LN05 AHB Methods of Irrigation-1 PDF
LN05 AHB Methods of Irrigation-1 PDF
LN05 AHB Methods of Irrigation-1 PDF
AbuDr. M. R.Badsha
Hashnat Kabir
Definition of Irrigation
Irrigation may
may be be defined
defined as the science
as the science of application
of artificial artificial application of water
of water to the land, intoaccordance
the land, in accordance
with with
the 'crop requirements'
through out„crop
the 'crop period'requirements‟
for full-fledged nourishment of the crops. throughout
-fledged nourishment of thethe crops. „crop peri
Advantages of irrigation
• Increase in food production
• Optimum benefits
• Elimination of mixed cropping
• Improvement of cash crops
• Source of revenue
• General prosperity
• Generation of hydroelectric power
• Domestic water supply
• Facilities of communications
• Inland navigation
• Afforestation
Disadvantages of irrigation
• Rising of water table: water-logging
• Problem of water pollution (nitrates seepage into GW)
• Formation of marshy land
• Dampness in weather
• Loss of valuable lands
Types of Irrigation
Surface Irrigation
Sub-surface irrigation
Surface irrigation
In the surface methods of irrigation, water is applied directly to the soil surface from a channel
located at the upper reach of the field. Water may be distributed to the crops in border strips, check basins
or furrows. Two general requirements of prime importance to obtain high efficiency in surface methods of
irrigation are: distribution systems to provide adequate control of water to the fields and proper land
preparation to permit uniform distribution of water over the field. They are also designed to minimize labor
and capital requirements. Effective management practices are dependent on the type of irrigation, and the
climate and topography of the region.
System of Irrigation
Surface Irrigation System
By man or By mechanical
Animal power or electrical power Inundation Irrigation Perennial Irrigation
Subsurface irrigation
In sub-irrigation, water is applied below the ground surface by maintaining an artificial water table
at some depth, depending upon the soil texture and the depth of the plant roots. Water reaches the plant
roots through capillarity action. Water may be introduced through open ditches or underground through
pipelines such as drains or mole drains. The depths of open ditches or trenches vary from 30 cm to 100 cm
and they are spaced about 15 m to 30 m apart. The water application system consists of field supply
channels, ditches or trenches suitably spaced to cover the field adequately and drainage ditches for the
disposal of excess water.
Methods of Irrigation
• Free Flooding
• Border Flooding
• Check Flooding
• Basin Flooding
• Furrow irrigation method
• Sprinkler irrigation method
• Drip irrigation method
Free Flooding or Ordinary Flooding
o Ditches are excavated in the field
o Water is applied from field ditches without any levee to guide its flow.
o Movement of water is not wild restricted,
flooding” it is so
o It is suitable for close growing crops, pastures etc.
o It is practiced large where irrigation water is abundant and inexpensive.
o It involves low initial cost of land preparation, extra labour cost in the application of water.
o Application of efficiency is low.
o This method may be used on rolling land (topography irregular) where borders, checks, basins and
furrows are not feasible.
A Subsidiary Ditch
H Main Supply Ditch
Border Flooding
o The farm is divided into a number of strips (width 10 ~ 20 m and length 100 ~ 400 m) separated by
low levees or borders.
o Water is turned from the supply ditch into these strips along which a flow slowly toward the lower
end, wetting the soil as it advances. When the advancing water front reaches the lower end, the
stream turned off.
o The surface is essentially level between levees and lengthwise slope is somewhat according to
natural slope of the land (0.2 ~ 0.4%)
o It is suitable to soils having moderately low to moderately high infiltration rates and to all closely
growing crops.
o Uniform distribution and high water application efficiencies are possible.
o Large streams can be used efficiently.
o It involves high initial cost.
