BS 434-1 (1984) - Specification For Bitumen Road Emulsions PDF

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BS 434-1 :

Amendments No. 1,
No. 2 and No. 3)

Bitumen road
(anionic and
Part 1: Specification for bitumen road


!W6218W .W31151715



On y orntrn~-se!
BS 434-1:1984

mmittees resp~nsi le far t is

itish ~tandard
aration of this British Staa~d~,j d~ .,
eering Standards Committee ~ f~?~)'-` : ~
oai vrhich the fllowing bodies wd}~~,~ rdrh

. ,

r^trrasted ~~> the Rd~ad

~ ~ r^hn~c,~dl. `d7r~x~nittee E1?~i11

i~r~ti~h aggregate Construction TVlat:er~- ~

p~~~~nty Surveyors' Society

ion of Civil Engineering

ondon Council

of PdaroleurxD

zti:an of Civil Engineers

notion of Highway Engineers

st~tution of Municipal Engineers


Emulsion Association Ltd.

o~ Chemical Industry

~+- "

'this British Standlard, hru ;

been prepared under tl . .
direction of the road 1 : ry=~ ;
Standards (;om~nitter, ,~. . .
published under the aui `~ : ~ ,
the Board of BST and o: :~d~ ; .
eflada an
291+eb5uarv 194
t< ., S( 12-199D1

I~'irst published 2ece b~ :

Pi~st revision I)ecexnbd. ~ ? a.
Secand revision Febru~~r~. I
Third revision .~1pr1 19L~
Faurth revision a:: BS ~~a~ .

Arnendxnents issued since publics


Ud d~ber l f173

'lhe follovvin~ BSl refers ada~== :

relate to the work on ties
standard :
Gomna ttee relr'renr:c; 1
Draft far d~omment 8t1l1
ISI3N 0 580 7.~9~2?s.

O~ 1~SUe

a--~-w-..~ 9d~
..$:~ t ti


141ay 1988
~lune 1991


55'' ~i `k351'iltlt' 6,'11;~2dp 91ls~k"gAll

Only for internal use!

BS 434-1 :1984

This document may be used in part

only for the internal use!

C) BSI 1 2-1998

BS 434-1 :1984

lion of this fart of this British Standard, prepared tinder the direction
oad Engineering Standards Comiri',~i ,~ specifies requirements for
the 1973 edition
, ;ionic and cationic bitumen road emulsion ; . It supersedes
is withdrawn. Recommendations for the use of these emulsions for roads
urfaces are covered by Part 2 of this standard.
~-, iajor changes have been made to the previous edition of this standard but the
tunity has been taken to make a large number of minor alterations which
shown to be necessary as a result of users' experience,
itish Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
".-rast . Users of British Standards are res
,ible for their correct application.
;VMhance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
n legal, obligations.




of pages
is document comprises a front cover. tin inside front cover, pages i and ii,
to 16, an inside back cover and a lack cover.
and has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
, Iments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
nt cover.


o 13S] 12-1998

Only for internal use!

BS 434-1:1984

I Scope

This Part of BS 434 specifies requirements far

anionic and cationic bitumen emulsions used for the
preparation and treatment of road and other
surfaces carrying wheeled and foot traffic.
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
are listed on the inside back cover.

2 Definitions





For the purposes of this Part of BS 434, the

following definitions apply.
a viscous liquid or a solid, consisting essentially of
hydrocarbons and their derivatives, that is soluble
in carbon disulphide l ); it is substantially
non-volatile and softens gradually when heated . It
is black or brown in colour and possesses
water-proofing and adhesive properties . It is
obtained by refinery processes from petroleum and
is also found as a natural deposit or as a component
of naturally occurring asphalt in which it is
associated with mineral matter
bitumen road emulsion
a liquid product in which a substantial amount of
bitumen is suspended in a finely divided condition
in an aqueous medium by mans of one or more
suitable emulsifying agents . There are two types,
anionic and cationic
anionic emulsion
an emulsion in which the anion of the emulsifier is
at the interface with the bitumen particle that is
negatively charged and in which the aqueous phase
is normally alkaline
cationic emulsion
an. emulsion in which the cation ofthe emulsifier is
at the interface with the bitumen particle that is
positively charged and in which the aqueous phase
is normally acid
binder content (including emulsifier)
the difference between 100 % and the percentage
water content determined in accordance with
appendix F

3 Classification of road emulsions

3.1 Anionic road emulsions. Anionic road

emulsions shall be classified in order of stability as
a) Class Al: labile . An emulsion characterized by
rapid breakdown on. application and normally
unsuitable for mixing with aggregate; used cold.
b) Class A2., semi-stable. An emulsion with
sufficient stability to permit mixing with certain
grades of aggregate before breakdown occurs ;
used cold .
0 Class A& stable . An emulsion with sufficient
mechanical and chemical stability for
purposes involving mixing with aggregates
including those containing large proportions of
fines or chemically active materials such as
cement or hydrated lime; used cold .
d) Class A4.' slurry seal. An emulsion formulated
for the slurry seal process; used cold .
NOTE Additives may be used at the time of laying if
required to adjust the setting time or viscosity of the mix.

This class shall be subdivided as follows.

1) Class A4: slow setting. Suitable for mixing in
simple mixers for hand laying, in bulk transit
concrete mixers c r mobile mixing machines .
2) Class A& rapid setting. Suitable for handling in
special mobile mixing machines only.

NOTE I Classes Al and W am subdivided according to their

nominal binder contents (see Table 1) .
NOTE 2 Due to the wide variation in chemical activity and
physical structure of aggregates from different sources, not all
are suitable for the slurry seal process. It is necessary, therefore,
to test each aggregate in the laboratory with class A4 emulsion
and to subject the mixes with class A4 emulsion to the track
abrasion test in accordance with appendix Aof Part 2:1984 of this
standard. The loss in mass of the specimen after abrasion should
not exceed 5M g/m2 :

3.2 Cationic road emulsions. Cationic road

emulsions shall be classified in order of stability as
a) Class KI: rapid acting. An emulsion
characterized by rapid deposition of binder on
contact with road surfaces and aggregates
followed by early resistance to rain . Unsuitable
for mixing with aggregates; class KI-70 grades
used hot, other grades cold.
b) Class K2: medium acting. An emulsion in
which the rate of deposition of binder is
sufficiently delayed to permit mixing with certain
clean coarse aggregates before breaking to form a
continuous adhesive film without stripping; used

"The internationally agreed definition of bitumen relates its solubility to carbon disulphide but in the UK trichloroet
used since it is safer than carbon disulphide .

BSI 12-1998


u se!

