1 s2.0 S0965856417312831 Main
1 s2.0 S0965856417312831 Main
1 s2.0 S0965856417312831 Main
Keywords: After significant efforts from many parties, the World-wide harmonized Light duty Test
CO2 emissions Procedure (WLTP) has seen its light first as the UNECE Global Technical Regulation and then as
Vehicle type-approval the procedure adopted in the type-approval of light-duty vehicles in Europe. The paper focuses its
NEDC attention on the main procedural differences between the WLTP and the New European Driving
Cycle (NEDC), which is the test-procedure currently used in Europe. In general terms the WLTP
appears to be a significant improvement compared to the NEDC. The main differences between
two test procedures are identified and their impact on CO2 emissions quantified using the in-
house built simulation software CO2MPAS. On the basis of each of these differences, the paper
assesses the potential total impact on the final reported type-approval CO2 emissions. The biggest
impact on CO2 emissions is coming from the changes in the road load determination procedure
(∼10% increase). Procedural changes concerning the test in the laboratory will bring another 8%
and post-processing and declaration of results will result in difference of approximately 5%
(each). Overall, the WLTP is likely to increase the type-approval CO2 emissions by approximately
25%. Therefore, the WLTP will be able to reduce more than half of the gap identified between the
type-approval and real-life figures in Europe. This should be seen as a considerable improvement
given the ontological limitations of a laboratory-based test procedure.
1. Introduction
For many years there have been efforts to harmonize testing procedures on the chassis dynamometer for light-duty motor vehicles
(LDVs) and to come up with a new test cycle (WLTC) and a new test procedure (WLTP), applicable to LDVs worldwide (Tutuianu
et al., 2015; Ciuffo et al., 2015). Following the efforts put forward by the European regulatory bodies and the pressure built up by the
diesel emissions scandal in 2015, in July 2017 the WLTP has been adopted as the new test procedure in the European type-approval
(TA) system (Regulation 2017/1151, 2017). Since the first publication of the WLTP various experimental studies attempted to
compare CO2 and other pollutant emissions from the former procedure which was based on the NEDC with the new one (Marotta
et al., 2015; Bielaczyc et al., 2015; Andersson et al., 2014; May et al., 2014; Favre et al., 2013). Most of these studies were focused
only on the driving cycle, while a few of them also took into consideration some aspects of the procedure. As far as local pollutants
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Pavlovic), biagio.ciuff[email protected] (B. Ciuffo).
Received 23 October 2017; Received in revised form 23 January 2018; Accepted 12 February 2018
Available online 19 March 2018
0965-8564/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
J. Pavlovic et al. Transportation Research Part A 111 (2018) 136–147
Table 1
Summary of main procedural differences between NEDC and WLTP.
Post-processing test results Battery State Of Charge (SOC) correction Absent Introduced
Correction of speed and distance Absent Under discussion
(NOx, CO, THCs) and particulate matter (mass (PM) and number (PN)) are concerned, WLTP will bring an overall increase in NOx,
PM, and PN emissions and decrease in THC and CO emissions (Bielaczyc et al., 2016, Marotta et al., 2015). In presenting the results,
however, many of these studies concluded that NEDC and WLTP will not produce significant differences in terms of CO2 emissions,
with the higher dynamicity of the WLTC compensated by the higher average engine efficiency occurring over the cycle, the new gear-
shifting strategy that leads to lower average engine speeds and the reduced contribution of the cold-start in the total emissions. As an
overall message, the equivalence between the two cycles would appear quite worrying, because the increasing gap between the
certified CO2 emissions on NEDC and the corresponding real life ones was one of the major reasons for the urgent introduction of the
WLTP (Fontaras et al., 2017a; Zacharof et al., 2016; Mock et al., 2012, 2014; Dings, 2013).
In reality, however, the new test procedure is significantly different if compared in details to the former NEDC-based one which
was developed in the seventies and does not reflect the state of the art in testing and vehicle technologies of today. As a result of that,
when the picture is analyzed in its entirety, vehicles type-approved under the WLTP are expected to show higher CO2 emissions with
respect to the current values for the same pollutant emission levels. Indeed, a number of simulation studies showed that WLTP
introduction is expected to bridge about half of the present divergence between laboratory and real world, meaning that the average
WLTP-based CO2 figures will be about 15–20% higher than the current NEDC-TA values (Tsiakmakis et al., 2017; Fontaras et al.,
2017b; Pavlovic et al., 2016a; Tsokolis et al., 2016; Ciuffo et al., 2016).