o Ridges between borders should be sufficiently high
o The land should be perpendicular to the flow to prevent water from concentrating on either side of
the border
100 to 400 m 10 to 20 m
Low levees
y Q
Derivation of Equation: t 2.3 log
f Q fA
Supply Channel
Border or Leevee Area dA covered with
water in time dt
Border strip
For getting time required to irrigate the whole land, we have to integrate the above equation and
considering y, f, and Q as constants
ƒƒ dt =
Q f .A
After integrating the above equation, we get
y Q
t = ln + C (constant) ------------------------------------- (4)
f Q f .A
But at, t = 0, A = 0
From equation (4)
y Q
0= ln +C
f Q f .0
y Q y y
0= ln + C = ln(1) + C = 0 +C=0+C C=0
f Q f f
y Q
Finally, t= ln
f Q fA
y Q
or, t 2.3 log
f Q fA
Determine the time required to irrigate a strip of land of 0.04 hectares in area from a tube-well with a
discharge of 0.02 cumec. The infiltration capacity of the soil may be taken as 5 cm/h and the average depth
of flow on the field as 10 cm. Also determine the maximum area that can be irrigated from this tube well.
Here, A = 0.04 hectares = 0.04 × 104 m2 = 400 m2
Q = 0.02 cumec = 0.02 m3/s = 0.02 × 60 × 60 m3/hr = 72 m3/hr
f = 5 cm/hr = 0.05 m/hr
y = 10 cm = 0.10 m
y Q
Time required for irrigating the strip of land, t 2.3 log
f Q fA
0.10 72
= 2.3 log = 0.65 hr = 39 min
0.05 72 0.05 400
Maximum area that can be irrigated is given by the equation:
Amax = 72 m2 = 1440 m2 = 1440/104 hectares = 0.144 hectares
Check Flooding
o Similar to Ordinary flooding
o Water is controlled by surrounding the check area with low and flat levees
o The check is filled with water at a fairly high rate and allowed to stand until the water infiltrates
o The confined plot area varies from 0.2 to 0.8 hectares
Levees along
the contours
Connecting Levee
It is suitable for low as well as high intake soils and for rice or other crops which can withstand
temporary flooding.
Effective leaching.
Maximum use of seasonal rainfall
High application efficiencies.
Soil crusting
Unsuitable for crops that cannot accommodate inundation.
Basin Flooding
o Special type of check flooding
o Adopted specially Orchard trees” for “
o One or more trees are generally placed in the basin
o Surface is flooded as in check method by ditch water
Subsidiary ditches
Trees Basins
It is suitable for low as well as high intake soils.
Effective leaching
Maximum use of seasonal rainfall
High application efficiencies
Soil crusting
Unsuitable for crops that cannot accommodate inundation.
Application efficiency is comparatively high.
It is suitable for row crops (like potatoes, groundnut, sugarcane etc.) and for medium to moderately fine
textured soil.
Only about one-fifth to one-half of the land surface is wetted by water. So, it results in less evaporation,
less pudding of soil.
Excessively long furrows may result in too much percolation near upper end and too little water
near the down-slope end.
It involves high initial cost and salt accumulation in the ridges.
Sprinkler irrigation method
o Water is applied to the soil in the form of a spray through a network of pipes and pumps.
o It is kind of an artificial rain and gives good results
o It is a costly process and not widely used in our country.
o It can be used for all types of soils and for widely different topographies and slopes.
o It fulfills the normal requirement of uniform distribution of water.
This method can be used for almost all crops (except rice and jute) and on most soils.
It is best suited to sandy soils that have a high infiltration rate.
It can be applied to any topographic conditions without extensive land preparation.
Crops Sprinkling
Water Supply
Water supply
Conventional losses such as deep percolation, runoff and soil water can be minimized by applying
a volume of water approaching the consumptive use of the plants.
Small area is wetted thereby reducing weed growth, insects and diseases etc.
Soil crusting and interference with harvesting is minimized.
Greater crop yield and better quality can be obtained.
For widely spaced like fruit trees, the system may be even more economical than sprinkler method
of irrigation.
High initial cost of the deep irrigation equipment sometimes limits its use to orchard and
vegetables in water scarcity areas.
Clogging of emitter may disrupt the irrigation system.
Plastic pipes may damaged by rodents.
Wind erosion can harm the pipes.
Like the sprinkler method, drip irrigation permits the simultaneous application of fertilizers
through the system.
