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SEPTEMBER 2013 A Hearst Business Publication
Industry Exclusive: FIRST member creates low-cost prosthetic leg
Best performance in a leading role.
Histogram for a statistical view Trend chart to see trends over time
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8 Story Behind the Story
A look at the making of POY award winners
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or years, RF instruments have used FPGAs to
implement the instruments capabilities and con-
trols their so-called firmware personalities
but the development of these personalities had been
done by specialized HDL engineers and presented to the
user in locked-up form. On the other hand, National In-
struments was providing programmable FPGAs in data
acquisition and control products such as the R Series and CompactRIO. Using LabVIEW
to program the FPGAs, users could define an instruments functionality, making the devel-
opment of these complex applications accessible to the novice. With the PXIe-5644R RF
vector signal transceiver (VST), NI decided to take the next step in instrument evolution.
Te core development of the VST was a joint efort between R&D, manufacturing,
product marketing, and sales. Together, the departments jointly defned and evolved the
product from concept to release. Each of these groups needed to be involved in the concept
and development to ensure that the product was comprehensive in its ability to meet the
needs of a broad range of applications in the RF industry.
Ten years ago, on the RF instrumentation front, NI brought high-performance vector
signal analysis to PXI, thereby enabling a fast, modular approach to RF test applications. As
the test challenges evolved at an increasing pace, NI saw an opportunity to integrate these
separately successful technologies to produce a fast, fexible, extensible instrument that
boasts performance among the best in the industry. Te design cycle for the VST was con-
sistent with NIs historical trend of 1 to 3 years. Very early in the development of the VST,
NI felt it had an excellent product coming together, and work done with lead users indicat-
ed that it would be successful. For example, Qualcomm Atheros improvedits WLAN test
speed 200x, which gaveQualcomm better insight intoits device under test using the VST.
Te VST is designed around a high-performance FPGA that defnes the core function-
ality of the instrument, and evolution of FPGA technology has provided increasing power.
Not only did NI take advantage of the latest FPGA technologies, but the company also
had to design a uniquely architected programming API, the Instrument Design Libraries,
to expose the VSTs sofware-designed functionality to the user. (For whitepapers on the
hardware and sofware architectures, visit Another key to opening the instru-
ments power to customers in an easy-to-use way was heavy reliance on LabVIEW FPGA.
Without it, it would be almost impossible for customers to modify the VSTs frmware
the main thing NI expected users to do without extensive help from NI.
For the VST, the manufacturing team developed unique manufacturing processes to
handle the complex manufacturing and testing requirements demanded by the VST. For
example, the manufacturing team created a new production cell that uses NI instrumen-
tation almost exclusively, reducing capital costs and manufacturing overhead. Tis added
enormous value to the production process and removed the need for costly traditional box
So far, the VST has won seven global industry awards and has been extremely success-
ful in applications from production test to research. Customers are also using the VST for
applications NI had never dreamt of and, in terms of revenue, afer the frst nine months
it is the most successful new hardware product in NIs history. NI says that, when you set
about to something as bold as giving customers the ability to rewrite the frmware of an RF
instrument, you have to have a little doubt that its possible and ef cient. VST taught the
company that it was not only possible but, when done correctly, extremely empowering for
users. And instead of increasing NIs support burden for simple frmware modifcations,
the VST actually reduced it; customers can now do the modifcations themselves (success-
fully) without asking NI, freeing the company to deliver new innovations. .
Richard Comerford
NIs PXIe-5644R RF vector
signal transceiver
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Outlook 11
Innovations impacting product, technology and applications
Device can detect
disease in just one
drop of blood
Carbon nanotube creates prototype lab-on-a-chip
for physicians
A New Jersey Institute of Technology professor known for his cutting-edge work
with carbon nanotubes is overseeing the making of a prototype lab-on-a-chip that
may someday enable a physician to detect disease or virus from just one drop of
liquid, including blood. Professors ReginaldFarrow and Alokik Kanwal, his former
postdoctoral fellow, have created a carbon nanotube-based device to noninvasively
and quickly detect mobile single cells with the potential to maintain a high degree of
spatial resolution.
NJIT researchers
evaluated three diferent
types of cells using three
diferent electrical probes.
"It was an exploratory
study and we don't want
to say that we have a
signature," Farrow said.
"What we do say here
is that these cells difer
based on electrical prop-
erties. Establishing a sig-
nature, however, will take
time. We do know that
the distribution of elec-
trical charges in a healthy
cell changes markedly
when it becomes sick."
Te device uses
standard CMOS technologies for fabrication, allowing it to be easily scalable down to
a few nanometers. Nanotubes are deposited using electrophoresis afer fabrication in
order to maintain CMOS compatibility. Te devices are spaced by6 m, which is the
same size or smaller than a single cell. To demonstrate its capability to detect cells, the
researchers performed impedance spectroscopy on mobile human embryonic kidney
(HEK) cells, neurons from mice, and yeast cells. Measurements were performed with
and without cells and with and without nanotubes. Nanotubes were found to be cru-
cial to successfully detecting the presence of cells.
Te carbon nanotubes are very strong, electrically conductive structures a single
nanometer in diameter, or approximately the size of10 hydrogen atoms in a row.
Farrow's breakthrough is a controlled method for frmly bonding one of these submi-
croscopic crystalline electrical wires to a specifc location on a substrate. His method
also introduces the option of simultaneously bonding an array of millions of nanotubes
and efciently manufacturing many devices at the same time. For more information, go
Jim Harrison
NJIT researchers have created this prototype lab-on-a-chip
that may someday enable a physician to detect disease or
virus from just one drop of liquid.(Photo: NJIT.)
EMCO_AD_Electronic_Prod_Mag_0813.pdf 1 7/29/13 5:04 PM
Outlook 12
Innovations impacting product, technology and applications
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sample box at:
Autotestcon looks to innovate in tight budgets
Te largest U.S. conference focused on automatic test equip-
ment for U.S. military systems, IEEE Autotestcon will be held in
Schaumburg, IL, from September 16 to19. Te theme for this, the
48th annual conference, is "ATS Innovation
in the Era of Challenging Budgets." General
Conference Chair M. Kay Burch of Northrop
Grumman notes that the theme "is especially
relevant in today's changing environment. As
afordability is a key factor in this changing
economy, technical sessions including stan-
dardization, life-cycle cost reduction, reusable
sofware, interoperability, and multinational support will appeal
to a wide audience. When beginning to identify afordability,
it is important that we challenge ourselves to fnd new ways to
lower operating, development, and implementation costs. We are
being ofered an unprecedented opportunity to participate in this
transformation. . ." She also notes that "virtually every signifcant
company in the industry" will be represented, with approximately
170 exhibit booths and over 80 papers being presented.
Te technical program kicks of on Monday with a full day of
seminars that ofer insights into a wide range of topics, including
built-in test, integrated diagnostics, ATE technology and manage-
ment, and instrumentation and sofware standards.
Tuesday begins with a keynote session featuring Jefrey Q.
Palombo, the Sector Vice President and General Manager of
Northrop Grumman's Land and Self Protection Systems (L&SPS)
Division. TeL&SPSis a diverse organization specializing in land
forces, rotary wing survivability systems, inter-
national and U.S. military ground-based tactical
radars, communications systems, infrared counter-
measure systems, automatic test equipment and
simulation, and the Laser Systems business unit ca-
pabilities. Te division is based at multiple locations
around the United States and the United Kingdom,
with headquarters in Rolling Meadows, IL.
Tuesday through Tursday have an array of papers and panel
sessions: arranged into three tracks that explore topics in:
Technologies, trends, and applications in instrumentation
Automatic test systems, test programs, testability, and management
Diagnostics, prognostics, and health management.
Some papers will be theoretical, most will be practical, "and all
will be informative. Tese presentations will capture and hold your
interest," notes the Technical Chair, Teresa Lopes of Teradyne, Inc.
In addition, there will be four panel sessions hosted by techni-
cal leaders in their feld, exploring the following topics: testability,
synthetic instruments, modular instruments, and IVI & LXI.
For more information about attending, visit
Richard Comerford
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14 Industry Exclusive
FIRST member creates low-cost
prosthetic leg
ast fall, Parker Owen was a senior at the Alabama
School of Math and Science in Mobile, AL, and a
member of FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) Team
3469 and FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) Team 4260. Parker
invented a low-cost prosthetic leg that he sees being able to
help perhaps thousands of people who can't afford the profes-
sional device.
Parker Owen won this year's Future Innovator Award.
Tis award recognizes creativity in efectively solving a
real-world complex problem through the invention of a unique
solution beyond the requirements of the FIRST competition
season. Tis award directly links to the FIRST mission to inspire
young people to be science and technology leaders and to the
FIRST vision to transform the culture by creating a world where
science and technology are celebrated. Te award is sponsored by
the Abbott Fund. See more about FIRST at and
Last fall, Parker was talking with a friend who had tak-
en mission trips to Honduras. Te friend told Parker about
the need in Honduras for prosthetic legs, which cost around
$10,000 each. Parker went to his FIRST robotics team, and the
team started looking at available prosthetics on their computers
- all of which were very expensive.
Parker was thinking about this and then watched a few
videos of "third-world countries" on his computer. He noticed
there were bicycles everywhere.
