Irrigation Water Agchatt
Irrigation Water Agchatt
Irrigation Water Agchatt
Summarized by:
We have summarized these notes by using standard source of agriculture so that students can
learn each and every subject in precise manner. These notes will help you to cover all the syllabus
of B.Sc. Agriculture as well as allied stream. If someone is preparing for state exam, UPSC or any
entrance exam can use these books/notes for their effective preparation.
S.No. Topic Name Page No.
1. Introduction 5
2. Water Resources and Irrigation Development in India 5
3. Command Area Development and Water Management 7
4. Soil Physical Properties Influencing Soil Water Relations 8
5. Water Retention in Soil 13
6. Water Movements in Soil 14
7. Physical Classification of Water 16
8. Soil Moisture Constants 17
9. Measurement of Soil Moisture 19
10. Soil – Plant and Plant – Water Relations 24
11. Evapotranspiration 26
12. Reference Crop Evapotranspiration 30
13. Crop Coefficients 32
14. Duty of Water and Conjunctive Use of Water 34
15. Sprinkler Method of Irrigation 49
16. Drip Method of Irrigation 52
17. Water Use Efficiency of Crops 54
18. Irrigation Efficiencies 56
19. Quality of Irrigation Water 58
20. Water Management Practices in Rice 61
21. Water Management Practices in crops 63
The solid matrix of the soil includes particles, which vary in chemical and mineralogical
composition as well as in size, shape, and orientation. It also contains amorphous substances,
particularly organic matter, which is attached to the mineral particles and often binds them together
to form aggregate. The gaseous or vapor portion of the soil occupies that part of the spaces between
the soils particles not filled with water. This is an important phase of the soil system, as most plants
require some aeration of the root system, with the exception of aquatic plants such as rice. Irrigation
practice is important in maintaining a reasonable balance between the soil moisture and air.
Finally, soil water and air vary in composition, both in time and space.
A shallow soil has limited moisture holding capacity, restricted feed zone and root growth,
therefore would need frequent irrigations with less water depth. Shallowness of soil is further
unfavorable in areas needing land leveling and shaping because it affects soil-water relations besides
nutrient retention & availability. Deep soil on the other hand, has good moisture holding capacity,
larger feeding zone and good possibilities for development of root system. Soil depth is also
important for interpreting water storage capacity.
The textural class of a soil can be accurately determined in the laboratory by mechanical
analyses. Sand, silt and clay are size groupings of soil particles as shown below
Soil structure
The dominant shape of aggregates in a horizon determines their structural type, such as
spheroidal (granular or crumbly subtypes), platy; prism like (columnar or prismatic subtypes) and
block like (cube and sub-angular subtypes). On surface the soil structure is associated with tilth of
the soil.
Soils without definite structure may be single grain types, sands or massive types such as
heavy clays. For example, a structure-less soil allows water to percolate either too rapidly or too
slowly. Platy structure restricts the downward movement of water. Crumbly, granular and prismatic
structural types are most desirable for efficient irrigation watermanagement and normal crop
Bulk density (g
membrane apparatus.
Soil moisture characteristic curves for soils varying in texture
The soil moisture characteristic curve is strongly affected by soil texture. The greater the clay
content, in general, the greater the water retention at any particular suction, and the more gradual
the slope of the curve. In a sandy soil, most of the pores are relatively large, and once these large
pores are emptied at a given suction, only a small amount of water remains. In a clay soil, the pore
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size distribution is more uniform, and more of the water is adsorbed, so that increasing the suction
causes a more gradual decrease in water content.
I= A×T
I = Infiltration rate (mm or cm/min or h)
O = Volume quantity of water (m3) infiltrating,
A = Area of the soil surface (m2) exposed to infiltration, and
T = Time (min or h).
The infiltration rate is not constant over time. Generally, infiltration rate is high in the initial
stages of infiltration process, particularly where the soil is quite dry, but tends to decrease
monotonically and eventually to approach asymptotically a constant rate, whichis often termed as
basic intake rate or steady state infiltration rate. Whereas, the cumulative infiltration, being the time
integral of the infiltration rate, has curvilinear time dependence, with a gradually decreasing slope.
