No. 50 003 855-02 occurred, information has been translated incorrectly, information is missing or the details provided have changed in the
intervening time. As a result, we are unable to provide any guarantee nor to accept any legal liability for the accuracy, complete-
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Motorservice, Technical Market Support nature and whether tangible or intangible, resulting from the use or misuse of information or from incomplete or incorrect
information in this brochure, unless proven to be the result of deliberate intent or negligence on our part.
Layout and production:
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Motorservice, Marketing
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Die Neckarprinzen GmbH, Heilbronn
The extent to which the technical methods and repair information described here will apply to future engine generations cannot
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Published by:
© MS Motorservice International GmbH
Contents Page
1 | Introduction 4
2 | Basic information 7
3 | Types of damage 13
3.1 Overview 13
3.2 Contaminated fuel 14
3.3 Biodiesel/vegetable oil 30
3.4 Incorrect use/choice of fuel pump 32
3.5 Unsuitable installation 33
3.6 Mechanical damage 35
4 | Tips on diagnosis 41
5 | Tools and testing instruments 45
6 | Appendix 50
1.1 Foreword
Complaints we have received concerning Indeed, if the personnel of a repair shop or Common problem scenarios are used to
PIERBURG fuel pumps have shown that the a parts dealer do open a fuel pump for demonstrate what things look like inside a
overwhelming majority of all electric fuel which there is an ongoing complaint, the faulty or complained about pump, and what
pumps that are the subject of a complaint warranty is invalidated. the causes of the problem could be.
are in fact in good working order.
This information makes it easier for repair
When an electric fuel pump fails prematu- shops to process their customers’ comp-
rely, this is almost always due to fuel that is laints.
contaminated, that contains water or is of
poor quality. The content of this brochure brings
together knowledge gained during service
The following are possible consequences of work by Motorservice, the aftermarket
supplying contaminated fuel: division of KSPG.
The following general pictograms and Draws attention to hazardous [...] Reference to sources and more
symbols are used in this brochure: situations with a risk of personal extensive literature (see section 6).
injury or damage to vehicle
components. This type of damage is not
recognisable from the outside.
Information The damage symptoms marked in
on environmental protection. this way are only visible if the fuel
pump is opened and therefore
Indicates useful tips, explanations irreparably damaged.
and additional information on
• For safety reasons, work on the fuel • Ensure adequate ventilation at the Environment:
system and on electric fuel pumps may workplace. Dispose of process materials, deter-
only be carried out by qualified • Wear protective gear if necessary or if gents and waste materials in an environ-
personnel. required by regulations. mentally friendly manner.
• Personnel entrusted with this work must • Safety regulations in the country in
have read and understood this publication question also apply. Attention:
prior to commencing the work. • Place removed parts in a clean place and Pay attention to the safety regulati-
• The legal provisions and relevant safety cover. ons concerning the handling of fuel and
regulations applicable in the country in • Only remove the transport closures of fuel vapours.
question must be observed. new fuel pumps immediately prior to Fuel and fuel vapours are highly flammable.
• Safety devices must not be disabled installation.
or bypassed. • Never clean an open fuel system with During work on fuel pumps
compressed air. • smoking,
• naked flame,
• naked light and
• activities that produce sparks
are strictly forbidden.
1.5 Liability
The utmost care was exercised in researching We can therefore neither provide a warranty Repair shop personnel use the information
and compiling all the information in this nor accept legal responsibility for the contained herein solely at their own risk.
brochure. Nevertheless, errors may arise, correctness, completeness, up-to-dateness Consequently, we are not liable for
details may be incorrectly translated, or quality of the information provided. damages that result because repair shop
information may be missing or the All liability on our part for damages, personnel do not have the necessary
information provided may have changed whether direct or indirect, material or technical knowledge, repair expertise or
in the meantime. immaterial, arising as the result of the use experience.
or misuse of information or incomplete/
incorrect information in this brochure is
therefore excluded, insofar as it is not the
result of wilful intent or gross negligence
on our part.
