Index: CNDI 06 Increase Topicality LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

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CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality 1

Index....................................................................................................................................1 On Face Increase 1NC.........................................................................................................2 On Face Increase 1NC.........................................................................................................3 2NC/1NR [Overview]..........................................................................................................4 2NC/1NR [Standards Evidence]..........................................................................................5 2NC/1NR [Standards Evidence]..........................................................................................6 2NC/1NR [Standards Evidence].......................................................................................... 2NC/1NR [Standards Evidence]..........................................................................................! 2NC/1NR [Standards Evidence].........................................................................................." 2NC/1NR [Standards Evidence]........................................................................................1# 2NC/1NR [Standards Evidence]........................................................................................11 2NC/1NR [Standards Evidence]........................................................................................12 2NC/1NR [$e%initi&ns/Inter'retati&ns].............................................................................13 2(C [Inter'retati&ns].........................................................................................................14 2(C [Inter'retati&ns].........................................................................................................15

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality 2

On ace Increase !NC

A" De#initions A policy is a course o# action ()erican *erita+e $icti&nar, 2###

'&01i1c,1 2r&n3nciati&n 4e, 5' 0 6s 7 n. pl. '&01i1cies 1. ( '0an &r c&3rse &% acti&n8 as &% a +&vern)ent8 '&0itica0 'art,8 &r /3siness8 intended t& in%03ence and deter)ine decisi&ns8 acti&ns8 and &t-er )atters. American foreign policy; the company's personnel policy. $u%stantially increasin& nu'%ers i'plies tan&i%le and (uantitati)e action ()erican *erita+e $icti&nar, 2###

s3/1stan1tia0 2r&n3nciati&n 4e, 5s /6st n s- 07 adj. 1. O%8 re0atin+ t&8 &r -avin+ s3/stance9 )ateria0. 2. :r3e &r rea09 n&t i)a+inar,. Increase ;e/ster<s =na/rid+ed 1"!1 5'+. 11457 >t& )a?e +reater in s&)e res'ect 5as in /30?8 @3antit,8 extent8 va03e8 &r a)&3nt7A B" *iolation + the a##ir'ati)e plan is not a course o# action tan&i%ly increasin& the nu'%er o# persons ser)in& C" Ne&ati)e Interpretation is $uperior irst, preser)e ne&ati)e &round" Assures lin-s to core disad)anta&es li-e spendin&, econo'ic, tradeo##, and politics ar&u'ents" Their interpretation allo.s the a##ir'ati)e to lin- out o# these ar&u'ents %y sayin& that the plan .ouldn/t increase the total nu'%er o# persons ser)in&"

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality 3

On ace Increase !NC

$econd, Li'its" Our interpretation o##ers a #air and educational a'ount o# cases that .ould on #ace ha)e as its &oal to increase the nu'%er o# persons ser)in&" These plans .ould include increasin& the total nu'%er o# &rants and scholarships a)aila%le" Their interpretation explodes the topic %y the a##ir'ati)e to 'erely re'o)e an o%stacle or chan&e existin& re(uire'ents #or ser)ice" Third, 0ra''er" The context o# the resolution esta%lishes that increasin& 'ust re#er to (uantity1 this is true %ecause the .ord increasin& #inds its o%2ects in nu'%er o# persons ser)in&" The co'%ination o# increasin& and nu'%er esta%lishes that the plan 'ust 'a-e a (uantitati)e increase in national ser)ice participants" D" Topicality is a )otin& issue" 3reser)es #air and educational de%ates on the topic"

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality 4

4NC/!N5 6O)er)ie.7
O3r inter'retati&n is t-at t-e a%% -as t& /e a direct and tan+i/0e increase in t-e n3)/er &% 'ers&ns servin+. ;e exc03de cases t-at e0i)inate a /arrier t& service s3c- as. -avin+ a -i+- sc-&&0 di'0&)a8 t-e wei+-t &r -ei+-t re@3ire)ent &n t-e (ir F&rce8 /ein+ a citiBen8 -avin+ a cri)ina0 rec&rd8 -avin+ a disa/i0it, &r )edica0 'r&/0e)s. It is i)'&rtant t& exc03de t-ese cases /eca3se it w&30d ex'0&de t-e t&'ic8 we w&30d 0&se c&re $( 0in? +r&3nd t& s'endin+ and '&0itics and &t-er $(<s. :&'ica0it, is a/&3t c&)'etin+ inter'retati&ns /eca3se it is t-e )&st &/Cective wa, t& decide t-e t&'ic s& i% we win &3r inter' is /etter t-e a%% is &3tside ,&3r C3risdicti&n.