The main differences between the two test protocols can be grouped in four categories (an overview is presented in Table 1):
Most of the procedures listed in Table 1 were already present in the NEDC. However, due to high tolerances allowed in many
factors and some recognized technical errors, each vehicle manufacturer and type approval authority had the possibility to make their
interpretation of the “standard NEDC test conditions”. Under the pressure of strict CO2 standards these tolerances resulted in in-
terpretations that yielded in most cases lower CO2 emissions and thus had an impact on the European policy for tackling the road
transport CO2. These tolerances have been modified in the WLTP with more strict and precise methods and definitions. Most of these
modifications will likely result in an increase in the CO2 emissions, while for some others the impact will depend on the vehicle
characteristics (e.g. the gear shift strategy) and the driving behavior during the test (e.g. correction of speed and distance).
The objective of this paper is to describe in detail the main procedural differences between the NEDC and WLTP and quantify their
impacts on CO2 emissions. The procedural differences described in this paper are focused on the test procedures that apply to
conventional vehicles with internal combustion engines only. For hybrid and electric vehicles, on top of the effects that will be
discussed in the present study, additional procedural changes introduced with the WLTP will have significant effect on final CO2
emission results (Pavlovic et al., 2017). The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 all procedural differences between NEDC and
WLTP are identified and a brief qualitative impact assessment on CO2 emissions is provided. Section 3 presents the results and
quantifies the impact of each individual procedural difference to give the reader the possibility to understand the effect of each factor
on the final CO2 emissions. Section 4 describes some other elements that potentially can have impact on CO2 emissions from the two
procedures. The findings presented throughout the paper are summarized in Section 5 with a broader outlook on the underlying
J. Pavlovic et al. Transportation Research Part A 111 (2018) 136–147
Table 2
Characteristics of the vehicles tested.
Vehicle ID Fuel Engine capacity [cc] Engine max power [kW] Aa/Tb Inertia class NEDC [kg]
A = Air Aspiration: T = Turbo; NA = Naturally Aspirated.
T = Transmission: AT = Automatic Transmission; MT = Manual Transmission; CVT = Continuously Variable Transmission.
2. Methodology
In this section the vehicles used for WLTP and NEDC physical testing and model simulations are presented, as well as the approach
applied in the study to quantify the impact of each step in the testing procedure on the CO2 emissions.
The vehicle selection for WLTP and NEDC physical testing tried to cover as many segments of the European market as possible in
terms of mass, power, engine displacement and technology, and transmission. All vehicles were tested over the WLTP and NEDC cold
start cycle conditions in the Vehicle Emission Laboratory (VELA) of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and according to the legislative
procedures for type approval, including vehicle preconditioning and soak time (Regulation 2017/1151, 2017, UNECE No. 83, 2015).
Test results from 16 vehicles were used to analyze the impact of the various factors and served as model inputs in order to predict/
simulate the NEDC tests for base-case NEDC and varied NEDC scenarios outlined in the following sections. The main characteristics of
the tested vehicles can be found in Table 2.
Table 3 lists all NEDC simulation tests together with the description how the different factors were simulated. For both, the base-
case NEDC (NEDC standard test conditions) and varied NEDC simulations (NEDC conditions varied as described in subsequent
sections), the input WLTP test remained the same. To simulate the base-case and varied NEDC CO2 emissions from the WLTP
Table 3
Simulation runs performed with brief description of each simulation case.
SIM 1 Vehicle test mass Higher inertia and F0 coefficient Section
SIM 2 Tire selection Higher F0 coefficient Section
SIM 3 Tire pressure Higher F0 coefficient Section
SIM 4 Tire tread depth Higher F0 coefficient Section
SIM 5 Calculation of resistance forces Higher F0 coefficient Section
SIM 6 Inertia of rotating parts 1.5% higher road loads Section
SIM 7 Gear Shift (GS) strategy NEDC with WLTP GS strategy Section
SIM 8 Driving cycle Same road loads, different cycles Section
SIM 9 Test temperature No simulation, fixed effect 3.9% Section
SIM 10 Vehicle inertia Higher inertia by 1.5% Section
SIM 11 Preconditioning Higher F0 coefficient by 6N Section
SIM 12 SOC correction No simulation, fixed effect 2% Section
SIM 13 Cycle flexibilities Modified NEDC cycle Section
SIM 14 Declaration of CO2 emissions No simulation, fixed effect 5% Section 2.3.4
J. Pavlovic et al. Transportation Research Part A 111 (2018) 136–147
experimental tests, the JRC in-house built CO2 simulation model (CO2MPAS) was used (Fontaras et al., 2016; Ciuffo and Fontaras,
2017; Tsiakmakis et al., 2017). CO2MPAS is an open source model developed in the light of the European NEDC/WLTP correlation
project (Regulation 2017/1152, 2017; Regulation 2017/1153, 2017). From the regulatory perspective in Europe CO2MPAS is an
important tool since it has to be used in the Type Approval process during the WLTP phasing-in (2017–2020). During that period, the
WLTP measured CO2 emissions are correlated into the NEDC values using the CO2MPAS model. The CO2MPAS version used in this
study is v.1.5.5 for which the NEDC prediction has an average CO2 deviation of 1.2% (std. dev 2.3%) as compared to the NEDC
measured CO2 emissions on the set of the 16 selected vehicles. It is important to note that since two scenarios are compared (base-
case vs. varied NEDC) the absolute CO2MPAS deviation is not relevant for the quantification of the impact on CO2 emissions.
