BFL Sample Test Paper
BFL Sample Test Paper
BFL Sample Test Paper
COMPUTER AWARENESS TEST 1.In the command scanf, h is used for Ans. Short int .A process is defined as Ans. Program in e!ecution ".A thread is Ans. #etacha$le unit of e!ecuta$le code% &.'hat is the ad(antage of 'in )T o(er 'in *+ Ans. ,o$ust and secure +.Ho- is memor. management done in 'in*+ Ans. Through paging and segmentation /.'hat is meant $. pol.morphism Ans. ,edfinition of a $ase class method in a deri(ed class 0.'hat is the essential feature of inheritance Ans. All properties of e!isting class are deri(ed 1.'hat does the protocol FTP do Ans. Transfer a file $2- stations -ith user authentification *.In the transport ,T3P is -hat of protocol Ans. 3onnection oriented 14.'h. is a gate-a. used Ans. To connect incompati$le net-orks 11.Ho- is linked list implemented
Ans. B. referential structures 1 .'hat method is used in 'in*+ in multitasking Ans. )on preempti(e check 1".'hat is meant $. functional dependenc. 1&.'hat is a semaphore Ans. A method s.nchroni5ation of multiple processes 1+.'hat is the precedence order from high to lo- ,of the s.m$ols 6 % 77 2 Ans.6 % , 77, 2 1/.Preorder of A86B73%2#9: Ans.87AB329#: 11. B9tree 6failure nodes at same le(el% 1*. #ense inde! 6inde! record appers for e(er. search 9ke. in file% 4.'hat is the efficienc. of merge sort Ans. ;6n log n% 1.A program on s-aping 6 14,+ %-as gi(en (candidate cannot recollect) .In -hich are routers used Ans.In net-ork ".In -hich are packets formed 6 in net-ork % &.heap 6 priorit. <ueue % +.cop. constructor 6 constant reference % /.'hich of the follo-ing sorting algorithem has a(erage sorting $eha(ior 99 Bu$$le sort,merge sort,heap sort,e!change sort
Ans. Heap sort 0.In $inar. search tree -hich tra(ersal is used for getting ascending order (alues99Inorder ,post order,preorder Ans.Inorder 1.'hat are de(ice dri(ers used for Ans.To pro(ide soft-are for ena$ling the hard-are *. Irre(alent to uni! command 6 gett.% "4.'hat is fork command in uni! Ans. S.stem call used to create process "1.'hat is make command in uni! Ans. =sed forcreation of more than one file " .In uni! .profile contains Ans. Start up program "".In uni! echo is used for 6 ans-er 3% "&.In uni! >ls >stores contents in Ans.inode $lock QUANTITATIVE SECTION 1.In a class composed of ! girls and . $o.s -hat part of the class is composed of girls A..26! 7 .% B.!2!. 3.!26! 7 .% #..2!. Ans.3 .'hat is the ma!imum num$er of half9pint $ottles of cream that can $e filled -ith a &9gallon can of cream6 pt.?1 <t. and & <t.?1 gal% A.1/
B. & 3."4 #./& Ans.# ".If the operation,@ is defined $. the e<uation ! @ . ? ! 7 .,-hat is the (alue of a in A.4 B.1 3.91 #.& Ans.B &.A coffee shop $lends kinds of coffee,putting in parts of a ""p. a gm. grade to 1 part of a &p. a gm.If the mi!ture is changed to 1 part of the ""p. a gm. to parts of the less e!pensi(e grade,ho- much -ill the shop sa(e in $lending 144 gms. A.,s.*4 B.,s.1.44 3.,s.".44 #.,s.1.44 Ans.3 +.There are 44 <uestions on a " hr e!amination.Among these <uestions are +4 mathematics pro$lems.It is suggested that t-ice as much time $e spent on each maths pro$lem as for each other <uestion.Ho- man. minutes should $e spent on mathematics pro$lems A."/ B.0 3./4 #.144 Ans.B /.In a group of 1+,0 ha(e studied Latin, 1 ha(e studied :reek, and " ha(e not studied either.Ho- man. of these studied $oth Latin and :reek A.4 B." 3.& #.+ Ans.B 0.If 1" ? 1"-2619-% ,then 6 -% ? A.12& B.12 @a?a@"
