System Description
System Description
System Description
1 Introduction
The polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), also known as proton
exchange membrane fuel cell, takes its name from the type of electrolyte: a poly-
meric membrane with high proton conductivity when the membrane is conveniently
M. S. Basualdo et al. (eds.), PEM Fuel Cells with Bio-Ethanol Processor Systems, 49
Green Energy and Technology, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84996-184-4_2,
Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012
50 D. Feroldi and M. Basualdo
hydrated [1]. At the moment, the most common polymer used in these types of cells
is the Nafion developed by Du Pont (USA), which is fabricated with chemically
stabilized perfluorosulfonic acid copolymer [2].
1 Usually, the fuel cell is fed with atmospheric air instead of pure oxygen. The oxygen mole fraction
density. The solid electrolyte has the advantage, as opposed to those of liquid type,
that allows the FC to operate in any spatial position [1].
The electrodes consist of a catalytic layer of great superficial area on a substratum
of coal, permeable to gases. Electrocatalyst materials are necessary to obtain a good
operation, increasing the speed of the chemical reaction. In this way, the gases can
react with a lower energy of activation, allowing the reaction to take place at a lower
temperature [3]. The electrocatalyst used in PEMFC is platinum, which is one of the
major drawbacks of this technology because of its high cost.
However, there are research advances of high temperature PEM fuel cells
(HT-PEMFCs) in several fields because there are several reasons for operating at
temperatures above 100 C [6]. First, the electrochemical kinetics for the reactions in
cathode and anode are enhanced. Second, the water management issue can be simpli-
fied because there would be no liquid water. Third, the cooling system is simplified
due to the increased temperature gradient between the fuel cell stack and the coolant.
Fourth, the waste heat can be exploited using cogeneration. Fifth, the tolerance to CO
is increased allowing the use of lower quality reformed hydrogen. Unfortunately, the
area of HT-PEMFCs is incipient and still needs much research to be implemented in
commercial applications.
The main advantage of PEM fuel cells is their high efficiency compared with other
energy conversion devices [7]. This allows the efficiency of a fuel cell vehicle using
direct-hydrogen FC2 to be twice that in a gasoline vehicle [8, 9]. Moreover, unlike
the internal combustion engines where the efficiency is maximum with the highest
loads, the FC efficiency is also high with partial loads. This is advantageous because
in typical driving conditions, like urban and suburban scenarios, most of the time the
vehicle is demanding a small fraction of the nominal FC power [10]. Thus, an FC
vehicle will be working mostly at high efficiencies. At the same time, using direct-
hydrogen FC, the local emissions problem in densely urban areas can be eliminated.
Another important advantage of PEMFC, in contrast to other types of fuel cells,
is the low operation temperature (below 80 C) [11], allowing to reach the operation
point quickly. In addition, the cost of the materials is smaller than for the high
temperature fuel cells (except the catalyst, which is based on platinum) and their
operation is safer. All these characteristics turn PEMFC particularly appropriate
for applications in vehicles. Nevertheless, it is necessary to use better, and more
economic, catalyst so that the reaction occurs at lower temperatures.
The main disadvantage of fuel cells is their high cost and the high production cost
of hydrogen. Hydrogen is preferred because of the fast electrochemical reaction, and
2Direct-hydrogen FC refers to an FCS that is directly fed with hydrogen from a pressurized tank
opposite to the case where the hydrogen is produced with an on-site reformer.
52 D. Feroldi and M. Basualdo
its high specific energy.3 Nevertheless, as it was mentioned, hydrogen is not a primary
fuel. Usually, it is produced from hydrocarbon reforming or water electrolysis [1, 13].
The use of electrolysis is advisable especially when some type of renewable energy
is used, avoiding fossil fuel use. It is expected that the cost of fuel cells and hydrogen
will diminish with the progress in technology. Thus, hydrogen has the possibilities
of becoming an alternative to fossil fuels with the joint use of renewable energies.
However, in practice the cell potential is significantly lower than the theoretical
potential because there are some losses even when no external load is connected.