"Afer staring at a bicycle diagram
for a few hours, I had an idea in my
head about how the parts might ft
together," he told me. Te following Sat-
urday afernoon he went to a thrif store
and bought a $20 bike. He took it home
to his dad's shop and tore it apart. He then
put various parts together in the form of
a prosthetic leg and it came together very
well. He decided to use the bike's inner tube
as a pneumatic actuator to adjust the ft for
diferent size people and to allow the wearer
to adjust it as his/her body and strength may
change. It seemed to work.
His friend Greg knew of a prosthetic expert
in the next town. Tis expert had been part of the
Honduras trips, and Parker called him and
then took his new device over to show him.
Very impressed, the expert agreed to advise
Parker on getting some of the details in place.
Parker went to Honduras with a prototype, but stif legal and
safety regulations precluded getting the leg in use there. He is now
working on getting the documentation and testing done. Patents
are in place or in process. He credits FIRST with giving him the
perspective and enthusiasm needed for ideas such as this.
Parker Owen earned the Future Innovator Award sponsored by the
Abbott Fund for his invention, the Cycle-Leg. Pictured here (from L to R)
are Parkers dad, Scott; Dean Kamen, founder of FIRST; Parker Owen;
and Dr. Woodie Flowers, chairman of the FIRST Advisory Board.
Parker Owens
invention, the
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16 Engineering Distribution
RFID and NFC Punctuate
Our Daily Lives
he use of RFID and NFC technology to access and share
data is burgeoning as the number of devices and killer
apps continue to swell. The technologies date back to
World War II, but their applications are up to the minute. Radio-
frequency identification (RFID) is based on a small chip with
an antenna that provides a unique identifier
for an object to be scanned for data retrieval.
Near-field communication (NFC),
in comparison, allows devices to
communicate via radio signals in
close proximity or when touching
two NFC-based devices together.
Todays RFID system is
composed of a scanning antenna, a transceiver with a decoder
to interpret data, and an RFID tag, or transponder, programmed
with data to be read. When an RFID tag passes through the feld
of a scanning antenna, the antenna delivers an activation signal
and the chip wakes up and transmits the data, which is picked
up by the antenna.
RFID improves on barcode technology, as tags can be read up
to 300 f, compared with approximately 15 f for barcodes, and
do it faster with read rates of approximately 40 tags per second
compared with a barcodes half second per read.
RFID permeates everyday life and includes baggage tracking,
smart passports, animal subdermal tracking, access, retail
antithef tags, warehouse and inventory management, and
heavy-duty transponders that track shipping containers, trucks,
railroad cars, and heavy machinery. RFID tags also perform well
in such harsh environments as oil and gas, chemical, mining, and
construction. RFID tags combined with sensors are opening up
a new wave of applications as they work dynamically, adding a
level of intelligence never before available.
Near-feld communications (NFC) is resident on the majority
of smartphones, where its used primarily for mobile payments.
By waving an NFC-based smartphone, or digital wallet, over
an NFC-based payment terminal, the phone provides ATM
functionality. It can be used to pay for parking at NFC-based
meters, or as a transit, boarding, or security pass. NFC wirelessly
shares data between two NFC-resident smartphones. Androids
Beam, BlackBerry, and Windows phones have such sharing
features. Google estimates that by next year, NFC-based
smartphones will account for 50% of the market.
One of the most compelling uses for NFC technology is in
the medical feld. Imagine checking into a hospital or clinic or
even a doctors ofce with a smartphone, fnding instructions
on our prescriptions as usage and side-efects info appears on
our phone. Medical professionals can use
their NFC phones to make sure they are
seeing the right patient, for access to areas,
and that patients are receiving the prescribed
care. Already diagnostic skin tags exist that
monitor a patients environment, measuring
glucose, UV light, or temperature and
transmitting the data via a smartphone.
While both RFID and NFC technologies have existed
for quite some time, there has never been the number of
applications as there are today. Tese killer apps, providing
secure access and sharing of information at our fngertips, are
ensuring that both technologies will be seen in almost every
aspect of our lives.
Fig. 2: Block diagram of the Texas Instruments TRF7970A 13.56-
MHz RFID and NFC transceiver IC. (Source: Datasheet.)
Fig. 1: RFID development kits from DLP Designs.
Engineering Distribution 17
As RFID Gains Traction,
Design Opportunities Proliferate
y the time you arrived in the office this morning, you
may have used radio frequency identification (RFID)
four times without being aware of it: when you inserted
the key in your car, disabling the immobilizer circuit; when you
drove through an unmanned toll booth, automatically paying
your fee; when you used your cell phone to pay for your morning
cappuccino; and when your ID badge registered your entry into
the office. RFID may not be everywhere, but it is getting there.
Te market for RFID tags is growing rapidly and is expected
to accelerate. IDTechEx forecasts that the number of passive
RFID tags will rise from fewer than three billion units in 2011 to
approximately 250 billion units in 2021.
For businesses, RFID ofers an unprecedented opportunity for
increasing productivity and improving customer experience by
providing data at a very granular level and by automating ser-
vices such as payments and record keeping. From an engineering
perspective, RFID is not a single technology, and the technology
varies with the frequency. Table 1 summarizes the applications
and reading range of the three major RFID bands.
Table 1: RFID bands and applications.
Although a subset of RFID technology, near-feld communi-
cation (NFC) has some distinctive features. NFCs shorter read
range and encryption prevent unauthorized access of a link.
NFC also requires minimal user intervention to create links and
supports communication with passive RFID devices such as
smart cards.
As a result, NFC applications will grow rapidly with mobile
phones as the main driver. According to IMS Research, NFC-en-
abled mobile phones will reach up to 1.2 billion units by 2017
as manufacturers adopt wireless communications and payment
technology as a de facto standard.
Most RFID system design activity is focused on reader sys-
tems and specifc reader characteristics are driven largely by the
application and the charac-
teristics of the transponders
manufacturers are now
ofering highly integrated
reader solutions. One-chip
RFID readers such as ams
AS3993 UHF reader chip
ofer high performance and
low power. In NFC system
design, the controller chip plays a central role.
Among other typical tasks, it has to monitor
and control the transceiver, power management,
and host computer interface. New controllers
and transceivers from NXP (PN544) and TI
(TRF7970) improve time-to-market and are
suitable for a wide range of applications.
Although RFID applications are typically not
high-performance, high-speed designs, there is
a good deal of complexity at the system level due
to diferent standards, frequency options, and
most important application requirements.
Once system architecture is carefully thought
out, however, there are numerous design tools and development
kits to provide a clear path to a successful project.
Learn more about RFID and NFC technology as well as the
latest products at
By Jack Shandle for Mouser Electronics,
Fig. 1: RFID tag showing the chip
with coiled antenna.
Learn more at
A Universal Flash Storage
(UFS) uses a very fast serial
interface and is based on a
JEDEC standard (in 2011).
UFS chips have a built-in
flash controller, like e-MMC.
UFS uses MIPI M-PHY and
MIPI UniPro interfaces
and is said to be faster
and more energy efficient
than the current e-MMC
interface. Initial versions of
UFS devices (Ver1.1) have
been sampling in the market
since early 2013 to enable
chipset and OS development
for this new standard. The
large photo and video data
files being moved around
from smartphone and tablet
computers are driving the
industry to find faster, more
secure transfer mechanisms.
A The increasing demand for
fast data transfers in phone
and tablet platforms will favor
the rising usage of UFS over
the next couple years.
I talked with Scott Beekman,
Director, Managed NAND
Memory Products, Toshiba
America Electronic
Components, Inc. and he
noted, UFS not only provides
a faster interface relative
to e-MMC, it also enhances
overall system performance
with capabilities such as
full duplexing, enabling both
reading and writing
between the host
system and UFS
device at the same
time. Toshiba was
the rst to introduce
embedded devices
supporting the UFS
interface and has
been sampling since
early 2013. Going forward,
we will continue to maintain
a leadership position in UFS
So, UFS Ver2.0 has data
transfer speeds of up to
2.9 Gbits/s per lane, and
Electronic Products
Technical Editor, Jim Harrison,
explores some frequently
asked questions regarding the
future of embedded memory
for consumer
multi-lane congurations
can be supported. With
two lanes we have 5.8
Gbits/s almost double
the maximum interface that
can be supported against
the latest e-MMC standard
Ver 5.0, which can support
DDR 200 MHz with eight
I/O (3.2 Gbits/s). UFS uses
the SCSI command set and
architecture model, and has
a roadmap for even faster
transfer speeds in the not-
too-distant future.
The UFS device supports
multiple commands with
command-queuing features
and enables a multithreaded
programming paradigm.
This differs from e-MMC
and other embedded ash
UF S T h e Ne x t Ge n e r a t i o n Of E mb e d d e d St o r a g e
solutions, which process
one command at a time
limiting random read/write
access performance.
A Initially, UFS parts will be
higher priced than e-MMC,
and early on will likely be
adopted by higher-end
applications, that need
enhanced performance,
before migrating to mid-
and lower-tier products in
the future as the price gap
decreases. For this reason,
e-MMC is expected to remain
in the market for some time
in parallel with UFS.