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality 5

4NC/!N5 6$tandards 8)idence7

Li'its A'eriCorps has nu'erous re(uire'ents that the a##ir'ati)e can pic- out o# O%%ice &% C&))3nit, Service Dearnin+8 2##4
[-tt'.//www.s%s3.ed3/E&cs0/'r&+ra)s/()eriC&r'sE0i+i/i0t,.-t)0] A985ICO53$ 8LI0IBILIT: *85I ICATION 58;<I5898NT$ !" 3ri'ary Docu'entation o# status as <"$a" Citi=en, <"$" National, or la.#ul per'anent resident" *alid docu'entation includes one o# the F ( /irt- certi%icate s-&win+ t-at t-e individ3a0 was /&rn in t-e &ne &% t-e 5# states8 t-e $istrict &% C&03)/ia8 23ert& Ric&8 G3a)8 t-e =S Hir+in Is0ands8 ()erican Sa)&a8 &r t-e N&rt-ern Iariana Is0ands F =nited States 'ass'&rt F Re'&rt &% /irt- a/r&ad &% =S CitiBen 5FS624#7 iss3ed /, t-e State $e'art)ent F Certi%icate &% /irt-6%&rei+n service 5FS65457 iss3ed /, t-e State $e'art)ent F Certi%icate &% re'&rt &% /irt- 5$S6135#7 iss3ed /, t-e State $e'art)ent F Certi%icate &% nat3ra0iBati&n 5F&r) N655# &r N65 #7 iss3ed /, t-e INS F Certi%icate &% citiBens-i' 5F&r) N656# &r N65617 iss3ed /, t-e INS F 2er)anent resident card8 INS %&r) I6551 F (0ien Re+istrati&n Recei't Card8 INS %&r) I6551 F 2ass'&rt indicatin+ t-at t-e INS -as a''r&ved it as te)'&rar, evidence &% 0aw%30 ad)issi&n %&r 'er)anent residence F $e'art3re rec&rd 5INS F&r) I6"47 indicatin+ t-at t-e INS -as a''r&ved it as te)'&rar, evidence &% 0aw%30 ad)issi&n %&r 'er)anent residence 4" 3roo# o# A&e: Birth date: F Ie)/er is 1! ,ears &% a+e &r &0der F Ie)/er is 1 ,ears &% a+e and -as written 'arenta0/0e+a0 +3ardian c&nsent 3lease %rin& one o# the as proo# o# a&e: F Jirt- Certi%icate F 2ass'&rt F Re'&rt &% /irt- a/r&ad &% a =.S. CitiBen F Certi%icate &% /irt- 5%&rei+n service7 >" 8ducation ?3lease %rin& one o# the F ( si+ned dec0arati&n 3nder 'ena0t, &% 0aw statin+ t-at t-e )e)/er -as &/tained a -i+- sc-&&0 di'0&)a/GE$8 &r F Ie)/er -as 'resented d&c3)entati&n %r&) an inde'endent eva03at&r attestin+ t-at t-e )e)/er is n&t ca'a/0e &% earnin+ a -i+- sc-&&0 di'0&)a/GE$ or Indi)iduals HIS:( 61! ,ears 6c&00e+e de+rees 6w&r? ex'erience 60an+3a+e %03enc, 6%300 ti)e service %&r a ,ear 6cri)ina0 /ac?+r&3nd c-ec? 6%in+er'rintin+ 6'-&t&6id 6vi&0ent cri)es and sex3a0 &%%enses

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality 6

4NC/!N5 6$tandards 8)idence7

State and Nati&na0 6citiBens-i'8 nati&na08 'er)anent resident a0ien 61 ,ears &0d NCCC 6citiBen8 nati&na08 resident 61!624