4 6
1 Fuel tank
2 Fuel pump
3 Fuel filter
4 Pressure regulator
1 2 3 5 From intake manifold
6 Fuel rail
7 Injection valves
Petrol or diesel fuel is normally required for The fuel filter on the thrust side of the The fuel pump is just one component of
running vehicles and machines with a pump protects the injection valves from many in the fuel system, and is therefore
combustion engine. contamination. only one possible source of trouble.
The components used for this purpose are The pressure regulator controls the pres- Therefore, in the event of problems, the fuel
summarised by the term “fuel system”. sure to ensure the required level in the fuel system must be considered in its entirety.
The components of the fuel system have rail. It is often controlled pneumatically by For just as it is in people with “heart trou-
changed over the decades. The state of the manifold vacuum. ble”, the actual cause may lie somewhere
art of modern fuel injection engines is From the fuel rail, the fuel is conveyed to completely different.
shown in simplified form in Fig. 2. the individual injection valves. The vast majority of problems in the fuel
The fuel pump sucks the fuel out of the fuel All vehicle manufacturers have different system are caused by contaminated fuel.
tank and delivers it to the fuel supply versions of injection systems. Dealing with There can be numerous reasons for this
system with the necessary pressure. the individual systems in more detail would contamination, as shown in section 3.
A coarse filter (“sieve filter”) is often exceed the boundaries of this brochure.
situated in the fuel tank or in the suction Excess fuel is conveyed back to the fuel
pipe of the fuel pump. tank.
A finer filter on the intake side could cause The fuel pump is the “heart” of the fuel
damage to the fuel pump due to cavita- system. The engine must be supplied with
tion*. There is also a risk of cavitation when sufficient fuel, whatever the operating
other components are installed on the state. If this does not happen, problems
intake side, narrowing the cross section of with driveability – and even vehicle break- * Cavitation is fuel vapour locks in liquids at low pressure. The
resulting vapour bubbles implode again immediately, and in
the pipe. down – may occur. doing so can irreparably damage parts of the pump system.
2.2 Models
In modern electric fuel pump designs, the Flow pumps Positive-displacement pumps
pump system sits directly on the shaft of With flow pumps, the fuel is transported by With positive-displacement pumps, the fuel
the electric motor. The fuel flushes through the centrifugal force of a rotor. They gene- is conveyed through self-contained cham-
the pump, simultaneously cooling and rate only minimal pressure (0.2 – 3 bar) and bers.
“lubricating” it. are employed either as the primary stage of They are used when higher system pressure
a two-stage pump, or as a pre-feeder pump. is required (up to approx. 6.5 bar) – in
Advantages: The fuel flows freely through the flow pump conventional fuel injection systems, for
• Fewer moving parts without throttles or valves. The fuel could example.
• Compact design therefore flow back through the pump when Unless there is leakage, the fuel cannot
• Small outer dimensions the vehicle is stationary. flow through the positive-displacement
Flow pumps are not naturally aspirated, i.e. pump in the reverse direction when the
Pump systems are available in various they must always be situated below the vehicle is at a standstill.
designs. Broadly speaking, they can be fluid level in the fuel tank (max. suction lift Toothed ring, vane-type, roller-cell and
divided into flow pumps and positive- 0 mm). “Side-channel pumps” are a form of screw pumps are all types of positive-dis-
displacement pumps. flow pump. placement pump. Positive-displacement
pumps are naturally aspirated only to a
limited extent, i. e. they should be fitted
below the fluid level of the fuel tank
(max. suction lift 500 mm).
Toothed ring Vane-type Screw pump Side-channel
Fig. 3: PIERBURG codes of electric fuel
pump system pump system system pump system
1 2 4
Intake side
Thrust side
Fig. 4: Pump operating principle
and cutaway schematic diagram of a 1 Prefilter 3 Electrical connection
vane-type pump 2 Vane-type pump system 4 DC electric motor
1 3 4 2
Intake side
Thrust side
1 6 2 5 3 4
Thrust side
Intake side
The pressure-holding valve maintains a holding pressure in the fuel system, even when the ignition is off.