Moreover, when a load is connected to the fuel cell, the voltage in the terminals
decreases still more due to a number of factors, including polarization losses and
interconnection losses between cells. The main voltage losses in a fuel cell are the
following [1, 13, 16]:
Activation loss The activation losses vact are caused by the slowness of the reaction
that takes place on the surface of the electrodes. A proportion of the generated voltage
is lost in maintaining the chemical reaction that transfers electrons from the negative
electrode toward the positive electrode. This phenomenon is strongly nonlinear, and
more important, it is at low current densities.
Fuel crossover and internal currents These energy losses result from the waste
of fuel passing through the electroslyte and from electron conduction through the
electrolyte. In PEMFC, the fuel losses and internal current are small and their effects
are usually negligible.
3 The Specific Energy of hydrogen at ambient pressure is 8890 W h kg1 , meanwhile the corre-
sponding one of petrol is 694 W h kg1 . However, the necessary volume for its storage is greater.
The energy density of petrol is 500 W h dm3 , meanwhile for hydrogen (300 bar) is 55 W h dm3
Description of PEM Fuel Cells System 53
1 0.6
Power density
0.5 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Current density [A cm ]
Fig. 2 Polarization curve showing the cell potential and the power density versus the cell current
density at pH2 = pO2 = 2.28 atm and Tfc = 353 K
Ohmic loss The ohmic losses vohm are caused by the resistance to the transport of
electrons through the electrodes and the different interconnections, and also to the
passage of ions through the electrolyte. The behavior of vohm is approximately linear
with the current density.
Concentration loss The concentration losses vconc are caused by the diffusion of
ions through the electrolyte which produces an increase in the concentration gradient,
diminishing the speed of transport. The relation between the voltage of the cell and
the current density is approximately linear upto a limit value, beyond which the losses
grow quickly.
Therefore, the fuel cell voltage of a simple cell can be expressed as
A typical polarization curve showing the potential and power density as a function
of the current density is shown in Fig. 2. This curve is obtained using the fuel cell
model developed in [4]. In practice, a succession of cells are connected in series in
order to provide the necessary voltage and power output, constituting a Fuel Cell
Stack System.
The efficiency of any energy conversion device is defined as the ratio between the
useful energy output and the energy input. In a fuel cell, the useful energy output is the
generated electrical energy and the energy input is the energy content in the mass of
hydrogen supplied. The energy content of an energy carrier is called the Higher Heat-
ing Value (HHHV ). The HHHV of hydrogen is 286.02 kJ mol1 or 141.9 MJ kg1 .
This is the amount of heat that may be generated by a complete combustion of
1 mol or 1 kg of hydrogen, respectively. The HHHV of hydrogen is experimentally
54 D. Feroldi and M. Basualdo
where Vfc is the generated voltage and Ifc is the fuel cell current. Thus, the FC
efficiency is related to the actual voltage, which is related to the fuel cell current
through the polarization curve.
4 The Gibbs free energy is used to represent the available energy to do external work. The changes
in Gibbs free energy G are negative, which means that the energy is released from the reaction,
and varies with both temperature and pressure [18].
Description of PEM Fuel Cells System 55
In order to be able to produce energy, it is necessary to integrate the fuel cell stack
with other components to form a fuel cell-based power generation system. A generic
scheme showing the interrelation between the main components of the power gen-
eration system is presented in Fig. 4. These components can be divided into the
following subsystems [18]:
5 ADVISOR is a toolbox developed by the national renewable energy laboratory with the aim of
analyzing the performance and fuel economy of conventional, electric, and hybrid vehicles [19, 20].