The 9ilitary has 'any (uali#ication standards Stan%&rd8 2##6

-tt'.//d&nt.stan%&rd.ed3/re+30ati&ns/13#4.26attac-1.'d% [)i0itar,] K3a0i%icati&n Standards %&r En0ist)ent (''&int)ent8 and Ind3cti&n (. GENER(D EDIGIJIDI:L CRI:ERI( 1. Entrance C&nsiderati&ns. (ccessi&n &% @3a0i%ied individ3a0s s-a00 /e a 'ri&rit, w-en 'r&cessin+ a''0icants %&r t-e Ii0itar, Services. 2. E0i+i/i0it,. E0i+i/i0it, s-a00 /e deter)ined /, t-e a''0icantMs a/i0it, t& )eet a00 re@3ire)ents &% t-is $irective8 t& inc03de &/tainin+ waivers. (''0icants s-a00 n&t /e en0isted8 a''&inted8 &r ind3cted 3n0ess %300, @3a0i%ied. J. J(SIC EDIGIJIDI:L CRI:ERI( 1. (+e a. F&r service in t-e (ctive and Reserve c&)'&nents8 t-e )ini)3) a+e %&r en0ist)ent is 1 ,ears and t-e )axi)3) a+e is 35 ,ears 5See 1# =.S.C.8 51#8 re%erence 5a77.7 :-e )axi)3) a+e %&r a 'ri&r service en0istee is deter)ined /, addin+ t-e individ3a0Ms ,ears &% 'ri&r service t& 35. :-e Secretaries &% t-e Ii0itar, $e'art)ents c&ncerned s-a00 esta/0is- a+e standards %&r en0ist)ent in t-e Reserve c&)'&nents 51# =.S.C.8 51#8 re%erence 5a7 1. /. (+e 0i)itati&ns %&r a''&int)ent as a c&))issi&ned &r warrant &%%icer n&r)a00, de'end &n t-e Service c&ncerned. In 'rescri/in+ t-e a+e @3a0i%icati&n %&r a''&int)ent as a Reserve &%%icer8 t-e Secretar, &% t-e Ii0itar, $e'art)ent c&ncerned )a, n&t 'rescri/e a )axi)3) standard &% 0ess t-an 4 ,ears %&r t-e initia0 a''&int)ent &% a 'ers&n w-& wi00 serve as a )edica08 denta08 &r n3rse &%%icer in a s'ecia0t, desi+nated /, t-e Secretar, c&ncerned as critica00, needed in warti)e. 5see $O$ Instr3cti&n 12#5.1 5re%erence 5/77.7 c. J, 0aw 51# =.S.C. 5328 re%erence 5a778 'ers&ns a''&inted as c&))issi&ned &%%icers )3st /e a/0e t& c&)'0ete 2# ,ears &% active c&))issi&ned service /e%&re t-eir 55t/irt-da, in &rder t& receive a Re+30ar c&))issi&n. :-e Secretar, &% t-e Ii0itar, $e'art)ent c&ncerned )a, de%er t-e retire)ent %&r certain -ea0t- 'r&%essi&n &%%icers &n a case6/,6case /asis 51# =.S.C.8 1251 re%erence 5a77. 26( 2. CitiBens-i' a. :& /e e0i+i/0e %&r en0ist)ent in t-e Re+30ar (r), &r (ir F&rce8 an individ3a0 )3st /e an ()erican citiBen8 &r 0aw%300, ad)itted t& t-e =nited States %&r 'er)anent residence 51# =.S.C. 3253 and !2538 re%erence. 5a77. :-ere is n& e@3iva0ent stat3te 0i)itin+ en0ist)ent in t-e Re+30ar Nav, and Iarine C&r's8 /3t t-e, 3s3a00, a''0, t-e sa)e citiBens-i' re@3ire)ents as t-&se re@3ired %&r t-e (r), and (ir F&rce. /. :& /e e0i+i/0e %&r en0ist)ent in t-e Reserve c&)'&nents8 an individ3a0 )3st /e a citiBen &% t-e =nited States &r 0aw%300, ad)itted t& t-e =nited States %&r 'er)anent residence 51# =.S.C.8 51#8 re%erence 5a77. C. :& /e e0i+i/0e %&r a''&int)ent as a c&))issi&ned &r warrant &%%icer8 =.S. citiBens-i' is re@3ired exce't %&r Reserve a''&int)ent w-ere an individ3a0 )3st /e 0aw%300, ad)itted t& t-e =nited States %&r 'er)anent

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality

residence 5Secti&ns 532 and 5"1 &% re%erence 5a77. F&r re+30ar a''&int)ent8 w-en tendered8 =.S. citiBens-i' is re@3ired. Daw re@3ires Nati&na0 G3ard &%%icers t& /e =.S. citiBens 532 =.S.C.8 3138 re%erence 5c77.