1 2 3
Intake side
Thrust side
6 5 4
1 2 3 4 5
Intake side
Thrust side
8 7 6
The pressure-holding valve maintains a holding pressure in the fuel system, even when the ignition is off.
The pressure limiting valve opens if the pressure inside the fuel pump rises to an intolerable degree.
1 2 3
1 Fuel delivery
2 Electrical connection
3 Fuel return
9 6
4 Telescopic tube
5 Suspension element
6 Fuel pump
7 Suction jet pump*
8 Intake strainer
9 Float for fuel level indicator
10 Sender unit for fuel level indicator
11 Reservoir (“swirl pot”)
8 7
Fig. 9: Cutaway schematic diagram of a fuel
delivery module
* The suction jet pump makes use of the Venturi effect: The fuel returning from the engine is squeezed through the nozzle of the suction jet pump, drawing the fuel
with it out of the tank and into the reservoir.
Fig. 14: In-line two-stage fuel pump Fig. 15: In-tank two-stage fuel pump,
fuel pump in reservoir (“swirl pot”);
stages sealed against one another
3.1 Overview
The principal cause of malfunctions in or Likewise, a frequent characteristic of For this, an expert with knowledge of the
damages to electric fuel pumps is conse- poor-quality fuel is an excessive proportion system is needed.
quential damage brought about by fuel that of water, which in turn leads to corrosion For this is the only way to avoid the situa-
is contaminated or contains water. and damage through contamination. tion whereby a symptom is indeed elimina-
However, due to the common nature of ted, but not the cause itself, allowing the
Other causes are poor-quality fuel, damage “water damage”, a separate subsection is problem to re-emerge after a hundred miles
by force, or simply that the wrong type of devoted to this subject. or so.
fuel pump has been installed or it is being The complaints process has revealed that
used for the wrong purpose. The content of this brochure brings the overwhelming majority of all electric
together knowledge gained during service fuel pumps that are the subject of comp-
In the sections that follow, you will find work by Motorservice, the aftermarket laints conform to the manufacturer’s
explanations of the various types of division of KSPG. specifications.
damage and their possible causes.
In order of frequency, these are: This brochure therefore focuses on the fuel To save time and avoid additional expense,
• Damage through contamination pumps that are sold by Motorservice. A key Motorservice has developed a user-friendly
(see section 3.2.1) task of this brochure is to make it easier to tester for wholesale trade companies and
• Water damage determine what could have caused a fuel importers (see section 5.2).
(see section 3.2.2) pump to fail, because “from the outside” it This enables the function of electric fuel
• Incorrect use or choice of fuel pump is mostly impossible to tell why a fuel pump pumps to be tested on site without destroy-
(see section 3.4) no longer functions or why it performs ing the pump.
• Poor fuel quality inadequately.
(see sections 3.2.3 and 3.3) In order to determine the cause of failure, in As a result, unjustified complaints can be
• Mechanical damage/ installation errors many cases the fuel pump must be opened recognised without problem, and unneces-
(see sections 3.5 and 3.6) and hence irreparably damaged. sary returns and costs avoided.
Please note that it is not always possible to The reading out of OBD fault codes in newer
single out one individual cause. vehicles is also only a means of assistance.
For example, “rust particles”, which are the The component flagged up by the OBD is not
result of water in the fuel would, strictly always the one that is actually responsible
speaking, also fall into the category of for the damage.
“damage through contamination”.
Fig. 18: A sectional view of the housing Fig. 19: A jammed pump system
of an E3T toothed ring pump, clogged (trochoidal toothed ring) of an E3T toothed
with debris ring pump
Clogged filters
If fuel filters or sieves on the intake side are
clogged with dirt, the initial
symptoms are as follows:
• Inadequate delivery rate
• Insufficient pressure
• Excessive operating noise from the
fuel pump
• Engine misfires
(due to fuel vapour locks)
This can result in failure of the fuel pump
and vehicle breakdown.
1 Damaged vane
2 For comparison: Undamaged vane
Fig. 24: Pump system of a vane-type pump - Damage caused by foreign bodies
The upper right-hand vane has been seriously damaged by foreign bodies.
