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Euro-Asian Journal of Economics and Finance

ISSN: 2310-0184 (print)

ISSN: 2310-4929 (online)
Volume: 3, Issue: 1 (January 2015), Pages: 53-63
Academy of Business & Scientific Research


Predicting the Customers Attitude towards Islamic Banking: A

Survey of Customers from Dera Ismail Khan Pakistan
Tehseen Ahmad1*, Prof. Dr. Allah Nawaz2, Dr. Saif Ud Din3, and Sami Ullah4


M Phil Department of Management Sciences QUSIT, DIK Pakistan

Department Of Public Administration Gomal University DIK Pakistan
Department of Management Sciences QUSIT, DIK Pakistan
Lecturer COMSAT Vehari campus Pakistan.

Islamic banking is new phenomenon in most of the Islamic countries including Pakistan.
There are several issues regarding the establishment of Islamic banking Islamic banking
however, problems of user Acceptance are very critical and demanding. A lot of research
is underway to unfold the nature of issue and the factors behind it. I extracted a
theoretical framework from the existing research for using as theoretical foundation as
the research model is used in current study. Most of the current studies reveal this the
leading role in creating the user acceptance, played by factors/variables like the Islamic
banking facilities and services (IBFS) staff behavior SBH banks quality and credibility as
well as the demographic attributes of the customers. The researcher generated a set of
hypotheses about the same relationships between the predicators (IBFS, SBH, BQ&C,
and demographics) and criterion variances of customer acceptance. For the field study, a
questionnaire was used to gather first-hand view on the topic, using five-point interval
scale to agree or disagree with the statements to analyze the empirical relationships;
several statistical tools have been applied i.e. correlation, regression, and test of
significance. The empirical results from the currents study tell this; the relationships
(association) between the predicators and criterion variables are highly significant.
Key Words Islamic Banking, Customer Attitude, Islamic Banking Facilities and
Services, Bank Quality & Credibility, Staff Behavior, Islamic Finance

Islam is one of the oldest religions of the world

followed by 1.2 billion people practicing this great
religion. This great religion guide the human being
so that they me got success in every field of life
and spend their lives with prosperity. Islam is
complete code of life and its rules, regulations and
principles cover the every aspect of life. By rules
regulations we mean Islamic shariah. Its ultimate
objective is to establish a just and equitable
society for the mankind (Owais, khan, & Zaheer,

Z. 2011). Over the last 50 years the Islamic

banking and its growth become dominant and its
shows momentous growths in the Muslim world
(Wardey, 2010). The concept of Islamic banking
is old; infect the concept of Islamic banking start
from to the early 1960s. Numerous efforts have
been made to start full fledge Islamic banks
followed by Islamic rules and regulations.
Conventional banking is based on interest while in
Islam interest is strictly prohibited and vigorous

*Corresponding author: Tehseen Ahmad

M Phil Department of Management Sciences QUSIT, DIK Pakistan.

E-Mail: [email protected]


Euro-Asian j. econ. financ.

ISSN: 2310-0184 (print); 2310-4929 (online)
Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Pages: 53-63

role of interest in the conventional banking system

confess the Muslim scholars to find the ways and
means to put in order commercial bank on an
interest free basis. However, for long period time,
the idea of Islamic Banking remained just a
dreaming (Ali, Okabi, & Bashayreh, 2014)

customers to deal with IB services and products

(Abbasi, Raja, Kamran, Aslam, Ambreen, &
Yousaf, 2012).

Islamic Banks are based on the principles of

Islamic and Islamic shariah and terminologies are
used in Islamic Banking therefore, Islamic
banking introduces the
Shariah compliant
products and services to the consumers with the
inclusive goal of obtaining social and economic
justice. Exploitation in all its types and
manifestations is strictly prohibited in Islam. For
the achievement this goal it is considered very
essential for the Islamic Banks to constantly
undergo rigorous studies for analyzing the
attributes of the customers profile in terms of their
behavior, habits, perceptions, and education
(Awan, 2009).