56 D. Feroldi and M. Basualdo
The reactant flow subsystem consists of the hydrogen and air supply circuits. The
objective is to supply the adequate reactant flow to ensure fast transient response
and minimal auxiliary power consumption. The hydrogen supply circuit is generally
composed of a pressurized tank with pure H2 connected to the anode through a
pressure-reduction valve and a pressure-controlled valve, meanwhile, the air supply
circuit is generally composed of an air compressor which feeds the cathode with
pressurized air from the atmosphere. The anode output is generally operated in dead-
ended mode and a purge valve in the anode output is periodically opened to remove
the water and accumulated nitrogen gas. In case the anode output is not closed it
is possible to reinject the out-flowing hydrogen into the anode input. On the other
hand, the cathode output is normally open through a fixed restriction. The cathode
air supply will be studied in Chap. 3 where we propose to close the cathode output
with a controlled valve.
The heat and temperature subsystem includes the fuel cell stack cooling system and
the reactant heating system. The thermal management of the fuel cell is critical since
the performance depends strongly on the temperature. The stack temperature control
can be done using a fan or a water refrigeration subsystem.
Description of PEM Fuel Cells System 57
Fuel cells generate an unregulated DC voltage which drops off when the current
increases according to the polarization curve. In general, some power conditioning
actions are necessary to supply the load properly. Such actions make necessary the
use of DC/DC regulators and/or inverter regulators.
The power management subsystem controls the power drawn from the fuel cell stack.
If no energy storage devices are used, the full load must be supplied by the fuel cell
and no power management is necessary. However, if an energy storage system is
included, such as batteries or supercapacitors, it is necessary to implement a power
management between these two power sources. A review of fuel cell hybrid systems
is described in the following section and a detailed study is done in Chap. 4.
Validated mathematical models provide powerful tools for the development and
improvement of fuel cell-based systems. Mathematical models can be used to
describe the fundamental phenomena that take place in the system to predict the
behavior under different operating conditions and to design and optimize the control
of the system.
The fuel cell system models describe quantitatively the physical and electrochem-
ical phenomena that take place in to the cells. The models can be divided into two
groups [3]: empirical models and mechanistic models. Most of the empirical models
are focused on the prediction of the polarization curve, which is used to characterize
the electrical operation of the FC, by means of empirical equations. The following
empirical equation developed by Kim et al. [21] is used to calculate the voltage (E)
at different current densities (J), fitting experimental data at several temperatures,
pressures, and oxygen compositions in the cathode gas mixture:
E = E 0 b logJ R J m exp(n J ), (9)
58 D. Feroldi and M. Basualdo
is strongly related to thermal management. The temperatures of the inner cells of the
stack are higher than the outer cells resulting in membrane dehydration.
Another approach to fuel cell modeling is the use of equivalent circuits to represent
the system behavior. In fact, one of the most attractive aspects of the Electrochemical
Impedance Spectroscopy as a tool for investigating the electrical and electrochemical
properties of materials and systems, is the direct connection that often exists between
the behavior of a real system and that of an idealized model circuit consisting of dis-
crete electrical components [36]. The procedure typically consist in the comparison
or fitting the impedance data to an equivalent circuit, which is representative of the
physical processes taking place in the system under investigation. There are analogies
between the circuit elements and the electrochemical processes, so that the results
of data fitting can be more easily converted into physical understanding.
Many authors have studied the modeling approach based on equivalent elec-
trical circuits, consisting of an arrangement of different electrical components to
have the same frequency response as that obtained by electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy tests [3740]. Some works present equivalent circuits using electri-
cal elements, such as resistances, capacitances or inductance. However, other works
use additional distributed elements that represent electrochemical or mass and ionic
transport phenomena. For example, Warburg impedance represents the impedance of
one-dimensional distributed diffusion of a species in an electrode. Another example
is a constant phase element, used for describing a distributed charge accumulation
on rough irregular electrode surfaces.
However, there are some problems in using analogies to describe electrochemical
systems: one of them is that different equivalent circuits obtain the same frequency
response, another problem is the overlapping frequency response of different phe-
nomena and the dependence of the electrochemical phenomena on the operating
conditions (temperature, current, pressure, etc.).