The following factors identified as different in the two procedures were investigated (Table 1). Vehicle test mass. In the NEDC procedure, the mass of the vehicle used for road load determination is equal to the kerb mass
plus 100 kg and this usually represents the best-case scenario with respect to the actual mass of all vehicles belonging to a given
vehicle family. In the WLTP each individual vehicle of the vehicle family has its own test mass that is determined according to Eq. (3).
TMind = AM + 25 + ω∗MVL (3)
where TMind is the test mass of an individual vehicle, AM is the sum of the mass in running order and the mass of fitted optional
equipment to that specific vehicle, ω is the percentage of the vehicle load and is equal to 0.15 in case of passenger cars and 0.28 in
case of light commercial vehicles, and MVL is the maximum vehicle load.
As it can be seen, the WLTP test mass is higher than the equivalent NEDC mass since it takes into account optional equipment
fitted to the vehicle and the vehicle payload. The effect of this increase in test mass on CO2 emissions is simulated with CO2MPAS
(SIM 1), where both mass and F0 are increased to simulate the NEDC CO2. Vehicle tires. Tires are characterized by rolling resistance coefficients (RRCs) and they are the main contributors to the total
rolling resistance force. The RRCs of the tires depend on many factors, among which the most important are: the width and
circumference of the tire, the inflation pressure, and the tread depth. In the next sections the effects of each of these three factors are
elaborated and quantified separately. Tire selection. Given that the effect of rolling resistance on CO2 is linear (Eq. (1)), the difference in CO2 emissions
between two tires on the same vehicle and over the same cycle will be proportional to the difference in their RRCs. Therefore, the tire
selection is an important provision in a test procedure. Under the NEDC, at Euro 6 standards, the widest tire had to be chosen for the
testing. If more than 3 tire sizes can be fitted on a given vehicle, the second worst tire had to be selected. Under the new WLTP, for
individual vehicles in a CO2 vehicle family, the CO2 interpolation method shall be based on the RRC class values for the tires fitted to
those individual vehicles (Regulation 2017/1151, Sub-Annex 4, Table A4/1). If one is looking only at the procedural definitions, the
NEDC might seem more stringent compared to the WLTP concerning the tire selection. However, the prescription of the tire width in
the NEDC does not necessarily imply the worst RRC, because RRC does not depend only on the tire width, thus, for the type-approval
of a vehicle, the widest tire could be selected with a relatively low RRC, while the other vehicle of the same CO2 family might be put
on the market with tires having a worse RRC. If we assume that as a result of the new WLTP road load determination procedure all
vehicles will need to be tested with tires that fall into one RRC category worse than the one applied in the NEDC, that will result in an
J. Pavlovic et al. Transportation Research Part A 111 (2018) 136–147 Calculation of resistance forces. Due to the practical impossibility to have a perfectly flat test track to perform the coast down
tests, both test procedures allow a limited longitudinal slope of the test road. However, paired runs in alternate directions must be
performed during the road load determination procedure. The NEDC procedure averages the up and down test times, while in the
WLTP, the averaging is shifted from times to forces (Fig. 1). Under the NEDC, the slope of the test tracks yields to exponentially longer
times downhill than the times uphill and that results in the average times longer than they would be if the test track was horizontal.
This method for averaging the deceleration times leads to a wrong calculation of deceleration forces and results in final road load
coefficients lower than the ones (correctly) calculated by averaging the uphill and downhill forces.
In addition to this, the NEDC required to measure deceleration times for only 6 reference speed intervals starting from 20 km/h
and ending at 120 km/h, in incremental steps of 20 km/h. In the WLTP, the measurement of reference speed points shall start at
20 km/h in incremental steps of 10 km/h and with the highest reference speed at 130 km/h. This change in the procedure can
potentially affect determination of the three road load coefficients.