Existing research tells that; one of the most

common approaches that are used in research is
survey. Data collection is considered very
important in every kind of research. Questionnaire
technique is used in research to collect the data
and it is consider one of the most effective tools
for collecting the data in social sciences (Babbie,
1993:256-257), through which researchers can
collect every kind of data by answering the
different questions related to the topic (Yin,

The Islamic banking is acquiring critical and

getting popular among businesses and individuals
because of religious attachment and affection or
due to benefits offered to clients (Ali, et.al, 2014).
The role of Islamic banking is considered very
important while establishing the equitable society
therefore; numbers of non-Islamic banks are also
realize its importance and established Islamic
banking branches in their institutions that
following the Islamic Shariah and principles in a
various cities of Pakistan ( (Mubeen, Aslam, AlHussaini 2014). The Islamic banking facing very
strong competitors contest by the Islamic financial
institutions all over the world as well as from the
well-known International non-Islamic Banks that
providing the services and products of Islamic
banking (Quresh, Hussain, & Rehman, 2012).
To compete in the banking industry Islamic banks
must provide valuable products and services to
deal with non-Islamic banks instead of just
compromise at Islamic principles appearance.
These elements are considered very important
factors, which require taking into consideration
the factors, which convince customers for the
Islamic banks (Osman et al., 2009). Taking
account a massive literature review; it has been
noticed that no study is available to find out the
significant prospective factors, which effect


In a large population behavior of individual is

measured through survey and it is consider
outstanding vehicle. So in social nature of the
research project data are collected through survey
approach (Sassi, & Goaied, 2011). Both
qualitative and quantitative sources of data were
used for the literature and field surveys. For
empirical study, a structured questionnaire was
extracted from the literature and filled from the
customers of Islamic banking in DIK. The
findings were analyzed by using qualitative and
statistical tools to analysis data and answer the
Islamic Banking in Pakistan
Various countries of the world are following
conventional banking. Moreover, by Shariah
based banking system we mean banking system
that is based on Islamic rules. Back in 1973, Dubai
Islamic Bank was established in United Arab
Emirates and it was the first country, which has
the advantage of dual banking system (Mubeen,
Kulkarni, &Al Hussaini, 2014). The major
dissimilarity between non-IB and IB is, the
conventional banking system emphasis initially on
the economic and financial aspects of transactions
whereas the IB system places equal stress on the
moral, social, ethical, and religious dimensions, to

Predicting the Customers attitude towards Islamic Banking

improve and fairness for the betterment of whole

world (Hassanudin,Yousof, Hanafi, & Ebrahim,
Ideally, the goal for introducing the interest free
banking and removing the interest from the
conventional banking system is to discourage the
debt-based financial intermediation and to
encourage an equity-based intermediation.
Therefore, the balance sheet structure of IB model
is dominated by PLS on both asset and liability
sides and the value of the investors fund represent
the actual assets value of the banks (Dusuki, 2007,
p. 30). However, due to its robustness and
potential stability, theoretically it is appeared to be
a good substitute to the conventional or nonIslamic
Muhammad, 2012).
Although IB theory is comparatively new in
Bangladesh as it started its travelling in 1983,
currently, out of forty-seven commercial banks,
seven banks are operating in full-fledge IB system
(Imtiaz1, Murtaza, Abaas, & Hayat, 2013). The
Islamic banking sector is devolving very rapidly
due to the rising demand of both the personal and
business unit. According to a statistics by central
bank of Bangladesh (2010), Islamic banks
continued to develop to December 2009, which is
reproduced by the raise in terms of assets, deposits
of the total banking system, financing. In
December 2009, the overall deposit of the Islamic
banks and its branches of the conventional banks
stood at Taka 532.6 billion which was 29.7% of
the deposit of whole conventional banks and
17.5% deposit of the whole banks in Bangladesh.
Similarly, in December 2009, Islamic banking and
its branches reached to the investment of 492.9
billion Taka, which was 33.2% of all conventional
banks and 20.2% of the all banks of the
Bangladesh (Rashid & Hassan, 2009).
Customer Attitudes
Majority of customers in Islamic banks are
Muslims therefore, they prefer the Islamic
products and services but most of the products
offered by the Islamic are identical to the products
offered by Non- Islamic banks and this put a very
negative effect on the customer behavior.
Moreover, the primary objective of Islamic bank