0n Fy-fof-i-fit6'ffiA -BS 434-1 :1984

c) Class K3.- slow actint-, . An emulsion in which

the rate of depositio~ ~fidnderissufficiently
delayed to permit i) ~ , ~ ~ xx - Lth certain fine
aggregates belre J- ; j ig to form a continuous
- v,ippi ng; used cold,
adhesive film wi~l- ~

~-.,As.ions are included in


Cationic slurry seal

M is mubth ,
content (see Table 2).
NOTE, 2 Due to the wide',
physical structure of aggrc,,~
are suitable for the slurry ,,
to test each aggregate in the i ; ,
and to subject the mixes with
abrasion test in accordance ,N
standa rd . The loss i n mase oi
not exceed 5W g&2.

4 Composition

4.1 General. Road em~

bitumen, modified if r ~ ,~
emulsifying agents ani .1
surfactants and addit!
modify performance,,
emulsions for special



nonrim al Under

in in chemical activity and

c'wr different sources,' not all
At is necessary, therefore,
r~ with class K3 emulsion
ion to the track
'Part2:1984 of this
fter abrasion should

shall contain
y as specified in 4 .2,
ter. Small amounts of
iall be permitted to
~zlurry seal and other

4.2 Bitumen. The bif , ,

used for the
manufacture shall
of the emuk Y wa shall comply with
138 3690 and
be " n nc (I from the range
grade 70 penetration to ; ~~ Ke 300 penetration, as
defined therein.


NOTE I The bitumen may

fluxingagents ranging frorni ;,
the amount of fluxing agent ti
than 5 % 1~y mass of the bi~ ;i
foreationicemulsion, oras ;!- :~~
manuActurer of the em &
NOTE2 If required by th~
provide a typical sampli, W
basic ingredient of the eino
nominal viscosity of the hi ; ~ ~
NOTE 3 Attention is dra~% ~ ;
BS 300 rn,
analysis after extraction F-



-odifiect by the addition of

uz:tile distillates to beavyoils,
ern ally being not more
anionic emulsion and 10 %
thepurebaser and the
supplier should
'ation bitumen used as do
Uorshould disclose the
x mixture used .
bitumen originally
same test readt, on

q ,, washAgs or the like,

3 Toxicity . Any dr,
:I reams, ponds, rivers,
passing from. the worl,
etc., shall not, after dilub-?n by these waters, have
any toxic effect upon p1m . 4 animal or fish life .

5 Particle charge

When tested in accordance with appendix C, anionic

emulsion, shall deposit on the anodej indicating that
the particles have a negative charge and cationic
emulsion,,; sball. deposit on the cathode, indicating
that the partio', - have a positive charge .
NOTE The chn n"~
class of emu6, , . ,


amount of deposit will depend on the


6 Properties of emu

After sampling in accordance with appendix A,

emulsions shall be tested in accordance with
appendices B tod. The properties of anionic road
emulsions shall be as given in Table I and the
properties of cationic road emulsions shall be as
given in Table, 2,
7 Containers and marking
7.1 Containers . No corrosion or attack shall occur
between the emulsion and the container or bung and
the emulsion shall not be adversely affected by the
or bung .
NOTE The ti~, , i : iv~it metals or theiralloys may lead to the
evolution ol it,, ~ z;u" and On mulwmpwrd explosion of Me
container .

12 Marking. Containers shall be legibly labelled

with the following minimum information:

a) the name wtrade mark of the manufacturer or


b) the date, of filling,

c) the number of this
i.e . BS 434/1 : 1984 ~,

Q the closs of erntilsion and nominal binder

~-Ne I and Table 2) ;
e) the mwo ~ 9f contents in Ifflograins or volume
litres ;
0 the word "Anionic" or "Cationic" on the head of
the container which shall be coloured black for
Anionic and areen for Cationic ;
g) the instructions to roll the drums before use,
particularly in the ease of 40 % binder content
emulsions :
W aninsloveti

similar .r~ ,

rotect Irn frost.

tive to bulk deliveries shall provide



MarkingBS 434/1:1984 on or ~, ; rulation to a product. is a claim by the jnanulactv~-~- , - ~t-ro the product has been manufactured
accordance with Me rewo,ras of Me stanthtrd- Ile accuracy of such a claini - tii~ wfw, - , solely the manufacturet's
claims. should be addressed to tile
iWainlity of third party certification to suppo! 1 ~7
0 responsibility. Enquiries a~
0 Director, Quality Assan~nv , 'P 7 - i ~~a t, British Standards Institution, Unford W-0 Ahh, ,~i licynes NIKH 6LE in the case of
v BSI or to the appropriate authority for oth rV certifiattion
marks qdmii~'
Q 2

A BS1 IN 1998

Only for internal use!

BS 434- 1:1984


Table 1- Properties of anionic road emulsions

or clause

Class of anionio road emulsions

1-60 Al-55 Al-40 A2-57 A2-50

neg. neg.

Particle charge
Residue on t10 ~m BS sieve (% (rnlrn),
Kesdue on 150 ~m BS sieve
(g per 100 mL, maximum)


~ U,1








1J .2

~ 0.15







20 to 20 to 20 to

< ~o

< ~o







Stability to mi.xng wth coarse aggxegrxte

(lo coagulation.}


Stability to mixing with cement

(lo coagulation}


Binder content (% {rrt 1rn), minimum}





Vscosty (degrees Engler (E} at 20 ~}~


6to9 5to$ 4 max. 8 max. 5 max. 9 ma

8 max.

Goagulation of emulsion at low









Storage stabilityy (short period test)

(inversions to clear sediment, maxniurn}









Storage stabilty (long period test}

(% water content difference, maximum}


N(3'f1~' In special circumstances, class A1-60 emulsion with. a higher viscosity can. be used for hand applcation provided that the
emulson conxplies with all the atherregxirements cifth s standard.
a The visca ities given in the table are suitable far use in hulk spreaders complying with BS 1707 or BS 3136 ar for use in hand
operated sprayers complyng with . BS 3136 . As a general guide, a maximum ~~iscosity of 9E at the temperature of the spraying is
coxxsidered to be suitable .
~ These viscosity values are intended to serve as a
1y and other values xnay be agreed between the purchaser and the




~t BSI: 12-1948

Only, or internal 6e!

BS 434-1 :1984

Table 2 - Properties of cationic road exxxtxfsions


Residue on

(% Onho, maximum)

Residue on 150 p,m

(g per 100 mL, maxinr. s ., o
Binder content W
On 57"Id-immum)
Viscosity (degrees U , 7 ('11) at 20')
Viscosity Redwood N'
Coagulation of emulsion at " temperature
Storage stability (short pf.-!riod test)
(inversions to clear sediment, maxitnum)
Storage stability Clang y- ~~~~)d test)
(9/6 water content diffe ;-,

NOTE lnspecial eireum-,aro zclass K I-60 emulsion with a higher vista

emulsion complies with all ' ira + , Iier rcquirements of this standard .
intended to serve as a guide only. Bitumen emulsions can change in viscosity during storage
a The viscosity range in the
this range may be used by agreement between the purchaser and the supplier provided that
and transit and viscosatzer
ownr,.-, of BS 1707 are met when the emulsions art, ;prayed in hot hinder distributors
the transverse distribution
complying wth BS 1717.