A The UFS system has the
backing of Toshiba, Micron
Technology, Nokia, Samsung,
Sony Ericsson, Spansion,
STMicroelectronics, and
Texas Instruments. Toshiba
has been sampling the UFS
Ver1.1 64-Gbyte devices,
January. These devices come
in a 169-ball 12 x 16 x 1.2-
mm FBGA package. More
UFS devices are expected to
be introduced later this year,
and mass production for UFS
is expected to ramp more
broadly in the market in early
| Storage
I nnovat i on t hat Enabl es Your Desi gn
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Bad Block Management
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HS-MMC driver (ATA alike)
dotted line: software
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UFS driver
dotted line: software
solid line: hardware
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Bad Block Management
Wear Leveling
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dotted line: software
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7136_EP_Sept_4.125x8.625.indd 1 7/29/13 3:39 PM
Product Closeup
20 Wire & Cable
40 Gbits/s over twisted-pair
copper cable is on the way
Category 8 cable and 40GBASE-T standards are in process
Product Development Manager
ecently the IEEE P802.3bq Task
Force was formed to create a
standard for 40-gigabit Ether-
net over copper twisted-pair cabling
(40GBASE-T). This is the next gen-
eration following 10-gigabit Ether-
net over copper twisted-pair cabling
(10GBASE-T). The BASE-T families
of standards are regarded as one of the
most successful and deployed Ether-
net standards in the world today. They
feature cost advantages and ease of de-
ployment with auto-negotiation and the
ubiquitous RJ45 connector for seamless
backward compatibility. The IEEE is
the main standards body for BASE-T,
focusing on both the equipment and
cabling. In support of the development
of 40GBASE-T, the cabling standards
bodies (TIA and ISO/IEC) have also
been working hard on creating Category
8 cabling and connector specifications.
Tere is a distinct trade-of between
the cabling specifcations and the equip-
ment specifcations. Cables that are
easier to design and manufacturetend
to have worse performance, requiring
more advanced equipment, while more
advanced and harder to manufacture ca-
bles will likely have better performance,
requiring less advanced equipment. Te
goal of the standards body is to come
together and try to fnd the optimum
trade-ofs between these elements to
optimize the time to market and power
consumption for the user and maintain
a broad market potential.
Collaboration required
40GBASE-T is a great example where
both the equipment vendors and
cabling vendors are working together
to try and fnd the optimum scenario.
Cabling vendors,such asPanduit, want
to ensure that our customers continue
to enjoy the advantages of BASE-T stan-
dards. We need to ensure that the cable
specifcation has sufcient reach and
usability so it can be used in as many
scenarios as possible.
While there are no ofcial standards
yet developed, it is clear that 40GBASE-T
will require the most advanced twist-
ed-pair cabling technology yet. It will
require a bandwidth of between 1,500
to 2,000 MHz. As a point of reference,
10GBASE-T only requires Category 6A/
Class EA components with a bandwidth
of 500 MHz. Even the European ISO/
IEC standards for Category 7A/Class FA
only have a bandwidth of 1,000 MHz.
Te diference in magnitudes can be seen
in Fig. 1.
Another change with 40GBASE-T
over traditional BASE-T standards
is that the channel length had to be
reduced from 100 m to 30 m in order
to reduce power consumption and
equipment complexity. (Channel is
the term for the combination of cables
and connectors.) All prior Categories
and BASE-T Ethernet standards allowed
for lengths of up to 100 m. In order to
properly service as broad a market as
Fig. 2: Maximum lengths compared.
Fig. 1: Existing cabling standards versus
40GBASE-T (Category 8).
Our components fit like they were made for each other. Thats because they were.
The exceptional quality found in every Mill-Max Interconnect product results directly from the control we exercise over
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22 Wire & Cable
possible, companies worked
to ensure the maximum
channel length was at least
30 m designed to support
both end of row and top of
rack topologies and provide
data center customers with
maximum fexibility. While
this length can change since
there is no standard published,
at this point 30 m is assumed
to be the likely maximum cable
length (see Fig. 2).
Available next year
What this highlights is that
there are no existing cabling
standards that are close
to meeting the needs for
40GBASE-T. Cabling compa-
nies have been working hard
to develop new Category 8
cables and connectors. Tere
has been much progress from
a multitude of cabling vendors
like Panduit showing connec-
tors and cabling with 2,000 MHz bandwidths (see Fig. 3).
It is expected that products will be available in late 2014
to early 2015 when the standards become more developed. At
this point the standards are in a state of constant fux so it is
still too early to supply products.
Table 1 highlights the diferent categories of cables and the
applications they are designed to support, as well as the up-
grade path through the diferent data rates. 1000BASE-T will
run on Category 6, 10GBASE-T will run on Category 6A, and
40GBASE-T will run on the yet to be fully defned Category
8. Tere are no specifc Ethernet applications for Category 7
or Category 7A. Since 40GBASE-T standards are in state of
fux and no existing standards come close to meeting these
requirements, it is recommended that today if someone is
looking to install 10GBASE-T that they use Category 6A
cabling and connectors.
40GBASE-T is becoming an excellent example of difer-
ent industries collaborating together in order to provide our
customers with the optimum products with the fastest time to
market. Cabling companies like Panduit are working hard and
doing our part to design next-generation cabling and connec-
tors so that 40GBASE-T becomes another successful member
of the BASE-T Ethernet family.
Currently, the state of the art for twisted-pair copper
cabling is running 10GBASE-T over Category 6A cabling.Te
Panduit MaTriX Category 6A solution, including the PUP6A-
04BU-UG cable with CJ6X88TG-style jacks, is an example of
an available Cat 6A system good for lengths up to 100 m with
a bandwidth of 500 MHz.
Table 1: Category cable standards overview with supported data rates and upgrade path
Fig. 3: Category 8 prototype test results.
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Over 800 Varieties of Pins, Contacts,
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24 Real-Time Software Design
Working with Windows
Embedded Compact RTOS
This small-footprint operating system can be customized to meet the
targeted requirements of a specialized device on multiple chipset options
Technical Evangelist
indows Embedded Com-
pact 2013 differentiates
itself from other operat-
ing systems by providing a real-time,
small-footprint operating system that
can be customized to meet the targeted
requirements of a specialized device on
multiple chipset options, including both
x86 and ARM. With an emphasis on
"non-PC" solutions, Windows Embed-
ded Compact is not trying to create
multi-purpose desktop, but instead
focuses on devices such as industrial
controllers, medical imaging units,
printers, digital signs, and retail scan-
ners, to name a few.
Te specifc characteristics of a
device, like a small touchscreen or no
screen at all (headless), plus its sin-
gle-purpose functionality, make it a
"specialized device." As you can imagine,
there are thousands of possibilities and
you probably interact with these special-
ized devices every day without realizing
it. When you want to design a device to
serve a specifc purpose and build it to
meet a cost objective, Windows Embed-
ded Compact is a great place to start.
Minimally, as a 32-bit operating
system, Windows Embedded Compact
requires a 32-bit CPU with a memory
management unit. Along with support-
ing multiple architectures, the latest
versions support symmetric multipro-
cessors, allowing developers to control
which processor does the work or let the
operating system balance the workload
across multiple cores.
OS advantages
Embedded device manufacturers can and
do take advantage of the logical separa-
tion of operating system design and the
hardware. Developers in charge of the
sofware features of their design can start
their operating system and application
prototyping on a Virtual PC-based plat-
form while hardware-level board-sup-
port package (BSP) development is done
in tandem (see Fig. 1). Te modular
design of the OS is uniquely geared so
that designers can select only the compo-
nents needed for their targeted scenario
and it easily allows for the integration of
third-party or custom features as well.
Windows Embedded Compact gives all
of the benefts of a Win32 API, coupled
with the freedom to make the OS have
only the features that are absolutely
Windows Embedded Compact
development is done using tools hosted
in Visual Studio. Tis allows embedded
developers to use the latest in Microsof
developer tools when creating their
Te Windows Embedded Com-
pact OS design tool, Platform Builder,
provides access to a catalog of features
and the ability select only those sofware
components that are absolutely neces-
sary for the targeted solution. Applica-
tion Builder (formerly Visual Studio for
Devices) allows application developers
to create rich, targeted device applica-
tions without requiring the full platform
development toolset. Not only is Win-
32 available in Windows Embedded
Compact, but ATL, MFC, DirectDraw,
OpenGL, and XAML are also available
if the designer includes the required
A "compact" version of the .NET
Framework is selectable in the Windows
Embedded Compact catalog to support
Visual Basic and C# development for
devices. Te Microsof .NET Compact
Framework enables the device to host
managed applications and use web ser-
vices. It includes an optimized common
language runtime (CLR) and a subset
of the .NET Framework class library
that supports features such as Windows
Communication Foundation (WCF)
and Windows Forms. It also contains
classes that are designed exclusively for
the .NET Compact Framework.
software support
8 SE/4 DIFF analog inputs
1 kS/s sampling
8 digital I/O, one 32-bit counter
Rechargeable batteries, over
8 hours of continuous use
OEM version available
Turn your Android tablet or phone
into a low-cost data logger.
