PH 2 and PO2 – Partial pressure feeding for Hydrogen with this equation, it is made the relationship of the ideal
voltage with the main operational variables (operating
and Oxygen (in atm); temperature and the feeding pressures of hydrogen and
φ H 2 and φO2 – Relative humidity of Hydrogen and oxygen), the remaining variables are not significant to the
Oxygen (in percent); maximum operating voltage.
mH 2 , mO2 and m Air – mass flow of Hydrogen, Oxygen
2) Activation effects
and Air (dimensionless);
The activation voltage drop (Vatv) is dominant in the
λ H 2 , λO2 and λ Air – Stoichiometries of Hydrogen, initial stage of chemical reaction, that is, when the
Oxygen and Air (dimensionless). current density in the cell is low. Those are effects that
change with the increase in current density. The
activation voltage drop can be defined by the Tafel
A. PEM fuel cell with static load equation:
To illustrate the empirics to obtain fuel cell operating The value for the current limit at the cathode (IL,c) will be
parameters, the first part of the resistive losses (Rohm) is adopted[13] through the following equation:
given by the polymeric membrane and the second part by
the electrodes, spreaders and other series components. R.Top . A.γ .Cion, m
iL, c = [A] (20)
nc .F .δ c
1) Polymeric Membrane Resistive Losses
where: nc - number of moles of the reagent in the
The resistance in Ohm for this membrane (Rm) which cathode; γ - membrane ionic conductance
represents the resistance for transference of protons (Siemens.cm2/mol); A – cathode area / cell useful area
through the solid membrane, and can be computed by the (cm2); δc – Nernst diffusion layer thickness at the cathode
two following equations: (cm); F- Faraday constant (96487 C/mol); R - gases
universal constant (8,314 J/K.mol); Top – cell operation
ρ m .l temperature (oK); Cion,m – membrane ionic concentration
Rm = [Ω ] (18)
A (mol/cm3).
Where ρm is the resistivity of the membrane (Ω.cm), l is 2) Concentration losses at the anode
the membrane thickness (cm) and A is the membrane
area, the electrode area. The resistivity values for the They will be simulated as in equation (20), and the value
Nafion®[7] membranes (produced by DuPont) can be for the current limit at the anode (IL,a) will be adopted
computed through the following equation: through the following equation:
⎡ ⎛ Top ⎞ ⎛ iop ⎞ ⎤
2 2.5
⎛ iop ⎞
181.6 ⎢1 + 0.03⎜ ⎟ + 0.0062.⎜ R.Top . A.γ .Cion, m
⎟ .⎜ ⎟ ⎥ iL, a = [A]
⎣⎢ ⎝ A⎠ ⎝ 303 ⎠ ⎝ A ⎠ ⎥⎦ na .F .δ a
ρm = [ Ω.cm ] [19]
⎡ ⎡
⎟⎥ ⎤
⎛ T −303⎞ ⎤
⎢4.18.⎜ op
⎢ λ − 0.634 − 3.⎛ iop ⎞ .e⎢⎣ ⎜⎝ Top ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎥ where: na - number of moles of the reagent in the anode;
⎢ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝A⎠ ⎥⎦
δa - Nernst diffusion layer thickness at the anode(cm).
For the Nafion® membrane, the typical thickness in each E. PEMFC cell in a dynamic load regimen
case is indicated in Table I.[8]
When a variation occurs in the load fed by a fuel cell, this
Table I – Typical thickness of Nafion membranes is the cause for a variation in the cell operating voltage.
Membrane Nominal Thickness Thickness Thickness
However, a transient regimen exists due to the
thickness when dry when wet when MEA capacitance generated in the polymeric membrane due to
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) an internal physical process called “double layer effect”.
Nafion 117 0,178 0,183 ± 0,208 ± 0,148 ± Taking into consideration the influence of this
0,003 0,005 0,002
Nafion 115 0,127 0,141 ± 0,161 ± 0,100 ± capacitance, the equivalent circuit for the PEMFC fuel
0,003 0,003 0,002 cell can be depicted in a simplified form, for constant
Nafion 113 0,089 0,091 ± 0,111 ± 0,075 ± pressure, as can be seen in Figure 1.