(e) RSI 12-1998

Only for internal use!

BS 434-1:1984

Appendix A Sampling
A.1 General. Draw samples of emulsion as soon as
possible after delivery, preferably within 24 h, and
test within 7 days from the date of drawing. Do not
expose the samples to temperatures below 0 OC .
A.2 Deliveries in drums. Select and sample at
least three drums.
NOTE This standard does not specify the exact number of
drunis to be sampled and this should be agreed between the
manufacturerand the purchaser.

Thoroughly mix the contents of each drum to be

sampled by rolling the container to and fro for a
period of 2 min to 3 min successively in opposite
directions, making at least five revolutions in each
direction and then up-ending each drum through
two revolutions, first in one direction and then in
the opposite direction. Then pour the whole contents
into a clean drum of just sufficient capacity,
normally 200 L, stir and immediately take a
specimen of at least 4 L. If residual matter is
present in the original container, submit a report
with the specimen .
Use one of the three, or more, specimens for carrying
out the tests given in appendices C to J inclusive
and keep the other specimens in reserve.
Seal each drum so that it is airtight and label with
the following information:
a) the manufacturer's name and description of
the emulsion;
b) the class of emulsion ;
c) the date of delivery ;

d) the date of sampling,

e) the water content of the 4 L specimen,

determined in accordance with appendix F.

Use one of the drums and its contents for carrying

out the test given in J .2 .
A.3 Deliveries in bulk. Either sample by means of
a sampling container over the whole depth of the
emulsion, or take a sample at the level of half the
depth of the emulsion, using a weighted container as
shown in Figures 1 and 2 of BS 3195-1 :1978.

Take three samples of at least 4 L each . Use one of

the samples to prepare specimens for carrying out
the tests described in appendices C to J inclusive
and keep the other two samples in reserve.
NOTE Reference should also be made to Part 2 of this standard .

(0 BSJ 12-1998

AA Test requirements . The test result from one of

the 4 L samples tested shall be compared with the
appropriate limit(s) given in Table 1 or Table 2. If
the test results do not comply with the limit(s) given
in Table 1 or Table 2 two further reserved samples
shall be tested and the
, test results of two out of any
of the three samples tested shall comply with the
limit(s) given in Table 1 or Table 2.

Appendix B Preparation of specimens

NOTE1 Not applicable to class KI-70 emulsion .

Prepare the 4 L specimen by passing it through

a 710 gm sieve as described in D.1, and use this
emulsion, after gentle stirring immediately before
use, for all tests.

NOTE2 The residue on the 710 gm sieve maybe used to decide

if the specimen complies with limit(s) given in Table I
and Table 2.

Appendix C Method for determination

of particle charge

NOTE This method is technically equivalent to IP 292/73.

C. I General. This method identifies the type of
bitumen emulsion. A direct current is passed
through a bitumen emulsion between two parallel
plate electrodes . Deposition of the bitumen on one of
the two electrodes indicates whether the emulsion is
of the anionic or cationic type . Positively charged
rticles indicate that the emulsion is cationic,
negatively charged particles that it is anionic.

C.2 .1 Current source, direct current,

approximately 12 V to 15 V.
C.2 .3 Variable resistor
C.2 .4 Electrode leads
C.2 .5 Electrodes, consisting of two stainless steel
plates approximately 75 mm long and
approximately 25 mm wide with an immersion
mark at 25 2 mm . An insulating device is used to
hold the plates parallel 25 2 mm apart in the
emulsion sample during the test.
C.2 .6 Beaker, of 150 mL capacity .

C.2 .7 Timing device, stop-watch or other suitable

device .

Only orintrn~use!
BS 434-1 :1984

C.3 Procedure. Suspend the electrode assembly in

the beaker .
Pour the specimen of tl
on into the beaker
until the electrodes o
ie r,;ed to a depth
of 25 mm.
Connect the leads froi n,
rodes to the current
'r and the variable
source through the
resistor .
;nd. start the timing
Adjust the current to
device .
i ;a , dropped to 2 mA or at
When the current rea
r occurs first, disconnect
the end of30 min,
electrodes in
the current source an irunning water.
Observe the electrodes i
emulsion as
CA Reporting of resu~>
cationic ifthe deposit v ,
n the cathode and as
.2s on the anode.
anionic if the deposit -1

NOTE Thecathode isthen ek . ~We connected to the negative

pole of the d.c .s.ource and the ~modp is the electrode connected to
the positive pole .

Appendix D Me
determination of

idue on sieving

This method

Al Residue on 710 pm

ALI Apparatus
D.I.I.1 Sieve, of
proximately 100 m n5 in 14
and 40 min deep
and complying withF
ALL2 Sniall. inetal v,
approximately 110 mm
er (e.g. a clock
glass) .
ALL3 Well ventilatod
controlled to 105 5 ",
readable and
ALIA Balance, of'-',"~
accurate to 0.01 v.
ALL5 Balance, of
~-pwity, readable and
accurate to I g.
acity, clean, weighed and
ALL6 Container . 4
AL2 Materials
AL2.1 Sohitions
it: a 2 % (m/rn)
A1.2.1.1Foranionic-oleate in water.
solution of potassium 4 , ,
)u: a I % (in/rn)
A1.2.1 .2 For cationic
solution of cetrimide
ire of
alkyltrimethylammoniu ; iroinides)i.n0.lN
hydrochloric acid .