The infiltration rate ofa soil may be easily measured using a simple device known as a double ring
infiltrometer in-situ.
The lateral movement of water through soil pores or small cracks in the soil profile under
unsaturated condition is known as seepage.
7.2 Permeability
It indicates the relative ease with which air and water penetrate or pass through the soil pores.
Permeability of soils is generally classified as rapid, moderate and slow. Thus, the permeability is
rapid in coarse textured soils and slow in fine textured soils.
h1 — h2
Where, V is Darcy's velocity, h1 and h2 are hydraulic heads, and L is the vertical distance in the soil
through which flow takes place. The coefficient of proportionality, K, in the equation is called the
hydraulic conductivity.
Thus, the hydraulic conductivity is defined as the ratio of Darcy's flow velocity atunit
hydraulic gradient. The dimension of K is the same as that for velocity, that is, length per unit of time
(L/T). In a soil having a stable structure the hydraulic conductivity is more or less constant, but as
the soil structure, density and porosity change, there is a change in the hydraulic conductivity. With
variation in soil texture the hydraulic conductivity values are different.
Types of water movement
Movement of water in the soil is complex because of various states and directions in which
water moves and because of the forces that cause it to move. As water is dynamic soil component,
generally three types of water movement within the soil are recognized – saturated flow, unsaturated
flow and water vapor flow. The former two flows involve liquid water in contrast to water vapor
flow. In all cases water flows in response to energy gradients, with water moving from a zone of
higher to one of lower water potential.
Where, A is the cross-sectional area of the column through which the water flows, K sat is the saturated hydraulic
conductivity, is the change in water potential between the ends of the column (for example, Ψ1 — Ψ2, and L is
the length of column). The unitsin which K sat is measured are length/time, typically cm/s or cm/h.
(FC — PWP) x ρb x ds
Available Soil Moisture (mm/depth of soil) =
FC = Field capacity moisture (%) on oven dry weight basis
PWP = Permanent wilting point moisture (%) on oven dry weight basisρb =
soil bulk density (g/cm3)
ds = Depth oƒ soil (cm)
ASM = Available soil moisture (mm/m depth of soil)
The mass water content can be expressed as mass water percentage by multiplying it with 100.
This method involves collecting soil sample from the field using soil probe or auger from
representative depths in the root zone and then determining its moist and dry weights. The moist
weight is determined by weighing the soil sample as it is at the time of sampling, and the dry
weight is obtainedafter drying the soil sample in an oven at 105°C for 24 hours or more to get a
constant dry weight. The weight loss represents the soil water.
(Wms — Wds) Vt x
θv = x 100
Weight of moist soil (Wms) — Weight of oven dry soil (Wds) Volume
θv = x 100
of core (Vt)x Density of water(ρw)
• Ease of handling
• Low cost
• Minimum technical skill required
• Standard method of soil moisture determination with which other methods arecompared
• Time consuming
• Accuracy is subject to weighing and sampling errors
• Destructive soil sampling method
• Laborious
10.2.3 Spirit burning method
Soil moisture from the sample is evaporated by adding alcohol and igniting. Provided the
sample is not too large, the result can be obtained in less than 10 minutes. About 1.0 ml of spirit or
alcohol per g of soil sample at field capacity and 0.5 ml at permanent wilting point is adequate for
evaporating the soil moisture. This method is not recommended for soils with high organic matter
moisture. The instrument is directly calibrated in per cent moisture. It gives fairly reliable moisture
estimates in about 5 minutes.
