Annette Loudon Presentation
Annette Loudon Presentation
Annette Loudon Presentation
Central Coast LETS htt#,//co%%unit"e-change net au/offerings as#.-id/ccau0cat/%onth Trades: 2;0C Turno#er: 102)C02 4A56 e7ui& Value of ti"e: 8ree %arket 'recent$" abo$ished our ca# of D0/hr to a##ease %e%bers( $alance li"its: 91000 / :1000 % discouraged but u# to ;0< #er%itted for ser&ices on$") %a- 420 reco%%ended &oining fees:41; Annual fee: 4. Le#ies:Ee ha&e a ;< $e&" on the se$$er side and a ;< $e&" on the bu"er side '!at(s )or*ing: @ur %e%bers e%brace the %arket da"s as it is a great chance to catch u# and estab$ish/reestab$ish friendshi#s with other traders +a&ing %an" %e%bers so%eti%es is a down side to the %ore #ersona$ trading idea) but there see% to be c$usters of #eo#$e who trade with each other Ee are a$wa"s ha&ing work sho#s during our %arket da"s) e g #otter") dru%%ing $essons) co$our thera#") %editation) gardening ad&ice) ne#a$ese cooking c$ass) where LETS %e%bers share their ski$$s with the co%%unit"