Collect data wirelessly with the
BTH-1208LS DAQ device
28 Portable Test Support Portable Test Support 29
industry-leading feld instruments using
a Windows-based tablet, laptop, or PC to
simplify deployment and maintenance of
2G/3G/4G wireless networks.
Available for free download from the
Anritsu Tool box web page, Wireless
Remote Tools makes conducting feld
measurements, such as sweeps, spectrum
analysis, PIM, and S-parameters, easier
and more efcient. For example, operators
can now remain on the ground and use a
Site Master cable-and-antenna analyzer to
conduct sweeps on jumpers at the top of
the tower. Remote spectrum monitoring
can also be done more efectively, espe-
cially if the interference is caused by an
intermittent signal. Users can now monitor
and control a Spectrum Master handheld
spectrum analyzer at a remote location,
such as a desk, using the sofware.
Wireless Remote Tools initially sup-
ports the Site Master S331E/S332E and
S361E/S362E; VNA Master MS2024B/
MS2025B and MS2034B/MS2035B hand-
held vector network analyzers; Spectrum
Master MS2712E/MS2713E and MS2720T;
and PIM Master MW82119A Passive
Intermodulation analyzer. Te handheld
instruments can be connected remotely
via a Wi-Fi link using a pocket Wi-Fi
router for local remote control or from the
Ethernet port on the analyzer through the
Te Model RTR 2727 Talon RF/IF sig-
nal recording and playback system from
Pentek ( is a rugged
portable recorder suitable for military and
aerospace applications. Te system fea-
tures recording and playback of IF signals
up to 700 MHz with signal bandwidths to
200 MHz, and it can be confgured with
500-MHz 12-bit A/Ds or 400-MHz 14-bit
A/Ds and an 800-MHz 16-bit D/A. Avail-
able I/O includes audio and VGA video,
RS-232/422/485 serial, multiple USB 2.0
and 3.0, eSATA, and dual Giga-
bit Ethernet connections.
Te instrument's System-
Flow sofware allows turnkey
operation through a graphical
user interface, while System-
Flows API provides for remote
system control and integration
of the recording sofware into
custom applications. Te sofware also
includes a virtual oscilloscope and spec-
trum analyzer to monitor signals before,
during, and afer data collection. Record-
ed fles are stored in native Windows
NTFS format, so they can be used without
post-recording fle conversion. At the
heart of the recorder are the Cobalt Series
Virtex-6 sofware-radio boards.
Powering your next design.
Let us be your power expert. We understand that you dont
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As a leading manufacturer of power supplies we are here to
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Power Supplies
A number of portable instruments from Anritsu, such as the
SiteMaster seen here on the right, can be operated remotely
using a Windows-based tablet or other Windows device.
an electronic products special series
30 Energy-Saving Initiative
Precision-circuit semiconductors
drive gains in energy harvesting
The precision semiconductor technology delivers markedly improved
system sensitivity, reliability, stability, and functionality
BY ROBERT CHAO, Founder and CEO,
Advanced Linear Devices
dvancements in the fields of en-
ergy harvesting, sensor networks,
building automation, and security
systems are making tremendous strides due
to recent innovations in precision circuit
semiconductors. While developers
seek integration for all four system
categories, the precision semicon-
ductor technology delivers mark-
edly improved system sensitivity,
reliability, stability, and functionality.
Growth and interest in these systems
has evolved to the point where the
IEEE is developing protocols for a
more integrated approach to sensor
networks and building automation
so that end solutions are more cost
effective and energy efficient.
Industry standards for such
systems are called for in a document
entitled Building lighting automa-
tion through the integration of DALI
with wireless sensor networks.Te
consumer electronics-focusedTrans-
actionsjournal published the paper
on the integration of Digital Address-
able Lighting Interface (DALI) devic-
es in wireless sensor networks and explores
possible improvements for the technology.
Since diferent manufacturers usually
deal with one aspect of building automa-
tionfor example,heating ventilation and
air conditioning, lighting control, difer-
ent kinds of alarms, etc. fnal building
automation system has diferent subsys-
temsthat are fnally taken to an integrated
building management system.
An economical fully centralized system
Our main purpose is to provide the end
consumer with an economical fully cen-
tralized system in which home appliances
are managed by an IEEE 802.15.4-based
wireless sensor network.
Te case of building automation is
ideal for demonstrating how advances in
semiconductor technology enable break-
through capabilities for these systems.
Operators of large facilities such as ofce
buildings and municipal complexes have
made great strides in cutting cost and
improving energy efciency by using
building automation and security in con-
junction with energy-harvesting systems
and wireless sensor networks.
Large ofce complexes use sensor net-
works to interface with building controls
to turn on power, heating, and ventilation
to individual ofces and cubicles only
when people are present. However, there
is much room for improvement in such
systems as anyone who has had their
ofce lights shut of in the middle of the
working day might attest. By improving
Fig. 1: Current-source circuit diagram constructed with
precision semiconductor devices
the circuits of these systems, its possible
to improve accuracy of the controls that
activate building automations systems
so that they more accurately respond to
real-life situations for which they were
In practical applications, the technol-
ogy hasnt always worked as designed.
Systems set up to detect the presence
of motion and temperature changes
are limited in their capabilities and
this has undesired results. Tats why
lights turn of even when workers are
present. Te systems have limitations
in accuracy, reliability, andsensitivity
range. Te goal of many in sensor
network and building automation
development isto improve the tech-
nology so that it truly matches the
real-life situations for which they were
Circuit design progress
One of the most important areas
where designers are making prog-
ress is in the basic building blocks of
circuit design. With better circuits
that aford greater operating dynam-
ics, building automation and security
systems are fnely attuned to real-life
usage models. For example, greater
sensitivity and reliability can prevent cost-
ly false alarms in building security.
Energy harvesting and ultra-low
power are also important features that
enable greater reliability and cost-efective
wireless installation. In building a system,
designers desire extremely low power
circuits, so that as much energy as pos-
sible can be harvested, stored, and used
for some other purpose. If the electronics
consume a prohibitive amount of power,
it is difcult to build high-efciency
It is important that these circuits con-
Loop 1
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Loop 2
Up to 4-ph
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32 Energy-Saving Initiative
sume as little energy as possible so that
the current and voltage that is harnessed
from an ambient source can be maxi-
mized todrive the electronic systems that
they were intended to supply. Greater
power ranges provide building automa-
tion system developers and end-users
with greater fexibility and reliability to
deploy improved solutions.
Today, energy harvesting is a growing
feld because it helps building operators
with the ability to install automation
controls with wireless networks. Tis
helps eliminate cost and complexity
for operators who want to improve the
efciency and reduce the operating cost
of their facilities.
Te research frm IDTechExexpects
the total market of energy-harvesting
devices to rise to more than$5 billion
in 2022. In a report, the frm stated,
Te technology has reached a tipping
point, because the necessary lower power
electronics and more efcient energy
gathering and storage are now sufcient-
ly afordable, reliable, and longer-lived
for a huge number of applications to be
An example of this type of advance-
ment is the ALD210800 MOSFET array,
with a gate threshold voltage is exactly
0.00-V 0.001 (10 mV). Tis new
category of device enables breakthrough
analog circuit design parameters, such as:
100-mV minimum operating voltage
1-nA minimum operating current
1-nW minimum operating power
Te ALD210800 is a basic building
block in circuits to enable greater sensor
sensitivity. Each MOSFET is enabled
by fully independent input and output,
source, and drain. Compared to previous
generations, it increases current output by
greater than an order of magnitude. It also
reduces circuit size by 50%, which in turn
helps decrease board real estate and cost.
Te MOSFET array is designed to tap
a number of energy-harvesting sources
thathave less than a 1-Vsupply voltage.
Te array also helps improve energy
efciency and extend battery life. Designed
with precise specifcations, this new catego-
ry of device gives developers a new frontier
of operating voltages, power consumption,
and increased precision. In the analog
world, precision is always welcome.
N-channel current source
Figure 1 depicts a circuit design for a
very basic current source. Actual useful
current and voltage ranges also depend
on the device being used. Te ALD
210800 ofers the highest-precision
performance with the lowest current and
voltage requirements. You can build this
current source with any of the devices
that are listed above or that are current-
ly on the market. Te diference is the
actual specifcations that can be achieved.
Tis marks a new frontier for basic MOS-
FET circuits.
With innovative materials like the
new generation of ultra-precise semi-
conductors, developers of energy-har-
vesting systems and sensor arrays will be
able to make improvements in building
automation security, wireless networks,
and building automation. Sensors will
be given greater dynamic range to detect
motion and heat. Tis will spur greater
sensitivity to detect when people are
present and when they are not, and
aford operators fner granularity in
controlling their facilities.
Te new category of precision circuit
semiconductors will enable the circuits
supporting these systems to be more sta-
ble more reliable and more dependable.
It also allows energy harvesting systems
to make greater use of the ambient ener-
gy and store power when it is not needed
so that systems are ready to be deployed
when they are called into action.
About the author
Robert L. Chao, CEO of Advanced Lin-
ear Devices in Sunnyvale, CA, founded
ALD in 1985 and has been a leading
authority in the analog semiconductor
industry for over 30 years. A founder of
Supertex, Mr. Chao was instrumental
in inventing the analog circuitry that
enabled the home smoke detector.
