1 s2.0 S0007850615001092 Main
1 s2.0 S0007850615001092 Main
1 s2.0 S0007850615001092 Main
Keywords: This paper presents a non-contact excitation method for evaluating the dynamic stiffness of a rotating
spindle. The spindle response to an excitation force is measured, and frequency response functions (FRFs)
are obtained. Based on the measured FRFs, dynamic uncertainty and its effect on cutting stability are
investigated. Regenerative forces are generated using displacement feedback with a time lag element,
and a closed-loop excitation test is executed automatically. The stability map obtained from the closed-
loop test and the stability charts calculated from the FRFs are compared, and the uncertainty of the
spindle dynamics during operations is clarified.
ß 2015 CIRP.
1. Introduction domain has been conducted using FRFs and cutting models [13]. In
general, the analytical predictions are confirmed by the results of
Machine tool spindles must rotate cutting tools precisely and cutting tests. However, cutting processes have various effects, such
provide sufficient energy for material removal [1]. For high- as the multiple regenerative effect [14,15], process damping [16],
productivity machining, spindles should be designed to have multiple frequencies, and multiple delay [17]. These effects make it
sufficient stiffness to resist cutting forces. The basic components of difficult to isolate the dynamic behavior of the spindle for analysis.
a spindle, such as its rotating shaft, support bearings, and contact In this research, the uncertainty of the dynamic stiffness of a
parts, have elasticity, and their contribution to stiffness at the tool rotating spindle was investigated using a non-contact excitation
point is complex. State-of-art design methods consider the method. Two excitation tests were combined. One test used a
nonlinearity of preloaded bearings [2], interface dynamics [3], conventional open-loop excitation, and the other used a closed-
and the thermal distribution of the components [4,5]. Measure- loop excitation. In the closed-loop test, the regenerative force was
ment methods are important in the evaluation of the designed generated on the basis of the monitored spindle displacement.
stiffness and its achievement in the manufacturing process. Chatter behavior was investigated in conjunction with the
Rantatalo et al. investigated the vibration characteristics of uncertainty of the FRFs measured in the open-loop test.
rotating spindles, including the rotor dynamics, using non-contact
magnetic excitation [6]. Abele et al. investigated the speed 2. Measurement system
dependency of the natural frequency and damping of a hybrid
spindle using the active magnetic bearing (AMB) component 2.1. Configuration of measurement setup
[7]. Ozturk et al. demonstrated the effect of spindle bearing preload
on dynamic stiffness and chatter stability [8]. Abele and Fiedler Fig. 1 shows an overview of the test device used. The device
proposed the state-space identification of the frequency response consists of a magnet loader, a dummy tool (a load target),
functions (FRFs) of spindle compliance during milling operations measurement sensors, and a personal computer (PC) to control the
[9]. Suzuki et al. investigated a different identification method process. The loader has coils that generate magnetic forces, which
based on chatter information [10]. Tobias discussed the nonline- are controlled by coil currents. In this research, one coil set was
arity of spindle stiffness and its effect on chatter [11]. The Author used to emulate the cutting forces of side milling or boring. The coil
investigated the influence of spindle temperature on stiffness current was supplied by an amplifier, to which a current command
using a non-contact measurement method and a magnet loading was sent from the PC through a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter.
device [12]. Displacement sensors were installed in the head stock of the
The influence of machine dynamics on the occurrence of spindle to measure the spindle displacement at the holder. The
vibration has been analyzed using measured and calculated displacement signal was filtered using a high-pass filter and
machine dynamics. Regenerative chatter analysis in the frequency captured by an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. This high-pass
filter filters out the machine vibration other than the spindle
vibrations. A tool dynamometer was installed between the
* Corresponding author. machine table and the magnet loader to measure the attractive
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Matsubara). force. The force signal was also captured by the A/D converter. Using
0007-8506/ß 2015 CIRP.
366 A. Matsubara et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 64 (2015) 365–368
f ¼ K i i2c (1)
ic ¼ I0 þ Ia sinðvtÞ (2)
where Kft = 2KiI0. The nominal depth of cut determines the current
sine signal was given directly to the command current ir. From the
measured ir and df, an FRF was estimated. This FRF is the serial
product of Gamp, Gfi, Gdf, and Ghpf and is referred to as the open-loop Fig. 4 shows the estimated FRFs for the constant offset and
FRF f. The force signal was also measured, and the FRF from fh to df variable amplitude. The change of the natural frequency could be
was estimated to check the open-loop FRF. seen in Gdf where Ia is less than 0.6 A. However, it could not be seen
In the closed-loop test, T was set to the real rotation period of for larger amplitudes, where the gain decrease could be seen in
the spindle, and aKf was set. The feedback loop was then closed to Gdi. This indicates that the soft spring effect is weak at this force
check the oscillation. All tests were performed automatically under offset and the gain in the current–force relationship is decreased
spindle rotating conditions. with the increase of the current amplitude.
A. Matsubara et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 64 (2015) 365–368 367
Fig. 4. Measured FRFs for variable amplitude and constant offset: I0 = 1.5 A, Gdi is FRF
from fi to df, Gdf is FRF from FRF from fh to df.
(1) Rotation of the spindle was started, and the spindle was
allowed to warm up for 40 min. The rotation speed was set at
3000 min1. Fig. 6. Example measurements from closed-loop test: N = 2900 min1,
(2) After the warm up, FRFs were measured in the open-loop test. aKf = 1.05 105 N/m.
To investigate the dependency of the spindle stiffness on the
speed, three speed levels were considered. I0 and Ia were set at
constant values of 1.5 A and 0.3 A, respectively. C: The vibration increased and decreased alternately.
(3) The stability limit of aKf for each spindle speed N was calculated
from the measured FRF f, using the following relations [18]: An example of pattern B is shown in Fig. 6.
K ft
aK f ¼ (4) 4.2. Comparison of chatter map and estimated lobe charts
Fig. 5 shows the temperature and spindle speed over the course
of the test. As this figure shows, the temperature increased
gradually, and the total increase was approximately 2 8C. During
the closed-loop test, several vibration patterns were observed. The
vibrations were analyzed in both the time and frequency domains.
The power spectral densities (PSDs) of the vibrations were
calculated using Fourier transform and short-time Fourier
transform (STFT). The measured vibrations were categorized
according to the following patterns:
5. Conclusions
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