In order to evaluate the effect of these two different approaches with different test track gradients (range from 0.1 to 0.5%), the
following analysis has been carried out. For two vehicles (VEHICLE 2 and VEHICLE 3 from Table 2) of known road loads the
deceleration times have been simulated (using an integration step of 0.1 m/s) in two opposite directions. From the simulated times,
the NEDC and WLTP procedures for calculating again the road loads have been used. Forces calculated with the NEDC and WLTP
(Table 4) represent distance-weighed forces over the whole NEDC cycle. As it can be seen, already a small gradient of 0.3% leads to a
big discrepancy in the resulting forces (8.7 N for VEHICLE 2 and 11.8 N for VEHICLE 3).
The combined effect of the NEDC faulty calculation procedure with a slope of the test track equal to 0.3% (considered as re-
presentative slope for European test-tracks) together with the different reference speed points prescribed in the two procedures, is
transformed in difference of forces applied (N). For each of the 16 vehicles a CO2MPAS simulation is performed with an increased F0
coefficient equal to that difference (SIM 5). Inertia of rotating parts. Another procedural change is an increase of 3% in WLTP’s F0, F1, and F2 road load coefficients
relative to NEDC ones due to the fact that in the calculation of the resistance forces from coast-down tests the rotational inertia effect
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of differences in road-load determination between NEDC and WLTP.
J. Pavlovic et al. Transportation Research Part A 111 (2018) 136–147
Table 4
The systematic error of current NEDC procedure for RL determination.
Road gradient (%) Vehicle 2 (WLTP TM = 1590 kg) Vehicle 3 (WLTP TM = 2263 kg)
NEDC approach (N) WLTP approach (N) Error (N) NEDC approach (N) WLTP approach (N) Error (N)
in WLTP is not neglected as it was in the NEDC procedure. In practice, in the NEDC procedure in Eq. (2), the β is neglected; while for
the WLTP it can be calculated from the specific mass of the wheels and tires fitted to the vehicle or set to a 3% increase in the vehicle
test mass.
This procedural modification affects only vehicles that will be tested on a 1-axle chassis dynamometer that anyway represent the
majority of the vehicles tested under the NEDC in Europe. These vehicles when tested on the 1-axle chassis dynamometer are already
experiencing the rotational effect of 1.5% due to the fact that 1-axle is turning and therefore the total missing effect in the NEDC is
equal to 1.5%. In order to quantitatively evaluate the effect of this procedural change on CO2 emissions, the NEDC tests have been
simulated with CO2MPAS with 1.5% higher road load coefficients (SIM 6). Gearshift strategy. One important difference in the WLTP test procedure is the introduction of vehicle specific gearshift
strategy for vehicles with manual transmission, while in the NEDC the same fixed gear positions were used for all vehicles. These new
WLTP gear positions are calculated for each vehicle and are the function of the engine and vehicle characteristics. In the WLTP, the
calculated gear is the maximum gear that assures that the engine speed is between a defined minimum and maximum value while
providing the necessary traction power. Therefore, this new WLTP gearshift strategy results in engine speeds ranging in their lower
end, which consequently provide better engine efficiency and lower CO2 emissions.
To evaluate the effect of this procedural change on manual transmission vehicles, the NEDC tests are simulated with gearshift
strategy applying the WLTP described rules and results are compared with the NEDC base-case tests with fixed gearshift strategy (SIM
7). Driving cycle. A fundamental element of the test procedure is the driving cycle, that in other words is the speed that the
vehicle is requested to follow on the chassis dynamometer per each second of the test. Details about the new cycle (WLTC)
Fig. 2. Speed profile and key parameters of the driving cycles NEDC and WLTC (Marotta et al., 2015).
J. Pavlovic et al. Transportation Research Part A 111 (2018) 136–147
development can be found in Tutuianu et al. (2015) and the main parameters related to the dynamics of the two cycles are shown in
Fig. 2.
Concerning the impact of different driving cycles on CO2 emissions, two elements should be considered. On the one hand, the
higher dynamicity of the WLTP might cause higher CO2 emissions compared to the NEDC, on the other hand the higher engine loads
experienced by the vehicle under the WLTP can be characterized by better engine efficiencies, which might compensate the higher
dynamicity effect. This is confirmed by recently published studies that reported WLTC/NEDC CO2 ratio from laboratory tests and
simulations between 0.89 and 1.16 when vehicles have been tested under different cycles, but with the same inertia and RLs
(Bielaczyc et al., 2015; Andersson et al., 2014; May et al., 2014; Favre et al., 2013). Therefore, the impact of different driving cycles
on CO2 emissions will mainly depend on the vehicle/engine characteristics.