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48 Product Trends
Insight into current product developments
Sensor fusion
and potential
ensors are now found in a wide variety of applications, including healthcare. Used al-
most everywhere, sensor technology is now beginning to closely mimic the ultimate
sensing machine: the human being. Te technology that allows this to happen is sen-
sor fusion, which leverages a microcontroller (a brain) to fuse individual data collected
from multiple sensors to get a more accurate and reliable view of the data than one would
get by using the data from each discrete sensor on its own.
How sensor fusion works
Sensor fusion technologies give users an enhanced experience, leveraging and combining
3D accelerometers, 3D gyroscopes and 3D magnetometers (which measure the components
of the magnetic feld in a particular direction, relative to the spatial orientation of a given
device). Each of these sensor types provides unique functionality, but also has limitations:
Accelerometer: x-, y-, and z-axis linear motion sensing, but sensitive to vibration.
Gyroscope: pitch, roll, and yaw rotational sensing, but zero bias drif.
Magnetometer: x-, y-, and z-axis magnetic feld sensing, but sensitive to magnetic
Sensor fusion takes the simultaneous input from multiple sensors, processes the input and
creates an output that is greater than the sum of its parts. Tat is, by using special algo-
rithms and fltering techniques, sensor fusion eliminates the defciencies of each sensor.
Te most important aspect of sensor fusion is providing context to the situation being
analyzed. It would be impossible to provide situation-appropriate information without
knowledge of the context, and ideally this context can get provided in real time, as the
action is taking place, and without the need for human intervention. Sensor fusion ofen
refers to a combination of a 3D accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. Tis con-
fguration is called a 9-SFA (nine sensor fusion axis) solution (see Fig. 1), which afords the
user 9 DoF (nine degrees of freedom). In 2012, Freescale introduced an Xtrinsic sensor
platform for Windows 8 that supports 12-DoF sensor fusion.
Today a variety of body-worn sensors are being used for ambulatory monitoring of
gait (the pattern of movement of the limbs during locomotion).
A variety of sensors such as ECG, EMG, accelerometers, magne-
tometers, gyroscopes, thermometers, light sensors, and vibration
sensors are being used in wearable devices in clinical settings for
gait monitoring and rehab. Advances in miniaturization of MEMS
devices, powerful yet MCUs capability and energy-efciency , and
low-power connectivity have enabled a new category of wearable
consumer medical devices that focus on continuous monitoring
of personal health, rather than waiting for chronic conditions to
set. Wearable devices, along with gateways that tie together other
types of sensor information, will enable regular biometric readouts
to health care providers and, along with personal health records,
provide cloud-based remote, or telehealth, services (see Fig. 2).
Te potential for wearables has given rise to a movement called
self-quantifcation, where individuals use technology to acquire
data on certain aspects of the daily life of a person being examined.
For more examples of how sensor fusion is afecting medicine, see
Fig. 1: In this nine-degree-of-freedom
(9-DoF) system block diagram, outputs
of a 3D accelerometer, a 3D gyroscope,
and a 3D magnetometer are combined to
produce more information for the user. Tis
approach was codifed by Microsoffor its
Windows 8 sofware system.
Fig. 2: In this telehealth example, a Bluetooth-based wearable device
links to a mobile handset that communicates with a healthcare
provider who can access medical records on a secure remote server.
BY KAIVAN KARIMI, Executive Director
Global Strategy & Business Development,
Freescale Semiconductor,
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50 Product Roundup
he following are a fewproducts
that demonstrate the technology
gains and price reductions weve
seen recently in the LED market.
Te Vero series of LED array products
from Bridgelux (
features an industry best 122 lm/W nom-
inal efcacy. Te Vero platform enables
plug and play connectivity for lighting
manufacturers, enabling leading solid
state lighting product performance
capabilities while streamlining
production processes for
lighting manufacturers.
Tese capabilities lead to
shorter product develop-
ment times, lower inven-
tory requirements, reduced
costs and more light with
less energy.Vero arrays are
compatible with a wide variety of
standard drivers (350-mA incre-
ments) and optical components,
providing manufacturers
with greater fexibility and
a wide range of options,
shortening product devel-
opment times, lowering
inventory requirements and
reducing costs.
Wilbrecht (www.wil introduced
the 100/600 series, CR/BR/
CC and CRM/BRM panel
mount LEDs that target
front or rear panel mounting. Te pre-
wired assembly of a red, green or yellow
bipolar LED and a resistor work directly
from 120 or 240 Vac, as an LED power
indicator or as a drop-in replacement for
neon indicators. Te front-mount hous-
ing options include the 100/600 series
domed cylindrical and fush plastic lenses,
or the CR/BR/CC series screw on metal
housings for 0.312-in. holes. Rear mount
housings include the press ft L61 series
for 0.250-in. holes or the screw-on CRM/
BRM metal housing for 0.315-in. holes.
Te waterproof LED down light, GL-
DL06-IP from GlacialLight (www.Gla is a compact 6-in. down light
that that is IP54 rated and targets wet spac-
es including bathrooms, spas, and yachts. It
consumes 12 W and features non-dimma-
ble, ac-triac dimmable, and 3-in-1 dimma-
ble functions. All three confgurations have
three color temperature options.
Te LED down light installs in ceilings
by mounting or placing it in a ceiling
board. Te non-dimmable and 3-in-1
dimmable options are suitable for a wide
range of input voltages (100 to 240 Vac),
making them efective solutions for
almost all worldwide locations.
Cree ( intro-
duced the VG series parking garage
luminaire that deliver optimal,
low-glare illumination by
eliminating direct view of
the LEDs with an optical
system. Te luminaire se-
ries helps create a pleasing
appearance while delivering
high-performance lighting.
Te innovative product lowers
total cost of ownership and can
deliver payback in less than two
years. Te payback is calculated
compared to metal halide
and based on commercial
usage of 24 h/day and the
national average of $0.11/
kWh for electric costs.
Te Larson (www. EXP-
LED-HL-DFX explosion
proof dual function LED
headlight can be worn on
a hardhat or directly on
the head, allowing hands-
free illumination for most hazardous
locations. Te headlamp features 120-lm
brightness, an LED lamp ftted with
a Luxeon emitter, and dual operating
modes with high output for maximum
brightness or low output for longer
operating times. It suits mining, utilities,
petrochemical and industrial manufactur-
ing operations.
Te MicroSideled 3806 LED from
Osram ( meets the
requirements tablets, ultrabooks and
smartphones that need high brightness
levels and good color rendering without
draining the batteries too rapidly. It is
efcient in white and blue, ofers consis-
tent brightness throughout its lifetime
of 15,000 hours, and can withstand high
temperature and high current.
Paul OShea
Vero LED array
from Bridgelux
Bipolar, panel-mount LEDs
from Wilbrech
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52 Industry Innovators
Pioneers in technology
As founder and CEO of Aldebaran
Robotics, he created NAO and
Next Gen NAO, programmable
humanoid robots
meet Bruno Maisonnier.
John Filippelli: What inspired the
NAO robot and Next Gen NAO?
Bruno Maisonnier: Te humanoid
shape and curved design are key factors
of the design and allow usersto interact
withthe machine. Cartoons and kids
have been source of inspiration for NAO
we wanted to create a cute robot with
whom you immediately want to interact.
John Filippelli:What upgrades/addi-
tions are included with the NAO Next
Gen robot compared to the original
NAO? Were these the only changes con-
sidered? Why or why not?
Bruno Maisonnier: One of the NAO
Next Gens novel and most remarkable
features is the fact that it is ftted with a
new on-board computer, based on the
powerful 1.6-GHz Intel Atom proces-
sor, which is suitable for multitasking
calculations. It also has two HD cameras
that are attached to a feld-programmable
gate array (FPGA). Tis set-up allows
the simultaneous reception of two video
streams, signifcantly increasing speed
and performance in face-and-object
recognition, even under poor lighting
conditions. As well as its innovative
features with respect to hardware, NAO
Next Gen boasts a new, faster, and more
reliable vocal-recognition program called
Nuance. Tis program is coupled with
a new functionality known as word
spotting, which is capable of isolating
and recognizing a specifc word within a
sentence or a conversation.
Motor controls
DC-DC converters
Charging circuits
Drive circuits
145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: (631) 435-1110 Fax: (631) 435-1824
Rectifiers Diodes
Small Signal
Bipolar Power
Energy Efficient
Please visit Central
The Hyatt Regency Hotel,
Boston, MA, October 3,
Booth ES 27
TRACOPOWER introduces six new series
of ultra compact isolated DC/DC-converters
for high performance applications
60 Watt in 6-side shielded 1" x2" metal package
30 Watt in 6-side shielded 1" x1" metal package
6 Watt in SIP-8 package
New Products 55
4:1 input dc/dc converter features 60-W output
Te FED60W series dc/dc converter features a 9 to 36 Vdc or
18 to 75 Vdc input range with an input current of 10 mA
at no load. Te converter features outputs of 3.3, 5, 12, 15,
24,12, 15, or 24 Vdc.
Te dc/dc converter has an input/output isolation of
1,600 Vdc and has a six-sided continuous shield in a standard
2 x 1 x 0.40-in package. Te device suits wireless, telecom, industrial
control, distributed power, and semiconductor equipment applications. It provides
under/over-voltage, over-current, short-circuit, and over-temperature protection.