• Relatively inexpensive
• Easy to install
• Gives quick readings
• Suitable for irrigation scheduling to crops raised in fine textured soils
• Not useful in coarse textured soils
• Resistance blocks readings are sensitive to soil salinity, which may affect readings
• Blocks may get damaged over time (2 – 3 years) and require replacement
source of fast neutrons (americium and beryllium) and boron trifluoride (BF3) gas as a detector of
slow neutrons, which is lowered into a hollow access tube pre-inserted into the soil; and a scaler or
rate meter usually battery powered and portable to monitorthe flux of the slow neutrons that are
scattered and attenuated in the soil. The fast neutrons are emitted radially into the soil, where they
encounter and collide elastically with hydrogen nuclei (namely protons). Through repeated
collusions, the neutrons are deflected and “scattered”, and they gradually loose some of their kinetic
energy. As the speed of the initially fast neutrons diminishes, it approaches a speed of 2.7 km/sec,
equivalent to a energy of about 0.03 eV. Neutrons slowed down to such a speed are said to be
thermalized and are called slow neutrons. The slow neutrons thus produced scatter randomly in
the soil, quickly forming a cloud of constant density around the probe. The density of sow neutrons
formed around the probe is nearly proportional to the concentration of hydrogen in the medium
surrounding the probe, and therefore approximately proportional to the volume fraction of water
present in the soil. The slowed or thermalized neutrons are detected by slow neutron detector
containing BF3 gas, which is then transmitted through electric pulses to the scaler and is displayed as
moisture content.
• Less laborious
• Rapid results
• Non-destructive method after initial installation
• Repeated measurements can be made at the same location and depth
• Independent of temperature and pressure
• High initial cost of the equipment
• Probe must be calibrated for each soil & access tube
• Difficult to measure the soil moisture in the top 15 cm soil depth due to escape of
neutrons into atmosphere
• Health hazards due to exposure to neutron & gamma radiation
10.3.3 Tensiometer
The tensiometer is an instrument designed to provide a continuous indication of the soil’s
matric suction in situ. The tensiometer consists of a porous ceramic cup, connected through a tube
to a vacuum gauge (or manometer), all parts filled with water. When the cup is placed in the soil
where the suction measurement is to be made, thewater inside the cup comes into hydraulic contact
and tends to equilibrate with soil water through the pores in the ceramic walls. When initially placed
in the soil, the water contained in the tensiometer is generally at atmospheric pressure (essentially,
0 bars tension). Soil water, being generally at sub-atmospheric pressure (or higher tension),
exercises a suction, which draws out a certain amount of water from the rigid and air tight
tensiometer. Consequently, the pressure inside the tensiometer falls below atmospheric pressure.
The sub-pressure is indicated by a vacuum gauge or manometer. A Tensiometer left in the soil for a
period of time tends to track the changes in the soil’s matric suction. As soil moisture is depleted by
drainage or plant uptake, or as it is replenished by rainfall or irrigation, corresponding readings on
the Tensiometer gauge occur.
The porous plates are first saturated and then soil samples are placed on these plates. Soil
samples are saturated with water and transferred to the metallic chambers. Thechamber is closed
with special wrenches to tighten the nuts and bolts with required torque for sealing it. Pressure is
applied from a compressor and maintained at a desired level. It should be ensured that there is no
leakage from the chamber. Water starts to flow out from saturated soil samples through outlet and
continues to trickle till equilibrium against the applied pressure is achieved. Soil samples are taken
out and oven dried to constant weight for determining moisture content on weight basis. Moisture
content is determined against pressure values varying from −0.1 to −15 bars. The values of moisture
content so obtained at a given applied pressure are used to construct soil moisture characteristic
Soil – Plant and Plant – Water Relations
11.1 Introduction
To design a successful irrigation system, it is essential to know the plant rooting
characteristics, effective root zone depth, moisture extraction pattern and moisture sensitive periods
of crops.
Some plants have relatively shallow root system (for example annual crops), while others develop
several meters under favorable conditions (for example tree crops). It is obvious, therefore, that if
one is to plan an efficient irrigation schedule for providing adequate soil moisture to plant roots, it is
necessary to understand rooting habits of plants.
from the second quarter, 20% from the third quarter, and 10% from the bottom quarter. Values for
individual crops may vary within the range of 10%.