So far we have seen different types of models that study the cell behavior in both
stationary and transient states. Nevertheless, there are few dynamic models suitable
for control purposes. In the work of Pukrushpan et al. [4] a dynamic model for
PEMFCS that is suitable for the control study has been developed. The model captures
the transitory behavior of the air compressor, the gases filling dynamics (in the
cathode and anode), and the effect of the membrane humidity. These variables affect
the cell voltage and, therefore, the efficiency and the output power. The polarization
curve in this model is a function of the hydrogen and oxygen partial pressures, the
stack temperature and the membrane water content. This allows to evaluate the effect
of variations of oxygen concentration and membrane humidity in the output voltage,
which are necessary to make the control during transitory operation.
Another practical model oriented to control was developed by Del Real et al. [41]
where the model parameters have been adjusted specifically for a 1.2 kW Ballard
stack, which is considered a benchmark as it is widely used by research groups in the
PEM fuel cell field. The model can predict both steady and transient states subject to
variable loads (including flooding and anode purges), as well as the system start-up.
The proposed model methodology is accurate since the simulated results show good
agreement, compared to experimental data from the Ballard stack.
60 D. Feroldi and M. Basualdo
On the other hand, a dynamic model which incorporates the effects of charge
double layer capacitance, the dynamics of flow and pressure in the anode and cath-
ode channels and mass/heat transfer transient features in the fuel cell body has been
presented [42]. This dynamic model can predict the transient response of cell volt-
age, temperature of the cell, hydrogen/oxygen out-flow rates and cathode and anode
channel temperatures/pressures under sudden change in load current. The simulation
results are analyzed and compared to benchmark results, reporting that a good agree-
ment is found between tests and simulations. Similarly, a dynamic electrochemical
model of a grid independent fuel cell power plant is presented in [43]. The model
includes the methanol reformer, the PEM stack and the power conditioning unit. The
model is used to predict the output voltage when subjected to rapid changes in a
residential load connected to it, showing a high degree of accordance. More recently,
a semi-empirical dynamic model for stack voltage, based on experimental investiga-
tion, was presented [44]. The proposed model can predict the transient response of
stack voltage under step change in current with good agreement between tests and
The model developed by Pukrushpan et al. [4], which has been employed in several
works for control purposes [4551], is utilized in this book as a base to represent the
behavior of a generic fuel cell system. The model is described in detail in Sects. 1
and 2.
The model developed by Pukrushpan et al. [4] is used in several chapters of this book
as a base to characterize the dynamic behavior and performance of PEM fuel cell
systems. This model contains four main subsystems that interact with each other:
FC voltage subsystem
Membrane hydration subsystem
Cathode flow subsystem
Anode flow subsystem
The spatial variation of the parameters is not considered and, thus, they are treated
as lumped parameters. On the other hand, the time constants of the electrochemical
reactions are in the order of magnitude of 1019 s despite another work [52] argues
that this constants are significatively lower (109 s). In any case, all the literature
agrees in the fastness of the electrochemical reactions, as remarked in [53] and [42].
Thus, for control purpose, these time constants can be assumed negligible compared
to other constants much slower: temperature (102 s) and dynamics of volume filling
(101 s).
In this book, this base model has been modified to adapt it to the proposed control
structures described in Sect. 2. In the original model there is only one control variable:
the compressor motor voltage. In this book, it is proposed to add an extra variable,
the throttle opening area in the cathode output ( At ), adding a control valve in the
Description of PEM Fuel Cells System 61
cathode output. The advantages of this new configuration are covered in detail in
Sect. 2.3.
Usually, in model-based control, it is necessary to find simplified models, derived
from the complete ones or from experimental data, to be used as inner models into
the controller. Here, the step response is utilized to obtain a simplified model that is
used as internal model to predict the future process response in the control strategy
implemented in Sect. 2. The main advantage of this simplified model is that it is
easily obtainable through experimental data with good agreement with respect to the
original nonlinear system in the considered operating point.