P-Duke Technology:
5-W USB adapter targets personal electronics
Te PSA05A 5-W, fxed-blade, USB power adapter targets personal elec-
tronics. It is compliant with North American input voltages and
has a Level V efciency compliant output of 5 Vdc and 1 A,
which suits charging lithium-ion batteries in small devices
with touchscreens, including smartphones, tablets, e-read-
ers, GPS, and media players.
Te 5-W USB wall-charger is equipped with overvoltage,
overcurrent, and short-circuit protection. It has a no-load power draw of less than
0.03 W. Te wall plug also features a 5-Star standby power rating, as well as safety
approvals from UL and cUL. It measures 2.29 x 1.69 x 0.83 in. and weighs 3 oz.
Phihong USA:
Need Power?
Green Power Supplies Meet Efficiency
Level V Requirements 90W
Desktop style
Supplies with
IEC 60320/
C6, C8 or C14
inlets have
Enforced In-
sulation Mechanical Configurations, Reg-
ulated Outputs voltage from: 12 to 48Vdc
in 0.1V increments, up to 90W of cotinu-
ous output power. GlobTeks GT-41133
series of enclosed power supplies are
housed in Impact Resistant non-vented
Polycarbonate Case, Thermal conduction
Cooling, Case Dimensions: 62 x 150 x 34
(mm). This Family features: Regulated
output with very low ripple, Built-in
...for more click
Lithium Ion
(Li-Ion) Battery
In response to in-
creased concern
and requirements
of portable equip-
ment and device manufacturers for safety
related to Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) batteries,
GlobTeks latest generation battery
charger designs include numerous redun-
dant safety features which when commu-
nicating with electronics in Lithium
(Li-Ion) batteries prevents failure or
damage of the battery pack during charg-
ing. Aside from safety, the charger in-
cludes many features to maintain and
lengthen battery life. The GlobTek GT-
93023-12012(R) is a customized bespoke
multiple-bay battery charger designed to
charge 5 battery packs in unison. The
...for more click
International Power Cordsets
This wide range of
international power
cordsets are ap-
proved to interna-
tional safety agency
requirements. De-
signs are available
in various lengths,
cable types, conductor gauge, termination,
and jacket color. Cordsets are ideal for
portable equipment, communication,
video, power tools, consumer electronics
or industrial and medical equipment.
Many designs are available
...for more click
GlobTek Ad B 5.23.13_Electronic Products 5/29/2013 7:44 AM Page 1
Power Sources
56 New Products
High-isolation dc/dc converters offer 105C operating temp
Te PEM series is a family of low-power board mount unregulated dc/dc converters
that provide 3,000 Vdc I/O isolation and an operating temperature range from -40 to
105C. Te series features1-Wand2-Wversions that convert
and isolate dc-rails within a range of applications, such as
medical, industrial control, security, and telecom systems.
Te dc/dc converter series delivers efciencies
to 89%, a 5% increase over the frst-generation. Te
modules limit power draw under light and no load
conditions to further enhance the
performance across the entire load
curve, and reduce dissipated heat. It is housed
in an industry standard seven-pin SIP package measuring 0.77
x 0.28 x 0.39 in. Nominal inputs of 3.3, 5, 12, 15, and 24 Vdc
(10%) and output voltage confgurations of 3.3, 5, 9, 12, 15,
24, 5, 12, 15, and 24 Vdc are available.
CUI Inc:
For more information, call American Power Design
Phone 888/894-4446 , Fax 603/894-4291
Email [email protected]
FuIIy ProgrammabIe DCJDC Converters
Outputs to 1000Vdc
M SerIes
` Input Ranges (10-20Vdc, 18-36Vdc)
` 1000Vdc Isolation
` Typical Efficiency 82
` Single Outputs to 1000Vdc
` Dual Outputs to +/- 500Vdc
` Programmable using 0-5Vdc Analog Signal
` On-board 5Vdc Reference
` Case Sizes 1Wx 2Land 2Wx 2Lx 0.4H
Compact constant current LED driver offers 7-W output
Te RACD07 LED driver features a voltage range
from 90 to 295 Vac and is suitable for worldwide
use. Te 7-W modules are available with constant
current outputs of 350-, 500-, or 700-mA.
For applications with limited space the LED
driver simplifes installation ofer both input and
output lead wires integrated into a single side, in-
cluding the mounting bracket. Te driver is IP67
rated and can be used in dry or
damp areas such as bathrooms or even outdoors. Te driver features
an input to output isolation voltage of 3,750 Vac for protection against
short circuit and overload. Te series is certifed to EN61347, EN61000-
3-2, as well as EN5015 Class C, with UL certifcation pending.
Recom Power:
Buy Now
Temp controller provides easy access and
data retrieval
Te 5R7-570(A) open-board tempera-
ture controller features a proportional
integral control algorithm to provide
precise control to thermoelectric (Pelt-
ier efect) modules. Te H-bridge con-
trol provides a seamless transition between heating and cooling
to eliminate dead spots. It provides a green LED to indicate heat,
blue for cooling mode, and simultaneous illumination of both to
indicate the load circuit is of due to an open sensor.
Pulse-width modulation helps control the power level in the
thermoelectric module at a base frequency of 1-kHz. It features
250-steps power resolution in the load circuit control. Te
controller measures 1.75 x 3.5 X 3-in., has a 6 to 28-Vdc input
voltage, a 0 to 36-Vdc output, a load current from 0.1 to 12.5
A, a 450-W output power control, control stability of 0.1C,
and a temperature range from -20 to 150C. Te temperature
Power Sources
New Products 57
Changeable-blade PoE
midspan suits global needs
Te Model GT-91085-1548 Power over
Ethernet (PoE) active injector ofers
an IEEE 802.3af-compliant solution
for remote powering of Wireless LAN
(WLAN) Access Points, Voice over IP
phones, and network security cameras.
Te 48-V active injector has automatic
tion and
of legacy
the need
for external power supply and its associ-
ated ac/dc power cabling.
Te active injectors are available
with bicolor LED on top of enclosure,
an IEC320/C14 or IEC320/C6 ac-input
inlet, with RJ45 with built-in LEDs, or
with bicolor LED on top of the enclosure,
and changeable wall plug-in ac-blades,
with RJ45 with built-in LEDs. Te PoE
midspan allows users to bring power and
data to an array of devices without the
expense of hiring an electrician to bring
power to additional locations. It is avail-
able in Class II,two-prong, interchange-
able blade confgurations. Te injector
has an input from 90 to 264 Vac, 50 to 60
Hz, and an output of 48 Vdc with a max
power of 15.4-W continuous output.
Rectifier features
power density
Te Flatpack S 48-V/1800-W HE (part
number 241122.125) is an extension
to the Flatpack S family. Te family
is designed to ft into applications
with limited depth or limited space.
Te 1,800-W rectifer provides power
density beyond competitive solutions
featuring 47 W/in.
in compact housing.
It incorporates telecom specifcations,
high efciency, ORing protection on
output, and high power in a 217-mm
deep box.
Te rectifer meets the power needs
of fber, backbone and wireless data in
the telecomm industry. Te device fts
into a number of compact and fexible
dc power systems with monitoring and
control functions. Te modules are
95.8% efcient, ofer isolation protec-
tion of 3-kVac input to output, 1.5-kVac
input to earth, and 710-Vdc output to
earth. Tey are certifed for CE, UL,
and other local approval bodies.
controller suits aerospace, automotive,
biomedical, defense, medical and semi-
conductor markets.
Oven Industries:
Dont sacrice performance or service for price. Call today for a surprisingly
low cost quotation. For product datasheets or free samples, go to:
TEL: (781) 344-8226 FAX: (781) 344-8481 E-Mail: [email protected]
MicroPower Direct
We Power Your Success - For Less!
Go Direct
At MicroPower Direct we now offer a wide range
of power products designed for use in medical
applications. They include DC/DC Converters and
AC/DC power supplies ranging from 1W to 400W.
All are fully approved to the stringent requirements
of EN 60601. Visit our new website for full infor-
mation on many new products, including
our new medical approved power
supplies and DC/DCs.
400W AC/DC Supply
EN 60601 Approved
PFC to EN 61000-3-2 D
Low Prole <1U Height
Universal 90-264 VAC Input
Current Share Option
2W DC/DC Converter
EN 60601 Approved
4,000 VAC rms Isolation
Reinforced Insulation
Single & Dual Outputs
Miniature SMT Case
3W DC/DC Converter
EN 60601 Approved
3,000 VAC rms Isolation
Reinforced Insulation
Single & Dual Outputs
Miniature DIP Case
10W DC/DC Converter
EN 60601 Approved
4.2 kVAC rms Isolation
Wide 2:1 Input Range
Reinforced Insulation
<10 A Leakage Current
EP1307.indd 1 7/1/2013 9:30:22 AM
Power Sources
58 New Products
eCompass is about the size of four grains of salt
Given that the average size of a grain of common table salt is about 1 mm
, the
LSM303C eCompass from ST Micro is about the size of four grains, measuring just
2.0 x 2.0 x 1.0 mm in its LG-12 package. Tus it is the smallest electronic compass
available today, nearly 20% smaller than similar devices.