Moisture sensitive periods
“Critical growth period is the stage or stages of growth of the crop at which moisturestress
has the greatest effect on quality & quantity of yield. Therefore, any stress during these stages will
irrevocably reduce the yield and provision of adequate water and other management practices at
other growth stages will not compensate the yield lost”.
depth per unit time. Quantification of evapotranspiration is required in the context of many issues:
1. Management of water resources in agriculture
2. Designing of irrigation projects on sound economic basis
3. Fixing cropping patterns and working out the irrigation requirements of crops
4. Scheduling of irritations
5. Classifying regions climatologically for agriculture
12.2 Factors influencing evapotranspiration
Water losses to the atmosphere are primarily determined by both environmental and plant
factors, besides to a certain extent by management factors. The environmental effect on ET is called
atmospheric demand or evaporative demand of the atmosphere. The following factors influence the
atmospheric demand and in turn the ET of a crop.
d) Wind: Transpiration occurs when water diffuses through the stomata. A diffusion gradient
barrier builds up around stomata (i.e., leaf) when the air is still. This means that water diffusing
from the wet leaf interiors is almost matched by water buildup outside the leaf, which reduces
the diffusion gradient and thus reduces transpiration. When wind turbulence removes the water
vapor next to the leaf, the difference in water potential inside and immediately outside the
stomatal opening is increased and net water diffusion from the leaf is increased.
e) Soil moisture: The effect of soil water content on evapotranspiration varies with crop and is
conditioned primarily by type of soil and its water holding properties, crop rooting characteristics
and the meteorological conditions determining the level of evapotranspiration.
c) Peak period consumptive use: The average daily water use rates in terms of ET plus that
consumed in metabolic process during the highest consumptive use period (6 – 10 days) of the
season is called peak period consumptive use rate. This is the design rate to be used in planning
an irrigation system. The peak-use consumptive period generally occurs when the crop is starting
to build up its harvestable produce, wherein the canopy area is maximum and capable of
intercepting maximum photosynthetically active radiation and atmospheric demand is high.
Reference Crop Evapotranspiration
13.1 What is Reference crop evapotranspiration?
The evapotranspiration from an extensive surface of green grass of uniform height (0.12m),
actively growing, completely shading the ground with an albedo of 0.23 and not short of water is
called reference crop evapotranspiration and is denoted by ETo.
Crop Evapotranspiration
Crop coefficient (Kc) =
Reference Crop Evapotranspiration
Crop coefficient curve is constructed by dividing crop growing period into fourgrowth periods
and placing straight line segments through each of these periods with the lines through the initial
and mid-season periods being horizontal. The four growth stagesof crop growing period are as
a) Initial period – planting to 10% ground cover
b) Crop development – 10% ground cover to effective cover i.e., flowering
c) Mid-season – Effective cover to start of maturity i.e., senescence of leaves
d) Late season – Start of maturity to harvest.
Water Requirements
15.1 Water requirement
It is defined as the quantity of water regardless of its source, required by a crop or diversified
pattern of crops in a given period of time for its normal growth & development under field conditions
at a given place. In other words, it is the total quantity of water required to mature an adequately
irrigated crop. It is expressed in depth per unit time.
Water requirement, if considered as a demand, it includes the quantity of water needed to
meet the losses due to evapotranspiration (ET), plus the losses during the application of irrigation
water (unavoidable losses) and the additional quantity of water required for special operations such
as land preparation, transplanting, leaching of salts below the crop root zone, frost control etc.
WR = ET or Cu + Application Losses + Special needs
It can also be expressed in supply terms as WR = IRR + ER + ∆S + Gwc
IRR = Total depth of irrigation water during crop life
ER = Effective rainfall received during crop life
∆S = Profile water use i.e., difference in soil moisture in the crop root zone at the
beginning and end of the crop
Gwc = Groundwater contribution, if any.
Accurate crop water requirement data is essential in irrigated agriculture for:
• Economic appraisal of irrigation projects
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It is taken as the basis for designing irrigation system capacity. Irrigation systems are to be
designed in such a way that the irrigation period is not greater than irrigation interval.
Duty of Water and Conjunctive Use of Water
16.1 Duty of water
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It is the relationship between the irrigation water and the area of the crop thatmatures
fully with the given amount of water. Duty is expressed as follows:
1. Area per unit rate of flow (ha/Cumec)
2. Depth of water or Delta (ha/depth of water)
3. In terms of stored water (ha/million m3 of stored water)
Effective Rainfall
17.1 Introduction
It is defined effective rainfall as “that portion of the total annual or seasonal rainfall
which is useful directly and/or indirectly for meeting the crop water needs in crop production
at the site where it falls but without pumping”.
