Eligibility Criteria OTE & GTE

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Annexure VI

Eligibility Criteria in Case of OTE.

A) (i) Average annual financial turnover of the bidder during the last 3 years, ending
31st March of the previous financial year, should be at least Rs. 335790.9
annual accounts along with auditors report of the bidder for the last three years
should be furnished in support of the same. In absence of Audited Annual Account, the
bidder has to submit Affidavit in enclosed format Annexure IV declaring annual
financial turn over during the last 3 years, ending 31st March of the previous
financial year.
ii) Experience of having successfully completed similar works in the same name as
also the same type/category of the enterprise/style (i.e. proprietorship, partnership,
company and co-operative society) during last 7 years ending last day of month
previous to the one in which tenders are invited should be either of the following :(a) The average value of three completed work orders each of which contains Similar
Work as specified under, costing not less than the amount equal to.Rs335790.9
(b) The average value of two completed work orders each of which contain Similar
Work as specified under, costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 447721.20
(c) The value of one completed work order which contains similar work as specified
under, costing not less than the amount equal to Rs 559651.50
The tenderer is required to submit an affidavit in enclosed format Annexure-V
indicating type/Category of enterprises/style of the firm against each similar work
furnished by them in support of eligibility mentioned at A(ii) above.
(iii) Experience should be form Govt. Organization, PSU or Public Limited Company.
(iv) In case work is completed, but work completion certificate(s) confirming the
placement of work order including the payment made thereto of the completed work can
also be enclosed. In the event of any such document(s) found to be false, legal action
as deemed fit may be taken.
B) (i) in support of eligibility and experience, the tenderer is required to submit
self attested photo copies of work orders, completion certificates (by the concerned
authority etc.) and an affidavit stating that the documents furnished by them are
ii) In case of any documents/information submitted by bidder(s) found to be false or
containing any misrepresentation of having any fraudulent declaration in it then in
such eventuality legal action (including cancellation of contract, banning of business
dealing, damages, criminal proceedings etc.) as deemed fit may be initiated by BSL
against the bidder.
C) The similar nature of work and other Conditions for fulfillment of eligibility
Criteria should be as under:
i) Painting of steel structures and equipments inside BS Plant
D) Other condition such as satisfactory performance of work personnel, establishment,
plant equipments etc. as per requirement of case as per preamble to schedule of work.

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