When compared to the sprinkler system, the drip method operates on much lower line pressure,
thus providing a saving in energy requirements.
Irrigation Project Surveying
Availability of Irrigation Water
When it is found necessary to take up an irrigation project, the availability of required water
should be investigated. The following points should be considered
Whether any perennial river is available near the command area or not.
If an inundation river is available, the maximum discharge of that river is to be ascertained
from the highest flood level mark (as indicated by the villagers residing near the bank of
the river).
From various investigations (i.e. maximum discharge, rainfall etc.) it is necessary to
ascertain whether the river will be able to meet the total water requirement or not.
Preliminary location survey
The reconnaissance survey should be carried out along the alignment to record necessary data such
as obstacles, road crossings, railway crossings, river crossings, etc. This survey involves the
following procedures:
The approximate distance along the alignment should be measured by pacing and the
magnetic bearings of the traverse legs (open traverse) and it should be noted in the field
The objects and the nature of the ground on both sides of the alignment should also be
noted in the field book.
The alignment may be diverted to avoid religious places, valuable structures, etc.
The alignment should be made to cross the rivers perpendicularly.
An index should be prepared for the alignment.
Final Survey:
a) Final location of Barrage or Dam: The final location of the barrage or dam site involves
the following steps:
The centre line of the barrage or dam site should be marked with pillars on both
banks of the river.
The cross-section of the barrage site should be taken very precisely.
Cross-sections should be taken at regular interval on the upstream side of the
barrage site to ascertain the storage capacity of the reservoir.
Boring test should be carried out along the centre line of the barrage site to
determine the depth and nature of foundation.
b) Route survey: A prismatic compass survey or plane table survey should be conducted
along the alignment of the main canal to prepare a route survey map of the area covering a
distance of about 30 m on both sides of the alignment.
c) Longitudinal leveling: The longitudinal leveling should be done along the alignment of
the main canal. Generally, the staff readings are taken at an interval of 20 m along the
centre line of the main canal. The magnetic bearings of the lines (traverse legs) should also
be noted in the level book. Longitudinal leveling for the branch canals should also be
e) Data for cross drainage works: At the places of river crossings, road crossings, railway
crossings etc. additional data should be collected for designing cross-drainage works. At
the sites of river crossings the gauge and discharge observation stations should be
f) Soil survey: The soil survey should be conducted along the alignment. It consists of
collecting the sample of soil by boring up to the depth until impervious layer is obtained.
g) Well observation: Well observation should be carried out along the alignment. This
operation consists of measuring the water level of the wells existing on both sides (within
50 m) of the alignment. This is done to know the nature of water table along the course of
the canal.
Preparation of drawings
Route survey map (to suitable scale).
Longitudinal sections for the main and branch canals with formation level (to suitable
Cross-sections of main and branch canals with formation level (to suitable scale).
Contour map along the alignment.
Design of curves with setting out table.
Office works
The sections of the canals should be designed.
The detailed estimate should be prepared to know the volume of earth work in cutting or
banking along the main canal and branch canals.
The total land width required should be marked on the route survey map.
The design of the barrage or dam, cross-drainage works and other allied structures should
be completed.
The detailed report should be prepared for the compensation. It includes the names of
owners, location, amount of properties, valuation of the land, etc.
The total cost of the project should be ascertained by considering all the aspects.
Irrigation Project Report
Introduction: The introduction of the project includes the following points:
Aim of the project
Location of the project
Total area to be covered within the project.
Total population to be benefited by the project.
Future prospect if irrigation is practiced.
Stages of future development.
Total cost of the project.
Detailed estimate
The detailed estimate for all the works of the project should be incorporated.
The specifications of the construction materials and different works should be clearly mentioned.
The existing communication to the selected barrage or dam site should be pointed out. If new
communication is required for inaccessible site, the possible route should be pointed out and the
expenditure for the new route should be included in the project.
Topographical map of the area showing the canal alignment and barrage or dam site.
Route survey map.
Longitudinal sections.
Contour map of alignment.
Detailed drawing of barrage or dam, cross-drainage works, etc.