Several factors influence the proportion of effective rainfall in the total rainfall received and
these may act singly or collectively and interact with each other. Any factor, which affects infiltration,
run-off or evapotranspiration, affects the value of effective rainfall. The following factors have been
shown to influence the effective rainfall significantly:
a) Rainfall characteristics: Amount, intensity and distribution of rainfall influence surface runoff
and hence its effectiveness. Greater amount of rainfall at high intensities reduces the effective
fraction of the rainfall. Similarly, uneven distribution decreases the extent of effective rainfall. In
India during kharif season from July to September the rainfall intensity, frequency and amount is
high, hence the effectiveness of rainfall is very low. On the other hand, during winter season from
November to April, most of the rainfall is effective due to its low intensity, frequency and amount.
Other meteorological parameters which increase the ET increase the effectiveness of the rainfall.
Higher evaporative demand of the atmosphere encourages greater depletion of moisture in the
soil and therefore the proportion of effective rainfall in the total increases.
b) Land characteristics: The time interval between receipt of rain water and its recession by soaking
into soil is known as opportunity time. Water stays longer on flat and leveled land and this
has longer opportunity time than on slopping land, leading to higher fraction of effective rain than on
undulating lands.
c) Soil characteristics: Higher infiltration and permeability rates increase effectiveness of rainfall.
Fraction of the effective rainfall increases with increasing water holding capacity of the soil. The
proportion of effective rainfall is lower in irrigated than the unirrigated areas where there is often
greater deficiency of soil moisture.
d) Ground water characteristics: The amount of effective rainfall is greater when the water table is
deep than when it is shallow. Upward capillary movement of water decreases the deficit of
moisture and hence the amount of effective rainfall.
e) Management practices: Any management practice influencing runoff, infiltration, permeability or
evapotranspiration also influences the degree of effective rainfall. Bunding, terracing, ploughing,
ridging and mulching reduce runoff and increase effective rainfall.
f) Crop characteristics: Higher crop ET rates create greater depletion of soil moisture. Hence,
effective rainfall is directly proportional to the rate of water uptake by the crop. Degree of ground
cover, root zone depth and growth stage influences the rate of water uptake. Rainfall which
reduces the yield must be regarded as ineffective.
However, criteria most suitable for scheduling irrigations would vary with soils, plants,
climatic and management factors.
done by visual observation and feel of the soil by hand. Theaccuracy of judgement improves with
found optimum.
Tensiometers are installed in pairs, one in the maximum rooting depth and the other below
this zone. Whenever critical soil moisture tension is reached say for example 0.4 or 0.6 or 0.75 bars
etc. in the upper tensiometer the irrigation is commenced.
controlling the processes that are difficult to measure, the different terms in the soil
water balance equation can be determined with greater accuracy.
It depends on the lag between evaporative demand of the atmosphere and the rate of
water absorption by the roots and has been found to be one of the reliable indices of plant
water stress for scheduling irrigation.
Plant water potential
This method measures the energy status of plant water analogous to the tension of film water
in the soil, and serves as a better index of physiological and bio-chemical phenomena occurring in
the plant. Plant or leaf water potential can be precisely measured either by a pressure bomb or
pressure chamber apparatus in situ or by the dye method in the laboratory.
The critical plant water potential values for cotton below which yield reductions are expected
were 1.2 to 1.25 MPa throughout the crop life. While for sunflower they were 1.0,
1.2 and 1.4 MPa at vegetative, pollination and seed formation, respectively.
Surface irrigation method refers to the manner or plan of water application by gravity
flow to the cultivated land wetting either the entire field (uncontrolled flooding) or part
of the field (furrows, basins, border strips). Most irrigated areas have characteristic land
features and differ from those in other areas. Hence, for efficient application of water
it is important to select such method of irrigation, which fits one’s own land. In doing so
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it may be necessary, or desirable, to use more than one method of irrigation in an area
or a given farm.