An undamaged vane is shown at the bottom right for the purpose of comparison.
Fig. 29: Chips in the sieve filter Fig. 30: Contaminated pump system of a vane-type pump
Here, metal chips have entered the fuel tank during work on the fuel The rotor is so clogged with dirt that the individual vanes (removed
system. The sharp-edged chips have damaged the sieve filter. As a in this case) could no longer move. The pump still “runs”, but no
result, dirt can get into the pump and jam the pump system. longer supplies fuel.
In-tank pumps often have a mesh-
like filter on the intake side.
Therefore, during installation, take care not
to damage the filter, and particularly any
ribs in the filter (also see section 3.6.2).
Fig. 34: The fins of the impeller of a type The fragments were found in the filter. Fig. 35: For comparison: View inside the
E1S side-channel pump have been dest- suction nozzle of a side-channel pump with
royed by a foreign body (left). undamaged impeller.
A particular type of damage through conta- Formation of condensation in the tank Improper use
mination is damage due to water in the fuel The ambient air always contains a certain Fuel pumps are designed to convey fuel
system. amount of water, even the air above the (petrol, diesel).
fluid level in the fuel tank. The volume Cases actually exist where a fuel pump has
Rust or chalk particles that are formed as of this water is referred to as “relative been used as a “water pump”.
the result of water in the fuel can clog the humidity”.
filter and cause the pump to run dry. Cooler air can hold less water than warm Fuel quality
Chalk and rust deposits on or in the fuel air, i.e. when the air cools, droplets of Fuel may contain water even during the
pump reduce the running clearance of the water may form from it to produce conden- refuelling process.
moving parts. sation. Here are some possible causes:
This restricted freedom of movement This can be a problem for cars that spend • Varying fuel quality in some countries
results in increased power consumption a lot of their time in the garage. • Refuelling from damp containers/
and a reduced delivery rate, and may even When vehicles with a relatively empty tank canisters
cause the fuel pump to jam. are not driven for longer periods, the large • Badly designed filling stations
quantity of air in the tank means that a larger • Biodiesel (see section 3.3)
At first glance, the expression “water volume of condensation can build up. • High proportion of alcohol
damage” may appear unlikely in the context Alcohol absorbs water. When a certain
of fuel pumps. However, fuel can be conta- Note: limit is reached, this water is shed.
minated by water in a variety of ways: Fill the fuel tank completely if the
vehicle is going to be stationary for a longer Note:
period. The subject of “fuel quality” is dealt
with in greater detail in section 3.2.3.
Fig. 38: For comparison: E3T toothed ring pump – In good condition despite a high mileage
This is how you can determine
whether fuel contains water:
Pour a little fuel into a fuel-resistant glass Fuel
(test tube), taking it from as low a level in
the fuel system as possible. After a while,
the water precipitates. Water
Pay heed to fire safety requirements!
Fig. 41: Left: Sieve filter clogged by rust. Right: New sieve filter
Fig. 43: Chalk deposits in the inlet of this in-tank pump Fig. 42: Left: Chalk deposits on the filter of an in-tank pump.
Right: A new filter for comparison
Fig. 47: Trochoidal toothed ring jammed by rust particles (microscopic image)
Fig. 48: Left: Severely rusted trochoidal toothed ring. Right: New condition
Fig. 49: Trochoid gear with chalk Fig. 50: Calcified outer bearing of a fuel
deposits pump
Fig. 51: Trochoidal toothed ring (with chalk deposits on left, new on right)
Fig. 52: The parts of a trochoidal pump system must mesh smoothly Fig. 53: For comparison:
A rusty trochoidal pump system
Here, nothing can move.
Fig. 58: For comparison: The same type of pump without this coating
Biodiesel should only be used when
the vehicle in question has been approved
for this purpose by the vehicle manufacturer.
“Brush sparking” refers to the discharges occur, which are visible as
formation of sparks on the commutator sparks. A coating on the glide path with an
(pole changer) in electric motors. insulating effect generates increased
The carbon brushes provide the contact discharges, which can cause the carbon
with the rotating part of the pump motor brushes to burn off prematurely.
