Recent Advancements On Non-Platinum Based Catalyst Electrode Material For Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells: A Mini Techno-Economic Review
Recent Advancements On Non-Platinum Based Catalyst Electrode Material For Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells: A Mini Techno-Economic Review
Recent Advancements On Non-Platinum Based Catalyst Electrode Material For Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells: A Mini Techno-Economic Review
Abstract. The crucial component involved in a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell stack is the catalyst
electrode material which performs a significant role in reaction kinetics and subsequently on the performance. Recent days
have given impetus to the advancements of a relatively cost-effective, yet high-performance electrocatalyst for PEM fuel
cell application. Qualitative studies reveal that significant advancements in the stability and activity of non-platinum
electrocatalysts were achieved that could make a significant contribution on commercializing the PEM fuel cells in a
vast scale. The present paper reviews the non-platinum-based electrode materials used for PEM fuel cell in the past seven
years (2015–2021) and also envisages on the role of novel cost-effective electrode materials. In addition, the paper also
provides a critical snapshot on the advancements of the PEM fuel cell electrode materials in diverse operating
Keywords. PEM fuel cell; electrodes; non-platinum catalysts; carbon; oxygen reduction reaction (ORR).
Energy and environment are mutually interdependent PEM fuel cells comprise multiple layers of composite
constituents that lead to a sustainable development [1]. A materials. Following are the key components of a PEM fuel
relatively highly efficient and sustainable energy system must cell illustrated in figure 1 [20].
be both cost-effective and must also produce minimal 1.1a Membrane The membrane (proton conducting) is a
harmful emissions. The limitation with the most credentialed uniquely engineered material that appears to be modified
renewable platforms, such as solar and wind energy power Teflon used in home kitchen. The membrane conducts only
systems, is because of the discrepancy between energy sup- the positive ions and blocks the electrons [21,22]. Being the
plies and demands [2–6] due to their intermittent operation integral PEM fuel cell component, the membrane allows only
nature. Fuel cells are sustainable and reliable energy systems appropriate ions (positive ions) to flow from anode to cathode
which operate on hydrogen (cleanest fuel) and are potential [23].
alternatives to the noxious fossil fuel-based [7,8] generators.
Due to lack of combustion or emission, there is tremendous 1.1b Catalyst layer: Catalyst layer (CL) is the core constituent
electrical efficiency than conventional generators of parallel in PEM fuel cell that drives the electrochemical kinetics and
size and rating [9–14]. Various types of fuel cell technologies activity [24]. Hydrogen fed at anode catalyst-side is oxidized
are polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), solid and generates electrons and protons (hydrogen ions). On the
oxide fuel cell (SOFC), alkaline fuel cell (AFC), phosphoric contrary, the oxidant is fed to cathode catalyst-side on another
acid fuel cell (PAFC) and molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) side where the reduction takes place. A PEM fuel cell’s anode
[15–17]. Among these fuel cell technologies, PEM fuel cells and cathode reactions are as follows:
are widely used owing to their distinct features, such as quick
startup, low-operating temperatures (60 to 80!C), dynamic Anode : H2ðgasÞ ! 2Hþ $
ðaqÞ þ 2e ; Eao ¼ 0 V;
response and high power density [18]. In addition, PEM fuel 1
cell has significant implications on a nation’s economy by Cathode : O2ðgasÞ þ 2Hþ $
ðaqÞ þ 2e ! H2 OðliqÞ ;
reducing their rely on imported crude oils and thereby
strengthening the energy security [19]. Eco ¼ 1:23 V:
287 Page 2 of 12 Bull. Mater. Sci. (2021)44:287
Activity The reactant must facilitate the reaction kinetics of electrodes. [44]
Selectivity To develop intended product and minimize parasitic products at the output. [45]
Stability, mechanical and To be robust and withstand the PEM fuel cell operational environment, such as [46]
chemical durabilities strong oxidizing agents, reacting radicals, an acidified atmosphere and
temperature rates which fluctuate faster at higher voltage.
For reliable performance and durable life under oxidation.
Resistance to poisoning Immune against impurities present in the fuel cell and in the feed gases. [47]
Ionic and electronic To carry charged ions and better electrical output. [48]
High degree of porosity For effective transportation of gases. [49]
Design attributes Low internal electric losses, low cost of electrode, constant composition [50,51]
electrolyte and ecologically acceptable fuels.
