RackWare RMM v7.4 Installation Guide v3.08
RackWare RMM v7.4 Installation Guide v3.08
RackWare RMM v7.4 Installation Guide v3.08
1 RackWare RMM Installation ................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Pre-Installation .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 First Time Installation of RMM ..................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Administration Operations and Factory Reset.............................................................................. 7
1.3.1 RMM Administration Operations.......................................................................................... 8
1.3.2 Factory Reset......................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Upgrading the RMM ..................................................................................................................... 9
2 Licensing................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 Professional Services................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 License Type ................................................................................................................................ 10
2.3 Functional Type ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Server Limits................................................................................................................................ 10
2.5 Expiry........................................................................................................................................... 11
2.6 Licensing Process ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.7 Common license errors and warnings ........................................................................................ 11
2.8 Extending a license...................................................................................................................... 12
2.9 Operation Statistics ..................................................................................................................... 13
1.1 Pre-Installation
Before beginning the installation of the RMM code, please verify the following that all the prerequisites
for the RMM server as described in Chapter 3 of the RMM Prerequisites and Operational Requirements
have been met.
Determine which interfaces on the server the RMM should listen on to communicate with the source
Hosts. During the installation you will be prompted for the interface(s) to use. If DHCP configured IP
addresses are used, they should not change during RMM operations or failures will occur.
If you will be using the RMM for DR, determine which disk devices you will be using to store the
captured images using zfs. See section 5.1 of the RMM Prerequisites and Operational Requirements
Guide. If you will be using the RMM only for migrations, no disk devices will be needed to store
captured images.
Verify that the RMM server has access to the yum repository (via the network, a DVD, a mirror site, or
locally), has access to the epel repository, and can be installed as root.
Verify that WAN connectivity from the source servers to the RMM server has been established, and that
name resolution is configured and working.
*** These requirements are necessary only during the installation/upgrade. After a successful
installation, these requirements do not apply for normal RMM operation.
Execute a ‘yum update’ on the RMM server and then reboot the RMM server.
Ensure that the permissions of this file allow for execution, and if not modify via chmod 755.
The RMM software is dependent on various libraries and utilities. The RMM installer checks for these
dependencies, and automatically installs any that are missing. The simplest and safest option to ensure
that all the correct packages are on the server is to have temporary access to the Internet for the server
prior to running the installer. Specifically, ports 80 and 443 should be open in the outbound direction
on the RMM and on any firewalls. Note that this step utilizes the standard distribution package
manager and requires Internet access.
Installing the RMM over an existing installation is supported and, in fact, is the mechanism for installing
a new version. In this case there will be an existing CMDB, and by default the installation process retains
that information. So after installation all existing resources will continue to reside in the CMDB.
2) Read and accept the EULA and the Microsoft licenses by entering "yes".
5) log rotate
Accepting the default will mean that the RMM’s by-jobid log files will be kept for 15 days before being
deleted. Depending on the length of your project and the frequency and number of syncs that will be
done, you may wish to make that time longer.
6) RMM-Hub
Unless you are using the RMM-Hub feature, accept the default of N for this prompt.
7) GUI Selection
When prompted for the RMM GUI type, select [L] for RMM Lite.
9) Passphrase
When prompted for a passphrase, enter a passphrase. Once the installation is complete, you will not
need to know the passphrase. This passphrase is used to encrypt sensitive data in the CMDB using
AES with a 128-bit key
10) ZFS
You will then be prompted to add a disk to the RMM Storage Pool. If using the RMM for DR or using
staged syncs, enter Y to add a disk. If using the RMM only for migrations, enter N.
If you entered Y, you will then be shown a list of the existing devices on the server. The ones that are
shown as being “free” can be added to the rmm’s storage pool. Ones that are not free can be used,
but all data on them will be destroyed.
You will then be prompted to select a disk device which can be added to the RMM’s pool of storage.
Enter ‘A’ to add a disk (e.g. /dev/sdd) and ‘F’ once you have added all the disks you wish to the RMM’s
storage pool. The RMM adds any disks specified to the default pool named “rwzpool” with a default
compression algorithm of “lz4”.