Fig. 62: Sliding contacts at approx. 9,500 miles (rotor). In the brief moment when the
Left: Prematurely worn. carbon brushes short-circuit two blades
Right: Normal condition at this mileage with different charges, electrostatic
Wrong pump
Time and again, an incorrect fuel pump for
the intended purpose or electronic
equipment is selected from catalogues
during replacement or for retrofitting.
Improper use
A more serious case is when a fuel pump is
used in a manner for which it is not intended.
Fuel pumps are designed to convey fuel Fig. 64: Crystalline deposits caused by unsuitable fluids
(petrol, diesel). In some cases, the cause of deposits such as these can only be determined through time-
consuming chemical tests.
For most people, this goes without saying.
Nevertheless, complaints are occasionally
received concerning fuel pumps that have
been used to convey other fluids (water, oil,
battery acid).
When retrofitting an electric fuel pump, in • The pumps are wired in such a way that Paper filters are unsuitable, because the
particular, certain points must be noted, as they pump continually while receiving mesh size is too small.
otherwise problems may occur in the fuel current.
system or the fuel pump may suffer damages. When there is little or no fuel delivery Attention:
current consumption rises, but virtually The sieve filter in the intake manifold
• Type E1F and E3L pumps are in-line pumps. no cooling takes place. connection must be removed for use in
They may only be inserted in the fuel line. The result is a build-up of gas in the diesel engines.
Maximum suction lift: 500 mm pump, problems in the supply of fuel
• The E1S is an in-tank pump which may to the engine and, later on, wear of the • For type E1F fuel pumps, PIERBURG offers
only be installed in the tank. pump. the 4.00030.80.0 fuel sieve filter – a filter
Maximum suction lift: 0 mm This can be avoided by using a fuel that reliably protects the fuel pump from
• All modern pumps are driven by electric return, for example. dirt and other foreign particles, preventing
motor. The fuel flows through the drive, • Install fuel pumps in a location where premature failure (see Fig. 67).
so that it simultaneously acts as a they are protected from dirt and splash The sieve filter should be replaced at the
coolant. water. same maintenance intervals as the fuel
A flow must be constantly available to • In the case of type E1F electric fuel filter.
ensure perfect function and cooling. pumps, a sieve filter must be inserted in • Choose the installation location in such a
the fuel line before the pump on the way as to ensure that the fuel pump is not
intake side, to prevent damage through subjected to excessive load due to heat
contamination. (near the engine or exhaust) and vibration
This filter must have a sufficiently large (rigid lines, installation under tension).
filter surface (depending on the applica-
tion), and a mesh size of 60-100 µm
• When retrofitting an electric fuel pump, • Dry running very quickly leads to dama- • Noise can occur due to resonance, depen-
§ 46 of the StVZO (German Road Traffic ges in the pump system. To prevent this, ding on where a retrofitted fuel pump is
Licensing Regulations) requires the the pump must be installed low (“wet”, installed. This can make it sound as
installation of a safety shut-off. below the fluid level) in the vicinity of the though the fuel pump is faulty.
tank. At the same time, constrictions • Fuel lines that are routed under tension
Note: (“bottlenecks”) on the intake side must be can also be the reason for excessive
As long as the ignition is on, the avoided. If this is not possible, an E1S noise.
pump delivers fuel. side-channel pump should be inserted in
In order to prevent the carburettor from the tank as a pre-feeder pump.
overflowing or fuel escaping from torn off • Only use fuel-resistant materials for
lines when the engine comes to a stop with components that are exposed to fuel
the ignition on (stalled engine, accident), (e.g. rubber seals).
the installation of a safety shut-off • During assembly, take care to avoid
4.05288.50.0 (see Service Information material combinations that would
SI 0016/A) is absolutely essential. provoke contact corrosion.
The safety shut-off stops the fuel pump The pump housing (aluminium) should
“on engine OFF”. not come into contact with galvanised
surfaces, for example (see Fig. 72).