4NC/!N5 6$tandards 8)idence7

d. CitiBens &% t-e Federated States &% Iicr&nesia &r t-e Re'3/0ic &% t-e Iars-a00 Is0ands a0s& are e0i+i/0e %&r en0ist)ent in t-e (ctive and Reserve c&)'&nents 5see t-e C&)'act &% Free (ss&ciati&n 5re%erence 5d77.7 3. Ed3cati&n a. 2&ssessi&n &% a -i+- sc-&&0 di'0&)a is desira/0e8 a0t-&3+- n&t )andat&r,8 %&r en0ist)ent in an, c&)'&nent &% t-e Ii0itar, Services. Secti&n 52# &% re%erence 5a7 states8 N( 'ers&n w-& is n&t a -i+- sc-&&0 +rad3ate )a, n&t /e acce'ted %&r en0ist)ent in t-e ar)ed %&rces 3n0ess t-e sc&re &% t-at 'ers&n &n t-e (r)ed F&rces K3a0i%icati&n :est is at &r a/&ve t-e t-irt,6%irst 'ercenti0e9 -&wever8 a 'ers&n )a, n&t /e denied en0ist)ent in t-e (r)ed F&rces s&0e0, /eca3se &% -is n&t -avin+ a -i+- sc-&&0 di'0&)a i% -is en0ist)ent is needed t& )eet esta/0is-ed stren+t- re@3ire)ents.N (0ternative credentia0 -&0ders 5i.e.8 Genera0 Ed3cati&n $eve0&')ent Certi%icates and certi%icates &% attendance and c&)'0eti&n7 and n&n+rad3ates )a, /e assi+ned 0&wer en0ist)ent 'ri&rit, /ased &n t-eir %irst6ter) attriti&n rates. /. Ed3cati&na0 re@3ire)ents %&r a''&int)ent as a c&))issi&ned &r warrant &%%icer are deter)ined /, eacIi0itar, Service. Genera00,8 a /ac-e0&r<s de+ree is a re@3ired 'rere@3isite %&r a c&))issi&n &r a''&int)ent. In additi&n8 s'ecia0 &cc3'ati&ns 5e.+.8 '-,sician8 c-a'0ain7 )a, re@3ire additi&na0 v&cati&na0 262 credentia0s8 w-ic- are deter)ined /, t-e Secretar, &% t-e Ii0itar, $e'art)ent c&ncerned. 4. ('tit3de a. Overa00 a'tit3de re@3ire)ents %&r en0ist)ent and ind3cti&n are /ased &n a''0icant sc&res &n t-e (r)ed F&rces K3a0i%icati&n :est 5(FK:7 derived %r&) t-e (r)ed Services H&cati&na0 ('tit3de Jatter,. (''0icant sc&res are +r&3'ed int& 'ercenti0e cate+&ries. 2ers&ns w-& sc&re in (FK: Cate+&r, 5'ercenti0es 06"7 are8 /, 0aw 51# =.S.C.8 52# and $O$ $irective 1145.1 5re%erences 5a7 and 5e778 ine0i+i/0e t& en0ist. J, 0aw 51# =.S.C.8 52#8 re%erence 5a778 t-e n3)/er &% 'ers&ns w-& en0ist d3rin+ an, %isca0 ,ear w-& sc&re in (FK: Cate+&r, IH 5'ercenti0es 1# t& 3#7 )a, n&t exceed 2# 'ercent &% t-e t&ta0 n3)/er &% 'ers&ns en0isted. :-e Secretar, &% $e%ense de0e+ates t& t-e Secretaries &% t-e Ii0itar, $e'art)ents t-e a3t-&rit, t& s'eci%, )&re restrictive a'tit3de standards %&r en0ist)ent. /. Genera00,8 %&r &%%icers and warrant &%%icers8 n& sin+0e test &r instr3)ent is 3sed as an a'tit3de re@3ire)ent %&r a''&int)ent. 5. 2-,sica0 Fitness a. $O$ $irective 613#.3 5re%erence 5%77 esta/0is-es t-e standards %&r entrance 3nder t-e a3t-&rit, &% 1# =.S.C. 5re%erence 5a77. /. :-e 're6accessi&n screenin+ 'r&cess s-&30d /e str3ct3red t& identi%, individ3a0s wit- an, )edica0 c&nditi&n t-at dis@3a0i%ies an a''0icant %&r )i0itar, service. S'eci%ica00,8 eac- a''0icant s-a00 /e inde'endent0, eva03ated /, an a3t-&riBed '-,sician &r a '-,sician at a Ii0itar, Entrance 2r&cessin+ Stati&n t& ens3re t-e a''0icant is. 517 Free &% c&nta+i&3s &r in%ecti&3s diseases9 527 Free &% )edica0 c&nditi&ns &r '-,sica0 de%ects t-at w&30d re@3ire excessive ti)e 0&st %r&) d3t, &r w&30d 0i?e0, res30t in se'arati&n %r&) t-e Service %&r )edica0 3n%itness9 537 Iedica00, ca'a/0e &% satis%act&ri0, c&)'0etin+ re@3ired trainin+9 547 Iedica00, ada'ta/0e t& t-e )i0itar, envir&n)ent9 557 Iedica00, ca'a/0e &% 'er%&r)in+ d3ties wit-&3t a++ravati&n &% existin+ '-,sica0 de%ects &r )edica0 c&nditi&ns. 263 6. $e'endenc, Stat3s a. :it0e 1# =.S.C. 5re%erence 5a77 d&es n&t s'eci%ica00, address e0i+i/i0it, re@3ire)ents %&r Sin+0e 'arents. /. :-e Ii0itar, Services )a, n&t en0ist )arried individ3a0s wit- more t-an tw& de'endents 3nder t-e a+e &% 1! &r 3n)arried individ3a0s wit- c3st&d, &% an, de'endents 3nder t-e a+e &% 1!. *&wever8 t-e Secretar, &% t-e Ii0itar, $e'art)ent c&ncerned )a, +rant a waiver8 %&r 'artic30ar0, 'r&)isin+ entrants.

