Moving RTM HW

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Platform RTM


Moving Platform RTM to a New Server


Platform RTM

Moving Platform RTM to a New Server


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 13.

First edition
This edition applies to version 9, release 1 of Platform RTM (product number 5725-G82) and to all subsequent
releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Copyright IBM Corporation 1992, 2015.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.

Moving Platform RTM to a New Server . 1
Intended audience . . . . . . . . . . ..
Assumptions and requirements . . . . . . ..
High-level procedure . . . . . . . . . ..
Low-level migration details . . . . . . . ..
Auditing old installation and the use of symbolic
links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Directory permissions and service accounts . ..
Backing up and restoring the configuration
database . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Table dumps . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Configuring RTM table partition backups . . ..
Transferring RRDfiles . . . . . . . . ..
Third-party Cacti plug-ins . . . . . . . ..
Plug-in management. . . . . . . . . ..

Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 2015


Transferring Cacti Spine . . . .

Synchronize RRDfiles with rsync .
Clearing out old RRDfiles . . . .
Making an ssh key pair and copying
directory . . . . . . . . .
Moving the RTM_TOP directory . .
Advocate server key file . . . . .
Re-create the RTM view definitions .

. . .
. . .
. . .
the .ssh
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .



Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Terms and conditions for product documentation..
Privacy policy considerations . . . . . . ..




Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

This document provides detailed instructions on how to upgrade hardware while
maintaining legacy RTM data.

Intended audience
To use this procedure, you should be familiar with Linux operating system
You should be familiar with the following Linux tools and concepts:
v yum (RHEL)
v zipper (SLES)
v rsync
v /etc/passwd
v ssh-keygen
v authorized_key files
v scp
v make
v Linux file system permissions
You should also be familiar with Platform RTM, Cacti, and RRDtool.

Assumptions and requirements

This procedure has several hardware and software assumptions and requirements.
v The old and new RTM servers must be at the same version.
If not, upgrade the production system to the RTM version installed on the new
RTM system
v There is no remote database, although the lack of one can simplify parts of the
installation if the upgrade does not involve upgrading the database server.
v The old and new RTM servers can communicate to each other using ssh.
v The RTM server uses the default service ID of either apache or wwwrun. You must
be able to use ssh between servers transparently using the service account.
v The steps in this document assume the standard installation path of /opt/IBM.
You can use a custom path for your installation. The RTM_TOP directory must be
the same on the old and new servers.

High-level procedure
High-level steps to migrate an RTM database to another server.

1. Audit the old server to see how much data is being used and where it is
located. Have this data handy to compare the old and new to make sure that
you have enough space for the migration.
2. Verify that the old RTM server is configured to use a service account.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 2015

High-level procedure
Review the contents of the file /opt/IBM/etc/lsfpollerd.conf for the word
Daemon_user. If the value is different from the default apache or wwwrun
account you need to substitute the actual account in use in the following
3. Make the new RTM server a client on each cluster to be monitored.
4. Install RTM on the new server that uses the appropriate service account.
5. Upgrade the RTM installation on the old server to match the new server or
make sure that the new RTM server is at the same version as the old RTM
Tip: Make sure that the old RTM version is 8.0.2 or later.
6. Force an RTM backup from the old server:
Console > Grid Utilities > Force Cacti Backup
7. Download the backup to your local machine.
8. Import the backup file on the new RTM server:
Console > Grid Settings > Maint
9. Copy any custom data collection scripts from the old server to the new server.
Custom data collection scripts are typically in /opt/IBM/cacti/scripts. Scripts
typically have a PHP extension, and are not encoded. However, if you
monitor servers, routers, or switches outside of the default installation there
might be more scripts in other locations.
10. Copy any custom data query XML files from the old server to the new server.
Custom data query XML files are typically in /opt/IBM/cacti/resource/
script_server. They have a date different from the main files in this directory.
11. If you installed other Cacti data queries that use Net-SNMP, or that are
script-based, review the contents of the following two directories and transfer
the contents of them as well: /opt/IBM/cacti/resource/snmp_queries and
12. Use scp to copy any custom or third-party Cacti plug-ins. Find the scripts you
need to copy by comparing the /opt/IBM/cacti/plugins directory on the old
RTM servers to the new one and copying what might be missing.
13. Reinstall Cacti Spine if you used it on your old server:
Console > Settings > Poller
14. Repopulate the RTM poller cache if you moved your RTM_TOP from /opt/IBM
to some other location, or if you changed the location of RTM_TOP during
15. Run rsync to synchronize your RRDfiles from the old server to the new
server. The location is /opt/IBM/cacti/rra. This location can be a symbolic
link. If you make it a symbolic link, make sure to run rsync with the correct
location. If you use the boost plug-in, flush the boost cache before you run the
16. Make sure that all LSF clusters come up in the new RTM servers cluster
dashboard. Correct any issues with LSF before you complete the remaining
17. Dump tables on the old server that are not part of the operational backup and
restore them on the new server. Following the detailed steps in Table dumps
on page 5.
18. If you use the syslog features of RTM, redirect your execution hosts syslog
forwarding to the new RTM server. Refer to the syslog documentation for
your execution hosts for instructions.

Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

High-level procedure

What to do next
Important: If you need to repeat these steps, keep your old production RTM
server running until migration is successful. Do not shut down your RTM server
until you are satisfied that this procedure worked.

Low-level migration details

This section covers migration steps in more detail.

Auditing old installation and the use of symbolic links

It is common for the installer to symbolically link key directories to different types
of storage.

1. Review the storage configuration of the old RTM server.
Table 1 provides samples of different storage types that can be symbolically
linked to key directories.
Table 1. Sample installer symbolic links of key directories to different storage types

Symbolic link target


High speed storage for the database. /var/

partitions are generally small and therefore
this location is linked quite frequently.


High speed storage for RRDfiles.


Storage that is backed up by system backups


Often symbolically linked to other locations

due to policies by the admin to not locate
binaries in /opt.


NFS in order to allow for database backups to

be themselves backed up automatically.

2. Make sure that the following locations on your new system have enough space.

3. Use the following command to determine how much space each directory
occupies. For example:
du -hs /opt/IBM/cacti/rra

If this location is symbolically linked to another directory, for example,

/rtmrrd/rra, run the following command:
du -hs /rtmrrd/rra

Directory permissions and service accounts

Before you install RTM, determine whether the old RTM is using a service account.
You should always install RTM to use the same service account as old installation.
The default service accounts are apache and wwwrun. If the old RTM uses a different
service account, you must configure the new RTM installation to use the same
service account.

Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

Low-level migration details

If you did not configure RTM at installation time to use a service account, you can
modify the installation to use a service account, but changing the configuration
after installation involves a lot of manual editing, If you want to change the service
account after installation, contact the IBM Platform Services team for help in
migrating RTM.

Backing up and restoring the configuration database

Use this procedure to transfer the configuration database between servers in RTM.

1. Take a snapshot of the operational configuration. Navigate to Console >
Utilities > Grid Utilities, and choose Force Cacti Backup as illustrated in
Figure 1.

Figure 1. Force Cacti backup

2. Select the most recent link from the forced backup from the Backup Files list to
download to your local workstation.
3. On the new RTM server, navigate to Console > Configuration > Grid Settings
> Maint, and click Browse to select the Database Restore file to upload as
illustrated in Figure 2 on page 5.
4. Click Save.

Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

Low-level migration details

Figure 2. RTM database restoration

Restoring the database can take some time. All of the Cacti devices, graphs,
clusters, and license services are restored on the new system.
Important: Job history is not restored. You must dump and restore tables to
restore job history, as described in Table dumps.

Table dumps
The RTM operational backup does not include all RTM tables. This is because of
the large size of the backup and the impact on performance. You must manually
dump some tables and restore them on the new RTM server during migration.
Run the following dump command as root or as the RTM SQL account:
mysqldump --insert-ignore --no-create-info --lock-tables=FALSE cacti
grid_jobs_finished grid_jobs_jobhosts_finished grid_jobs_reqhosts_finished
grid_jobs_pendreasons_finished grid_job_daily_stats grid_jobs_rusage
grid_job_interval_stats > /tmp/grid_tables.sql
mysqldump --insert-ignore --no-create-info --lock-tables=FALSE cacti lic_daily_stats
lic_daily_stats_traffic lic_interval_stats > /tmp/lic_tables.sql

Run the following commands to restore these tables on the new server:
mysql cacti < /tmp/grid_tables.sql
mysql cacti < /tmp/lic_tables.sql

If the dump process takes a long time, run gridacct to see the time range between
when the dump was started and finished. See the gridacct documentation for the
procedure to get legacy LSF account records from clusters.
Important: Schedule the restore process of these tables to avoid periods of
database maintenance. Perform the dump and restore as close to the end time as
possible for the previous RTM maintenance cycle, but never before it has had a
chance to complete.