AL2.2 Solvents
.1 'Kylene, complying w th any grade
specified in BS 458.
AL2.2.2 Acetone, complying with S 509.
AU Procedure, Wash the sieve with xylene and
then with acetone. Place the sieve in the dish, dry it
in the oven at 105 5 OC for I h, cool and weigh the
sieve, together wit
dish, to
nearest A
Remove the sieve from
moisten with
the appropriate soluti
Render uniform the 4 L specimen by gentle
agitation and strain immediately through the sieve
into the clean, dry, weighed container (VV2).
of the emulsion has passed through the
sieve, remove the sieve and weigh the container
containing the emulsion to the nearest I g (14-7,3 ) .
Wash the sieve repeatedly with the appropriate
solution until. the washings are no longer
discoloured and then wash with distilled water until
free from the solution . Discard the washings . Place
the sieve in the small dish to dry for 2 h in the oven
at 1055) 'C . Cool and reweigh the sieve and dish
together to the nearest 0.01. g (IVI).
AL4 Calculation. Calculate the percentage
retained, which is given by the expression :

N 3;.


o "the sieve and dish (in g) ;
TV, is the
W2 is, tht - , ~i :i of 16he container (in g);
IV3 is thr, i~ t- of the container and emulsion
(ln g);
is the mass of the sieve, dish and residue
(i g).
AL5 Reportittg of results. Report the percentage
retained or, !he 710 [tni sieve to the nearest 0.01 .
A2 Residue on 150 urn sieve

A2.1 Apliaratus
A2.1.1 Sieve, of 150 um nominal aperture,
min deep
approximately 100 mm diameter and 40
and complying with BS 410.
A2.1.2 Sinall inetal or glass dish,
approximately 110 mm in diameter (e .g. a clock
glass) .
D.2.1 .31[(,,, : r ; ,3ge~vliitder,oflOOmLcapa6ty .
250 g capacity, readable and
A2.1 .4
accurate tc, C, ' I




0 By ITIN8

Only for internal use!

BS 434-1 :1984

D.2 .1 .5 Well ventilated oven, thermostatically

controlled to 105 5 *C .
D.2 .2 Materials
D.2 .2 .1. Solution s

D.2 .2 .1 .1 For anionic emulsion : a 2 % (in1m)

solution of potassium or sodium oleate in water.
D.2 .2 .1 .2 For cationic emulsion : a 1 % (m/m)
solution of cetrimide (a mixture of
alkyltrimethylammonium bromides) in 0. 1 N
hydrochloric acid.
D.2 .2 .2 Solvents

D.2 .2 .2 .1 Kylene, complying with any grade

specified in BS 458.
D.2 .2 .2 .2 Acetone, complying with BS 509.

D.2 .3 Procedure. Wash the sieve with xylene and

then with acetone. Place the sieve in the dish, dry it
in the oven at 105 5 `C for 1 h, cool and weigh the
sieve, together with the dish, to the
nearest 0.01 g (TV,).

Measure 100 mL of the specimen into the cylinder

previously moistened with the appropriate solution .
Pour the specimen rapidly on to the sieve,
previously moistened with the appropriate solution,
maintain a layer of emulsion constantly upon
the sieve. Gently tap the side of the sieve, if
necessary, to ensure easy passage of the emulsion .

When all of the specimen has passed through the

sieve, wash the sieve repeatedly with the
appropriate solution until the washings are no
longer discoloured and then wash with distilled
water until free from the solution . Place the sieve in
the dish .

Dry the sieve in the dish for 2 h in the oven, cool and
reweigh together to the nearest 0.01 g (TV2 ).
D.2 .4 Calculation.Calculate the residue, which is
given by the expression:
14,`,~, - W,


, is the mass of the sieve, dish and residue


g) ;

W, is the mass of the sieve and dish (in g) .

D.2 .5 Reporting of results. Report the residue on
sieving as "less than 0.1 g7' if this is the case, or, if
not, as the mass of residue per 100 mL of emulsion
to the nearest 0.01 g.


Appendix E Methods for

determination of stability to mixing
NOTE Forthe purposes of this British Standard emulsions are
classified in relation to the aggregate specified in E.1 .3 and in
relation to the Portland cement specified in E.2 .2 .
E.1 Stability to mixing with coarse aggregate
E.1 .1 General. Although this method may be used to
study coagulation of any emulsion on. contact with
stone, as a means of classification it is only
applicable to anionic emulsions, classes Al, A2
and A3, and can be applied accurately only when
related to the actual aggregate to be used and to all
factors likely to modify the performance of the
emulsion at the time of application.

Hence, although the limits shown in Table 1 provide

a general guide to the suitability of an emulsion for
the purpose for which it is employed, compliance
with these values does not necessarily ensure
satisfactory performance on application.
E.1 .2 Apparatus
E.1 .2 .1 Clear glass storage bottle,
approximately 180 mm high and 90 min in diameter
(e .g . a 1 kg fruit preserving jar) with a wide mouth
and rubber sealing ring.

E.1 .2 .2 Machine, for rotating the bottle end over end

at the rate of 60 r/min to 70 r/min.
E.1 .2 .3 Two flat-bottomed nickel dishes, weighed
and approximately 90 mm diameter and 15 mm
deep .
E.1 .2 .4 Balance, of 250 g capacity, readable and
accurate to 0. 1 g.
E.1 .2 .5 Balance, of 250 g capacity, readable and
accurate to 0.001 g.
E.1 .2 .6 Sieve, of 710 gm nominal aperture, as
described in D.1 .1 .1 .
E.1 .2 .7 Sieve, of 3.35 mm nominal
aperture, 200 min in diameter and complying
with BS 410.

- -Ffun
BS 434-1 :1984

E.1.3 Materials
E.1.3.1 Aggregate, con,~
f criggion c hipp mgs l)
~~perture sieve and
passing a 10
now, i
retained on a 6.3 min rlf : inal aperture sieve (both
sieves complying with R.~. ~ !0). Place about I kg in
the 3.35 mm sieve (101-17, and agitate thoroughly
, ep in a sink . Repeat
in tap water about 100 r-~ ,
fresh water each
this procedure four ti
it to a glass
beaker and. wash tbr ~, using 500 mL
hile the aggregate is
distilled water each ti--~
stirred with a glass ro '
r dry the washed
aggregate to constant
K 111 klene, comply > ~ z with BS 45, with an
evaporation. residue n v A~edingOQQT.
E.1.3.3 Soap solution,
potassium or sodium ~~
awater .
111.4 Nocedure.
K, iJass bottle with xylene,
dry it, wash with the swu- .Rolution and then with
distilled water, and fi,na, liv d ry with a soft cloth or
jap paper.
erials to a
Bring tile bottle and all t
and. 25 OC before the
temperature between
within this
start of the test and mr i ~ ii
+out the test.
temperature rang(.~ t
Weigh 200 I g of Oik, -~~-,,,~-ogate into the bottle,
followed by 20 0.2 gjl -nulsion which hass, been
passed through the 7 1 0 ,,j Tir-deve (E .1.2.6). Screw on
the lid immediately, invert the bottle and sharply
tap on the base with the 1 ad so that the aggregate
and emulsion fall freplv
Place the bottle in the '~,i,~ngnlachineinthe
inverted position and rW ~ ~ ~ end over end 140 times,
(i.e. 140 complete 36U' r- ~Iutions). Allow a period
of not more than't mi
between. adding the
starting the rotating
emulsion to the aggre,~,,;:A.
machine .
Remove the bottle from
rotating, machine,

distilled water
add 200 1 mL
at 20 'C to 25 'C, rept-o.- -, I-,elid and rotate in the
machine 60 to 70 tim-- . '-ten pass the wash water
U) and residual. emulsion Cs
the 710 pm sieve
(E.1.2.6) and repeat 11 , ,
-a remain clear.
possibleOf thc~
After draining away
C water, place the sievf
L,~r . Ponr 100 mL of
he bitumen on
xylene into the beaket
into the bottle.
i ,,'Ii a further 100 mL of
Wash the sieve and b,
aNo to the bottle . Then
xylene and add this
aebine and rotate
close the bottle, repla,
-olve the coagulated
it for a period of I

x -,




CL bitumen,


OWNS& Mm Am y !