In order to perform the quantitative assessment, CO2MPAS is used for WLTP and NEDC simulations with the same road load and
inertia inputs for each vehicle. In addition, the effect of the new gearshift strategy introduced in the WLTP procedure (explained in
Section is subtracted for vehicles with manual transmission to get as a final result the effect of driving cycle only (SIM 8). Test temperature. Another important element for comparison of the two driving cycles is the contribution of the cold start
phase (i.e. warm-up time of the engine) to the overall emissions. For a given driving cycle the effect of the cold start in terms of fuel
consumption and CO2 emissions depends on the starting temperature of the engine and the overall duration (distance) of the test
cycle. A lower temperature of the engine at the start results in higher fuel consumption and subsequently higher CO2 emission. The
longer the test cycle, the lower is the relative effect of a cold start on the total CO2 emissions. In the NEDC procedure, the test
temperature in the laboratory is set to a range between 20 °C to 30 °C. The WLTP requirement is more precise, with the test
temperature set to 23 ± 3 °C for a Type 1 test (measurement of particles and criteria pollutants). Hence, for the measurement of
CO2 emissions and fuel consumption in Europe, an additional temperature test shall be carried out that represents the average
European temperature conditions (ATCT test). For that test the vehicles shall be preconditioned and kept in the soak area under the
14 °C for a minimum time of 9 h. After the soaking and at the start of the ATCT test the engine temperature will depend on a
number of factors (e.g. engine technology, engine insulation, presence of heat storage devices, etc.). Therefore, the starting engine
temperature of an ATCT test will be different for different vehicle families and for the present study an average starting
temperature of 17 °C was used in simulations. Fontaras et al. (2017a) quantified the effect of the starting temperature on the
change in the fuel consumption. If, on average, NEDC tests were performed at 28 °C and the WLTP ATCT tests at 17 °C, using the
results from Fontaras et al. (2017a), one can expect the WLTP CO2 increase of about 3.9% compared to the NEDC. Hence, for the
purpose of the present study a fixed value of 3.9% is used for all vehicles analyzed as the contribution of this temperature change in
the total impact on CO2 emissions (SIM 9). Vehicle inertia. Section describes the application of the rotational mass to the road loads during the WLTP road load
determination. Another factor related to the rotational mass (equivalent effective mass of all wheels and vehicle components rotating
with the wheels) is the application of the rotational mass for the inertia setting during the chassis dynamometer preparation and
vehicle testing. According to the WLTP procedure, in cases where the vehicle is tested on 1-axle chassis dynamometer, the equivalent
inertia mass should be compensated for the rotational inertia of the axle that is stationary. In practice the inertia mass shall be set to
test mass plus 50% of the rotational mass. On the contrary, in the NEDC, the effect of the rotational mass was neglected (both for the
road load determination and for the inertia setting in the case of 1-axle chassis dynamometer testing) and most of the cars were tested
on the 1-axle dynamometer.
The CO2MPAS model was used to quantify this effect on CO2 emissions by increasing the inertia by half of the rotational mass for
each vehicle (SIM 10). Vehicle preconditioning for chassis dynamometer setup. As already mentioned, the chassis dynamometer has the role to offer
the vehicle the same resistances experienced on the road. The target forces set to the dynamometer represent the sum of chassis
dynamometer applied forces and forces that are coming from vehicle internal parasitic losses. Those losses are controlled by warming
up the vehicle and will depend on the warm-up procedure also known as a vehicle preconditioning procedure. In the NEDC, there is
no prescription on the preconditioning, and the common approach was to run a complete NEDC before setting up the dynamometer.
In the WLTP, the preconditioning is done by running a complete WLTC. As a result of these two warm-up procedures, at the end of the
preconditioning the vehicle will be in two different conditions with the internal resistances after the WLTC being lower than after the
NEDC. Thus, the chassis-dyno will be requested to apply the higher resistances for the WLTP compared to the NEDC to produce the
same overall target resistance force.