The model described in the previous section has the following governing equations
where the mass of air in the supply manifold, the masses of oxygen, nitrogen and
water in the cathode and the masses of hydrogen and water in the anode are defined
using the principle of mass conservation [45]:
dm sm
= Wcp Wsm,out , (10)
dm O2 ,ca
= WO2 ,ca,in WO2 ,ca,out WO2 ,rct , (11)
dm N2 ,ca
= WN2 ,ca,in WN2 ,ca,out , (12)
dm w,ca
= Wv,ca,in Wv,ca,out Wv,ca,gen + Wv,m , (13)
dm H2
= WH2 ,an,in WH2 ,an,out WH2 ,rct , (14)
dm w,an
= Wv,an,in Wv,an,out Wv,m Wl,an,out , (15)
Wcp is the compressor flow,
Wsm,out is the outlet mass flow,
WO2 ,ca,in is the mass flow rate of oxygen gas entering the cathode,
WO2 ,ca,out is the mass flow rate of oxygen leaving the cathode,
WO2 ,rct is the mass flow rate of oxygen reacted,
WN2 ,ca,in is the mass flow rate of nitrogen gas entering the cathode,
WN2 ,ca,out is the mass flow rate of nitrogen gas leaving the cathode,
Wv,ca,in is the mass flow rate of vapor entering the cathode,
Wv,ca,out is the mass flow rate of vapor leaving the cathode,
Wv,ca,gen is the rate of vapor generated in the fuel cell reaction,
62 D. Feroldi and M. Basualdo
Wv,menbr is the mass flow rate of water across the fuel cell membrane,
Wl,ca,out is the mass flow rate of liquid water leaving the cathode,
WH2 ,an,in is the mass flow rate of hydrogen gas entering the anode,
WH2 ,an,out is the mass flow rate of hydrogen gas leaving the anode,
WH2 ,rct is the rate of hydrogen reacted,
Wv,an,in is the mass flow rate of vapor entering the anode,
Wv,an,out is the mass flow rate of vapor leaving the anode,
Wv,m is the mass flow rate of water transfer across the fuel cell membrane, and
Wl,an,out is the rate of liquid water leaving the anode.
with E being the open circuit voltage and vact , vohm and vconc being the activation,
ohmic and concentration overpotentials, respectively. By fitting experimental data
to the phenomenological model equations, the open circuit voltage and the three
overpotentials are respectively defined as
c1 = 10. (22)
vconc = i c2 (26)
i max
(7.16 104 Tfc 0.622) 0.1173
+ psat (Tfc )
+(1.45 103 Tfc + 1.68) for p O2 + psat (Tfc ) < 2 atm
c2 =
p (27)
(8.66 105 Tfc 0.068) 0.1173
+ psat (Tfc )
+(1.6 104 T + 0.54) for p O2 + p (T ) 2 atm
fc 0.1173 sat fc
The governing equations for the supply manifold pressure and the return manifold
pressure are respectively defined using the energy conservation principle and the
standard thermodynamics relationships as follows:
d psm Ra
= (Wcp Tcp Wsm,out Tsm ), (29)
dt Vsm
d prm Ra Trm
= (Wca,out Wrm,out ), (30)
dt Vrm
where Vsm is the supply manifold volume, Vrm is the return manifold volume, Tsm
is the supply manifold air temperature, Trm is the return manifold air temperature,
64 D. Feroldi and M. Basualdo
Tcp is the temperature of the air leaving the compressor, Ra is the air gas constant,
and is the air specific heat ratio.
To express the governing equations in terms of the states, the closure relations
Eqs. 3138 are used. The supply manifold outlet air rate Wsm,out is related to the
supply manifold pressure psm and the cathode pressure pca via the linearized nozzle
where the constants 4 and 2 in the denominators denote the of electrons involved in
the oxidation and the reduction half-reactions respectively, MO2 is the molar mass
of oxygen, MH2 is the molar mass of hydrogen, Mv is the molar mass of vapor, and
F is the Faraday constant.
The water mass flowrate through the membrane, Wv,m , is defined using the hydra-
tion model. The outlet hydrogen and water masses are assumed to be zero, that is,
hydrogen is assumed to react completely in the anode, while water generated by the
oxidation half-reaction is assumed to be transported via electro-osmosis through the
membrane towards the cathode.