Leaky fuel pumps increase the
risk of fire!
Contact corrosion
Incorrect installation or retrofitting can entail
the use of material combinations that
encourage contact corrosion.
For example, the pump housing (aluminium)
should not come into contact with galvanised
Leaky fuel pumps increase Fig. 72: Contact corrosion due to incorrect material combination
the risk of fire!
Damaged housing
Improper handling (e.g. dropping) can
cause damage to the fuel pump housing.
Dropping the pump during assembly can
result in cracks in the plastic, for example,
causing the fuel pump to leak (see Fig. 73).
Leaky fuel pumps increase
the risk of fire!
Damaged connections
During inexpert assembly/removal,
connections can be damaged or break off
(see Figs. 74 and 75).
A leaky fuel connection is an acute
fire hazard!
Damaged filters
In-tank pumps often have a mesh-like filter
on the intake side.
Some filters have stiffening ribs to make
them more sturdy.
If inexpertly installed, the filter and any ribs
in it may be damaged (see Fig. 76).
Never move the arm of the fluid-level
sensor by hand (see Fig. 79). Danger of
Fig. 79: Never move by hand Fig. 78: Broken off fluid-level sensor
If the packaging is damaged, in
particular, take care to determine whether
the fuel pump itself has not suffered any
damage in transit.
4 Tips on diagnosis
• Pump failure • Foreign bodies in the pump • Damaged prefilters, filters or • Replace pump and fuel filter
• Scratches/score marks on sieves • Clean fuel system before instal-
moving parts in the pump • Clogged prefilters, filters or ling the new pump
• Deposits in the pump sieves • Always replace filters according
to vehicle manufacturers’
specifications (note arrow for
direction of flow)
• Insufficient pressure • Coating in the pump • Use of low-quality materials, • Use quality materials
• Inadequate delivery rate from which vulcanisation
• Excessive operating noise from accelerators, additives and
fuel pump plasticizers can be released
• Engine misfires
• Pump failure
Water damage
Incorrect use
• Insufficient pressure • Chalk and rust deposits on the • Pumping unsuitable fluids • Proper use
• Inadequate delivery rate fuel pump (e.g. water)
• Excessive operating noise from • Chalk and rust deposits in the
fuel pump fuel pump
• Engine misfires • Clogged prefilters, filters or
• Pump failure sieves
• Friction welded pump system
caused by dry running
• Corrosion
• Sticking
• Insufficient pressure • Friction welded pump system • Incorrect installation • Note installation conditions
• Inadequate delivery rate caused by dry running • Pump installed too high • Select the correct, protected
• Excessive operating noise from installation location
fuel pump
• Engine misfires
• Pump failure
• Pump does not supply fuel • Damaged electrical connections • Inexpert installation/removal: • Replace the pump
Damaged electrical connections • Proceed with care when affixing
electrical connections
• Note tightening torques
• Decreasing delivery pressure • Leaky/damaged fuel connection • Inexpert installation/removal: • Replace the pump
• Diminished delivery rate Damaged fuel connection • Proceed with care when
• Smell of fuel tightening connecting lines
• Leaky pump
• Decreasing delivery pressure • Pump is leaking • Inexpert installation/removal: • Replace the pump
• Diminished delivery rate • Pitting corrosion Contact corrosion due to • Avoid galvanised mounting clips
• Smell of fuel • Corrosion around mounting clips incorrect material combinations
• Leaky pump
Further problems with similar symptoms Further problems with similar symptoms
• Tank aeration/ventilation not working properly • Check and clean or repair if necessary
• ACF filter or ACF lines filled with fuel • Check lines (note manufacturer’s instructions)
• Check function of ACF regeneration valve
• Injection valve malfunctions • With the engine off, check the HC value in the intake
• Wrong injection times manifold using a suitable device
• Wrong injection direction • Check injection times, injection signal and tightness
• Leaky injection valves • Clean valves or replace if necessary
• The lambda probe is dirty or has deposits as the result of poor • Check lambda probe and contacts
combustion or leaded fuel
• The lambda probe reacts too sluggishly, i.e. the lambda
control is causing a “rich” mixture
• The lambda probe is damaged due to excessive exhaust temperatures
resulting from incorrect mixture formation or misfiring
• There is a problem with the electrical earthing
• The fuel system has two fuel pumps one behind the other, • Check function of both fuel pumps
one of which is defective
Repairing fuel lines is often problematic • Junctions of the different materials are
if the required components are not availa- possible (plastic pipe – steel tube;
ble. By means of the repair kit, smaller rubber hose – steel tube; rubber hose –
defective spots on fuel lines can be plastic pipe).
