Of St. John's in Pine Meadow
Of St. John's in Pine Meadow
Of St. John's in Pine Meadow
St. Johns mission is to nurture all people in their spiritual growth, in their Christian education,
and in their relationship with God.
of St. Johns in Pine Meadow of St. Johns in Pine Meadow
Like Christmas & Easter rolled together
The celebrations of the last few weeks have
been incredible! I know it took a lot of work to
have them come off so well! For all the effort they
gave, the Vestry and Wardens deserve the thanks
of all. And the generosity of so many of you has
given me a stash to use for upcoming trips and
special things. I will be writing thank you notes
over several weeks.
I know the pictures on the accompanying page
dont full convey all the lovely times of both the
dinner and the service. Certainly the presence of
children of many ages - some who grew up during
my time at St. J ohns and some who have lots of
growing to do - was quite touching. I appreciate
the efforts of parents in getting them to these
events. They have always been an important part
of my ministry with you - in the ways they minis-
tered as well as in the ways they received the min-
istry of the rest of us.
And while all of us grownups were a little bit
sad about the parting that gave rise to these cele-
brations, the presence of the younger members of
the community reminded us that St. J ohns future
is full of promise. It is that promise that made
laughter on this occasion not only possible but al-
so the most obvious response to all the lovely
good wishes and touching thanks you shared with
me over the last weeks.
St. J ohns has been part of my heart and soul
for 21 years, and it will continue to be. I will miss
the daily contact, but I will always care about the
future you are bringing about. Bill and I thank you
for sharing yourselves with us over the years.
Now, as the final hymn said, we are all called to
Go forth for God, wherever he leads.
Blessings & Love,
Annual Appeal Preview: Conversation Begins October 19th
Commitment Sunday is November 23rd
Beginning October 19th, we will be having our annu-
al parish-wide conversation about Christian Steward-
shipconcluding with Commitment Sunday on
November 23rd. Pledge cards will be mailed the
week of November 10th.
One of our objectives this fall will be to focus on the
message that God loves us, and all that we have
comes from God-with the recognition that our pledge
is merely a symbol of that awareness. We will also
discuss our important mission here at St. J ohns and
the return on faith your dollars generate, as part of a
faith-based conversation that discusses why we give
and how it can move us closer to the life and practice
of J esus.
Brad Bremer, Stewardship chair
Aug. 2014 Aug. 2013
Operating Income: $ 11,067 $ 14,685
Operating Expenses: $ 12,386 $ 14,412
2014 2013
Operating Income: $ 103,311 $ 104,983
Operating Expenses: $ 126,638 $ 122,237
Larry Espinet, Treasurer
Shopping Cards
An Easy Way to Help
Now Available for Immediate Purchase
$100 Stop & Shop Cards
When you buy shopping/gift cards through St.
J ohns, you are making a contribution that does not
cost you financially. It may take a little planning. Or-
ders are usually taken the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and
cards are delivered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Or-
der forms are available in the narthex and parish hall
and can be placed in the lockbox at any time.
Church Office Hours Office hours are 8:30 a.m.
1:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
Prayer RequestsRequests are handled confiden-
tially through the office or by speaking to the Vestry.
You may fill out a prayer request form or contact the
office. If you would like to be a part of the prayer
circle, please call the office. Prayer is part of our
concern for one another.
Flower Chart Posted in NarthexSign up for the
Sunday of your choice. Due to a recent increase,
our cost for flowers has gone up to $60. The cost
of flowers has been held at $50 for as long as possi-
ble. We encourage you to share with someone else to
keep the cost at $30.00 each. The office will contact
you about memorials.
Calling all Acolytes and Torch BearersWe will
be training new acolytes and torch bearers for the
coming year. Young people in the 5th grade and up
will be included. If you are interested, please con-
tact the office (at [email protected] or 860-379-
Next IngatheringOctober 5th
The total for the year to date is $413.86. Bring coins
anytime. We will keep them safe.
(Broadly Defined)
Let the office know about happenings in your own
life and in the lives of other parishioners, especially
hospitalizations, so Gordon Ross can contact those
in need of comfort.
Mieka Elizabeth Sabolcik
(Daughter of Cindy & Christopher Sabolcik)
Special thanks to Ron & Joan Caine, Tom
Chappell, Bob Osborne, Bruce Wearne, and
Rick Smith for cleaning the church.
Special thanks to Mac Wilson for taking care of
the lawn maintenance.
Thanks to everyone who donated to our pencil box
Thanks to our church school teachers; Beth
Coates, Kathy Riberdy, Lucie Martocchio, Marie
Prelli, Christine Nelson, Carol Wilson, Sue
Bremer, Peggy Budny, Kevin Case and Candy
Thanks to everyone who helps with the mission
and ministry of St. J ohns.
Thanks to those who help.!
Next Meal on October 25
To learn more about participating in this important
outreach, please contact Laura Wearne. Members of
St. J ohns provide and serve a meal on the 4th Satur-
day of the monthevery month except November
and December. If you would like to host, please
email: [email protected]. The date of the next
meal is October 25th, which will be hosted by The
Special thanks to The Alibozek Family for hosting
the September meal.