Designed to provide advanced navigation and motion-detection in such
products as smartphones and wearable devices, the MEM-based chip combines a
three-axis microelectromechanical-system accelerometer and three-axis MEMS
magnetometer in a single package. Te magnetic-feld sensor, with a full-scale mag-
netic-feld strength range of 1,600 T, has a wider dynamic range than alternative
devices, while the accelerometer has selectable full-scale range of 2, 4 or 8 g,
and combines 16-bit resolution with state-of-the-art output accuracy of 40 mg.
In addition, the package is board-compatible with ST's 12-lead accelerome-
ter-only devices, allowing designers to enhance or upgrade the features of more
basic products. Samples are available now, with production quantities becoming
available beginningin December. Pricing will start at $1.10 for orders over 1,000
New Input Voltages available
125-475 VDC (Consult Factory)
High Voltage, Isolated Outputs
100-500 VDC
Output Voltages from 500VDC
High Power: to 50 Watts,
Efficiency to 90%
Miniaturized Size package:
2.5" x 1.55" x 0.50"
Safe: Short Circuit, Over/Under
Voltage, and Over Temp. Protected
Options Available: Expanded
Operating Temperature, -55
C to
Environmental Screening, Selected
from MIL Std.883
Ruggedized for Operation in
Harsh Environments
External Bias Control: For Charge
Pump Applications
Custom Modules: Available to
optimize your designs, Special
Input or Output Voltages Available
Rely on Pico for Thousands
of ULTRA Miniature, High
Reliability DC-DC
Converters, AC-DC
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E-Mail: [email protected]
143 Sparks Ave, Pelham, NY 10803-1837, USA
High Voltage
to 500 VDC OUT.
High Power
to 50 Watts.
DC-DC Converters
Call 800-431-1064
QP Series
A32_ElecProds2.06x9.5_A32.qxd 8/6/13 8:22 A
Dual MOSFET arrays feature 0 threshold V
Te ALD212900A/ALD212900 family of dual monolithic, n-chan-
nel MOSFET arrays are available in an eight-pin SOI package and
feature zero-threshold voltage. Te devices establish new industry
benchmarks for forward transconductance, output conductance
and drive. Te dynamic range ofered by these devices range from
a few nanoamps to tens of milliamps. Te device features >100,000,000:1 operating current
ranges and a drain current of 30 mA with an input current of 300 pA. It also ofers an input
impedance of 2.5 x 10
and a dc current gain >10
Te MOSFETs are suited for low-voltage and small signal applications and can
work in sub-threshold regions with <5-nA operating supply currents while deliver-
ing higher output drive currents (typ.>50 mA). Te devices gate threshold voltage,
, is set precisely at +0.00 V +0.01 V, featuring a typical ofset voltage of 0.001 V.
Te devices are basic building blocks for current sources, diferential amplifer input
stages, transmission gates, and multiplexer applications. When the gate voltage of the
MOSFET is set at 0.00 V, the drain current is +20 A at V
= 0.1 V, which allows a
class of circuit designs with output voltage level biased at or near input
voltage level without voltage level shif. Tey can be used for switching
and amplifying applications in +0.1 to +10-V powered systems where
low input bias current, low input capacitance, and fast switching speed
are desired.
Advanced Linear Devices:
4.7-F capacitor handles 100 V in 1206 pkg
Te 12061Z475K ceramic capacitor provides 4.7 F with a
100-V rating in a 1206 SMT package. Te device features
a X7S dielectric for a 22% stability from -55 to 125C.
Te capacitor has a dissipation factor
of less than 2.5% and a package thick-
ness of only 0.70 in. Standard tolerance
is 10% and price is approximately $0.53 ea/2,000.
Buy Now
Buy Now
Components & Subassemblies
New Products 59
Small welder lets you make
Te HotSpot PLUS capacitive-discharge
welder provides standard thermocouple
welding functions as well as simple spot,
stud, and pin welding. It can also aid
in wire-harness strapping and insula-
tion-blanket installation, and its con-
trollable weld energy facilitates strain-
gauge attachment. Measuring 3.5 x 8.5
x 11.5 in. (less handle) and weighing
18 lbs, the welder can be moved where
Stored welding energy is adjustable
from 5 to 525 W-s, max charging time is
less than 10 s, and actual welding time
Small white enclosures
go green
Available in four standard sizes with
external dimensions from 2.00 x 3.23
x 0.55 in. to 3.62 x 5.90 x 1.10 in. and
a standard of-white color (RAL 9002),
the Sof-Case series of handheld enclo-
sures now comes from stock molded in
BIOGRADE biodegradable material.
Tis bioplastic material is CO
technically compostable and biodegrad-
able, and has similar mechanical and
physical properties to ABS.
Te top of
the enclosure
has a wide
recessed area
for locating an
LCD or mem-
brane keypad,
and a raised
panel on the
long edge
can be used
for mounting
USB, power, or serial connectors and
controls. Te three larger-size cases are
available with battery compartments
for ftting 1.5-V AA or AAA batteries
or 9-V cells. Te cases are assembled
by four self-tapping screws, and screw
pillars are provided inside the top and
base parts for ftting PCBs. Prices start
at $12.
OKW Enclosures:
EMI shielding materials
forecast to 2018
The report EMI/RFI: Materials and
technologies reports is an overview
of the global market for products to
deal with electromagnetic interference
(EMI) and radio frequency interfer-
ence (RFI) problems that are encoun-
tered in operation of electronic equip-
ment and implications for plastics and
competitive materials/technologies
used to suppress that interference.
The report considers the need for
conductive coatings and plastics,
laminates, and metal cabinets needed
for the ever-increasing frequencies for
all electronics, especially in wireless
devices. The impact of Bluetooth is
considered as well as the use of EMI
absorptive materials and fiber optics.
Shielding not only closely follows the
demand for electronic devices and
components, but also is a valuable
resource to assist manufacturers in
complying with ever-changing safety
and performance regulations. The
report also discusses the current state
of the electronics and other related in-
dustries, the market for plastics-based
shielding options, key participants,
shielding technologies, patents,
materials, shielding components, a
timeline of global developments,
and examples of worldwide regulatory
standards and environmental issues
confronting the electronic shielding
business. Compound average growth
rates (CAGRs) are provided by square
feet and 2013 dollars. Send an e-mail
to [email protected] for more
Paul OShea
Packaging & Interconnections
60 New Products
is a fraction of a second. Tis capability
permits six or more welds a minute;
welding time for ordinary gauge ther-
mocouples is very short. Priced starting
at $1,250, the welder operates from
120-V, 60-Hz line power (220-V, 50-Hz
optional) and is protected by 1.5-A line
breaker. Te unit can also be driven by a
low-power battery-to-ac converter and
several optional fxturing and welding
attachments are ofered.
DCC Corporation:
Optical cabling system
combines power and fiber
Te Fiber+Power-to-the-Antenna system
bundles all signal and power cabling ele-
ments required for installing a functional
FTTA system into a single enclosure.
Compatible with existing tower archi-
800. 424. 9850
401. 823. 5200
i n f o @a d v a n c e d . c o m
Made in USA
Automate PCB pin loading
Socket heat sensitive devices
Plan for future device upgrades
Improve solder joint inspection
your shape,
pattern, and
pin styles
Hackensack, NJ 07601 USA +1.201.343.8983 [email protected]
Uniform Bond Line Thickness
B-Staged Film Adhesive
Sealant FLM36
Watch Video
Tough and flexible
High temperature resistance
Refrigeration or freezing not required
Thermally conductive, electrically insulative
Holder secures Zhaga and all
50-mm LED modules
Te Mod-Lok LED module holder
secures all 50-mm modules, including
Zhaga products, to provide consistent
contact pressure to the thermal interface
material (TIM) and ensure excellent
thermal performance independent of
plastic creep and screw torque.
Te LED holder also acts as a Zhaga
locking ring to simplify feld replace-
ment. Finger
allow for
free installa-
tion and replace-
ment, while integrated springs eliminate
concern for adequate screw-torque
sensitivity. Te hardened stainless-steel
springs ofer consistent interface
pressure over time, and built-in detents
prevent vibration from loosening screws
Ideal Industries:
Packaging & Interconnections
New Products 61
tecture, the cabling system is designed to
maximize efciency for installing techni-
cians, with plug-and-play assembly input
cables that install directly to the box.
Te system can be installed in a single
day, compared to a three-day installation
using competing products.
Built for harsh conditions and
available in a one-stop shop, the cabling
system connects incoming tower trunk
fber and dc power cables to individual
ODVA 2 or optional ODC-compatible,
fber output radiohead feeder cables and
dc power cables. Te system, which can
feed up to 24 radioheads, not only fea-
tures robust OSP fber cables (3x thicker
than normally specifed fber cables),
but also an efcient NEMA 4X-rated f-
ber-plus-power distribution cabinet from
FiberSource and IP67-rated connectors
from CONEC, all specifcally designed
for applications involving the environ-
mental conditions relative to cell towers.