Allow the bottle to stand for 30 min to permit

dispersed water and any aggregate dust to settle .
R.emove two 25 ml, aliquots ofthe xylene solution by
pipette and evaporate in the two weighed nickel
dishes by placing them for 1.5 h on the metal surface
of a boiling water bath in a fume cupboard. Cool in
a desiccator . Determine accurately the masses of
bitumen residue in the dishes and if they differ by
more than 0.002 g repeat the procedure.
Use the mean b ofthe two masses
to calculate I amount of binder coagulated as a.
percentage of the total binder originally present.
The coagulation vahin expressed as a percentage, is
given by the expressi


is the
of the binder in 25 mL of xylene
~i n g)~is the nmer content of the original emulsion
(percentage by mass) estimated in
accordance with appendix F.
~ 7.t ; i ,

E. 1.6 Reporting of results. Report coagulation value

as a percentage to the nearest whole number.
E.2 Stability to mixing with cement (classes A2
and A3 only)

E.2.1 Apparatus
E.2.L1 &eve, of 1 .4 min minal apeAure, weighed
and approximately 100 mill in diameter and 40 min
deep and coinplying with BS 410.
E.2 .1 .2,Sieue, of 180 gin nominal aperture,
approxii-nateiy 200 mm in diameter and complying
with BS 4 10.
E.2.1.3 Roatid-bottomed On dAk or similar metal
utensil of approximately 500 nil, e
E.2.1.4 Steel rod with rounded ends,
approximately 13 mra in diameter.
E.2.1.5 Baloare, of 250 g capacity, readable and
accurate to 0 1 g.
E.2 .1 .6 Gradutited cylinder, of 100 mL capacity.
E.2.1.7 Shallotopau, weighedand of
approximately 50 nil, capacity and
approximately 110 min in diameter .
E.2.1 .8 11"ell oentilated oven, thermostatically
controlled at 105 5 OC .

K2.2 Material

E.111 Ordbtary lortland ceinent, complying with

BS 12, kept i a sealed containers and not exposed to
the atmcaspb~'t- before use .

M"~ 160-162 Abbey Fore gate .

Sbrvw~A~tirv.SY2 ( ;AV~

V, BSI 12-1998

Only for internal use!

BS 434-1 :1984

E.2 .3 Procedure. If the water content of the

emulsion, determined in accordance with
ippendix F, is below 50 %, dilute the emulsion with
sbly boiled distilled water at 20 *C to 25 'C, to a
water content of 50 %.
Sift a portion of the cement through the 180 pin
sieve (E .2 .1 .2) and weigh 50 g of the sifted cement
into the iron dish .
Weigh the 1.4 mm sieve (E .2 .1 .1) and the shallow
pan to the nearest 0. 1 g (TV,).

Add 1.00 mL of the 50 % emulsion to the cement in

the dish and stir the mixture at once with the steel
rod with a circular motion, making 60 complete
revolutions during 1 min. immediately at the end of
the 1 min mixing period, or after a longer period if
necessary to obtain a homogenous mixture,
add 150 mL of freshly boiled distilled water at 20 "C
to 25 'C and continue stirring for 3 min. Maintain
the ingredients and apparatus at a temperature
of 20 OC to 25 'C during the mixing period .
Pourthe mixture through the 1.4 mm sieve (E .2 .1 .1)
rinse with distilled water poured from a
receptacle held at a height of
approximately 150 mm . Place the sieve in the pan,
heat them both in the oven at 105 5 'C until dry
and weigh them together to the nearest 0. 1 g (W2) .
E.2 .4 Calculation. Calculate the coagulation value,
as a percentage, which is given by the expression :
W2 __ IV,


the mass of the weighed sieve and pan

(in g) ;
is the mass of the sieve and pan, and the
material retained in and on them (in g) ;

is the mass of the binder in 100 mL of the

diluted emulsion (in g) determined by the
procedure in appendix F.
E.2 .5 Reporting of results. Report the coagulation
value as a percentage to the nearest whole number.





Appendix F Method for determination

of water and binder content
Nui,i~,' rhis method is based on IP 291/73 .

F.2 .1 Glass still, of 500 mL capacity, comprising a

round-bottom short-necked flask with a ground
socket for either a 24/29 or 34/35 joint, complying
with BS 572, at the neck .

F.2 .2 Condenser, consisting of a water-cooled reflux

glass tube type having a jacket not less
than 300 mm. in length, with an inner tube
of 15 3 mm external diameter . The lower end of
the inner tube shall be ground to an angle of
approximately 60' to the axis . The drainage tip shall
finish in a 19/26 cone .

F.2 .3 Receiver, of annealed glass complying with the

dimensions given in Figure 1.
F.2 .4 Heater, such as an electric heater.
F.3 Materials
F.3 .1 Carrier liquid, petroleum or coal-tar spirit,
free from water and yielding not more
than 5 % (V/V) of distillate at 125 *C and not less
than 20 % (VIV) at 160 "C when tested as described
in BS 2000-123 .
NOTE A suitable, carrier liquid is grade 3' or 5' xylene
complyingwith BS 458.
FA Specimen. Ensure that the specimen is
thoroughly representative of the material to be
ted .

F.5 Procedure. Weigh 30 g to 50 g of the emulsion

to the nearest 0. 1 g into the distillation still.
Add 100 mL of the carrier liquid and one or two
glass beads.
Assemble the apparatus. Insert a loose plug of
cotton wool in the top of the condenser tube to
revent the condensation of atmospheric moisture
e condenser tube .

Heat cautiously and regulate so that the condensate

falls from the end of the condenser at a rate of two
drops to five drops per second . Continue until the
volume of water in the receiver is constant.
Discontinue heating and cool to room temperature.
If any droplets of water are adhering to the sides of
the receiver or condenser, dislodge them with a fine
wire spiral . Measure the volume of water.
F.6 Calculation and report. Calculate the water
content, expressed as a percentage by mass, which
is given by the expression:
A X 100

F.1 General. The water content as determined by

this method is used to calculate the binder content
of an emulsion bv deducting the result from 100
(see 2.5)


F.2 Aipparatus

F.7 Precision. Results of duplicate tests shall not

differ by more than the following amounts:


The apparatus is illustrated inFigure 1.