3.1 #. Ans.3 1. If a and $ are positi(e integers and 6a9$%2".+ ? &20, then 6A% $ A a 6B% $ B a 63% $ ? a 6#% $ B? a Ans. A *. In Cune a $ase$all team that pla.ed /4 games had -on "4D of its game pla.ed. After a phenomenal -inning streak this team raised its a(erage to +4D .Ho- man. games must the team ha(e -on in a ro- to attain this a(erageE A. 1 B. 4 3. & #. "4 Ans. 3 14. F men agree to purchase a gift for ,s. #. If three men drop out ho- much more -ill each ha(e to contri$ute to-ards the purchase of the gift2 A. #26F9"% B. F#2" 3. F26#9"% #. "#26F 9"F% Ans. # 11. A compan. contracts to paint " houses. Fr.Bro-n can paint a house in / da.s -hile Fr.Black -ould take 1 da.s and Fr.Blue 1 da.s. After 1 da.s Fr.Bro-n goes on (acation and Fr. Black $egins to -ork for a period of / da.s. Ho- man. da.s -ill it take Fr.Blue to complete the contractE A. 0 B. 1 3. 11 #. 1 Ans.3 1 . hours after a freight train lea(es #elhi a passenger train lea(es the same station tra(elling in the same direction at an a(erage speed of 1/ km2hr. After tra(elling & hrs the passenger train o(ertakes the freight train. The a(erage speed of the freight train -asE A. "4 B. &4 3.+1 #. /4 Ans. B 1". If *!9".?1 and "!9+.?0 then /!9 . ? E A.9+ B. & 3. #. 1
Ans. # ANALYTICAL ABILITY 1. The office staff of XYZ corporation presently consists of three bookeepers--A, B, C and secretaries !, ", #, $, %. The &ana'e&ent is plannin' to open a ne( office in another city )sin' * bookeepers and + secretaries of the present staff . To do so they plan to seperate certain indi,id)als (ho don-t f)nction (ell to'ether. The follo(in' ')idelines (ere established to set )p the ne( office I. Bookeepers A and 3 are constantl. finding fault -ith one another and should not $e sent together to the neoffice as a team II. 3 and G function -ell alone $ut not as a team , the. should $e seperated III. # and : ha(e not $een on speaking terms and shouldn>t go together IH Since # and F ha(e $een competing for promotion the. shouldn>t $e a team 1.If A is to $e mo(ed as one of the $ookeepers,-hich of the follo-ing cannot $e a possi$le -orking unit. A.AB#GH B.AB#:H 3.ABGFH #.ABG:H Ans.B .If 3 and F are mo(ed to the ne- office,ho- man. com$inations are possi$le A.1 B. 3." #.& Ans.A ".If 3 is sent to the ne- office,-hich mem$er of the staff cannot go -ith 3 A.B B.# 3.F #.: Ans.B &.=nder the guidelines de(eloped,-hich of the follo-ing must go to the ne- office A.B B.# 3.G #.: Ans.A +.If # goes to the ne- office,-hich of the follo-ing is2are true I.3 cannot go II.A cannot go
III.H must also go A.I onl. B.II onl. 3.I and II onl. #.I and III onl. Ans.# *.After &onths of talent searchin' for an ad&inistrati,e assistant to the president of the colle'e the field of applicants has been narro(ed do(n to --A, B, C, !, " ..t (as anno)nced that the finalist (o)ld be chosen after a series of all-day 'ro)p personal inter,ie(s (ere held.The e/a&inin' co&&ittee a'reed )pon the follo(in' proced)re I.The inter(ie-s -ill $e held once a -eek II." candidates -ill appear at an. all9da. inter(ie- session III.Gach candidate -ill appear at least once IH.If it $ecomes necessar. to call applicants for additonal inter(ie-s, no more 1 such applicant should $e asked to appear the ne!t -eek H.Because of a detail in the -ritten applications,it -as agreed that -hene(er candidate B appears, A should also $e present. HI.Because of tra(el difficulties it -as agreed that 3 -ill appear for onl. 1 inter(ie-. 1.At the first inter(ie- the follo-ing candidates appear A,B,#.'hich of the foll-ing com$inations can $e called for the inter(ie- to $e held ne!t -eek. A.B3# B.3#G 3.ABG #.AB3 Ans.B .'hich of the follo-ing is a possi$le se<uence of com$inations for inter(ie-s in A.AB3IB#G B.AB#IABG 3.A#GIAB3 #.B#GIA3# Ans.3 ".If A ,B and # appear for the inter(ie- and # is called for additional inter(ie- the follo-ing -eek,-hich candidates ma. $e asked to appear -ith #E I. A II B III.3 IH.G A.I and II B.I and III onl. 3.II and III onl. #.III and IH onl. successi(e -eeks