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality !

c. :-e Ii0itar, Services s-a00 s'eci%, t-e circ3)stances 3nder w-ic- individ3a0s w-& -ave de'endents )a, /ec&)e c&))issi&ned &%%icers &r warrant &%%icers9 variati&ns in '&0ic, are a%%ected /, t-e c&))issi&nin+ s&3rce 5e.+.8 Service (cade), vs. RO:C &r O%%icer Candidate Sc-&&09 RO:C sc-&0ars-i'

4NC/!N5 6$tandards 8)idence7

stat3s8 etc.7. . I&ra0 c-aracter. 2ers&ns enterin+ t-e (r)ed F&rces s-&30d /e &% +&&d )&ra0 c-aracter. :-e 3nder0,in+ '3r'&se &% )&ra0 c-aracter en0ist)ent standards is t& )ini)iBe entrance &% 'ers&ns w-& are 0i?e0, t& /ec&)e disci'0inar, cases &r sec3rit, ris?s &r w-& disr3't +&&d &rder8 )&ra0e8 and disci'0ine. :-e Ii0itar, Services a0s& -ave a res'&nsi/i0it, t& 'arents w-& ex'ect t-at t-eir s&ns and da3+-ters wi00 n&t /e '0aced int& c0&se ass&ciati&n wit- 'ers&ns w-& -ave c&))itted seri&3s &%%enses or w-&se rec&rds s-&w in+rained de0in@3enc, /e-avi&r 'atterns. :-e Ii0itar, Services are res'&nsi/0e %&r t-e de%ense &% t-e nati&n and s-&30d n&t /e viewed as a s&3rce &% re-a/i0itati&n %&r t-&se w-& -ave n&t s3/scri/ed t& t-e 0e+a0 and )&ra0 standards &% s&ciet, at 0ar+e. I&ra0 standards &% acce'ta/i0it, %&r service are desi+ned t& dis@3a0i%, t-e %&00&win+ ?inds &% 'ers&ns. Individ3a0s 3nder an, %&r) &% C3dicia0 restraint 5/&nd8 'r&/ati&n8 i)'ris&n)ent8 &r 'ar&0e7. /. :-&se wit- si+ni%icant cri)ina0 rec&rds. Secti&n 5#4 &% 1# =.S.C. 5re%erence 5a77 states t-at8 Nn& 'ers&n...w-& -as /een c&nvicted &% a %e0&n,8 )a, /e en0isted in an (r)ed F&rce. *&wever8 t-e Secretar, c&ncerned )a, a3t-&riBe exce'ti&ns in )erit&ri&3s cases8 %&r t-e en0ist)ent &%...'ers&ns c&nvicted &% %e0&nies.N 517 2ers&ns c&nvicted &% %e0&nies )a, re@3est a waiver t& 'er)it t-eir en0ist)ent. :-e waiver 'r&ced3re is n&t a3t&)atic8 and a''r&va0 is /ased &n eac- individ3a0 case. One &% t-e c&nsiderati&ns in deter)inin+ w-et-er a waiver wi00 /e +ranted is t-e individ3a0Ms a/i0it, t& adC3st s3ccess%300, t& civi0ian 0i%e %&r a 'eri&d &% ti)e %&00&win+ -is &r6-er re0ease %r&) C3dicia0 c&ntr&0. 