The governing equation for the rotational speed of the compressor is defined by
the power conservation principle as
Jcp = cm cp , (35)
where Jcp is the combined inertia of the compressor and the motor (kg. m2 ), cp
is the compressor speed (rad/sec), cm is the compressor motor torque input (Nm)
Description of PEM Fuel Cells System 65
calculated in Eq. 36, and cp is the torque required to drive the compressor (Nm)
calculated in Eq. 37.
The compressor motor torque cm is related to the compressor motor voltage Vcm
and the compressor motor rotational speed cp by the static motor equation:
cm = cm Vcm kv .cp , (36)
where kt , Rcm , and kv are motor constants and cm is the motor mechanical efficiency.
The steady state compressor torque cp is related to the supply manifold pressure,
the compressor motor rotational speed and the compressor air flowrate Wcp via the
thermodynamic relations
C P Tatm psm ( 1)/
cp = 1 Wcp , (37)
cp cp patm
where C p is the air specific heat, cp is the compressor efficiency, and Tatm and patm
are the atmospheric temperature and pressure, respectively.
The air temperature in the compressor, Tcp , is defined using basic thermodynamic
Tatm psm ( 1)/
Tcp = Tatm + 1 . (38)
cp patm
The air temperature in the supply manifold, Tsm , is obtained from m sm , psm and
Vsm using the ideal gas law. The cathode outlet air flowrate Wca,out is related to
the cathode pressure and return manifold pressure via a linearized nozzle equation
analogous to Eq. 31. The return manifold outlet air flowrate Wrm,out is defined using
a non-linearized nozzle relation as discussed in Sect. 2.2, while the return manifold
air temperature Trm is considered to be constant and equal to the temperature of the
fuel cell stack.
The flowrate of water through the membrane is controlled by two transport phe-
nomena: electroosmotic drag of water molecules by the protons and back-diffusion
from the cathode towards the anode. The transport phenomena is defined as
i (Cv,ca Cv,an )
Wv,m = Mv Afc n n d Dw , (39)
F tm
where the electroosmotic drag coefficient is given as
and m is the mean water content in the membrane. The water content is defined as
0.043 + 17.81ai 39.85ai + 36.0ai , 0 < ai 1
2 3
ui = 14 + 1.4(ai 1), 1 < ai 3 (41)
(i = m, an, ca)
66 D. Feroldi and M. Basualdo
The water concentration at the membrane surfaces on anode and cathode sides in
Eq. 39 is a function of the membrane water content
Cv,i = i (i = an, ca), (46)
where m,dry (kg/cm3 ) is the membrane dry density and Mm,dry (kg/mol) is the
equivalent weight.
While the fuel cell operates with oxygen as reactant in the cathode, it is more practical
to use oxygen from air. Air is mainly composed of nitrogen (78.084%), oxygen
(20.946%), and argon (0.9340%). The effect of using air instead of pure oxygen is
a reduction of approximately 50 mV in the cell voltage [16]. Additionally, there is a
reduction in the fuel cell efficiency because of the power consumption to pump the
oxygen and almost four times that of nitrogen.
In a hydrogen-air fuel cell system the air is supplied by a fan, a blower or a
compressor. In any case, there is an electric motor with a power consumption that
implies a reduction in the efficiency of the fuel cell system. The net power output,
Pnet , that is actually available is the fuel cell power, Pfc , less the power consumed
by the ancillary components, Paux , which includes the compressor or the blower:
Description of PEM Fuel Cells System 67
where Wcp is the compressor air flow rate, Pcp is the compressor power, Tatm is the
inlet air temperature in the compressor, cp is the compressor efficiency, psm is the
supply manifold pressure, C p = 1,004 J kg1 K1 is the specific heat capacity of
air, and = 1.4 is the ratio of the specific heat of air. Actually, the power consumed
by the electric motor is higher because of the mechanical and electric inefficiencies:
PEM = , (49)
mec EM
The FCS model is useful to study the optimal operation of an FCS, especially at low
loads. An adequate operation produces important benefits, increasing the system
efficiency in terms of hydrogen reduction and allowing a greater peak power. In
a direct-hydrogen FCS with the cathode supplied with air through a compressor,
the air supply subsystem has a crucial role in the improvement of the performance
68 D. Feroldi and M. Basualdo
of the system [10]. In fact, there are two external variables that have greater impact
on the polarization curve: the air pressure and the air stoichiometry.