Ans.# &.'hich of the follo-ing correctl. state6s% the procedure follo-ed $. the search committee I.After the second inter(ie- all applicants ha(e appeared at least once II.The committee sees each applicant a second time III.If a third session,it is possi$le for all applicants to appear at least t-ice A.I onl. B.II onl. 3.III onl. #.Both I and II Ans.A +. A certain city is ser,ed by s)b(ay lines A,B and C and n)&bers 1 * and + 0hen it sno(s , &ornin' ser,ice on B is delayed 0hen it rains or sno(s , ser,ice on A, * and + are delayed both in the &ornin' and afternoon 0hen te&p. falls belo( +1 de'rees farenheit afternoon ser,ice is cancelled in either the A line or the + line, b)t not both. 0hen the te&perat)re rises o,er 21 de'rees farenheit, the afternoon ser,ice is cancelled in either the line C or the + line b)t not both. 0hen the ser,ice on the A line is delayed or cancelled, ser,ice on the C line (hich connects the A line, is delayed. 0hen ser,ice on the + line is cancelled, ser,ice on the B line (hich connects the + line is delayed. J1. ;n Kan 14th, -ith the temperature at 1+ degree farenheit, it sno-s all da.. ;n ho- man. lines -ill ser(ice $e affected, including $oth morning and afternoon. 6A% 6B% " 63% & 6#% + Ans. # J . ;n Aug 1+th -ith the temperature at *0 degrees farenheit it $egins to rain at 1 PF. 'hat is the minimum num$er of lines on -hich ser(ice -ill $e affectedE 6A% 6B% " 63% & 6#% + Ans. 3 J". ;n -hich of the follo-ing occasions -ould ser(ice $e on the greatest num$er of lines disrupted. 6A% A sno-. afternoon -ith the temperature at &+ degree farenheit 6B% A sno-. morning -ith the temperature at &+ degree farenheit 63% A rain. afternoon -ith the temperature at &+ degree farenheit 6#% A rain. afternoon -ith the temperature at *+ degree farenheit Ans. B 3. .n a certain society, there are t(o &arria'e 'ro)ps, red and bro(n. 4o &arria'e is per&itted (ithin a 'ro)p. 5n &arria'e, &ales beco&e part of their (i,es 'ro)ps6 (o&en re&ain in their o(n 'ro)p. Children belon' to the sa&e 'ro)p as their parents. 0ido(ers and di,orced &ales re,ert to the 'ro)p of their birth. 7arria'e to &ore than one person at the sa&e ti&e and &arria'e to a direct descendant are forbidden J1. A $ro-n female could ha(e had
I. A grandfather $orn ,ed II. A grandmother $orn ,ed III T-o grandfathers $orn Bro-n 6A% I onl. 6B% III onl. 63% I, II and III 6#% I and II onl. Ans. # J . A male $orn into the $ro-n group ma. ha(e 6A% An uncle in either group 6B% A $ro-n daughter 63% A $ro-n son 6#% A son9in9la- $orn into red group Ans. A J". 'hich of the follo-ing is not permitted under the rules as stated. 6A% A $ro-n male his father>s sister 6B% A red female her mother>s $rother 63% A -ido-er his -ife>s sister 6#% A -ido- her di(orced daughter>s e!9hus$and Ans. B J&. If -ido-ers and di(orced males retained their group the. had upon -hich of the follo-ing -ould $e permissi$le 6 Assume that no pre(ious marriage occurred% 6A% A -oman her dead sister>s hus$and 6B% A -oman her di(orced daughter>s e!9hus$and 63% A -ido-er his $rother>s daughter 6#% A -oman her mother>s $rother -ho is a -ido-er. Ans. # . .. All $-s are %-s ... All $-s are 8-s or 9-s ... All 8-s and 9-s are $-s .: All ;-s are 9-s : All 4-s are 7-s :. 4o 7-s are $-s J1. If no P>s are L>s -hich of the follo-ing must $e true 6A% )o P is a : 6B% )o P is an H 63% If an. P is an H it is a : 6#% If an. P is a : it is a K Ans. # J . 'hich of the follo-ing can $e logicall. deduced from the stated conditions 6A% )o F>s are H>s 6B% )o H>s are F>s 63% Some F>s are H>s 6#% )o )>s are :>s Ans. # J". 'hich of the follo-ing is inconsistent -ith one or more conditions 6A% All H>s are :>s 6B% All H>s are F>s 63% Some H>s are $oth F>s and :>s 6#% )o F>s are H>s
Ans. 3 J&. The statement M)o L>s are K>sM is I. Logicall. deduci$le from the conditions stated II 3onsistent -ith $ut not deduci$le from the conditions stated III. #educi$le from the stated conditions together -ith the additional statements M)o K>s are L>sM 6A% I onl. 6B% II onl. 63% III onl. 6#% II and III onl. Ans. # Back to top