1. Water can be applied uniformly.
2. Even small streams can be used for irrigation of crops efficiently.
3. Simple and cheap when equipment is used for constructing bunds
1. Unless the land is levelled, distribution of water in plot is uneven.
2. Considerable area is lost under field channels and bunds i.e., nearly 30% of area.
3. Bunds interfere in working of inter-cultivation equipment
4. More labor is required for field layout and irrigation
by flowing water from one basin to another through inter- connections. Advantages
1. High irrigation application efficiency can be achieved with properly designed system
2. Unskilled labor can be used, as there is no danger of erosion
1. High labor requirement
2. Bunds restrict use of modern machinery in the field
3. Limited to relatively uniform lands
In furrow method of irrigation, the flat bed surface is converted into a series of ridges and
furrows running down the slope. The spacing of the furrow is ordinarily determined by the spacing
of row crop. The length of the furrow and slope depends on several factors viz., texture, intake rate
21.3.5 Corrugations
This is a special method of furrow irrigation. Corrugations or rills are shallow furrows running
down the slope from head ditches or laterals, which are sometimes very close to each other.
22.2 Advantages
a) Elimination of field channels and their maintenance, which increase the productionarea
b) Harmful ditch weeds, which have allelopathic effects, do not appear with sprinkler
c) No water losses in conveyance, which amounts to 35% in surface irrigation methods
d) Close control over water application i.e., no runoff losses because water is appliedbelow
or equal to infiltration rate.
e) Convenient for giving light and frequent irrigations.
f) Higher application efficiency over surface methods of irrigation.
g) Sprinklers give a gentle rain that does not clog or compact the soil ensuring betterand
quicker germination of seeds resulting in more plants per unit area
h) Suitable in undulated lands, soils with shallow depth and areas located at higher
elevation than the water source.
i) Feasibility of frequent, short water applications for germination, cooling & frostprotection to
plants, etc.
j) Higher yield and water saving over surface irrigation methods
22.3 Limitations
a) Uneven distribution of water due to high wind velocities particularly during summerseason.
b) Higher evaporation losses when operating under high temperatures.
c) Mechanical difficulties such as sprinklers fail to rotate, nozzles may clog, couplersmay
leak or engine may require repair.
d) Initial investment and recurrent operating costs are much higher than in surfaceirrigation
e) Moving the portable lines, when the soil is wet results in the destruction of soil
f) Use of saline water for irrigation is not possible since it will be harmful to crops
g) Higher water pressure required hence extra energy cost
23.3 Limitations
a) Sensitivity to emitter clogging
b) Salt accumulation in soil
c) Mechanical damage to system components
d) Lack of microclimate control such as frost protection and evaporative cooling.
e) Operational constraints such as high technical skills, stringent filtration andoperating
pressures etc
WUE = Water use efficiency in kg/ha-mmY =
Marketable crop yield in kg/ha ETc = Crop
evapotranspiration in mm
FWUE = Field water use efficiency in kg/ha-mmY =
Crop yield in kg/ha
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WR = Water used in metabolic activities, ET and deep percolation losses in mmFactors
Adverse effects of saline water include salt accumulation, increase in osmotic potential,
decreased water availability to plants, poor germination, patchy crop stand, stunted growth with
smaller, thicker and dark green leaves, leaf necrosis & leaf drop, root death, wilting of plants, nutrient
deficiency symptoms and poor crop yields.
Harmful effects of sodic water include destruction of soil structure, crust formation, poor
seedling emergence, reduction in availability of N, Zn and Fe due to increased soil pH, Na toxicity and
toxicity of B & Mo due to their excessive solubility.
RSC is expressed in m/eq per liter. Water with RSC more than 2.5 m/eq/L is not suitable for
irrigation. Water with 1.25 to 2.5 m/eq/L is marginally suitable and water with less than 1.25
m/eq/L is safe for use.
