FI S ALR 87012172 THL Customer Balances in Local Currency

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This procedure describes how to view customer balances in the local currency using SAP.

The purpose of this procedure is to view customer balances from standard and special G/L transactions in the local currency for a particular month or period.

The steps are to navigate to the transaction code via the menu path, complete any required fields such as company code and reporting period, configure and save the layout, select the layout, and execute the report.

Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

Purpose !se t"is #roce$ure to %ie& customer in local currenc ' T"e (alances )rom t"e )ollo&in* transactions can (e issue$ &it" t"e customer (alance list+ Stan$ar$ ,-L transactions S#ecial ,-L transactions .#er s#ecial ,-L in$icator/

T"e )ollo&in* )i*ures .)or a #articular mont" onl / are $is#la e$ in local currenc + Balance at #erio$ start .(alance carr )or&ar$ an$ (alance o) t"e #erio$s (e)ore t"e re#ortin* #erio$s/ 0e(it total )or t"e re#ortin* #erio$ Cre$it total )or t"e re#ortin* #erio$ Balance )or t"e &"ole #erio$ 0e(it or cre$it (alances )or t"e &"ole #erio$ .o#tional/

Trigger 1er)orm t"is transaction &"en nee$ to %ie& customer in local currenc ' Menu Path !se t"e )ollo&in* SA1 2as Access menu #at".s/ to (e*in t"is transaction+ Accountin* 3 4inance Accountin* 3 Accountin* Recei%a(le 3 In)ormation S stem 3 Re#orts )or Account Recei%a(le Accountin* 3 Customer Balance 3 S_ALR_87012172

Transaction Code S_ALR_87012172

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

Screen Flow

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

Procedure 1. In SA15 start t"e transaction usin* t"e menu #at" or transaction co$e' SAP Easy Access

2. 3. 4.

0ou(le-click t"e Accounting no$e 0ou(le-click t"e Financial Accounting no$e 0ou(le-click t"e Accounts ecei!a"le no$e

' ' '

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

#. '. (. *.

0ou(le-click t"e $n%or&ation Syste& no$e


0ou(le-click t"e eports %or Accounts ecei!a"le Accounting no$e ' 0ou(le-click t"e Custo&er )alances no$e ' 0ou(le-click t"e S+A, +*(-121(2 . Custo&er )alances in ,ocal Currency no$e '

Custo&er )alances in ,ocal Currency


As re9uire$5 com#lete-re%ie& t"e )ollo&in* )iel$s+

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c :-18

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

e%ers to R-;-C the upper !alue o% the reporting period when speci%ying a range. $t re%ers to the 0ate which is used when entering the docu&ent in Financial Accounting or Controlling. 0ate which is used when entering the docu&ent in Financial Accounting or Controlling. An organi1atio nal unit used to pro!ide a sel%. contained set o% accounts.


4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

,egally re2uired "alance sheets and Pro%it and ,oss state&ents are generated at the Co&pany Code le!el. Se!eral Co&pany Codes can "e set up within each Client to &anage the accounts. Field E3a&ple4 12 Re#ortin* 1erio$s to E3a&ple4 01 eporting Periods E3a&ple4 5281 R Com#an co$e

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

1-. Click t"e econciliation Account e$it )iel$ 11. Click t"e Multiple selection (utton '


4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

Multiple Selection %or econciliation Account

12. As re9uire$5 com#lete-re%ie& t"e )ollo&in* )iel$s+ 5ey in R-;-C single !alue %or this para&eter. 5ey in single !alue %or this para&eter. Field E3a&ple4 13301011 Single !alue E3a&ple4 0escri#tion

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

13301001 R Sin*le %alue 13. Click t"e E3ecute (utton '

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

Custo&er )alances in ,ocal Currency

14. Click t"e Scroll down (utton

' ' ' ' '

1#. Click t"e Special 67, )alances c"eck (o> 1'. Click t"e Custo&er8s Address c"eck (o> 1(. Click t"e Con%igure (utton 1*. Click t"e Change layout (utton

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

Change layout

1/. Click t"e 9a&e 1 list item

' ' '

2-. Click t"e Search ter& list item 22. Click t"e Copy (utton

21. Click t"e Show selected %ield (utton '

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

Custo&er )alances in ,ocal Currency

23. Click t"e Sa!e layout (utton ,ayout4 Sa!e as...


4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

24. As re9uire$5 com#lete-re%ie& t"e )ollo&in* )iel$s+

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

Te3t to R-;-C identi%y and characteri1e an o":ect or acti!ity. The layout deter&ines the list %or&at. Field E3a&ple4 A ;-1-+C< STME )A,A9CE $9 ,=CA, CURR 0escription E3a&ple4 AR_010 R La out 2#. Click t"e Sa!e (utton



Custo&er )alances in ,ocal Currency

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

2'. Click t"e E3it (utton

' ' '

2(. Click t"e ,ayout e$it )iel$ ,ayout4 Choose

2*. Click t"e Entries #ossi(le entries (utton

2/. 0ou(le-click t"e A +-1- list item


4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

Custo&er )alances in ,ocal Currency

3-. Click t"e E3ecute (utton 32. Click t"e 133-1--1 list item 33. Click t"e 133-1-11 list item 34. Click t"e )ac> (utton 3#. Click t"e E3it (utton
4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

' ' ' '

31. Click t"e Scroll down (utton

' '
4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c 17-18

Work Instruction

S_ALR_87012172 - THL - Customer Balance in Local Currenc

esult ?ou "a%e %ie&e$ t"e customer (alance in local currenc '

4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008

4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c


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