Smallest 50-pin QFN socket
offers top performance
Designed for a 5.5 x 7 x 0.8-mm 50-pin
Quad Flat No Lead (QFN) package with
0.4-mm-pitch connections, the SG-
MLF-7078 high-performance elastomer
socket operates at bandwidths to 10 GHz
with an insertion loss of less than 1 dB,
contact resistance typically 20 m per
pin, and current capacity of 2 A per pin.
Te socket is said to have the smallest
footprint in the industry.
Priced at $351 in single quantities,
the socket connects all pins with 10-
GHz bandwidth on all connections and
is mounted on the target PCB using
supplied hardware with no soldering. Te
small footprint allows inductors, resistors,
and decoupling capacitors to be placed very
close to the device for impedance tuning,
and a simple installation method lets ICs
be changed out quickly. Pin self-inductance
is 0.15 nH, mutual inductance is 0.025
nH, capacitance to ground is 0.01 pF, and
temperature range is 35 to 100C.
Ironwood Electronics:
Data-center racks are
affordable workhorses
Te HP 11000 G2 Series rack for data
centers deliver high weight capacity, en-
hanced airfow design, and durable con-
struction. Available as a pallet or shock
rack, these 19-in., 42U budget-priced
racks are also compatible with HP Loca-
tion Discovery Services to auto-log and
track server ID and U location during
ments from
earlier HP racks
include im-
proved weight
capacities up to
3,000 lbs static,
an 81% open
perforated door
for enhanced air-
fow and cooling,
and quick-instal-
lation brackets
and cables for
power.A patent-
ed seven-layer
rolled frame de-
sign and welded
steel framehave
been used toen-
able long life.
For high-density
environments,a large cable egresses in
the rack top and a convenience bracket
for tool-less mounting of popular cable
management options and power distri-
bution is included.Internet prices start at
$1,099,but pricing may vary by country
or region.
Packaging & Interconnections
62 New Products
Te MSO/DPO70000DX series of performance mixed-signal oscil-
loscopes (MSO) and digital-phosphor
oscilloscopes (DSO) from Tektronix
consists of six models with four
analog channels whose bandwidths
are 23, 25, or 33 GHz and 20%-to-
80% rise times are 9 ps. Not only
do the scopes have enhanced tools
for debugging digital and analog
circuits, but a new 33-GHz band-
width probe for use with the scopes is said to be the world's fastest
and lowest noise, with industry leading sensitivity. Te probe/scope
combination brings full-bandwidth measurement capability right
down to the leads of the unit under test.
Te new series features a wider dynamic range (600 mV/div, or
6V full scale) at maximum voltage setting, fve times greater than
the previous 70000D scopes. Further, with the option of having
sample memory as great as 1 Gsample/channel on two channels,
achievable record length is now four times as long. Sample rate is 100
Gsample/s on two channels and processor speed hasbeen improved,
which enables faster decode on longer records, and the instruments
support a more-than-300,000-wafeform/s acquisition rate.
Te MSOs have 16 digital channels that provide 80 ps timing
resolution, an industry-best that gives engineers accurate feedback
on logic or protocol performance for serial buses like
C, and SPI in real-time. Further, the mixed-signal
scopes have iCapture for simultaneous digital-analog acquisition;
this unique feature lets designers easily and quickly verify the analog
characteristics - without changing probes or connections - of any of
the signals connected to the digital channels. Having the ability to
thus observe a greater amount of a design's electrical behavior at one
time shortens debug cycles and system validation time.
With sensitivity to 3.48 mV/div, the 33-GHz P7600 series
TriMode probe (lower bandwidth versions are also available) gives
engineers a single probe setup for diferential, single-ended, and
common-mode measurements with a single coax or solder-down
connection, for more value from each scope channel. Te probes'
"remote head" architecture ofers the shortest path to the input
signal and lowest noise performance in its bandwidth class.
With prices ranging from $178,000 to over $298,000 with
expanded sample memory, the oscilloscopes are available for order
now, with shipments beginning in September. P7600 probes are
available now, with prices for a 33-GHz version starting at $27,000.
Moreover, to preserve investments as needs change, the scopes
ofer customers a variety of upgrade options, including bandwidth
upgrades, product conversions, and trade-up programs. For exam-
ple, digital channels can be added to analog-only DPO70000DX
versions via a customer-installable kit.
WIth BW to 33 GHz, scopes speed RF, digital design
12 Mpts memory depth
standard, 24 Mpts optional
1GSa/s max. sample rate
30,000 wfms/s max. waveform
capture rate
UltraVision technology
7" WVGA screen
Digital Oscilloscopes
NEW! DS1000Z
Now you can get a
4 channel scope at
2 channel prices!
Integrated 2 channel
source available
Starting at less than
Check out our latest Best Value
DS1000ZAd-EP_Layout 1 8/9/13 2:22 PM Page 1
Test & Measurement
63 New Products
For more information on IXYS IC Division's IX2113 Gate Driver visit:
IXYS Integrated Circuits Division
(formerly Clare, Inc.)
Pb Pb
Floating Channel for Bootstrap Operation to +600V
with Absolute Maximum Rating of +700V
Outputs Source and Sink 2A
Gate Drive Supply Range from 10V to 20V
Tolerant to Negative Voltage Transients: dV/dt Immune
UnderVoltage Lockout for Both High-Side & Low-Side Outputs
3.3V Logic Compatible
Matched Propagation Delays
LED luminaire has industrys
highest lm/W
Te Appleton Areamaster LED lumi-
naire, a foodlight fxture ofers the
industry's highest lm/W output and a
service life of more than 60,000 h. It
features corrosion-resistant protection
and weighs less than half the previous
Areamaster versions with a smaller
footprint, it targets adverse and hazard-
ous locations (Class I Div.2.). Suggested
applications include petrochemical
plants, pulp
and paper
and marinas,
as well as out-
door areas such
as parking lots or public spaces where
rough weather is a problem.
Te LED features a universal design
for food or high-bay mounting, making
it suitable for replacing virtually any
HID, fuorescent or incandescent fxture.
Rated at 127 W, it delivers 13,000+
lumens of cool white light in a 131 (hor-
izontal) x 134 (vertical) beam spread.
It does not require the use of external
optics, resulting in system efciencies as
high as 80%. Te LED has a corrected
color temperature of 5650K and a CRI
rating of 70.
Emerson Industrial Automation,
EGS Electrical Group:
Benchmark CRI for LEDs
target ceramic metal halide
Te XLampCXA1304andCXA1816, the
newest members of the CXA LED family,
ofer 95 CRI options, delivering up to
twice the efcacy of equivalent CRI LED
light sources. Tey deliver halogen-like
color and combine high quality light with
high light output and efcacy.
Te CXA1304 LED array is the most
compact member of the family, delivering
up to 1034-lm in a 6-mm optical source
size. Te CXA1816 array enables LED
replacements for up to
70-W ceramic metal
halide in spot lighting
or for 2,000-lm down-
lights with a 12-mm
optical source size. Te
arrays ofer 6,000-h of
LM-80 data published
and are designed to support
TM-21 reported L90 lifetime of
over four years, at 105C. Tey
are available in 5,000K through
2,700K CCTs, and deliver a
typical CRI of 95 with a typical
R9 value of 85 at 3,000K.
Absopulse Electronics Ltd. 56
Advanced Interconnections Corp. 60
Agilent Technologies, Inc. C2, 35, 45
Allied Electronics Inc. C3
American Power Design, Inc. 56
Avnet Electronic Marketing 3
Central Semiconductor Corp. 53
Coilcraft CPS 2
Coilcraft, Inc. 10
CUI Inc. 29
Data Modul Inc. 47
Digi-Key Corporation C1, 1
EMCO High Voltage Corporation 11
E-T-A Circuit Breakers 51
Floyd Bell Inc. 64
Global Lighting Technologies, Inc. 50
GlobTek, Inc. C1, 55
Hammond Manufacturing
Company Inc. 61
Hittite Microwave Corporation 39
Integrated Power Designs, Inc. 36
International Rectier 31
IXYS Corporation 44
IXYS Integrated Circuits Division 37, 63
Keystone Electronics Corp. 33
KOA Speer Electronics, Inc. 26
Linear Technology Corporation 13
Master Bond Inc. 60
Master Electronics 42
Maxim Integrated C4
Mean Well USA, Inc. 5
Measurement Computing
Corporation 28
MEGA Electronics, Inc. 22
Melexis 40
MicroMo Electronics, Inc. 49
MicroPower Direct, LLC 57
Mill-Max Manufacturing Corp.
21, 23, 25, 27
Minmax Technology Co., Ltd. 55
Mouser Electronics 7, 16, 17
National Instruments 15
Newark/element 14 9
OKW Enclosures, Inc. 59
Pico Electronics, Inc. 58
Precision Paper Tube Company 64
Rigol Technologies 62
RTG, Inc. 64
Syfer Technology Ltd. 48
Taiyo Yuden (USA) Inc. 32
TDK-EPC Corporation 41
TDK-Lambda Americas, Inc. 46
Toshiba America Electronic
Components, Inc. 18
UnitedHealthcare 43
WAGO Corporation 12
Zilog Inc. 38
Product Mart
Electronic Products Presented by the Manufacturer
64 New Products
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Precision Paper Tube Company
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More Than 75 Years - The Original