Health I Syllabus MVH
Health I Syllabus MVH
Health I Syllabus MVH
This course presents a skills-based approach, endorsed by SHAPE America, which develops 21 st century health literacy
skills students need for success in college and in their careers beyond. These skills will enable students to maintain or
improve health outcomes. This is an individualized approach to enhancing student learning and development of skills
based on current research and National Health Education Standards [NHES]. Core Concepts, NHES #1, include:
Mental/Emotional wellness; Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs; Personal/Consumer Health; Family Life/Human
Sexuality; Safety/Injury Prevention; Nutrition/Fitness; and Disease Prevention/Control.
Class content is designed to apply to:
NHES #2:
NHES #3:
NHES #4:
NHES #5:
NHES #6:
NHES #7:
NHES #8:
Analyzing Influences
Accessing Reliable Information
Interpersonal Communication
Decision Making
Goal Setting
This course is required for graduation. A parent permission slip, which explains the Family Life and Human Sexuality
component of the Health I program, will be sent home on a separate document. Please return all documents by end of the
first week of class.
Students grades will be determined within the general guidelines set forth by the CCPS Board of Education and as
outlined in Student Handbook. Letter grades will be assigned on the following basis:
A 89.5 100%
B 79.5 89%
C 69.5 79%
D 59.5 69%
F 59.4% and below
Second Chance Learning Opportunities will be determined on a case by case basis. In order
to be considered for second chance learning, the student must have all classwork completed
before the conclusion of the unit and the unit test review sheet must have been submitted the
day of the unit test.
Your quarter grade will be calculated using the following percentages: 40% Formative and 60% Summative
Examples include:
Formative discussion questions, public speaking, extended response, worksheets, warm-ups, activities, exit tickets,
group work, stations, Step 3, Modeling the Skill, and Step 4, Practice the steps of the Skill.
Summative unit exams, topic quizzes, unit projects, Step 5, Feedback and Reinforcement
Final Exam
There will be a comprehensive summative assessment of all course material and it will count as 10% of the final grade in
accordance with CCPS grading policy. All Graded work will be returned, and students are expected to keep it in an
organized binder or separate health folder in preparation for this exam.
Cell Phone Policy will be specific to our classrooms specific needs and will be reviewed with you by your teacher. They
are expected to be muted and out of site at all times unless otherwise specified by your teacher. If you refuse to follow
this classroom policy on it, you will written up for insubordination. Thank you in advance, for your cooperation and
Parent contact
Referral to the Office
*Any severe misconduct will result in an immediate office referral.
A section in a three ringed binder with lined paper, blue or black pens, #2 pencils, 5 different colored highlighters, glue
stick, and possibly other materials of your choice for special projects. You are expected to keep all worksheets in an
organized fashion, in order by unit in your binder.
By signing, you are saying that you have read and understand our classroom policies and procedures. This is to remain in your binder,
page 1, after I document it in my grade book.
PLEASE SIGN AND Return all documents to your Health teacher by the end of the first week of this class .
Student: ________________________________________________________________Date: ____________
[Print first and last name, then signature next to it]
Parent(s): _______________________________________________________________Date:_____________