527 In 'r&cessin+ waiver re@3ests8 t-e Ii0itar,M Services s-a00 re@3ire in%&r)ati&n a/&3t t-e Nw-&8 w-at8 w-en8 w-ere8 and w-,N &% t-e &%%ense in @3esti&n9 and a n3)/er &% 0etters &% rec&))endati&n attestin+ t& t-e a''0icantMs c-aracter &r s3ita/i0it, %&r en0ist)ent. S3c- 0etters )3st /e %r&) res'&nsi/0e c&))3nit, 0eaders s3c- as sc-&&0 &%%icia0s8 )inisters8 and 0aw en%&rce)ent &%%icia0s. c. :-&se w-& -ave /een 'revi&3s0, se'arated %r&) t-e Ii0itar, Services 3nder c&nditi&ns &t-er t-an -&n&ra/0e &r %&r t-e +&&d &% t-e Service. d. :-&se w-& -ave ex-i/ited antis&cia0 /e-avi&r &r &t-er traits &% c-aracter t-at w&30d render t-e) 3n%it t& ass&ciate wit- )i0itar, 'ers&nne0. !. 2r&visi&n Re0ated t& *&)&sex3a0 C&nd3ct a. Sex3a0 &rientati&n is c&nsidered a 'ers&na0 and 'rivate )atter8 and -&)&sex3a0 &rientati&n is n&t a /ar t& service entr, &r c&ntin3ed service 3n0ess )ani%ested /, -&)&sex3a0 c&nd3ct. (''0icants %&r en0ist)ent8 a''&int)ent8 &r ind3cti&n s-a00 n&t /e as?ed &r re@3ired t& revea0 t-eir sex3a0 &rientati&n. (''0icants a0s& wi00 n&t /e as?ed &r re@3ired t& revea0 w-et-er t-e, -ave en+a+ed in -&)&sex3a0 c&nd3ct8 3n0ess inde'endent evidence is received indicatin+ t-at an a''0icant en+a+ed in s3c- c&nd3ct &r 3n0ess t-e a''0icant v&03nteers a state)ent t-at -e &r s-e is a -&)&sex3a0 or /isex3a08 &r w&rds t& t-at e%%ect. (''0icants wi00 /e in%&r)ed &% se'arati&n '&0ic,. 5Secti&n 654 &% re%erence 5a77. /. *&)&sex3a0 c&nd3ct )a, /e +r&3nds %&r /arrin+ entr, int& t-e (r)ed F&rces. *&)&sex3a0 c&nd3ct is a -&)&sex3a0 act8 a state)ent /, t-e a''0icant t-at de)&nstrates a 'r&'ensit, &r intent t& en+a+e in -&)&sex3a0 acts8 &r a -&)&sex3a0 )arria+e &r atte)'ted )arria+e. 2r&'ensit, t& en+a+e in acts )eans )&re t-an an a/stract 're%erence &r desire t& en+a+e in -&)&sex3a0 acts9 it indicates a 0i?e0i-&&d t-at a 2ers&n en+a+es in &r wi00 en+a+e in -&)&sex3a0 acts. 517 (n a''0icant s-a00 /e reCected %&r entr, int& t-e (r)ed F&rces i%8 in t-e c&3rse &% t-e accessi&n 'r&cess8 evidence is received de)&nstratin+ t-at t-e a''0icant en+a+ed in8 atte)'ted t& en+a+e in8 &r s&0icited an&t-er t& en+a+e in a -&)&sex3a0 act &r acts8 3n0ess t-ere is a %3rt-er deter)inati&n t-at. 5a7 S3c- acts are a de'art3re %r&) t-e a''0icantMs 3s3a0 and c3st&)ar, /e-avi&r9

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality "

5/7 S3c- acts8 3nder a00 t-e circ3)stances8 are 3n0i?e0, t& rec3r9 5c7 S3c- acts were n&t acc&)'0is-ed /, 3se &% %&rce8 c&erci&n8 &r inti)idati&n8 and9 5d7 :-e a''0icant d&es n&t -ave a 'r&'ensit, &r intent t& en+a+e in -&)&sex3a0 acts.