Configuring RTM table partition backups

The following procedure applies when you use the RTM partitioning scheme.
Complete these steps before you run RTM database maintenance.
Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

Low-level migration details

1. Upgrade to an RTM version that supports partition backups. Configure backup
partitions under Console > Grid Settings > Maint, select Enable Record
Partitioning, and configure Backup Table Partitions as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Upgrading with partition backup support

2. Before you migrate, make sure that at least one day has passed.
3. After you wait on day, locate the files in /opt/IBM/cacti/backup/
4. Transfer the files to the new server, and run the following command on the
new server:
cd /opt/IBM/cacti/plugins/grid
php -q database_restore_partitions.php

This process restores all the legacy data to the new RTM database. Again, try to
complete this process before the RTM database maintenance takes place.
Important: The RTM command database_restore_partitions.php was not
introduced until RTM version 8.0.2. Therefore, it is important to be at that
release before you transfer data between servers.

Transferring RRDfiles
When you transfer RRDfiles as part of migration, use the following steps to make
sure that you set the correct permissions.


Change the apache and wwwrun service accounts to have a shell.

Create and replicate an ssh key and authorized keys files.
Switch to the appropriate service account.
Run rsync to synchronize the files as the service account.

Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

Low-level migration details

Important: If you use boost, you must flush your cache before you push the
files to the new server. To flush boost, run the following command:
cd /opt/IBM/cacti/plugins/boost
php -q poller_boost.php -force

Run the following rsync command. Paths cannot contain symbolic links.
cd /opt/IBM/cacti
rsync -rp rra newserver:/opt/IBM/cacti

Third-party Cacti plug-ins

The following default plug-ins come with RTM.
v admin
v boost
v clog
v grid
v gridalarms
v gridcstat
v gridpend
v heuristics
v hoverhelp
v license
v logout
v meta


v superlinks
v syslog
v thold
If you have any plug-ins other than those listed, copy them from the old server to
the new server. In general, the RTM operational backups contain the rest of the
configuration data required once the copy is complete.

Plug-in management
Install most Cacti plug-ins with Plug-in Management.

Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

Low-level migration details

Figure 4. Plug-in management

To install a plug-in, click the blue icon as illustrated in Figure 4.

To enable a plug-in, click the green icon as illustrated in Figure 4.
For more information on installing plug-ins, see the readme file in the specific
plug-in directory.
Since you transferred the database from the old server to the new server, these
installation settings are preserved. However, some third-party plug-ins require
extra setup on the RTM server itself. You should review specific setup procedures
for each plug-in.

Transferring Cacti Spine

If you installed Cacti Spine for better performance and higher reliability, use RTM
Console > System Settings > Poller to verify the poller in use. The current poller
can be either cmd.php or spine. If the poller is spine, access the Paths table and
identify its location.

About this task

Transfer the Spine binary and its configuration file, spine.conf, to the new server.
The configuration file can be located either in the same directory as Spine, or in
If you are changing operating systems, transferring the Spine binary might not be
enough. You might have to rebuild Spine. Use the following steps on RHEL:

1. Make and access a Spine directory.
mkdir /opt/spine
cd /opt/spine

2. Download the Spine source code.


3. Extract the Spine source code

tar zxvf cacti-spine-0.8.8b.tar.gz

4. Change directories to the Spine source code.

cd cacti-spine*

Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

Low-level migration details

5. Required: Install the following packages
yum install mysql-devel net-snmp-devel make gcc m4 autoconf automake

6. Prepare the package


7. Follow the bootstrap instructions with ./configure --prefix=/opt instead of

Copy the Spine binary and configuration file directly to /opt/spine, which is
the usual default location.

Synchronize RRDfiles with rsync

RRDfiles contain most of the RTM graphical database. Use rsync to synchronize
RTM binaries.
To remotely synchronize the RTM binaries with rsync, open a shell on both
systems as the apache user, and set up a secure shell (ssh) trusted key pair.
1. Clearing out old RRDfiles
2. Making an ssh key pair and copying the .ssh directory on page 10

Clearing out old RRDfiles

Before you run rsync, clear out old RRDfiles from the /opt/IBM/cacti/rra
directory. RTM does not automatically clear RRDfiles.

Before you begin

Important: Perform these steps on both systems.
The following command removes RRDfiles that have not been updated for at least
5 days:
cd /opt/IBM/cacti/rra
find . -name \*.rrd -mtime +5 -exec /bin/rm -f {} \;

Set up ssh key pairs and run the rsync command:

cd /opt/IBM/cacti
rsync rp rra newsystem:/opt/IBM/cacti

Remember: With RTM 9.1.2 and later, the installation directory for the Cacti code
changed from /opt/cacti to /opt/IBM/cacti.
When the migration is complete, make sure that you remove the secure shell access
and the .ssh directories for the apache account.
Run rsync as many times as required until the system is migrated successfully.
This includes having a clog that is 100% green.