26.2 Leaching requirement
Leaching requirement (LR) is that fraction of total crop water requirement which must be
leached down below the crop root zone depth to control salts within the tolerance level (ECe) of the
Leaching Requirement (LR) =
5 (ECe) — ECw
ECw = Salinity of applied water in dS/m
ECe = Threshold level soil salinity of the crop in dS/m
26.3 Management practices for using poor quality water
Whenever, it is inevitable to use water of poor-quality water for crop production appropriate
management practices helps to obtain reasonable yield of crops. Some of the important management
practices are as follows:
a) Application of gypsum: Chemical amendments such as gypsum, when added to water will
increase the calcium concentration in the water, thus reducing the sodium to calcium ratio and
the SAR, thus improving the infiltration rate. Gypsum requirement iscalculated based on relative
concentration of Na, Mg & Ca ions in irrigation water and the solubility of gypsum. To add 1 m
eq/L of calcium, 860 kg of gypsum of 100% purity per ha m of water is necessary.
b) Alternate irrigation strategy: Some crops are susceptible to salinity at germination &
establishment stage, but tolerant at later stage. If susceptible stages are ensuredwith good
quality water, subsequent tolerant stages can be irrigated with poor quality saline water.
c) Fertilizer application: Fertilizers, manures, and soil amendments include many soluble salts in
high concentrations. If placed too close to the germinating seedling or to the growing plant, the
fertilizer may cause or aggravate a salinity or toxicity problem. Care, therefore, should be taken
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in placement as well as timing of fertilization. Application of fertilizers in small doses and
frequently improve uptake and reduce damage to the crop plants. In addition, the lower the salt
index of fertilizer,the less danger there is of salt burn and damage to seedlings or young plants.
d) Methods of irrigation: The method of irrigation directly affects both the efficiency of water use
and the way salts accumulate. Poor quality irrigation water is not suitable for use in sprinkler
method of irrigation. Crops sprinkled with waters having excess quantities of specific ions such
as Na and Cl cause leaf burn. High frequency irrigation in small amounts as in drip irrigation
improves water availability and uptake due to micro leaching effect in the wetted zone.
e) Crop tolerance: The crops differ in their tolerance to poor quality waters. Growing tolerant crops
when poor quality water is used for irrigation helps to obtain reasonable crops yields.
f) Method of sowing: Salinity reduces or slows germination and it is often difficult to obtain a
satisfactory stand. Suitable planting practices, bed shapes, and irrigation management can
greatly enhance salt control during the critical germination period. Seeds have to be placed in
the area where salt concentration is less. Salt accumulation is less on the slope of the ridge and
bottom of the ridge. Therefore, placing the seed onthe slope of the ridge, several cm below the
crown, is recommended for successful crop establishment.
Table 26.4. Relative salt tolerance of crops
Field crops: Cotton, Safflower, Sugar beet & Barley
Fruit crops: Date palm & Guava
Vegetables: Turnip & Spinach
Forage crops: Berseem & Rhodes grass
Field crops: Sorghum, Maize, Sunflower, Bajra, mustard,M Rice
Fruit crops: Fig, Grape & Mango
Semi tolerant
Vegetables: Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Carrot &
Forage crops: Senji & Oats
Field crops: Chick pea, Linseed, Beans, Green gram & Black gram
Fruit crops: Apple, Orange, Almond, Peach, Strawberry, Lemon &
Vegetables: Radish, Peas & Lady’s finger
g) Drainage: Provide adequate internal drainage. Meet the necessary leaching requirement
depending on crop and EC of water. This is necessary to avoid build of salt in the soil solution to
levels that will limit crop yields. Leaching requirement can be calculated from water test results
and tolerance levels of specific crops.
h) Other management practices
Over aged seedlings in rice: Transplanting of rice with over aged seedlings at a
closer spacing results in better establishment in salt effected soils than normal aged seedlings.
In case of other crops like finger millet, pearl millet etc., transplanting is better method than
direct sowing of these crops for proper establishment.
Mulching: Mulching with locally available plant material help in reducing saltproblems by
reducing evaporation and by increasing infiltration.
Soil management: All soil management practices that improve infiltration rate and
maintain favorable soil structure reduces salinity hazard.
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Crop rotation: Inclusion of crops such as rice in the rotation reduces salinity.
28.2 Maize
Surface basin irrigated wheat crop
The maize is one of nature’s most amazing energy-storing plants. From a seed,which weighs
little more than one-hundredth of an ounce, a plant of 7 – 10 feet tall develops in about nine weeks.