In order to measure the impact of preconditioning step from the two procedures, an additional analysis on 10 different vehicles
has been carried out by the Vehicle Emission Laboratory of the JRC. The testing procedure consisted of setting the chassis dynam-
ometer to reproduce the known target forces (road load coefficients and inertia) for each vehicle. In the next steps, vehicles have been
warmed up with the NEDC and WLTC driving cycles and after each driving cycle a coast down is performed to measure the internal
resistances of the vehicles. Results have shown that the average additional resistance imposed by the chassis-dyno under the WLTP
with respect to what is applied under the NEDC to achieve the same target road loads is in the order of 6 ± 2 N for most of the
vehicles. These results are accepted by the European Legislators and implemented in the WLTP/NEDC Correlation Regulation
(Regulation 2017/1153, 2017). In agreement with this, the CO2MPAS simulations have been performed with F0 coefficient increased
by 6 N for all vehicles (SIM 11).
J. Pavlovic et al. Transportation Research Part A 111 (2018) 136–147 SOC correction. Since the NEDC procedure did not foresee any correction of the vehicle’s battery state of charge (SOC) at the
end of the test, the vehicle manufacturers (OEMs) were free to perform the tests that started with fully charged battery and ended
with significantly depleted battery. In the real life use of the car and before starting the trip there is no external charging of the
battery and in most cases the battery SOC level is equal and/or close to the equilibrium battery level.
In the WLTP the battery SOC is monitored over the whole test and the fuel consumption and CO2 emission results are corrected, if
needed, for the imbalances in the battery SOC. In addition, in the WLTP procedure, the battery is not charged during the vehicle soak,
as it was the common practice for the NEDC.
The JRC in a previous study tested four vehicles under the NEDC following the common practice with charging the battery until
the beginning of the test (Pavlovic et al., 2016b). After the tests, CO2 results were corrected following the procedure prescribed by the
WLTP. From the results presented, the average influence that SOC imbalance had on CO2 emissions was about 2.1% (maximum 5.8%
and minimum 0.2%). That is in line with Ligterink et al. (2014) who reported that the imbalance in the battery SOC can influence the
NEDC test result by approximately 2 g CO2/km.
Therefore, for the purpose of the present study a fixed value of 2% is used for all vehicles analyzed as the contribution of the SOC
correction on the total CO2 change (SIM 12). Correction of cycle flexibilities. Some flexibilities (i.e. deviations against the target values) are allowed in both test procedures
in order to get valid test results in a real test environment. However, these tolerances lead to test-to-test variations in results, in
particular for CO2 emissions, and can be exploited to reduce the CO2 test value. After test corrections of the tolerances can therefore
increase the repeatability of the test results and provide CO2 values that better reflect reality. In addition, this normalization gives the
valuable opportunity to compare the CO2 results for the same vehicles tested in different laboratories, i.e. increase also the
reproducibility of results.
Being aware of the impact that NEDC tolerances can have on CO2 test results, the European Commission is working on the
integration of correction procedures into the European Legislation. Beside the correction of imbalances in SOC of the battery that has
already been implemented in the WLTP and has been described in the previous section, the correction algorithms that will be
implemented in Europe focus on deviations against the target speed and target distance (Ligterink et al., 2014).
In order to evaluate the possible influence of the driver behavior on CO2 emissions we have created an optimized NEDC speed
profile with the lowest possible speed and acceleration, but still within the NEDC speed tolerance limits. In addition, during the
deceleration phases the distance driven was the maximum possible with the longer braking phases since during these phases the
engine is most of the time in an overrun with zero fuel consumption. Differences between the standard and optimized NEDC are
highlighted in Fig. 3. The CO2MPAS model was run with this optimized NEDC cycle for all 16 vehicles (SIM 13).
Fig. 3. Standard and optimized NEDC driving cycle as described in Section
J. Pavlovic et al. Transportation Research Part A 111 (2018) 136–147
Table 5
Percent contribution of each procedural difference on total CO2 emissions for all vehicles tested.