Ahmad et


should not be to earn profit its primary objective

must be welfare of the society and the promotion
of Islamic law and regulations. Therefore, several
researchers in this field have conducted a number
of researches along with all these still many
reaches can be done in this particular area to
obtain certain precious outcomes for the growth of
Islamic banking system in this competitive market
because the sole objective of IB is welfare of
society through producing and preservative real
Islamic environment (Khan, 2012).
Customer attitude towards the Islamic banking of
Bangladeshis an important suggestions in the
view of Bangladeshi customers is that obeying
the Islamic rules and regulations are determined as
more essential goal than commercial factors
(Jabnoun & Khalifa, 2005). This outcome shows
that IB specifically those are operating in
Bangladesh must assure to their client that
services and products they are offering Islamic
and Islamic rules and regulation are followed in
true spirit and based on the goal summarized by
Islamic Shariah (Abbasi et al., 2012).
Testing of Hypotheses
Hypothesis # 1 Customer Attitude is highly
associated with predictors.
Correlation tool is used to compute the association
between the predictors and criterion variable(s). In
current field study, the dependent variable CAT
was found correlated with all the independent
variables including IB-Facilities &Services, StaffBehavior, Bank Quality &Credibility, Age and
The dependent variable of Customer Attitude is
significantly correlated with all the predictors or
independent variables with R-values of 0.395 [IB

Euro-Asian j. econ. financ.

ISSN: 2310-0184 (print); 2310-4929 (online)
Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Pages: 53-63

Facilities and Services], 0.367 [Staff Behavior],

0.488 [Bank Quality and Credibility], 0.208
[AGE] and 0.224 [Experience].
Hypothesis # 2 Predictors determine the Criterion
Regression analysis is utilized to calculate the
cause and effect relationships between the
research variables. In the current research project,
Customer Attitude was determined as the
dependent variable, which is adapted by the
predictors including IB Stepwise regression has
been used to evaluate the role of different
predictors in bringing change in the Customer
Attitude. The results are given below.
TABLES 2, 2.1, 2.2 HERE
Three models have emerged through the
application of Stepwise Regression procedure to
compute the role of predictors in changing the
dependent variable. Bank quality and Credibility,
IB Facilities and Services, and Age have emerged
as the important predictors of the Customer
Attitude giving R2 of 0.366, meaning that 37% of
change in the criterion variable is happening due
to the three significant variables. Rest of the
predictors has come up with higher p-values
thereby showing insignificant role in the
regression process.

In the current research project, Customer Attitude
was determined as the dependent variable while
IB-Facilities & Services, Staff-Behavior, Bank
Quality & Credibility, Age and Experience are
independent variables and present research project
shows that the dependent variable of Customer
Attitude is significantly correlated with all the
independent variables or predicators.
According to Khan, Hassan & Shahid (2008,
p.162), the products or services presented by
Islamic banks and non-I Islamic banks both are
similar in nature but the approach of Islamic banks
is entirely different. The approach of Islamic
banking is to emphasis primarily on equity
participation, equity-based system with zero-based

