Of St. John's in Pine Meadow
Of St. John's in Pine Meadow
Of St. John's in Pine Meadow
Year To Date
Operating Income Operating Expenses
Please remember to keep your pledge current during the summer months, because we have no provision for endowment withdrawals in 2012. Note: If you use online bill pay, you could schedule summer pledge payments even if you will be away. Sue Bremer, Treasurer
Shopping Cards
An Easy Way to Help When you buy shopping/gift cards through St. Johns, you are making a contribution that does not cost you financially. It may take a little planning. Orders are taken the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and cards are delivered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Order folds are available in the narthex and can be placed in the lockbox at any time.
(Broadly Defined)
The register is broadly defined, because there are events in the lives of parishioners and their families which are not recorded in St. Johns register. It is good, however, for us to hear about these events in each others lives. Let the office know about happenings in your own life and in the lives of other parishioners, especially hospitalizations.
Births August Ezra Hinman (Son of Amy & Tom Hinman) (Grandson of Barbara Hinman) Baptisms Jessica Dawn Hinman Warren Peter Hinman Grayson Daniel Hinman
Upcoming Date September 22nd
Go with a group to take dinner to an AIDS residence in Hartford. Each month a group from St. Johns coordinates and serves a meal. The Alibozeks will coordinate the September Meal. Special thanks to Laura & Bruce Wearne, Jean Welcome & Denise Adessa for taking the August meal. Contact Deacon Denise with questions about this ongoing outreach project.
Many thanks to the summer greeters for a super job providing snacks and coffee at the 9:00 am service. Special thanks to all garden care volunteers for their many hours of work in the Gill Memorial Garden this summer. Thank you to Rose Osborne for meeting with the roofing contractor to review the status of the church roof. Many thanks to Mac Wilson for assisting in the repair of the church elevator. Special thanks to Ron & Joan Caine and Tom Chappell for cleaning the church. Thank you to Jill Smith for coordinating the Blood Drive and for those who helped! We had 23 donors this year. We baked! We registered! We gave! We prayed! Many lives will be enriched. Thanks to everyone who helps with the mission and ministry of St. Johns.
September 15 Church in the Park 2 pm Bushnell Park September 16 New Hartford Day 11-4 Brodie Park
September 28 September 23 Farewell to Pat Luncheon Following 10 am Italian Dinner & Songfest Silent Auction 6pm Brodie
Address Correction
September 2012
St. Johns ChurchCalendar of Events
Anniversaries in Italics
Labor Day
8:30 PM AA
8:30 PM AA
8:30 PM AA
Peters Retreat
Vestry 7 PM
September Birthdays 9/1 Mary Lemp 9/3 Lucie Martocchio 9/3 Stan Moraski 9/5 Donna Brehm 9/6 Mae Makarevich
Susie Horn Brad Bremer Gina Russo John Budny Paula Jessen Grace Frey
Mark Jessen Joan Rock Ginny Hoffmann Barbara Hinman Salin Low Mary Healey
The hospitality committee served pancakes at coffee hour on August 5th to welcome David Owen as supply priest for the month.
On July 25 Jessica Hinman and her two sons Warren and Grayson were baptized at St. Johns. Proud husband and father Peter was in attendance.
Mac and his grandson Jake have been busy with church maintenance this summer. Thanks for helping with repair of the church elevator and lawn mowing.
Church by the Pond/Lunches in the Park: Saturday, Sept. 15. 2 pm. The outdoor Eucharist Service at Bushnell Park in Hartford begins at 2 pm followed at 3 pm by the distribution of lunches (prepared in the morning by members of St. Johns) to the homeless. Please come to the Service (near the Carousel) where Salin will preside and stay to hand out lunches if you'd like. Theres a collection box in the narthex for the following: Shampoo, Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Combs and/or Brushes. These items will be given to Church St. Eats Coordinator Rose Eagan-Fichera, for distribution the following day. The Open Door Soup Kitchen in Winsted is very much in need of Volunteers for the 3rd Saturday of each month from 9am - 1pm. The Soup Kitchen supplies all the food needed for the lunches from private and corporate donations so we would not need to provide any of the food ourselves. We would cook/ prepare whatever was on the menu right there on site earlier in the morning, serve lunch from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm and then clean up. We already have volunteers for our first Saturday, October 20. Sign Up sheets will be posted in advance for Saturday, Nov. 17th and Dec.15th. They are also looking for volunteers on Monday mornings anytime between 9am -11am until 1pm. Or if you'd like to help by answering the phone on Thursdays and/or Fridays, please feel free to contact the Director, Carrie Delaney, at the Soup Kitchen (860-738-2449) between 9am and 1pm. Northwest Literacy Volunteers of Winsted is looking for tutors for all ages. You make your own hours! If enough interest is generated, the director is will to come to St. Johns to train. If you would like to explore this ministry, please let Deacon Denise know (860-408-1316). Children Youth Families
Church School 10:00 AM (children join the service at The Sign of the Peace) Worship 10:00AM Parents meeting following worship Join us to discuss Children and Youth Ministries in our Parish, take a look at the fall calendar, and hear about enrichment programming scheduled for this fall Followed by our Fall Family Picnic Please bring side dishes to share Registration Forms Now Available Go to www.reddoors.com and click on Misc. tab or Contact Linda L. Snyder at: 860-738-9029 Email: [email protected]