(Q BSI 12-1998

* is the volume of water in the trap (in mQ ;

* is the mass of emulsion sample taken (in g) ;

Report the result to the nearest 0. 1 % (in /tit).

a) repeatability: 1 .0 % (m/in);
b) reproducibility: 2.0 % (in/m).

BS 434- 1 :1984

All dimensions are in i





NOTE 1 . Graduations to 0.2 ml- are required on the receiver, though for clarity they are omitted from this drawing
, and 170 mm to
NOTE 2. If apparatus with 1 glass bulb is used, then a dimension 30 mm to 60 mm may be used in place of 47 t ".), mm
210 mm in place of IM - ~~, mm, provided the graduations in the upper tube allow for the piouision tolerances in F 7 to be achieved .

re I - Assembled apparatus for water content test


.2 10

Y; BY 101998

Only for internal use!

BS 434-1 :1984

Starring devoe

. Measuring

and ieveiting projections



TrTcd and




Ali dimensions are in millimetres and are requirements of the &on viscometer with the exception of those marked
tApproximate distance between thermometer and bottom of cup.


an asterisk,

Figure 2 - Erigier viscometer





iG 13SI 12-1998


OnFy 6f internal use!

BS 434-1 :1984

Appendix G Methods for

determination of viscosity
G.1 Engler viscositv
NUTE This method A h ,-M1 .1 GeneraL This wv
for the determination c.road emulsions in arbii
Engler viscometer .
NOTE I The flow of bitui
non-Newtonian in that t
and rate of shear is not
test, the divergence from
lead to any difficulty in ob~~i! i;
Nevertheless, if measu r~ in
temperature, or if the emo
exceedin g 25 A(degrt,
may arise.
NOTE 2 The viscosity of "7
permanently by violcnt ;~ ~;i! :,
]ong storage at ambient to!

ribes a procedure
)sity of bitumen
20 'C using the
road emulsions is
'~i ip between shearing stress
dor the conditions of the
aviour does not normally
producible results.
ipted at low
91mormally high viscosity,
xample, such difficulties
v may be changed
T)v heaiing or chilling, or by

QL2 MaMus

G.1 .2 .1 Viscometer, 0 ,it

viscometer as shown. in
essentially of a cup w
the base which may b~ ,
hard wood stopper. Tb
water bath fitted witl ,- a
Thermometers (10 'C 1 , ;
the cup and the "te,G.1 .2 .2 Two thern~oir
BS 2000-0 : Addendui~ .

G.1 .2 .3 Receivingf1ae;',
Kohlrausch flask of 201'
complying with class

ndard Engler
. This consists
A jet in the centre of
d by means of a tapered
is!~urrounded by a
ing device .
are carried in both

is a standard
pacity at 20

can be read to 0.2 s or

G.1 .2.4 Tinting deuice,
less and it is accurate, to so . I t/o over a period of not
less than 15 min. A stop-atch of the jewelled lever
type, complying with the~, requirements when fully
but not tightly wound ~ - - ~, ~-,. Ale; when in use it
shall be held in the saim li~ ~sjtion as when tested .









G. 1.4 Calibnation. Wash the c-ap and jet with

petroleum spirit, then several times with alcohol
and finally with distilled water.

Level the viscomi-ter approximately and insert a

stopper whi&1 1) ~ ; - : been used only for the water test
of the apparat~.; , , ~md has never been in contact with
oil or emulsion . Fill the receiving flask nearly to the
brim with diisti tied water at 20 'C and pour it into
the viscometer cup, allowing the flask. to drain in an
, thus filling the cup to a
inverted posi
little above the ointers. Place the lid and the
thermometers i
osition and maintain the
temperature of the water in
and the water
stopper a few
bath A 20 AUG times, fill the jet completely
rater and wet the
surface of the oudet end so &at Ge drop completely
covering thesurface remains pendant Set the water
surface exactly at the pointers by sucking out excess
water with a pipette or, if necessary, by adding a
small quantit.~ of water at 20 "C . When the water is
completely atlest, place the drained receiving flask
underneath the orifice.
Lift the stopper right out vertically so that the
surface of the water suffers the minimum
disturbance and at the same time start the timer.
Note the time taken for the receixing flask to fill to
the 200 inL niark .

Repeat the determination until three consecutive

results have been obtained differing by not more
than 0.5 s
showing no progressive decrease .
Clean the appavaus and make another series of
determinations in the same way. If agreement is
obtained with the results of the first series, no
further tests need be made ; if not, carry out further
series of determinations until constant times of
efflux are found. The mean of the six values of the
series shall be taken is the time of efflux of
water anti sbal I lie between the limits of 47 s
and 53 s.
G.1 .5 Jon par

of specimen, Stir the emulsion

gently and
G.1 .2.5 Sieve, of 710 gni nominal aperture and
water bath,'
note 2 to G. 1.1) .
complying with BS 41
G.1 .6 Proced!i,,
the temperature of the
.2.6 Sieve, of 250 p
noirrinal aperture and
visconieter to 20 0 .5 "C
complying with BS ,
and insert H-~~
uper in the elea tied cup.
G.1 .3 Alaterials
Pour the spsiown o
emulaion Arough
G.1 .3 .1 Petroleum, spiril .
.15) into the cup until the
the 710 pm si
BS 2000-0 : Addendurn
vith one or more of the pointers .
level makes co
G.1 .3 .2 Xylene, compt,
If necessary,
the levelling screws and add
Ace ofthe emulsionjust
G.1 .3 .3 Ethanol, coniv
ousl--. Remove
touches all three pointers simu
any excess eniulsion with a pipette; do not draw any
off by raising the stopper because coagulation of
bitumen may oeotr in theJet when tbestopper is



Only for internal use!

BS 434-1 :1984

When the temperature of the jacket and of the

specimen is steady at 20 0.5 *C, measure the time
of outflow of 200 mL of the emulsion into the
receiving flask, allowing the emulsion to flow down
the side of the flask to avoid frothing.

the measurement at a sufficiently short

,, al after introducing the emulsion into the
viscometer so as to minimize sedimentation or
creaming and maintain the specimen at 20-+ 0.5 'C
during the test . Carry out three determinations on
three separate portions of the sample and take the
mean value. If the three values differ by more
than 5 % of the mean value, carry out three further
determinations .
After each determination wash out the cup with
distilled water and remove superfluous water with
papen Bean the jet thoroughly by means of a
spill of soft Mter paper moistened. with xylene and
dry the bottom of the instrument round the jet with
filter paper. If bitumen has been deposited in the
viscometer, clean by the procedure given in G.1 .4 .
NOTE When gas heating is used, moisture is liable to be
deposited and if the bottom of the jet is damp, irregular readings
may result .
In cases where difficulty is encountered through
blockage of the jet of the viscometer, strain the
emuhsion first through the 710 gm sieve (G.1 .2 .5)
and then through the 250 gin shve (G.1 .2 .6).
G.1.7 Calculation. Calculate the viscosity, in Engler
degrees ('E), which is glen by the expression :
T1, is the mean

ie of offlux of 200 mL of

Tw is the mean time of efflux of 200 mL of water.