The air pressure and the air stoichiometry control the oxygen partial pressure in
the catalytic layer of the cathode, which determines the cathode polarization and,
therefore, the efficiency. In [54], it is also stated the importance of the air pressure
control to improve the FCS efficiency. The efficiency improvement for a given load is
based on a trade-off between the increase of the air pressure and the air stoichiometry,
and the increase of the parasitic compressor power.
In the work of Friedman and Moore [55], it is shown that an FCS can be optimized
to obtain high peak power and high efficiency over a broad range of output powers.
The key to obtain this objective is to vary the pressure and the air flow. Based on
this result, it can be concluded that an FCS must be operated to the greater possible
pressure and air stoichiometry. Nevertheless, if the energy necessary to compress the
air is considered, the result is different: for a fixed air flow, the compressor power
consumption increases significantly when the pressure is increased. This means that
it is possible to find an optimal combination of pressure and air flow.
A similar conclusion is stated in [45]. In this work, it is assumed that the FCS
net power Pnet can be approximately defined as the difference between the power
produced by the FCS, Pfcs , and the consumed compressor power Pcm . For each
load current Ist , an air flow increment increases the cathode pressure and, therefore,
increases the oxygen partial pressure, increasing the FCS voltage. This also leads to
an increment in the oxygen excess ratio in the cathode, O2 . The initial increase in
the oxygen excess is translated into an FCS power increase and a net FCS power.
Nevertheless, if a limit O2 is exceeded, an excessive compressor power is produced
so that the net power falls.
Following this analysis and using the model, it is possible to find the optimal rela-
tion among maximum net power, Pmax net , optimal oxygen ratio, opt , optimal supply
opt opt
manifold air pressure, pSM , and optimal compressor motor voltage, vCM , with the
stack current, Ist [45]. These relations are shown in Eqs. 5053 and also in Fig. 5.
Pmax = 2.99 104 Ist2 + 0.271Ist 0.871 (50)
pSM = 2.9996Ist2 + 736.4Ist + 8.932 104 (52)
The Eq. 51 expresses that at each level of the stack current there is an optimal
value of O2 at which Pnet has the maximum value. This optimal value in the oxygen
excess ratio is achieved by applying a compressor voltage according to Eq. 53. The
Eqs. 5053 are obtained by solving the model equations previously shown under
steady-state condition and the analysis corresponds to the typical fuel cell operating
conditions (fuel cell temperature Tfc = 353 K and relative humidity Ca = 1).
Description of PEM Fuel Cells System 69
60 2.8
50 2.6
Pnet [kW]
40 2.4
30 2.2
20 2
100 150 200 250 100 150 200 250
Ist [A] Ist [A]
x 10
2.5 250
popt [kPa]
Vopt [V]
0.5 100
100 150 200 250 100 150 200 250
I [A] Ist [A]
4 Conclusions
This chapter presents the main concepts about PEM fuel cell systems, showing the
structure of these systems, the advantages and disadvantages, and, particularly, the
expressions corresponding to the fuel cell voltage and efficiency. Also, different
approaches for modeling are presented. Accordingly, a review of PEM fuel cell
model has been done. Fuel cell models may be classified into one of three categories:
analytic, semi-empirical or mechanistic (theoretical). Among these models, a model
widely used in the literature for control purposes is described in detail. Using this
model, the influence of the auxiliary equipment in the system efficiency is analyzed
and the model is also used to study the optimal operation of a PEM fuel cell system,
finding an optimal compressor voltage for each current load that maximizes the net
output power. Similarly, this dynamic model is used as a base model in the other
chapters of this book.
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