1. Edit /etc/passwd and change the /sbin/nologin to /bin/bash for the apache
2. Change directories to the apache user home directory. On RHEL. the home
directory is /var/www.
3. Make a .ssh directory.
mkdir .ssh;chown apache:apache .ssh

Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

Low-level migration details

Making an ssh key pair and copying the .ssh directory

Before you begin
Important: Perform these steps on one of the systems.

1. Switch to the apache account.
su - apache

2. Make an ssh key pair using the following command ssh-keygen. Use the
defaults for everything.
3. Change to the .ssh directory.
4. Copy the file to the authorized_keys file.
cat > authorized_keys

5. Exit the su - apache command.

6. Use scp to copy the .ssh folder to the new system.
scp -rp .ssh newsystem:/var/www

7. Test the ssh command.

ssh newsystem hostname

Accept the host key if you are prompted to.

Moving the RTM_TOP directory

In RTM 9.1.2 and later the default location of RTM_TOP changed to /opt/IBM.
Starting with RTM 9.1.2, you can move the RTM_TOP directory from /opt/ to any
directory. If not you do not want to keep /opt as the RTM_TOP directory, you must
manually change a few references to the old default directory.

1. Update the internal variable in the RTM settings table called path_webroot. This
path is updated automatically as the crontab-based poller runs. Check this
setting by running the following mysql commands:
mysql -ucacti -padmin cacti
SELECT * FROM settings WHERE name LIKE path_webroot;

2. Update the contents of the poller cache table poller_item. To update the paths
in the poller cache to their new entries, run the following command:
cd RTM_TOP/cacti/cli
php -q rebuild_poller_cache.php

Advocate server key file

Find the RTM_TOP/rtm/etc/.appkey file on the old server. The contents of the
.appkey file must be the same as the database value. Use the following MySQL
command to get the database value:
SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name=app_key;

If the two values differ, make them the same by either replacing the database
value, or the contents of the .appkey file. Use the following command to restart the
advocate service:
/etc/init.d/advocate restart


Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

Re-create the RTM view definitions

Re-create the RTM view definitions

On RTM version 9.1.3 and later, you must re-create two views on the new system
after you move the database. Use the following commands to re-create those
mysql ucacti padmin cacti
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `lic_flexlm_servers_feature_details`;
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `lic_flexlm_servers_feature_use`;
CREATE VIEW `lic_flexlm_servers_feature_details`
AS SELECT `lic_services`.`poller_id` AS
`poller_id`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`service_id` AS
`portatserver_id`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`vendor_daemon` AS
`vendor_daemon`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`feature_name` AS
`feature_name`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`subfeature` AS
`subfeature`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`feature_version` AS
`feature_version`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`username` AS
`username`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`groupname` AS
`groupname`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`hostname` AS
`hostname`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`chkoutid` AS
`chkoutid`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`restype` AS
`restype`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`status` AS
`status`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`tokens_acquired` AS
`tokens_acquired`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`tokens_acquired_date` AS
`tokens_acquired_date`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`last_updated` AS
`last_updated`,`lic_services_feature_details`.`present` AS
FROM (`lic_services_feature_details` JOIN `lic_services`
ON((`lic_services_feature_details`.`service_id` = `lic_services`.`service_id`)));
CREATE VIEW `lic_flexlm_servers_feature_use` AS
SELECT `lic_services`.`poller_id` AS
`poller_id`,`lic_services_feature_use`.`service_id` AS
`portatserver_id`,`lic_services_feature_use`.`feature_name` AS
`feature_name`,`lic_services_feature_use`.`feature_max_licenses` AS
`feature_max_licenses`,`lic_services_feature_use`.`feature_inuse_licenses` AS
`feature_inuse_licenses`,`lic_services_feature_use`.`feature_queued` AS
`feature_queued`,`lic_services_feature_use`.`feature_reserved` AS
`feature_reserved`,`lic_services_feature_use`.`vendor_daemon` AS
`vendor_daemon`,`lic_services_feature_use`.`present` AS
`present`,`lic_services_feature_use`.`vendor_status` AS
`vendor_status`,`lic_services_feature_use`.`vendor_version` AS
`vendor_version`,`lic_services_feature_use`.`status` AS
`status` FROM (`lic_services_feature_use` JOIN `lic_services`
ON((`lic_services_feature_use`.`service_id` = `lic_services`.`service_id`)));

Moving Platform RTM to a New Server


Re-create the RTM view definitions


Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

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Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

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Moving Platform RTM to a New Server

and other technologies, you should seek your own legal advice about any laws
applicable to such data collection, including any requirements for notice and
For more information about the use of various technologies, including cookies, for
these purposes, see IBMs Privacy Policy at and
IBMs Online Privacy Statement at the
section entitled Cookies, Web Beacons and Other Technologies and the IBM
Software Products and Software-as-a-Service Privacy Statement at

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