repaired quickly and efficiently:
Within scope of supply:
• Rusted-through areas on steel tubes The most common connections for fuel
• Embrittled areas on plastic pipes filters, fuel pump connectors and fuel pumps.
• Kinked plastic pipes
• Broken plugs, e.g. from disassembly Operating pressure: absolute max. 5 bar
during filter replacement
• Suitable for steel or plastic pipes with an Weight: approx. 2,560 g
Part no. 4.07373.10.0 outside diameter of 8 or 10 mm. Package size:
510 mm x 320 mm x 60 mm
Refill packages
4.07373.12.0 Refill pack 2 SAE plug, angled 90°, 7.89 - 8 (3); 9.89 - 10 (3)
(SAE plug, angled)
4.07373.13.0 Refill pack 3 Pipe connection, straight, for Ø 8 mm (8); for Ø 10 mm (8)
(pipe connection, straight)
4.07373.14.0 Refill pack 4 Pipe connection, angled, for Ø 8 mm (3); for Ø 10 mm (3)
(pipe connection, angled/ T-connection for Ø 8 mm (1); for Ø 10 mm (1)
4.07373.16.0 Refill pack 6 Length of pipe, steel Ø 8 x 450 mm (2); Ø 10 x 450 mm (2)
(steel tube/fuel hose) Fuel hose Ø 8 x 450 mm (2); Ø 10 x 450 mm (2)
This fuel pressure test kit enables the Extensive directions for use, with test
pressure and flow rate to be measured instructions, value tables and guidelines
without dismantling the fuel pump. for fault diagnosis are provided to assist
with troubleshooting.
All common fuel delivery systems (petrol,
diesel common rail, diesel pump-nozzle Note:
injector, diesel distributor pumps and Not suitable for alternative fuels with
diesel inline pump systems with and high ethanol content.
without return up to 8 bar/120 psi pres-
sure) can be checked for faults using the Weight: approx. 4,800 g
fuel pressure test kit. Package size:
440 mm x 240 mm x 210 mm
Part no. 4.07373.20.0 Max. pressure: 8 bar (120 psi)
Test setup in fuel system with return Test setup in fuel system with return (demand-controlled)
Hose connections
Auxiliaries for removing/fitting fuel pumps The assembly instructions provided with
the PIERBURG fuel pumps give detailed
With this low-cost tool, you no longer need instructions for the application of the tool.
to replace the complete fuel pump inclu-
Part no. 4.00063.00.0 ding mounting – now just the fuel pump Weight: approx. 600 g
itself is replaced. Package size:
150 mm x 55 mm x 55 mm
6 | Appendix
[1] Technical filter booklet [3] Chemistry of fuels and lubricants [6] Fuel systems – Components and
Motorservice Prof. Dr. A. Zeman (em.) solutions for universal applications
50 003 596-01 (German)* Bundeswehr University Munich – Motorservice
Mechanical Engineering Department – Only available as PDF
[2] Biodiesel Environmental Technology and see www.ms-motorservice.com
Marcus Taupp Chemistry
Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Univer- [7] Tools and testing instruments
sität Würzburg [4] Emission control and OBD Motorservice
Institute for Pharmacy and Food Motorservice 50 003 931-01 (German)*
Chemistry 50 003 960-01 (German)*
Professor of Food Chemistry
Prof. Dr. P. Schreier [5] Fuel supply for fuel injection engines
Only available as PDF
see www.ms-motorservice.com * Available in further languages on request
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