interest, and joint ventures. Islamic banks

promotes interest free banking add to this IB also
promotes profit and loss sharing system PLS. In
conventional banking system the major source of
earning is the difference between interest rate.
Interest received from the investor and interest
paid to the borrower and its difference is the major
source of earning.
Islamic banking system is totally different from
the conventional banking system in number of
ways or in numerous esteems. According to
Dusuki (2007) p.29, the basic difference that
eliminates Islamic banking from Non Islamic
banking is the elimination of interest in each and
every transactional activity. Other distinguishing
characteristic of IBs is it promotes and emphasis
on religious and social responsibilities as reflected
in all activities as well as in their commercial
transactions. Inversely, there are some ongoing
disputes regarding IB practice worldwide that
there is no difference between the IB activities
with conventional banking except the difference is
in their name. According to Lewis & Algaoud
(2001, p.30) Islamic banking and its system is
consider ideal only it follows the profit and loss
sharing principle. Based on profit and loss sharing
principle or genuine profit sharing principle less
than five percent asset of the IB comprises on
financing tools. There are number of approaches
that are following in IB for financing but the most
simple and common approach for financing is
debt-based financing so debt based instrument
such as Ijarah, Murabahah is used in Islamic banks
for financing (Kuran, 2004).
Besides interpretation of scholars (economists and
Financial analysts), understanding the opinion of
customer is also significant and therefore some
scholars such as McIver & Naylor (1986); Kotler
(1988), Engel, Blackwell, & Miniard (1993)
mentioned in their research publications that
adapting and understanding to consumer behavior
and inspiration is not a choice but an outright
compulsory for aggressive development. Knowing
the customers attitude is becoming more and
more important due to this competitive
environment therefore it will be very difficult to
know the customer attitude specially the
customers of bank due to this competitive

Predicting the Customers attitude towards Islamic Banking

environment (Rose & Marquis, 2006). Bangladesh

following the dual banking system therefore, they
are facing very Due to the dual banking system in
Bangladesh; the banking sector is facing very high
competition. In this critical situation the bankers
have to work very hard because they not only have
to attract new customers or bank clients but also
have to preserve the old customers or bank clients.
As in Bangladesh Islamic Banking is new
wherefore, it has to face more intensive
competition as compared to non Islamic banking
system. Non Islamic banks also have to face the
competition but Islamic banks have to face more
competition because these are entirely new.
Besides this conventional banking system the
Islamic banks have to compete with the various
foreign banks that are offering a number of
facilities and benefits to their customers. There are
number of established banks such as Citi bank
HSBC, and Standard Chartered and so on and IB
has to survive among all these banks and have to
compete with these international banks. According
to Kayak, Odabasi and Kucukemiroglu, (1992)
today rivalry among different banks are not
restricted to geographical boundaries of one
country banking industry covers the whole world
and huge competition exist among the different
banks of the world including financial intuitions or
non-banks (Cohen, Gan, Yong, & Choong, 2006).
In Bangladesh various Islamic Banks offerings
various Islamic modes of financing such as Ijarah,
Murabahah etc. in order to enhance and kept the
market share. And these Islamic modes of
financing are opposite to the mode of financing
offered in conventional banking system in terms
Islamic rules and regulations i.e Islamic shariah.
In Bangladesh most of the Islamic banks in the
sphere and all over the world following debt based
instrument technique. According to Kuran (2004);
Lewis and Algaoud (2001); Iqbal and Molyneux
(2005), the use of profit and loss sharing
technique, such as Musharakah and Mudarabah
financing have dropped to approximately
insignificant percentage.
In Malaysia there are contemporary issues against
IB because people of the Malaysia think that there
is no difference between the IB and non-Islamic
banks. While various people of Bangladesh think
that there is the only difference of name between