4NC/!N5 6$tandards 8)idence7

S3c- a deter)inati&n wi00 /e )ade in t-e c&3rse &% t-e n&r)a0 accessi&n 'r&cess. ( -&)&sex3a0 act )eans 5i7 an, /&di0, c&ntact8 active0, 3nderta?en &r 'assive0, 'er)itted8 /etween )e)/ers &% t-e sa)e sex %&r t-e '3r'&se &% satis%,in+ sex3a0 desires8 and 5ii7 an, /&di0, c&ntact t-at a reas&na/0e 'ers&n w&30d 3nderstand t& de)&nstrate a 'r&'ensit, &r intent t& en+a+e in an act descri/ed in s3/'ara+ra'- 5i7. 527 (n a''0icant s-a00 /e reCected %&r entr, i% -e &r s-e )a?es a state)ent t-at -e &r s-e is a -&)&sex3a0 &r /isex3a08 &r w&rds e%%ect8 3n0ess t-ere is a %3rt-er deter)inati&n t-at t-e a''0icant -as de)&nstrated t-at -e &r s-e is n&t a 'ers&n w-& en+a+es in8 atte)'ts t& en+a+e in8 -as a 'r&'ensit, t& en+a+e in8 &r intends t& en+a+e in -&)&sex3a0 acts. S3c- a deter)inati&n wi00 /e )ade in t-e c&3rse &% t-e n&r)a0 accessi&n 'r&cess. 537 (n a''0icant s-a00 /e reCected %&r entr, i%8 in t-e c&3rse &% t-e accessi&n 'r&cess8 evidence is received de)&nstratin+ t-at an a''0icant -as )arried &r atte)'ted t& )arr, a 'ers&n ?n&wn t& /e &% t-e sa)e /i&0&+ica0 sex 5as evidenced /, t-e externa0 anat&), &% t-e 'ers&ns inv&0ved7. c. N&t-in+ in t-ese 'r&ced3res re@3ires reCecti&n %&r entr, int& t-e (r)ed F&rces w-en t-e re0evant Ii0itar, Service C&))and a3t-&rit, deter)ines. 517 :-at an a''0icant &r ind3ctee )ade a state)ent8 en+a+ed in acts8 &r )arried &r atte)'ted t& )arr, a 'ers&n &% t-e sa)e sex %&r t-e '3r'&se &% av&idin+ )i0itar, service8 and 527 ReCecti&n &% t-e a''0icant &r ind3ctee w&30d n&t /e in t-e /est interest &% t-e (r)ed F&rces.

The Na)y has 'any re(uire'ents =nited States Nav,8 2##6

-tt'.//www.nav,.c&)/careers/nr&tc/e0i+i/i0it,/ An Applicant #or N5OTC 3ro&ra's 'ust: 1. Je a =.S. citiBen 2. Je 1 ,ears &0d /, Se'te)/er 1 &% t-e %irst ,ear &% c&00e+e and n& )&re t-an 23 ,ears &% a+e &n O3ne 3# &% t-at ,ear. I3st n&t reac- t-eir 2 t- /irt-da, /, O3ne 3# &% t-e ,ear in w-ic- +rad3ati&n and c&))issi&nin+ are antici'ated. (n a+e waiver )a, /e +ranted %&r 'ri&r active )i0itar, service. See ,&3r 0&ca0 NRO:C c&&rdinat&r %&r detai0s. 3. Je a -i+- sc-&&0 +rad3ate &r '&ssess an e@3iva0enc, certi%icate /, (3+. 1 &% t-e sa)e ,ear t-at entrance int& t-e %&3r6,ear NRO:C 2r&+ra) is antici'ated. 4. Je '-,sica00, @3a0i%ied /, Nav, standards 5. *ave n& )&ra0 &/0i+ati&ns &r 'ers&na0 c&nvicti&ns t-at wi00 'revent c&nscienti&3s /earin+ &% ar)s and s3''&rtin+ and de%endin+ &% t-e C&nstit3ti&n &% t-e =nited States a+ainst a00 ene)ies8 %&rei+n &r d&)estic 6. (''0, %&r and +ain ad)issi&n t& NRO:C c&00e+es. 5(d)issi&n t& an NRO:C instit3ti&n is n&t re@3ired d3rin+ t-e se0ecti&n 'r&cess. *&wever8 n&ti%icati&n &% ad)issi&n )3st /e received /e%&re t-e sc-&0ars-i' can /e activated.7 . (c-ieve @3a0i%,in+ sc&res &n t-e Sc-&0astic ('tit3de :est 5S(:7 &r t-e ()erican C&00e+e :est 5(C:7 9ini'u' $cores needed are:

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality 1#

S(: P 53# ver/a08 52# Iat(C: P 22 Iat-8 22 En+0is0eneral Acade'ic 5e(uire'ents :& /e c&))issi&ned8 ,&3 )3st c&)'0ete a00 re@3ire)ents %&r a /ac-e0&r<s de+ree 3nder 3niversit, r30es and re+30ati&ns. L&3 )3st a0s& c&)'0ete certain c&3rses s'eci%ied /, t-e Nav,.

