Date Issued Pertinent Provisions Note Revenue Regulation 016-12
Date Issued Pertinent Provisions Note Revenue Regulation 016-12
Date Issued Pertinent Provisions Note Revenue Regulation 016-12
PERTINENT PROVISIONS SECTION 5. Effect of NonPayment of Tax. No sa e! exc"an#e! transfer or s$m$ ar transact$on $nten%e% to con&ey o'ners"$( of! or t$t e to any s"are of stoc) s"a be re#$stere% $n t"e boo)s of t"e cor(orat$on *n ess t"e rece$(ts of (ayment of t"e taxes "ere$n $m(ose% $n t"e $nstances "ere$n s(ec$f$e% an% t"e Cert$f$cate +*t"or$,$n# -e#$strat$on .C+-/ an%0or Tax C earance Cert$f$cate .TC1/ *n%er (ert$nent -e&en*e -e#* at$ons an% $ss*ances are f$ e% '$t"! an% recor%e% by t"e stoc) transfer a#ent or secretary of t"e cor(orat$on. It s"a be t"e %*ty of t"e aforesa$% (ersons to $nform t"e 2*rea* of Interna -e&en*e .2I-/ any case of non(ayment of tax. SECTION 7. Pena Pro&$s$ons. T"e fo o'$n# s"a be (*n$s"e% $n accor%ance '$t" t"e (ro&$s$ons of T$t e 3! C"a(ters I an% II of t"e NI-C! as amen%e%4 +/ +ny stoc) transfer a#ent or secretary of t"e cor(orat$on or t"e stoc)bro)er '"o ca*se% t"e re#$strat$on of transfer of o'ners"$( or t$t e on any s"are of stoc) '$t"o*t "a&$n# been f*rn$s"e% '$t" t"e rece$(ts of t"e (ayment of t"e taxes %*e an%
2 7ay 2008
corres(on%$n# C+-0TC1 an%0or "as recor%e% t"e same5 2/ +ny res(ons$b e %$rector! cor(orate off$cer! (artner or em( oyee '"o fa$ s to s*bm$t t"e re(orts re6*$re% *n%er t"ese -e#* at$ons. SECTION 11. Effect of Non-Payment of Tax. No sa e! exc"an#e! transfer or s$m$ ar transact$on $nten%e% to con&ey o'ners"$( of! or t$t e to any s"are of stoc) s"a be re#$stere% $n t"e boo)s of t"e cor(orat$on *n ess t"e rece$(ts of (ayment of t"e tax "ere$n $m(ose% $s f$ e% '$t" an% recor%e% by t"e stoc) transfer a#ent or secretary of t"e cor(orat$on. It s"a be t"e %*ty of t"e aforesa$% (ersons to $nform t"e 2*rea* of Interna -e&en*e $n case of non(ayment of tax. +ny stoc) transfer a#ent or secretary of t"e cor(orat$on or t"e stoc)bro)er! '"o ca*se% t"e re#$strat$on of transfer of o'ners"$( or t$t e on any s"are of stoc) $n &$o at$on of t"e aforement$one% re6*$rements s"a be (*n$s"e% $n accor%ance '$t" t"e (ro&$s$ons of T$t e 3! C"a(ters I an% II of t"e Tax Co%e! as amen%e%.
C ar$f$e% by Revenue Memo an!um "i #ula $%-12 Iss*e% on 9 +*#*st! 20124 :SECTION 11. Effect of Non-Payment of Tax. xxx *n ess t&e e#ei't( o) 'a*ment o) t&e ta+ &e ein im'o(e! i( )ile! ,it& an! e#o !e! -* t&e (to#. t an()e agent o (e# eta * o) t&e #o 'o ation/ xxx; "la i)i#ation In or%er to transfer o'ners"$( of s"ares of stoc) not tra%e% $n t"e Stoc) Exc"an#e! $t $s necessary to sec*re a C+(*rs*ant to t"e (rocess a$% %o'n $n -7O No. 150<. T"e rece$(ts of t"e (ayment of t"e tax s"o* % a so be f$ e% '$t" an%
recor%e% by t"e secretary of t"e cor(orat$on (*rs*ant to Sect$on 11 of -No. 09-08. + ot"er $ss*ances $ncons$stent "ere'$t" are "ereby re(ea e% or mo%$f$e% accor%$n# y. Revenue Regulation 0$-01 7 =ebr*ary 1>>5 SECTION 11. Effect of Non-Payment of Tax. No sa e! exc"an#e! transfer or s$m$ ar transact$on $nten%e% to con&ey o'ners"$( of! or t$t e to any s"are of stoc) s"a be re#$stere% $n t"e boo)s of t"e cor(orat$on *n ess t"e rece$(ts of (ayment of t"e tax "ere$n $m(ose% $s f$ e% '$t" an% recor%e% by t"e stoc) transfer a#ent or secretary of t"e cor(orat$on. It s"a be t"e %*ty of t"e aforesa$% (ersons to $nform t"e 2*rea* of Interna -e&en*e $n case of non(ayment of tax. +ny stoc) transfer a#ent or secretary of t"e cor(orat$on or t"e stoc)bro)er! '"o ca*se% t"e re#$strat$on of transfer of o'ners"$( or t$t e on any s"are of stoc) $n &$o at$on of t"e aforement$one% re6*$rements s"a be (*n$s"e% $n accor%ance '$t" t"e (ro&$s$ons *n%er T$t e 3! C"a(ters I an% II of t"e NI-C! (art$c* ar y Secs.
250! 251! 252! 25? an% 255 of t"e NI-C. SECTION 8. Effect of Non(ayment of Tax. No sa e! exc"an#e! transfer or s$m$ ar transact$on $nten%e% to con&ey o'ners"$( of! or t$t e to any s"are of stoc) s"a be re#$stere% $n t"e boo)s of t"e cor(orat$on *n ess t"e rece$(t of (ayment of t"e tax "ere$n $m(ose% $s f$ e% '$t" an% recor%e% by t"e stoc) transfer a#ent or secretary of t"e cor(orat$on. It s"a be %*ty of t"e aforesa$% (ersons to $nform t"e 2*rea* of Interna -e&en*e $n case of non-(ayment of tax. +ny stoc) transfer a#ent or secretary of t"e cor(orat$on '"o ca*se% t"e re#$strat$on $n &$o at$on of t"e aforement$one% re6*$rement s"a be (*n$s"e% by a f$ne of not more t"an P2!000.00 or by $m(r$sonment for not more t"an s$x mont"s! or bot".