FI S ALR 87012172 THL Customer Balances in Local Currency
FI S ALR 87012172 THL Customer Balances in Local Currency
FI S ALR 87012172 THL Customer Balances in Local Currency
Purpose !se t"is #roce$ure to %ie& customer in local currenc ' T"e (alances )rom t"e )ollo&in* transactions can (e issue$ &it" t"e customer (alance list+ Stan$ar$ ,-L transactions S#ecial ,-L transactions .#er s#ecial ,-L in$icator/
T"e )ollo&in* )i*ures .)or a #articular mont" onl / are $is#la e$ in local currenc + Balance at #erio$ start .(alance carr )or&ar$ an$ (alance o) t"e #erio$s (e)ore t"e re#ortin* #erio$s/ 0e(it total )or t"e re#ortin* #erio$ Cre$it total )or t"e re#ortin* #erio$ Balance )or t"e &"ole #erio$ 0e(it or cre$it (alances )or t"e &"ole #erio$ .o#tional/
Trigger 1er)orm t"is transaction &"en nee$ to %ie& customer in local currenc ' Menu Path !se t"e )ollo&in* SA1 2as Access menu #at".s/ to (e*in t"is transaction+ Accountin* 3 4inance Accountin* 3 Accountin* Recei%a(le 3 In)ormation S stem 3 Re#orts )or Account Recei%a(le Accountin* 3 Customer Balance 3 S_ALR_87012172
Work Instruction
Screen Flow
Work Instruction
Procedure 1. In SA15 start t"e transaction usin* t"e menu #at" or transaction co$e' SAP Easy Access
2. 3. 4.
0ou(le-click t"e Accounting no$e 0ou(le-click t"e Financial Accounting no$e 0ou(le-click t"e Accounts ecei!a"le no$e
Work Instruction
#. '. (. *.
0ou(le-click t"e eports %or Accounts ecei!a"le Accounting no$e ' 0ou(le-click t"e Custo&er )alances no$e ' 0ou(le-click t"e S+A, +*(-121(2 . Custo&er )alances in ,ocal Currency no$e '
Work Instruction
e%ers to R-;-C the upper !alue o% the reporting period when speci%ying a range. $t re%ers to the 0ate which is used when entering the docu&ent in Financial Accounting or Controlling. 0ate which is used when entering the docu&ent in Financial Accounting or Controlling. An organi1atio nal unit used to pro!ide a sel%. contained set o% accounts.
Work Instruction
,egally re2uired "alance sheets and Pro%it and ,oss state&ents are generated at the Co&pany Code le!el. Se!eral Co&pany Codes can "e set up within each Client to &anage the accounts. Field E3a&ple4 12 Re#ortin* 1erio$s to E3a&ple4 01 eporting Periods E3a&ple4 5281 R Com#an co$e
Work Instruction
1-. Click t"e econciliation Account e$it )iel$ 11. Click t"e Multiple selection (utton '
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12. As re9uire$5 com#lete-re%ie& t"e )ollo&in* )iel$s+ 5ey in R-;-C single !alue %or this para&eter. 5ey in single !alue %or this para&eter. Field E3a&ple4 13301011 Single !alue E3a&ple4 0escri#tion
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Work Instruction
1#. Click t"e Special 67, )alances c"eck (o> 1'. Click t"e Custo&er8s Address c"eck (o> 1(. Click t"e Con%igure (utton 1*. Click t"e Change layout (utton
Work Instruction
Change layout
2-. Click t"e Search ter& list item 22. Click t"e Copy (utton
Work Instruction
Work Instruction
Work Instruction
Te3t to R-;-C identi%y and characteri1e an o":ect or acti!ity. The layout deter&ines the list %or&at. Field E3a&ple4 A ;-1-+C< STME )A,A9CE $9 ,=CA, CURR 0escription E3a&ple4 AR_010 R La out 2#. Click t"e Sa!e (utton
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Work Instruction
Work Instruction
3-. Click t"e E3ecute (utton 32. Click t"e 133-1--1 list item 33. Click t"e 133-1-11 list item 34. Click t"e )ac> (utton 3#. Click t"e E3it (utton
4ri$a 5 6anuar 705 2008
' '
4I_S_ALR_87012172_THL_Customer Balances in Local Currenc 'u$c 17-18
Work Instruction
esult ?ou "a%e %ie&e$ t"e customer (alance in local currenc '