Average ST.DEV Average ST.DEV Average ST.DEV Average ST.DEV Average ST.DEV
Road load determination SIM 1 4.28 1.67 4.82 1.74 3.75 1.52 4.34 2.04 4.20 1.19
SIM 2 2.42 0.35 2.46 0.41 2.37 0.30 2.44 0.39 2.39 0.33
SIM 3 1.15 0.43 1.09 0.54 1.20 0.30 1.01 0.40 1.32 0.42
SIM 4 0.38 0.19 0.43 0.26 0.33 0.05 0.41 0.25 0.35 0.06
SIM 5 1.08 0.44 1.27 0.54 0.89 0.21 1.18 0.53 0.95 0.29
SIM 6 0.58 0.20 0.62 0.26 0.53 0.10 0.59 0.22 0.56 0.17
TOTAL 9.89 – 10.70 – 9.08 – 9.98 – 9.77 –
Laboratory test SIM 7 −2.81 3.60 −2.08 2.35 −3.54 4.60 −5.00 3.47 – –
SIM 8 5.88 3.74 5.24 3.13 6.52 4.38 6.78 3.76 4.73 3.65
SIM 9 3.93 0.00 3.93 0.00 3.93 0.00 3.93 0.00 3.93 0.00
SIM 10 0.34 0.23 0.40 0.30 0.28 0.11 0.39 0.28 0.27 0.13
SIM 11 0.74 0.23 0.87 0.23 0.61 0.13 0.75 0.27 0.73 0.17
TOTAL 8.08 – 8.36 – 7.80 – 6.86 – 9.65 –
Post processing SIM 12 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00
SIM 13 2.56 2.01 2.27 2.16 2.85 1.94 3.75 1.04 1.04 1.94
TOTAL 4.56 – 4.27 – 4.85 – 5.75 0.00 3.04 –
Declared value SIM 14 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.00
Total impact (Simulation) 25.21 3.34 25.64 1.96 24.78 4.43 25.26 3.96 25.13 2.65
All the factors that will have an impact on the type-approval CO2 emissions with the introduction of the WLTP that have been
presented in Section 2 have been quantified through simulations/quantitative assessments for the 16 considered vehicles. A summary
of the average results for all vehicles, vehicles by fuel type (diesel vs. gasoline), and vehicles by transmission type (manual vs.
automatic transmission) are presented in Table 5. Fig. 4 depicts the variation in the simulation results.
The largest impact on total CO2 emissions is related to the increase of the test mass (SIM 1), the introduction of the new driving
cycle (SIM 8) and gearshift schedule (SIM 7), and the correction of speed and distance flexibilities (SIM 13). In addition, it is very
clear that with the new testing procedure all factors, except the new gearshift strategy, will result in higher CO2 emissions. It is also
evident that the introduction of the WLTP will have an impact on the CO2 emissions to different extent depending on the vehicle
technologies and power-to-mass ratios (Table 5). The average increase in the test mass for the 16 vehicles evaluated in the present
study was 190 kg and that resulted in an average increase in CO2 emissions equal to 4.3%. The cumulative effect of the three tire
factors described in Section will, in average, increase the CO2 emissions by about 4%. For 9 vehicles with manual transmission
the new gearshift strategy resulted in an average decrease in CO2 emissions equal to 5.0% (results were between 1.7% increase and
J. Pavlovic et al. Transportation Research Part A 111 (2018) 136–147
Fig. 4. Variation of simulation results and impact on total CO2 emissions for all vehicles tested.
9.8% decrease in CO2 emissions). With the introduction of the new driving cycle it is expected that the average increase in CO2
emissions is 5.9% (minimum 0.2% and maximum 12%). Normalization of speed and distance flexibilities is going to bridge, on
average, another 2.5% of the CO2 emissions.
The higher and more realistic test mass of the vehicle, better tire specifications, and all other elements evaluated for new road
load determination procedure were found to have the biggest impact on CO2 emissions that sum up to about 10%. That is in line with
recently published report which concluded that the application of realistic road loads, instead of the official ones, will increase the
NEDC CO2 emissions by 7.2%, on average (ICCT, 2016). Changes related to the new driving cycle and laboratory test procedure will
have an additional effect of ∼8%. The new post-processing of the data and the new procedure for the final acceptance of the CO2
value is expected to increase the CO2 emissions by 5%. In summary, the introduction of the new WLTP test procedure is expected to
increase the average CO2 emissions by more than 25% in the worse-case scenarios. The worse-case scenarios are related to situations
where the OEMs fully exploited all flexibilities of the current NEDC procedure. In other situations the increase in CO2 emissions is
expected to be lower.
Table 5 presents the total effect of the introduction of WLTP on CO2 emissions, expressed in two ways: TOTAL IMPACT –SUM is
simply the arithmetic sum of all individually simulated effects (SIM 1 – SIM 14); TOTAL IMPACT –SIMULATION corresponds to the
results of an additional CO2MPAS simulation carried out for each vehicle when all the described changes in the new test procedure
are summed-up and expressed with final road loads and test mass used in this additional simulation. This additional simulation was
performed to ensure that some effects are not counted twice. As expected, the results achieved for TOTAL IMPACT –SIMULATION are
slightly lower (~25%) than the numbers from TOTAL IMPACT –SUM (~27%).