G.1 .8 Reporting of results. Report the viscosity to
the nearest 0. 1 'E .
G.2 Redwood No . Il viscosity
G.2 .1 Introduction. This method describes the
ocedure for the determination of the viscosity in
seemids at
test temperature (85 "C) using the
Redwood No . 11 viscometer.
G.2 .2 Apparatus
G.2 .2 .1 Standard Redwood ]Vo. 11 viscoineter, of the
dimensions given in Figure 3, complete with
ball-valve, oil cup cover, thermometer clip, stand
and screen .

G.2 .2 .2 Thermometers, for oil cup and beating bath

complying with BS 20040: Addendum 1.
NOTE Alternatively, thermometers complying with
B1 1 00100, series B, ofBS 593 maybe used,

BS 1 12 -1998

G.2 .2 .3 Receimr, that is a Kohlrausch type flask,

of 5010.5 mL capacity at 20 'C or a 100 mL
cylinder with graduations at 25 mL and 75 mL.

G.2 .2 .4 Timing device, that can read to 0.2 s or less

and is accurate to 0. 1 % over a period of not less
than 15 min.

All dimensions are in millimetres,

Figure 3 - Redwood No. 11 viscometer:

section of cup
G.2 .3 Preparation of sample . Place
approximately 200 mL of the specimen in a suitable
clean, loosely stoppered container and bring to a
temperature a little over the test
temperature (85 'C) by immersing in a hot water or
oil bath; do not heat the specimen over a flame or by
the immersion of hot bodbs in it.
G.2 .4 Procedure. Clean the oil cup with suitable
solvents and dry thoroughly with soft tissue paper
~ other material which will not leave fluff.
Set up
fillthe viscometer, level by using a spirit level
the bath with water or oil to not less
than 10 mm below the rim of the oil cup at test

Heat the viscometer bath to a few degrees above the

test temperature. Homogenize the specimen by
stirring and pour the prepared specimen into the oil
cup-Adjust the temperature of the bath until the
specimen in the cup is maintained at the test
temperature of 85 'C, stirring the contents of the
bath and cup during the process. Stir the specimen
with the thermometer during the preliminary.
period . Do not stir the specimen during the actual

CFn fy
-f6--Chitbir iiif'use!

BS 434-1 :1984

hen the tomperatun,

quite steady at the te:
liquid level, if necessp
until the surhice of Cu
point. This should be
in g the specim( , ~
minimize loss
Slightly warm the oil,
position on the oil cu
thermometer tow& .,
slot in the cover.
standard 50 mL flask
containing 25 mL of ~ -.neck a few millimet,,,z ;
not insulate the flask

UR the ball-valve an(

time recorder . Susper , ~
supporting the oil cu.
hook in the wire steiia,
the instant the speciir,
graduation mark on Ch
graduation on the cy!
reading of the oil cup
Reject any determin--, ;
specimen in the oil cu ;
inore than 0.3 'C .

-2 from - 5 "C to + 35 c'C
ermometer is for 11-r
"D tb
minimum distance hi , T
Me - 5 'C mark of 10
C: complying with BS 2",
cu H.1 .3 Sieve, of 710 p

wAh BS 410~

< H .1 .4 Two, beakers,




place it in
oil cup
A of the curved
it, cylinder
e~ , ~w the jet with the
bottom of the jet. Do
ously start the
~ter by means of the
iming recorder at
50 mL
perature of the
g the run by
st M5 s .

M2 Materia I
H.2 .1 Soh-e6?F2H-2-1-1Z ; a
of potass in n

--wulsions:a 2 ~Io (in /tit) solution

lj:-~ -n,,,)Ieate in water.

H.2 .1 .2 F,, ; , i~'oaic entulsions : -, I % (mInt)

solution , . (- ~ ~ i i ~ e (a m ixture of
H.2 .2 Sof-ev
Mill ~,
in BS 45,w'~

H.2 .2.2,,i,


with FIS 509.

H.3 Proced 4 : 1 e . Wash the 7 10 ~i in sieve

successr .oly - ~th Y~ylene, acetone and distilled
water.N[(~l ~I th~.,~ clean sieve with the appropriate
solution .
Pass som,: ~ 1:
em uIsion thro ugh the moistened
!einulsion into
sieve and ir a- An
20 nil, of'
the boilin2
Heat ME ~ ;ecirnen of emulsion by plunging the tube
into the -,, ~
at 30 'C and stii~ gently with the
thermor, i i ~ ir ~ , ntil the temperature of the emulsion
is consta r i . When stirring, take care riot to allow the
tube above the reading level.

Remove the Q:? 1" ~w the warnra water and plunge it.
into a 600 nih, ~ ,~ ~, :~, r containing ice water, at the
a inassof finely crushed ice
Appendix H Meth~
r determination bottomofw!~~
retained by a_~ :
T wire gauze fitLed into the
u1sion at lo
of coagulation of
~ ~ ~ ring the. coofing process. As
beaker. Stir
~c ~irr , of the emulsion no longer
soon as
&11% aV Oi
v wer untH the temperature
MI Apparatus
of the freezi n i
e reaches --- I 'C to - 1 .5 'C so
of the ein ulsion, which should
H. 1. 1 Glass boilb
~-a long and 26 mm in
is redut,,,-d I-r, 0 'C~
vided with, a cork,
internal diameter .
0' , ' -h-continue the
with a central hole I
meter through
When the
i , id 600 mL
which a thermometk
rn~ ,,~ture at,
thermometer is EWA
13 mm in
beaker cX ~ ~ ~ 7~
pushed down the
of- 3 OC U) allow U ~.~niuhsion to remain
which is cor
when required
quiescent 5KA) nkin, White Mi - r;~ rt of the test is
stem into the
rigidly- i
~gidly in the
in order to hold the
being carried out, hold the th,
smaller cork
the CentrO of tho tube by sli&
centre of the tube .
down to fit firmly within ti ~, r' ~-, , rcork.
ated at lemt
H.1 .2 Three thertnowG.2 .5 Reporting ol'r ,
Redwood No . 11 secow


en has become
;Wre, adjust the
~ ,moving any excess
men touches the filling
ithin 15 On of
cup in order to

H.1 .5 Water bath,

to 30 W.



als of 0.2 *C . One

1.1 and has a
n of Me bulb to
ddendum I is suitable .
erture, complying


of beating water

mixture without
Removethe% .! rwin the frc~
disturbar ,~ ;
- 1 1-w the t-~!,-~j~t~k-ture of the
ail ineousl, ,, n i room temperature,
not less than 15~5 0C .
i.e . a tt :r-~
successively with xylene,
the clean sieve
I water. ~ to'
~.e emulsion
with the
through thE~ -o .i4thetybOvubvinemuldon
andotheri-Knt oa A the appim&ah- solutionand
-ough i,,n7.~
pass tbk,
BSI 12-1998

Only for internal use!