Thus, corn has a high-water requirement but is one of the most efficient field crops in producing
higher dry matter per unit amount of water used. The effective root zone depth of the maize crop
varies from 0.9 to 1.5 m.
To obtain good stand and rapid root development, the root zone should be wetted at or soon
after sowing. Taking into account the level of evaporative demand to meet full water requirement
irrigations have to be scheduled at 40% DASM in the germination and seedling & establishment
stages. Whereas during vegetative, tasseling, silking, pollen shed and kernel development stages
irrigations have to be scheduled at 55 to 65% DASM and up to 80% DASM during ripening or
maturation period. Likewise, irrigation at an IW/CPE ratioof 1.0 at critical growth stages and 0.75 –
0.5 at other stages was found to be optimum. The threshold soil moisture tension levels for
scheduling irrigations based on tensiometer readings vary between 30 to 60 centibars at different
growth stages. Higher grain yields of maize were recorded when irrigations were scheduled between
−14 to −20 bars leaf water potential depending on the crop growth stage using pressure bomb or
pressure chamber apparatus. Water quality threshold electrical conductivity values 3.2 dS/m in
sandy soil,
1.8 dS/m in loamy soil and 1.1 dS/m in clay soil, above which yield decreases.
Table 28.2. Irrigation scheduling under limited water supply situations
Water available
Irrigation to be given at
Two irrigations Establishment and Flowering
Three irrigations Establishment, Vegetative and Kernel development
Establishment, Vegetative, Flowering and Kernel
Four irrigations
Establishment, Vegetative, Flowering, Kernel development
Five irrigations
& Ripening
e) Restricted water application during the ‘ripeness to flower’ stage helps to controltassels
or arrows
f) Sugarcane has an intrinsic ability to circumvent water shortages and can morethan
make up for the potential yield loss.
29.2 Groundnut
Groundnut is an important oilseed crop and is cultivated in all three a gricultural seasons
viz., Kharif (June to September), rabi (October to January) and summer (January to May) seasons.
Generally, the rabi/summer groundnut is raised under irrigated conditions. However supplemental
or protective irrigations during rainy season in the event of drought significantly improve the pod
yield. The effective root zone depth of the crops varies between 0.5 to 0.9 m. Depending upon the
range of environment, variety and crop duration the seasonal water requirementsvary from 400 to
650 mm.
30.2 Banana
Banana (Musa spp.) is one of the most important tropical fruits of India. Banana is a tropical
herbaceous evergreen plant which has no natural dormant phase and hence has a high water demand
throughout the year, especially during high temperatures. With respect to water management the
important characteristics of the banana plant are:
a) A high transpiration potential due to the large broad leaves and high LAI
b) A shallow root system compared with most tree fruit crops
c) A poor quality to withdraw water from soil beneath field capacity
d) A rapid physiological response to soil water deficit
Irrigation scheduling for bananas involves accurate calculations of the amount of water to be
applied at each irrigation, and the interval between irrigations, for each soil- plant-climate
combination. Scheduling of irrigations between 25% to 50% DASM or 0.75 to
1.0 IW/CPE ratio at different growth stages was found to be optimum for producing higher fruit
30.3 Tomato
Tomato is the second most important vegetable crop next to potato in India. It is rapidly
growing crop with a growing period of 120 – 150 days. The crop has a fairly deep root system and in
uniform deep soils roots penetrate up to 1.2m. Over 80% of the total water uptake occurs in the first
50 cm. The crop is most sensitive to water deficit during and immediately after transplanting and
during, flowering and fruit development stages.
Surface irrigation by furrow is commonly practiced. Under sprinkler irrigation the occurrence
of fungal diseases and possibly bacterial canker may become a major problem. Further, under
sprinkler, fruit set may be reduced with an increase in fruit rotting. Due to the crop’s specific
demands for a high soil water content achieved without leaf wetting, trickle or drip irrigation has
been successfully applied.
Agricultural Drainage
31.1 Drainage - Definition
Agricultural drainage is the artificial removal and safe disposal of excess watereither from
the land surface or soil profile, more specifically, the removal and safe disposal of excess gravitational
water from the crop root zone to create favorable conditions for crop growth to enhance agricultural