Coffee Hour Hosts
10:00 a.m. Service
This is an important part of our ministry of hospital-
ityto visitors, to children, to one another. Coffee
supplies other than cream are available in the kitch-
en. Baked goods are terrific, whether home baked or
purchasedwhatever works for you.
A sign up sheet for the fall is posted in the parish
hall. All parishioners who attend the 10 a.m. service
are requested to host at least once this fall.
Rhythms of Grace
Starting October 5th
At 1:00 p.m.
Rhythms of Grace is designed to meet the needs of
families with children on the Autism Spectrum and
with other special needs. Those who help feel it is a
rewarding experience to work with children and
families who need the attention and who are new to
St. J ohns. Contact Linda Snyder at
[email protected] for information.
Pictures Needed For Newsletter
Pictures are needed for the monthly newsletter. If
you have any pictures of church activities, please
contact the office or forward your photos at
([email protected]).
November 2nd
Following the 10 AM Service
Bring a rake and work gloves. Call the office (379
-3062) with questions. Many thanks to the follow-
ing people for helping with the Gill Memorial
Garden this year:
Norma Pappalardo Gordon Ross
The Gargiulos Maggie Stull
J ill Smith Ann Atwood
Ruth Grobe Laura Wearne
Laura Carter Barbara Henri
Debbie Truss Ellen Childs
The Healey Family Nancy Gibson
Mac Wilson Blake Hall
The Episcopal Church
Were Here For You
Sunday Worship
8:00 a.m. & 10 a.m.
Address Correction
P. O. Box 27
Pine Meadow, CT 06061
Phone: 860 379-3062
9-3 p.m.
Baked goods, jams, jellies, pickles, etc. may be left at the Church on Friday or Saturday morning.
Lunch Served11:00 a.m.2:00 p.m.Hotdogs and Hamburgers (Volunteers needed)
Help with pricing, set up and clean up is appreciated. There is a sign up sheet posted in the narthex for
Please contact Diane Hayes at 860-379-7612 or 860-309-3077 if you have any tag sale items to be
dropped as we get closer to October 4th.
It was so good to catch up with many families on the
first day of Godly Play. Our children spent our time
together getting reacquainted with our stories along
with learning about a few new features for this year.
We have added a monthly saint component when we
will talk about the saint Godly Play uplifts each month
and honoring our Class birthdays.
Another component is our addition of a class for inter-
mediate aged children (grades 4-8) twice a month.
One class will be a Godly Play lesson and the other
will be either an outreach project or an opportunity for
our class to hear how one of our parishioners lives
out their faith throughout the week. Beginning in Oc-
tober those two Sundays will be the first and third
Sundays of the month. Of course our childrens Godly
Play class will continue to meet every Sunday of the
For more information about childrens ministries at St.
J ohns or a schedule of our classes, please visit our
website: (www.reddoors.com or reddoorschil-
dren.weebly.com/index.html). You may contact Linda
Snyder at ([email protected]).
On September 7 the parish turned out for a fare-
well dinner for Salin. Kids of all ages were pre-
sent. The wardens spoke and presented gifts.
She sat between husband Bill and knitting friend
Kay. And she talked about what she was leav-
ingincluding the smashing cape at left
Salins was filled with
joy! Her sermon brought
laughter. Giving the reg-
isters and keys to the
wardens was tough, but
the gifts from the kids
were great. The lunch-
eon was fun, and the
cake beautiful . As the
hymn said, Go to the
world in love.
On Sept. 7 Mieka Elizabeth Sabolcik,
daughter of Cindy and Chris and sis-
ter of Alex, was baptized.
If you take pictures at a parish event, please send the
files to office @reddoors.com.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
8:00 PM AA
2 3
8:30 PM AA
Tag Sale/Craft
9-3 p.m.
Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM
Bobbie & Ken
Jennifer & Brian
Paula & Mark
8:00 PM AA
Suzi & Stan
8:30 PM AA
Susan & Donal
Terry & Lou
Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM
Sally & Donald
Jill & Michael
8:00 PM AA
Sherri & Mel
8:30 PM AA
Open Door
Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM
Lois & Stan
Moraski Sr.
8:00 PM AA
Meg & Joe Toro
8:30 PM AA
Peters Retreat
Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM
7 PM
8:00 PM AA
October 2014
St. Johns ChurchCalendar of Events
Anniversaries in Italics
October Birthdays
1-Oct Susan J ones
1-Oct Lauren Espinet
3-Oct Peter Hinman
3-Oct Christian Carrier
3-Oct Howard Martin
4-Oct Maureen Prelli
5-Oct Crystall Case
6-Oct Sally O'Neill
10-Oct Autumn Althen
10-Oct Gabrielle Riberdy
12-Oct Dale Lemp
12-Oct Dick Bartram
12-Oct Anthony Case
12-Oct Alexander Case
13-Oct Brittany Atwood
13-Oct Bob Osborne
18-Oct Diane Hayes
18-Oct Barbara Henri
18-Oct Alan Lawson
19-Oct Sam Read
20-Oct Mert Messenger
21-Oct Beth Coates
22-Oct Kristina Espinet
24-Oct Rose Osborne
26-Oct Pam Tooke
28-Oct Lenore Case
28-Oct Barbara Freigant
28-Oct Don O'Neill
29-Oct Nancy Linton
31-Oct Frank Hohmeister