BS 434-1:1984

H.4 Reporting of results. Report if any coagulated

bitumen is retained on the sieve.

Appendix J Methods for

deternunation of storage stability
Al Storage stability (short period test)

NOTE The temperature of the laboratory during this test

should be between 15 .5 'C and 25 'C .
J.1 .1 Apparatus

J. 1 . 1. 1 Glass cylinder, as specified in BS 2000-15,

with an internal diameter between 30 mm
and 33 min and graduation mark at 75 mL .
J .1 .1 .2 Balance, of 250 g capacity, readable and
accurate to 0. 1 g.
J.1 .1 .3 Sieve, of 710 gin nominal aperture,
complying with BS 410.

J.1 .1 .4 Centrifuge, with swing-out head capable of

accepting J.1 .1 .1, the speed of which can be
controlled to give a relative centrifugal acceleration
measured at the outer tips of the rotating tubes of
between 500 and 600 times gravitational
accelembon, The gravitational acceleration is
expressed in, m/s .
NO'I'El The correctspeed (in r/min) maybe calculated from the
speed = 133

the relative centrifugal acceleration ;

d is the tip to tip diameter of the rotating tubes

(in mm).
NOTE2 In measuring d it should be remembered that this
refers to the tubes and not to the buckets containing nor the
cushions supporting them .
When d equals 380 mm, the speed shall be
between I 530r/min and 1675 r/min and when d
uals 430 mm, the speed shall be
between 1435 r/min and. 1573 r/min,

JJ.1 .5 Inverting inachine, capable of rotation

through 3600. (A suitable apparatus is shown
in Figure 4.)


J.1.2 Materials



J.1 .2 .1 Solittions
J.1 .2 .1 .1 F'or anionic emulsions: a 2 % (in/in)
solution of potassium or sodium oleate in water.
J.1 .2 .1 .2 For cationic emulsions: a 1 %
solution of cetrimide (a mixture of
alkyltrimethylammonium bromides) in 0. 1
hvdrochloric acid .



BKI 12-1998

.1 .2 .2 Solvents
J.1 .2 .2 .1 .Y~lene, complyingwith any grade specified
in BS 458.
J.1 .2 .2.2 .Acetone, complying with BS 509.

J.1 .3 Procedure. Pass some of the specimen of

emulsion through the sieve previously cleaned as
described in H.3, and moistened with the
appropriate solution . Weigh 1.0 g, to the
nearest 0. 1 g, into the glass cylinder which has been
cleaned with xylene and. acetone, dried, rinsed with
the solution and again dried with a clean soft cloth
or with absorbent paper. Place the cylinder in the
centrifuge and rotate for 5 min. Timing begins when
the operating speed appropriate to the machine has
been reached.
30 mL of
appropriate solution and close the
cylinder by pushing a bung down to the 75 mL
graduation mark on the tube . Place the cylinder in
the inverting apparatus and from the upright
position rotate steadily through 360' five times
at I r/s. Turn the cylinder through 150' and leave in
this inclined position for 10 s to allow the washings
to drain. Observe the presence or absence of
sediment . From this position rotate for a further five
revolutions, allow to drain and observe sediment as
before .
Repeat this procedure until the sediment has been
completely removed from the base of the cylinder .

)TE In some cases a few isolated specks of about I mm

ameter remain at the bottom of the tube after the sediment has
been otherwise completely removed. These specks may be
disregarded .
J.1 .4 Reporting of results. Report the number of
complete inversions required to effect complete
removal of the sediment.
J.2 Storage stability (long period test)
NOTE By reason of their low binder content and low viscosity,
classes Al.-40 and Kl-40 emulsions are more pront to
sedimentation than the others. The sedimentation resultingfrom
a few weeks storage should easily be dispersed by agitation but a
longer period of undisturbed storage makes redispersal difficult
and, in extreme cases, impossible . These emuh;ions, therefore,
should not be kept in stock for long periods and are consequently
not required to meet this test.
J.2 .1 Procedure. Obtain 200 1, of emulsion as
described in A.2 and stand the 200 L drum on end
for 3 months, ensuring that it is not at any time
subjected to frost or extremes of temperature.
At the end of this period, take a 4 L specimen of the
drum's contents after rehomogenizing the contents
as described in A.2 . Strain this sample through
a 710 pm sieve as described in appendix D and
determine the water content in accordance with
appendix F.


Only for internal use!

BS 434-1 :1984

J.2.2 RWortbW Q. v ~
difference between t-K a
centents to the ne:

Ppnrt the percentage

A initial water

Sponge rubber

blacks attached
to top

5C, ,

mAH mmempu we'rd


e t - Suitable apparatus for sedimentation test


"i BY l?-19J13

Only for internal use!

Publications referred to
BS 12, Specification for ordinary and rapid-hardening Portland cement.
BS 13k 45, 805, Specifications for benzene, xylenes and toluenes .
BS 410, Specification for test sieves

BS 434, Bitumen road emulsions (anionic and cationic).

BS 4,34-2, Code ofpractice for use of bitumen road emulsions.
BS 507, Ethanol.
BS 509, Acetone.

BS 572, Interchangeable conical ground glassjoints.

BS 593, Laboratory thermometers .
BS 615, Kohlrausch flasks.

BS 1707, Hot binder distributors for road surface dressing .

BS 2000, Methods of test forpetroleum and its products .

BS 2000-0, Addendum 1 Standard reagents and thermotneters.

BS 2000-123, Distillation ofpetroleum products .

BS 3136, Cold emulsion spraying machines for roads.

BS 31 .36-2, Metric units.

BS 3195, Methods for samplingpetroleum products .

BS 3195-1, Liquid 1*,drocarbons: manual sampling.

BS 3690, Bitumens for building and civil engineering.

91/76, Bitumen emulsion residue on sieving 4) .
IP 212/75, Viscosity -- bitumen road emulsion 4)
IP 291173, Water content of bitumen emulsions4)*

IP 292/73, Particle charge of bitumen emulsions 4)




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li-, IM 12-1998

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