After the RMM is installed ZFS can be configured using the ‘rwadm zfs configure’ command if needed.
12) NTP
The next prompt will ask if the RMM should configure an NTP server.
In order for the RMM to come up properly, the RMM must have access to an NTP server, unless a
professional services license is installed (see section 2 “Licensing”).
The default value of N to this prompt means that the RMM will use as the NTP server the default of
If Y is chosen for this prompt, then you will be prompted to enter the name of the NTP server you would
like the RMM to use.
If the NTP server being used by the RMM is not reachable from the RMM then RMM's license will be
temporarily disabled and thus the RMM will not come up.
13) NAT
The next prompt will ask if a NAT IP needs to be added. Unless otherwise instructed by RackWare,
accept the default value of [F]
14) Licensing
For an initial installation, there will then be messages
WARNING: No license file found for rmm. Cannot start RMM Process.
Following this, there will be a message “Reboot required for changes to take effect”
Once the license key has been installed, the rmm software will need to be manually started. This is done
by entering:
If the services are not starting reboot the RMM server. Note rwadm commands must be run from
root or sudo with root privileges.
If after rebooting, the services still have problems starting, examine the file
/var/log/rackware/rwadm.log for more details, and consult RackWare.
$ rw rmm show
This will display general information about the RMM. For example:
[root@bob-rmm01 ~]# rw rmm show
RMM Info
Software version : v7.4.0.186
Build date/time : Aug 18 2020 at 16:19:45
Uptime : 8 day(s), 22 hour(s), 31 minute(s), 42 second(s)
Installation Time : Fri Jul 17 11:26:18 2020
System Date/Time : Thu Sep 3 12:20:13 2020
LocalConfigDB : /opt/rackware/data/rmm.db
RemoteConfigDB : /opt/rackware/data/rmm.db
RmmInterfaces : eth0
Default boot method: tftp
RMM IP Interface:
Configured RMM Roles
Configured RMM Hub(s)
None installed
Operation Statistics
Total Host Captured : 1
Total Assign Operations : 0
Total Data Migrations : 0
Total Hosts Discovered : 1
License Data
Version : 2.5
15c) Query the available storage available to the RMM with the ‘rw
pool show’ command. Verify that the rwzpool is shown and that the
ZPOOL is Enabled.
ZFS Pool 'rwzpool'at /srv/images Info: ZPOOL_ENABLED
TotalSize TotalAllocated Available TotalLogicalUsed TotalCompressRatio Compression Dedup DedupRatio Capacity Fragmentation
--------- -------------- --------- ---------------- ------------------ ----------- ----- ---------- -------- -------------
99.50 GB 516.00 KB 96.39 GB 129.50 KB 1x lz4 off 1x 0% 0%
The RMM integrates user authentication with the Linux server that it is running on. Linux users on the
RMM server must be defined to the RMM as viable users to operate the product. There are two Linux
users automatically configured to operate the RMM product as part of installation.
• root
• admin
The root user is pre-existing, and the installation process automatically adds the "admin" Linux user (via
"useradd admin" Linux command). The password for the admin is set during the installation procedure
based on user input.
Ensure that any firewall between the RMM and Client Hosts has the appropriate ports opened. See the
RMM Prerequisites and Operational Requirements manual for details.
To rerun the installation in order to update configuration settings such as rwnat.conf and IP addresses
for the RMM to listen on run:
$ rwadm init
If the administrator wishes to reset the RMM to a factory installed state (i.e. - a blank CMDB, and the
destruction of all previously captured images), enter the following command
WARNING: Using rwadm with ‘-F’ permanently destroys all previously captured images!
$ rwadm -F restart
CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
Found supported RedHat/CentOS release.
Stopping: rmm ... Done.
* stopped: rmm
Starting: rmm ...
Cleaning logs ...find: `/var/log/rackware/uniramfs': No such file or
All Rackware logs removed.
Removing sync policies...
