L1Importance of Irrigation and Drainage
L1Importance of Irrigation and Drainage
L1Importance of Irrigation and Drainage
Prepared by
Husam Al-Najar
Irrigation and Drainage- course
Irrigation water sources and methods of storage, water and soil relationship,
Water flow through the soil, the quantity and quality of water used in irrigation
systems, surface and underground irrigation, drainage, wells and its use for
irrigation, water measurements, laws and legislation for irrigation.
Course Outline
1. Introduction 7. Pipeline Hydraulics and pumping units
Importance of irrigation Basic relationships
Types of irrigation systems Friction loss
2. Irrigation Water Measurement Types of pumps
Velocity of flow Pump characteristics
Flow measurement Pump selection-Power units
3. Soil-Water Relationships 8. Irri. & Drainage Systems planning & Design
Soil properties Types of systems
Water in soils System components
Infiltration System performance
Soil water measurement Hydraulics of laterals
4. Irrigation Water Requirements 9. Laws and Legislative for Irrigation
Efficiencies and System capacity Final Exam
Midterm Exam
5. Irrigation Modeling and Scheduling Homework and Assignments: 10%
CropWat model Midterm Exam: 30%
6. Irrigation Water Sources
Ground water and wells
Final Exam: 60%
Reuse of treated wastewater effluent
Water quality for irrigation purposes.
Importance of Irrigation
Definition the supply of water to crops and landscaping plants by
artificial means
world-wide: 544 million acres
(17% of land 1/3 of food production)
Reasons for yield/quality increase
Reduced water stress
Better germination and stands
Higher plant populations
More efficient use of fertilizer
Improved varieties
Leaching of salts
Frost protection
Plant/soil cooling
Chemical application
Wind erosion control
Waste disposal
Arid to semiarid sites: calcareous soils general
(e.g. Mediterranean region, India, N. China...)
nutritional status/nutrient deficiencies
water deficiency
inhabit root growth inhibited nutrient acquisition
poor water use efficiency because of nutrient deficiency
P-deficiency (fixation)
Fe-, Zn- (Mn-, Cu-) deficiency
toxicity (salt, boron)
drought stress
Saline sites: irrigation and secondary salinization
(cotton, Sudan)
Historical Perspective
Western U. S. - 1800s
Irrigation Techniques
Types of Irrigation Systems
2. Surface Irrigation: Irrigation water flows across the field to the point
of infiltration. primarily used on agricultural crops and orchards
3. Micro (drip, trickle): frequent, slow application of irrigation water
using pressurized systems. Used in landscape and nursery applications,
and on high-value agricultural and horticultural crops.
Why do we need to irrigate in the Gaza Strip?
The average annual rainfall varies from 470 mm/year in the North to 242
mm/year in the South.
Rainfall occurs only in the winter months (October - March).
Half of the Rainfall occurs during December to January.
The number of rainy days along Gaza strip is 41 days.
Number of Rainy Days According to the Quantity in (mm) for Nine Weather
Stations in Gaza strip for the Year 2004 (MOT, 2004)
R a in y D a y s >
5m m
Number of Days
15 10m m
20m m
10 30m m
40m m
5 50m m
S t a tio n s L o c a t io n
The Monthly Average Variation of the Evaporation Rate in Gaza Strip
(mm/month), (Mortaja, 1998).
Assignment No. 1
Write a brief report (not more that 2 Pages. 14 Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing) about
Gaza Strip Metrological stations showing the following:
What types of measurements (Rainfall, temperature, Evaporation, Humidity,
Wind Speed and direction, Sunshine hours and Sunshine Intensity.etc.)
Compare one year- rainfall data from metrological station in the north and the
other in the south of Gaza Strip.