Ahmad et


Islamic and conventional banks but both are

similar in operations. In this regard they give the
argument that profit rate given in Islamic banks is
similar to the Interest rate offered in Conventional
banking system and both the rates are fixed prior
to the investment. However, Islam defines interest
as any excess or addition over principle is called
Riba i.e. Interest, and it consists of lending and
interest regardless of the rate whether it is high or
low and it is calculated as RIBA (Uddin, 2007).
Islamic banks have to face many problems if they
want to attract new customers then they will have
to introduce the new products similar to the
products offered by the conventional banks
because in this competitive environment it is very
necessary. Therefore, Ansari & Memon (2008)
argued that due to the utilization of Riba i.e
interest rate of non-Islamic banks as a yardstick,
IB offers a number of products that are very
similar to products offered by the conventional
banks i.e that are similar to the products offered on
interest basis and that creates doubt for these
particular products. Most of the people in
Bangladesh are Muslim and almost 95 percent
consumers of Islamic banks of Bangladesh are
Muslim. Therefore, the breach of Shariah principle
might negatively affect consumer behavior toward
IB and thus it will negatively affect the IB
business in Bangladesh.
Islamic banking is new phenomenon in most of
the Islamic countries including Pakistan. There are
several issues regarding the establishment of
Islamic banking IB however, problems of user
Acceptance are very critical and demanding a lot
of research is underway to unfold the nature of
issue and the factors behind it. Under the constant
guidance of my supervisor, I extracted a
theoretical framework from the existing research
for using as theoretical foundation as the research
model is used in current study.
Most of the current studies reveal this the leading
role in creating the user acceptance is played by
factors/variables like the Islamic banking facilities
and services (IBFS) staff behavior SBH banks
quality and credibility as well as the demographic
attributes of the customers. The scholars generated
a set of hypothesis about the same relationships
between the predicators (IBFS, SBH, BQ&C, and


Euro-Asian j. econ. financ.

ISSN: 2310-0184 (print); 2310-4929 (online)
Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Pages: 53-63

demographics) and criterion variances of customer

Likewise, the researchers on the topic to explore,
analyze, and communicate their findings and
results used multiple research approaches and
tools. The researcher has applied qualitative tool
of thematic analysis like argumentation to
analyze the results of current studies (research
paper). For the field study, a questionnaire was
used to gather first-hand view on the topic, using
five-point interval scale to agree or disagree with
the statements to analyze the empirical
relationships; several statistical tools have been
applied i.e. correlation, regression, and test of
Both questionnaire and empirical studies on the
topic present diversity of findings about the role of
major variables regarding the numbers of variables
2. Their inter relationships. The results differ from
advanced to developing countries as well as from
country to country. Even there is variety of results
between Middle Eastern and Asian states.
Likewise, the current study has come with
universally common as well as unique finding
thereby generating further hypothesis to be
handled by forthcoming researcher.
The empirical results from the currents study tell
this the relationships (association) between the
predicators and criterion variables are highly
Numerous researchers have conducted research on
the Consumers behavior and studied selection
criteria of banks e.g- Whiteeley and Kanynak
(1999) concluded that while choosing a bank, the
satisfaction of consumer as well bank both are
very essential. Similarly, Nor and Wel (2003)
concluded that the location is very significant
factor for customer that convince a customer too
choose a bank. However, Almossawi (2001) and
Kennington et al (1996) determined the reputation
of the bank is foremost factor for customers to
choose a bank and reputation is also helpful to
attract more customers. On the contrary, Owusu,
Frimpong (1999); Ta abd Gar (2000) and Kaynak
and Harcar (2005) found that customers choose a
specific bank based on the factors (profitability)
such as high interest rates and low service charges.