* running: rmm[14075]
Active DR policy
If you know that there will be no syncs/captures/assigns/discovers run during the installation
timeframe, then answer ‘yes’. Otherwise, answer ‘no’ and wait for any operations in progress to
complete, and/or pause the DR policies.
In prior versions of RMM (i.e 7.3.x.x) the use of a zfs storage pool for captured images was
recommended, not required. In the 7.4 version of RMM, the use of a zfs storage pool for captured
images is required. If you captured any servers using non-zfs storage for the images using an earlier
version of RMM, those servers will need to be recaptured using RMM 7.4.
2 Licensing
If the license was purchased along with RackWare Professional Services, then the version of the license
will include the words “Professional Services”. If the RMM has a Professional Services license, then the
RMM does not need access to an NTP server in order to come up, and the license will not expire even if
the RMM has been powered off for over 8 days (see section 2.5 “Expiry”).
A Production license is the standard license type, and has a flexible duration and allows you to
discover, migrate, or protect a large number of servers.
A Marketplace license is one ordered through one of the Marketplace portals and has
functionality tailored to that Marketplace. If an RMM is ordered through a Marketplace with a BYOL
license, then a Production license will be used.
2) Migration - This function allows your RMM to perform discover, capture, and manual sync operations.
Using these operations you can migrate servers from an on-premises location or a cloud to another
cloud or another on-premises location. The migration function is a superset of the Discover function.
3) Disaster Recovery - In addition to everything that a Migration functional type allows the RMM to do,
this type of license allows you to assign waves of servers to DR Policies, so that syncs can be done in an
automated fashion and allows you to take snapshots of your origin servers so that you can restore those
servers to a certain point in time, including restoring a single file to a previous version.
A server in this context is a source/production server. If the T value is 10, then there are 10 servers on
which the RMM can perform the Functional Type (Discover, Migration, or Disaster Recovery) of
The first time an operation is performed on a server, the R value will be decremented. After that, the R
value will not be decremented because of any other operation performed on that server.
When the R value becomes 0, the RMM will not perform any operations on new servers. Contact
[email protected] if you need additional servers to be a part of your license.
2.5 Expiry
A license has an expiry date. After the expiry date the RMM will no longer perform any operations on
the servers covered under this license, nor will the RMM perform operations on new servers even if the
R value under Limits is greater than 0. Contact [email protected] if you would like to have
your license extended.
Please note that if the RMM is powered down for more than 8 days the license will automatically expire,
no matter what the expiration date (unless the license is a Professional Services license). Please
contact [email protected] if you know you will be powering off the RMM for more than 8
1. When installing the RMM for the first time on a server, a pre-install file will be generated.
Following is the sample output:
When the RMM has performed an operation on 90% of the servers that the license allows, the RMM will
start issuing a warning whenever an operation is performed on a new server
For example:
1. When performing an operation on a new server would cause the license limit to be exceeded,
the license limit is said to have been exhausted.
2. All licenses have expiration dates. When a license expires, the following error message is shown:
3. The RMM starts issuing warnings 30 days before the license expires.
For each of these cases, the preinstall file needs to be generated. (Note – before issuing the ‘rwadm
relicense’ command, please contact [email protected] and let them know which type of
license change you need). The preinstall file can be generated using the following command:
# rwadm relicense
CentOS release 7.7 (Final)
Found supported RedHat/CentOS release.
WARNING: This command will generate a new preinstall file but will also
INVALIDATE the existing license on next RMM restart.
These statistics are informational only. They are not used by the licensing algorithm to determine if a
license limit has been exceeded.
Total Host Captured - the number of times a ‘capture’ operation has completed successfully
Total Assign Operations - this is incremented only when a legacy ‘image assign’ command was
completed successfully. Since the 7.4 release does not support legacy operations, this field will never
be incremented
Total Data Migrations- The number of successful initial ‘host sync’ operations plus the number of
“image assign --flex” operations plus the number of successful Stage 2 Sync Autoprovision operations
Total Hosts Discovered - The number of hosts discovered via an explicit “discover” command, or as
part of a capture operation, an initial ‘host sync’ operation, or as part of a Stage 2 autoprovision