For the vehicles tested, the new test procedure will effect slightly more gasoline vehicles compared to the diesel vehicles mostly
due to the changes in road load determination procedure and the higher test mass. Vehicles with manual transmission will have
benefits in terms of CO2 emissions with the introduction of new gearshift schedule, but these benefits will be compensated with the
more energy demanding driving cycle, and the post-post processing of CO2 results. In fact, the results show that manual transmission
vehicles could benefit more from the optimized NEDC than automatic transmission vehicles (3.75% vs. 1.04%, SIM 13). Therefore,
the speed and distance correction is another important measure that will prevent exploiting the tolerances with the intention to
artificially lower the CO2 emissions.
In the following sections, some other elements from the two procedures that have not been discussed before and that can po-
tentially impact CO2 emissions are briefly presented and discussed. Their effects cannot be accurately concluded given the un-
certainty about their actual exploitations by the vehicle manufacturers. However, their potential existence suggests that the overall
difference between the WLTP and NEDC might, in theory, be even higher than what was calculated in the previous section.
J. Pavlovic et al. Transportation Research Part A 111 (2018) 136–147
The current provisions for conformity of production allow vehicle manufacturers to use a fixed evolution coefficient of 0.92 for
vehicles randomly selected from the production lines (Regulation 692/2008, 2008). That means that the CO2 test results from a
vehicle, coming from the production line, can already be up to 8% higher than the corresponding type-approval value. In the WLTP,
the default value for evolution coefficient is set to 0.98. It is unclear whether a vehicle manufacturer could be able to exploit this
∼6% margin in a systematic way, but still this additional procedural difference may have a final impact on the difference in CO2
emissions between the two test procedures.
Another change in the WLTP is related to a more stringent procedure related to the settings of target road loads on the chassis
dynamometer before the tests. The NEDC allowed tolerances of ± 5% in force/time for each reference speed point, while in the WLTP
this flexibility has been reduced to ± 10 N. If a vehicle manufacturer would be able to take a full advantage of this flexibility, in the
NEDC, the final CO2 result could be impacted by 1–2%. In addition, the WLTP prescribes the maximum allowed time of 120 s that can
pass between the vehicle’s warm-up and coast-down in the laboratory. The NEDC did not set any requirements regarding to this time
limit. In general, the more time has passed between the warm-up and the coast-down, the lower forces the chassis dynamometer will
need to apply to reach the same target forces. Since this effect will depend on the specific practices that different laboratories had in
place, the quantification is relative and difficult, but advantage from this provision in the NEDC could certainly be exploited with a
potential effect on the final CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of at least another 2–3%.
The analysis carried out in the present study confirmed that, as far as CO2 emissions and fuel consumption are concerned, the
WLTP will bring a significant improvement compared to the NEDC. In fact, some calculations and requirements of the old test
procedure, that were mathematically and physically incorrect and less stringent, have been changed and/or made more severe and
less space is left to the wrong interpretations. In addition, some new test protocols, which were absent in the NEDC, have been
introduced to make the new procedure more robust and more representative of real-life emissions and fuel consumption. Although a
quantification of all these changes on the CO2 emission results at type-approval is still difficult, simulations with the CO2MPAS model
showed that the WLTP increase in CO2 emissions could be as high as 25%. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the WLTP will
certainly contribute to significantly reduce the current gap between the type approval and the real life fuel consumption figures
(more than half according to the latest estimates). This can be seen as a very important achievement considering the intrinsic
limitations of the laboratory test-procedure which is by nature incapable to give a full account of the real-world variability (Pavlovic
et al., 2018).
The question for the future is how it will be ensured that the gap will not start increasing again. Although significantly more
robust than the NEDC, as any test procedure, also the WLTP will certainly offer margins that the vehicle manufacturers might be able
to exploit. It is therefore very important to introduce a political mechanism able to monitor the evolution of the gap over time and to
be able to incentivize the introduction of technologies having fuel consumption and CO2 benefits in real-life conditions and not
mainly during the type-approval test. Different options are currently under discussion at the political level and the hope is that a
complete instrument able to monitor the CO2/fuel consumption reduction from the entire vehicle fleet might soon be in place. These
future options are going in the direction of: (i) Installation of real-time on board fuel consumption measurement loggers, (ii) multiple
real-world tests performed across Europe by different accredited labs and under different conditions that would allow to establish a
“representative reality” in different regions, (iii) market surveillance initiatives to ensure that the type approval test is not mal-
evolently exploited, and (iv) public awareness so that the drivers become more aware of the factors affecting their consumption and
understanding how to improve it.
For the time being, the results achieved in the present paper allow to conclude that the political willingness of the European Union
to introduce at the same time the WLTP and the real driving emissions (RDE) procedures seems a fundamental step forward to
achieve a cleaner and more efficient road transportation system in Europe.
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