Devlin (2002) suggest that for getting loan

specially the loans for home, consumers are
mostly motivated by the professional advice.
However, Harcar and Kaynak (2005) also
conclude that an efficient, effective and fast,
service was also a very significant feature valued
by the existing and new customers, while Gerard
and Cunningham (2001) concluded that safety and
security are the most important factors for many
customers for selecting bank for depositing their
surplus money.
A survey in UAE was conducted by the Kuehn
and Bley (2004) in which financial aspect of both
the conventional banks and Islamic banking
system was studied. They determined that Muslim
student due to their religious attachment prefer
Islamic banks and financial institutions based on
the Islamic shariah while a large numbers have the
knowledge about the non-Islamic banks and
interest based financial system. Another study has
done by Okumus (2005) in Turkey on Bank
choosing criteria and interest free banking and
customer satisfaction and this particular study was
conducted outside the Southeast Asia or Middle
East in a predominantly non-sectarian Muslim
country. One vital findings of project utilization of
IB products and services the primary and only
motivation is religious attachment.
In the service sector, the provision of high-quality
customer service is of essential and paramount
significant. This paper trying to estimate customer
awareness and use of Islamic banking products. If
Islamic banks have to achieve their mission and
objectives, they will have to understand their
consumer opinions. Despite the popular claim that
Islamic banks are true reflections of Muslim
lifestyles and practices, and that customers
respect and believe in their principles, researcher
shows that religious motivation is not the only
criterion for the selection of IB institutions or
services. Studies recognized various other factors,
such as costs, service delivery (fast and efficient),
benefits, the size, and reputation of the bank,
convenience (location and ample parking), and the
friendliness of bank personnel as significant

Predicting the Customers attitude towards Islamic Banking

criteria for selecting specific Islamic banks. If

Islamic Banking is to be established and utilized
by the target market, the banks will have to
understand their customers and make their
services and products easily available.
According to this study there are numerous factors
contributing in the sluggish progress of Islamic
banks i.e. small network of branches, insufficient
information about IB services, location of banks,
unfamiliarity to financial Teachings of Islam, trust
deficiency towards Interest free banking, and
shortage of experienced and qualified staff.
In financial transactions, reliability of the service
providers is an important factor of service quality.
This study also accepted this hypothesis that
reliability influenced satisfaction. Banking
institutions require devising strategies to
strengthen this dimension of service quality. In
Islamic banks, transaction is reliable if it follows
the basic principle of justice, transparency, and
freeform interest. An interesting outcome is the
negative influence of responsiveness on consumer
satisfaction, which demands for the redesign of the
existing communication network of the banks.
Assurance effects the customer satisfaction of the
banks along with the empathy as the one of the
construct of service quality.
Now the world is become the global village and
number of communication devices have been
devolved e.g internet, the customers demands and
expectations have been changed. Now, consumers
are demanding quality of services along with
Islamic products and services. Nowadays this
problem posed for service organization deals with
how the result is calculated in comparison with
manufacturing process that generates the products.
Because of research, some measures are
recommended to improve the Islamic banking in
D.I. Khan:
i. The employees of an Islamic bank must be
clear about the concepts of Islamic banking
system, in order to motivate customers they must
have complete knowledge about the products and
services offered by the Islamic Banks.

Ahmad et


ii. Islamic banking facilities and services play a

very significant role while motivating the
iii. There is need to aware the people about the
products and services of an Islamic bank. Because
it is observed that people have poor knowledge of
Islamic banking system.
iv. Islamic banking industry must conduct its
SWOT analysis like other industries, there is need
to use its strength to gain any opportunity, and to
remove weaknesses and threats.
v. There is need to place the Islamic bank at
convenient point from where customer easily
access the bank.
vi. There is need to provide the customer not
only the level of satisfaction but the level of
delighted. Customer should not only satisfy from
banks services but should be delighted.
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Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Pages: 53-63

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Predicting the Customers attitude towards Islamic Banking

Ahmad et



Table 1
Correlations of Predictors and Criterion Variables
Staff Behavior
Bank Quality & R
Customer Attitudes R
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).




Euro-Asian j. econ. financ.

ISSN: 2310-0184 (print); 2310-4929 (online)
Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Pages: 53-63

Table 2
Model Summary

.488 .238
.552 .305
.605c .366



Adjusted R Std. Error F












Table 2.1
Coefficients of Regression

standardized Standardized








Std. Error


Bank quality &Credibility



Bank quality &Credibility



IB Facilities &services
Bank quality &Credibility





IB Facilities &services
Age of Respondents






Predicting the Customers attitude towards Islamic Banking

Ahmad et


Table 2.2
Excluded Variables

Beta In


Correlation y Statistics

IB Facilities
Staff Behavior
Staff Behavior
Staff Behavior

and .272a










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