0,002 0,002 0,003
Nafion 112 0,051 0,050 ± 0,058 ± 0,040 ±
0,002 0,003 0,002
D. Concentration losses The equation that represents the voltage behavior during
transients can be expressed as:
[ ]
V( t ) = V(∞) + V(0 + ) − V(∞) ⋅ exp(− t τ) (22)
Where V(∞) is the final value to which the voltage will
go after the load variation, and V(0+) is the voltage initial
value, before the variation of the load fed by the PEM
fuel cell. The time constant (τ) is a measure of the
necessary time for the transient analysis in RC circuits,
computed by the following equation:
τ = Rth .Cdc [s] (23)
and Rth is the Thevenin equivalent resistance of the
circuit seeing from the capacitance.
3. Methods Fig. 2. Typical elemental operating scheme for a PEM fuel cell
In order to develop this study, computational modeling
tools were built up to model the fuel cell behavior Table II – Design characteristics for the first prototype
through a detailed theoretical base taking into
Description Symbol Amount
consideration assembling and operating parameters. Area of the cell Acel 5 cm2
Number of cells Ncel 1
With this purpose; to build the fuel cell simulator besides Membrane - Nafion® 112
the operating parameters already mentioned (Top, Iop, Electronic transfer coefficient (cathode) αc 0.43
Electronic transfer coefficient (anode) αa 1.0
PH 2 , PO2 , φ H 2 , φO2 , λ H 2 , λO2 or λ Air ), the Reaction grade constant (cathode) k0c 2.7 cm/s
constructive parameters (electronic transference
coefficients, electrode reaction level constants, and the Figure 3 shows the behavior of the cell with the
physicochemical properties of electrodes and membrane), variation of temperature for the first prototype with
and the dimensioning parameters for the fuel cell stack constants described in Table II:
(number of cells, cell area and de membrane thickness)
were also considered. The simulation results are
compared with practical experiments.
4. Results Fig. 3. Behavior of a PEM fuel cell under static load with
A.. PEM fuel cell in steady-state load regimen the temperature.
Figure 3 shows the behavior of a cell with net area of Figure 4 shows the behavior of the cell with the variation
5cm2, fed by hydrogen and pure oxygen with feeding of pressure for the second prototype with constants
pressures of 1 atm, stoichiometries of 1.1, humidification described in Table III:
100% under operating temperatures of 40oC, 60oC and
Table III – Design characteristics for the second prototype
80oC in static load regimen, being the curves assembled
from the cell voltage response according to the current Description Symbol Amount
requested by the load. Similar curves can be obtained Area of the cell Acel 20 cm2
fixing the temperature and changing other operating Number of cells Ncel 1
Membrane - Nafion® 112
parameters. Electronic transfer coefficient (cathode) αc 0.43
Electronic transfer coefficient (anode) αa 1.0
Reaction grade constant (cathode) k0c 3.5 cm/s
Practically, this substitution, although showing loss of
efficiency, it is advantageous for commercial projects,
avoiding the need of oxygen transport and storage, since
one of the major challenges for the PEM fuel cells is to
find an efficient way to store bulky amounts of gaseous
fuels like hydrogen and oxygen.
Fig. 4. Behavior of a PEM fuel cell under static load with the
gas pressure.
Fig. 5 – Behavior of a PEM Fuel Cell for pure oxygen and air.
For this analysis it was used the second prototype with air
or oxygen as a cathode reagent with an operating
temperature of 50o C. The other cell parameters are the
ones specified in Table II. The values obtained
experimentally and through computational simulation are
indicated in Figure 5.
All the obtained results in practical experiments were Fig. 10. Graph of power (W) against time (s).
compared with the corresponding computer simulation.
6. Conclusion
Mathematical simulation is a useful tool, allowing the
reproduction with good degree of fidelity the PEM fuel
cell behavior. Should be mentioned here the fact that
many of the assembling parameters used were not easy to
be obtained without the help of the prototype in the