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3. Platinum-based electrodes
Hence, for long-term accomplishment of fuel cells, PGM- 4.1 Fe-based electrodes
free catalysts need to be developed. It is for this reason,
researchers have strategically targeted their focus on their Vinayan et al [95] developed an active, robust, non-
work on the eradication of PGM from the fuel cell system, platinum metal electrocatalyst that has been synthesized
and its replacement with a high-performance, durable PGM- from a precursor of the electrode at high temperatures,
free electrocatalyst for PEM fuel cells. Although substantial which include Fe–, N– and S-charged salt co-doped with
technological advancements have been made in various graphene that forms structured electrode made ideal for
respects in developing Pt electrodes, there remain obstacles PEM fuel cell application. The material synthesized is an
to commercialize fuel cells to compete with conventional electrode of metal–nitrogen–sulphur group and has an open
sources, where the cost, efficiency and durability of fuel matrix structure (4 mg cm-2) with Nafion 212 as elec-
cells are yet to be enhanced [87]. This drives researchers to trolyte, regulated by the silica-templating process. The
work on developing a substitute to address the criterion that Fe–NSG electrode was shown to be sustainable, which at
PEM fuel cell electrode material demands [88]. Table 2 [32] 0.5 V provides a peak power density of 225 mW cm-2
provides the classification of various platinum and non- (80!C) with promising stability and high current density.
platinum electrode materials for PEM fuel cell. A hybrid Fe–N–C electrode from a bi-metal-organic
The quest for developing low-cost, high-performance frame (Zn/Fe-ZIFs) developed by Liu et al [96] was one of
PEM-fuel cell electro-catalysts began approaching with two the best non-noble metal electrodes ever reported on ORR
different strategies. The first way is to lessen the use of in acidic and alkaline environments. Fe–NC-20-1000 loa-
catalysts by enhancing Pt usage of the catalyst layers [89]. ded with catalyst loading of 0.75 mg cm-2 and ZIF-7 pre-
This could be executed by employing relatively cost-ef- cursor exhibited a half-wave potential ORR activity of
fective Pt alloys (such as Co, Fe, Mn, etc.) and/or through 0.770 V which is close to that of the 0.827 V for Pt/C
using unique supportive materials to enable deposition of Pt in acidic medium. The power density exhibited is 870 mW
nanoparticles [90]. cm-2 at 130!C which is 10% positively higher than Pt/C’s
Over the past decades, although the Pt loading was ORR.
reduced considerably to about 0.4 mg cm-2 [91], ironically, Bhange et al [97] reported a Pt-free iron-based electrode
the overall cost of the electrode has not been reduced sig- doped with sulphur and scrolled graphene (P12-900) as a
nificantly, especially for the long-term way [92]. There is potential ORR electro catalyst. The single PEM fuel cell
also an approach attempted to recycle the Pt electrodes to using Nafion with isopropyl alcohol (IPA) as electrolyte
limit the large-scale production expenses. The attempt was under catalyst ratio of 0.5 demonstration employed with
made by Balva et al [93] to recycle platinum by leaching it P12-900 electrode (loading of 2 mg cm-2) produced peak
via coupling with chlorine/ionic liquids. Though the recy- power density of 345 mW cm-2 and is equivalent to the
cled Pt electrode helps reducing large scale production cost, state-of-the-art Pt/C cathode which is 322 mW cm-2.
the sluggishness persist as a barrier on performance Through its unrivalled propensity to accelerate electrode
improvement. Those approaches were not found to be sig- reaction, the prepared PGM free electrode can therefore,
nificantly contributed towards reducing the overall cost of serve as a viable alternative to substitute expensive metal
PEM fuel cell. As a consequence, there has been an incli- electrode for PEM fuel cell.
nation towards research as a third approach on producing From last few decades, iron-based electrodes were found
non-PGM electrodes. Developing high-performance, non- to be potential alternative for PGM-free electrode, in a
PGM-based electrodes thus, appear to be the key path to the research by Khan et al [98], Fe-doped C12A7 (a maynite
sustainable manufacturing of PEM fuel cell applications. electrode synthesized of nanoparticles) was developed with
However, till date, activity and stability of non-PGM elec- A201 Tokuyama as electrolyte membrane. The developed
trodes are inferior to Pt electrodes [94]. electrode was a composite, cost-effective, exceptionally
durable, active and precious metal-free with catalyst load-
ing of 0.1 mg cm-2. The maximum power density reached
up to 275 mW cm-2 at a potential of 1.03 V operated at
Table 2. Various PEM fuel cell electrode materials [32]. 80!C, where for the conventional Pt/C electrode, the power
density was 245 mW cm-2 at the same operating condi-
PGM-based Platinum alloy-based Non-PGM tions. The results are evident that Fe-doped C12A7 would
be an incredibly alluring precious metal-free electro
Electrode material catalyst.
Pt Pt–Cr/C Fe–N–C
In high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel
Pd Pt–Ni/C C
Rh Pt–Co/C Ionic liquids
cells (HT-PEMFC), the ORR activity of Pt-based electrodes
Ru Pt–Cu/C Graphene is weak because of the poor resistance of Pt-based elec-
Ir trodes towards phosphate ions. Fe and N co-functionalized
Os with carbon (Fe–N–C) exhibits resistance to phosphate ions
and act as a potential option for PEM fuel cell [99–101].