Chatter Identification of Face Milling Operation Via Time-Frequency and Fourier Analysis
Chatter Identification of Face Milling Operation Via Time-Frequency and Fourier Analysis
Chatter Identification of Face Milling Operation Via Time-Frequency and Fourier Analysis
characteristics, and the linear approximation used in the instantaneous frequency, giving both time and frequency
stability lobe diagram would inevitably misinterpret the resolution concurrently. EEMD has been used to
genuine features of nonlinear vibration [5]. Machining decompose vibration signals into multiple IMFs; FFT was
chatter is a route-to-chaos process with deterioration in then applied to compare the frequency of stable and
both the time and frequency domains. Despite the time unstable cutting to identify the chatter frequency [8].
response of the vibration being bounded, when chatter HHT was applied directly to obtain a time-frequency
occurs the frequency response would become unstably diagram of the vibration signal, and the marginal
broadband. Hence, to capture the bona fide features of spectrum was used to observe the frequency distribution
the machining status, it is necessary to monitor time and [9]. In general, previous studies measured the cutting
frequency response simultaneously. force along the X and Y direction of an end-milling process,
which is the main cause of tool vibration. A two-direction
force sensor is required to measure the cutting force.
This research seeks to measure the signal of the
cutting force in the Z (vertical) direction in a face-milling
operation to analyze the signal and identify chatter. To
DOC (mm)
where C_j (t) is the jth intrinsic mode function and the
residue R(t) can be either the mean trend or a constant.
Equation (3) also indicates that the original signal can be
synthesized by IMFs and residue, so the completeness of
this decomposition can be proofed numerically. The ratio
of each IMF energy compared to the total energy can be
calculated as:
C (t ) dt
Figure 4. Measured force signal in z-axis. j
rj 0
x(t ) dt
The energy ratio of each IMF can be used to determine the
dominate dominant frequency component within the
input signal x(t). To resolve the instantaneous frequency,
the Hilbert transform is applied to each IMF and
constructs an analytic signal Z_j (t).
Z j (t ) C j (t ) iH C j (t )
C j (t ) iy j (t )
i ( j (t ))
a j (t )e (5)
Figure 5. Flow chart of the methods.
where the Hilbert transform is:
P C j ( )
Methods of Signal Analysis
y j (t ) H C j (t )
d (6)
Instantaneous frequency has been previously used P is the Cauchy principle value. Then
to investigate the nonlinear features of a time-delayed
a j (t ) C 2j (t ) y 2j (t ) and the instantaneous frequency
feedback oscillator, along with phase plots, bifurcation
diagrams, and Fourier spectrum [10]. Ensemble empirical of the jth IMF can be defined as:
mode decomposition (EEMD) applies the shifting process 1 d j (t ) (7)
to decompose the nonlinear broadband response into 2 dt
orthogonal set of mono-components called intrinsic mod Thus the frequency modulation of a complex signal can be
function (IMF). EEMD can separate a complex time series retrieved. The integral of the Hilbert spectrum throughout
into simple oscillatory modes. Each IMF has the same the entire time span can be defined as a marginal
number of extrema and zero crossings so that it is spectrum as follows [6]:
H (, t)dt
inherently symmetrical with respect to the local mean
h( ) (8)
defined by the average of the upper and lower cubic spline 0
envelope without resorting to any pre-defined basis. The marginal spectrum offers a measure of the total
EEMD is needed to deal with data from nonstationary and energy contribution from each frequency value. It
nonlinear processes. The EEMD process is shown in Fig. 6 represents the accumulated energy distribution over the
and is elucidated in [7]. entire data span in a probabilistic sense.
Figure 14. Milling result of experiment I, (1) stable cutting region, (2)
unstable cutting region.
Figure 15. (cont.) Marginal spectrum with spindle speed at 8000 rpm.
Figure 16. (cont.) Marginal spectrum with spindle speed at 12000 rpm.
Figure 18. Milling result of experiment II.
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