4NC/!N5 6$tandards 8)idence7

In additi&n t& a n&r)a0 c&3rse 0&ad8 NRO:C sc-&0ars-i' reci'ients are re@3ired t& %30%i00 t-ese +enera0 acade)ic +3ide0ines. 1. Ca0c303s 5&ne ,ear /, t-e end &% t-e s&'-&)&re ,ear7F 2. 2-,sics 5&ne ,ear &% ca0c303s6/ased '-,sics /, t-e end &% t-e C3ni&r ,ear7F 3. En+0is- +ra))ar and c&)'&siti&n 5&ne ,ear7 4. Nati&na0 Sec3rit, 2&0ic,/()erican Ii0itar, (%%airsF NRO:C st3dents a0s& ta?e a Nava0 Science c&3rse eac- se)ester8 'artici'ate in wee?0, dri00 instr3cti&n 'eri&ds and c&)'0ete a %&3r6 t& six6wee? trainin+ 'eri&d eac- s3))er. Nav, N3rse NRO:C st3dents 'artici'ate in s3))er trainin+ in c&)'0iance wit- t-eir individ3a0 n3rsin+ c3rric303) re@3ire)ents. (00 NRO:C st3dents )3st /e in t&' '-,sica0 s-a'e and 'ass a ri+&r&3s '-,sica0 exa)inati&n t& @3a0i%, %&r t-e NRO:C 2r&+ra). S&)e )edica0 dia+n&ses can dis@3a0i%, a''0icants. :-ese c&nditi&ns )a, inc03de. =nc&rrecta/0e visi&n t& 2#/2# S3/standard c&0&r visi&n *ist&r, &% ast-)a (c3te &r c-r&nic cardiac/'30)&nar, c&nditi&ns (rt-ritis SeiB3re dis&rders Severe )&ti&n sic?ness s3sce'ti/i0it, (0c&-&0 &r dr3+ a/3se 2re+nanc, C-r&nic s?in dis&rders C-r&nic )enta0 dis&rder

The 9ilitary has 'any re(uir'ents =nited States Ii0itar,8 2##6

-tt'.//www.)i0itar,.c&)/Recr3itin+/C&ntent/#813!"!8recQste'#2Qe0i+i/i0it,88##.-t)0 E0i+i/i0it, Jasics E0i+i/i0it, r30es can /e a 0itt0e c&n%3sin+. :-ere are di%%erent r30es %&r en0istin+ and %&r &%%icer 'r&+ra)s. 8nlistin&: En0isted )e)/ers d& t-e -ands6&n w&r? &% t-e )i0itar,. :-e, need at 0east a -i+- sc-&&0 de+ree 5a GE$ )a, &r )a, n&t s3%%ice7. O##icer: O%%icers are t-e )ana+ers &% t-e )i0itar,. I&st &%%icer 'r&+ra)s re@3ire a c&00e+e de+ree at )ini)3)8 and are ver, c&)'etitive. Ian, &%%icers -ave )asterMs &r -i+-er de+rees. Je%&re ,&3 visit ,&3r 0&ca0 recr3iter8 /e s3re ,&3 )eet t-e )ini)3) @3a0i%icati&ns %&r servin+ in t-e =.S. (r)ed F&rces. S&)e @3a0i%icati&ns are re@3ired /, a00 %ive services. L&3 )3st /e a =.S. citiBen &r resident a0ien.

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality 11

L&3 )3st /e at 0east 1 ,ears &0d 51 6,ear &0d a''0icants re@3ire 'arenta0 c&nsent7. L&3 )3st 5wit- ver, %ew exce'ti&ns7 -ave a -i+- sc-&&0 di'0&)a. L&3 )3st 'ass a '-,sica0 )edica0 exa).

4NC/!N5 6$tandards 8)idence7

A'eriCorps has 'any re(uire'ents to ac(uire a 'e'%er ()eriC&r's8 2##5
-tt'.//www.a)eric&r's.&r+/'d%/2##5Qa)eric&r'sQ'r&visi&ns.'d% 1 29e'%er )eans an individ3a0. 1a. ;-& is enr&00ed in an a''r&ved nati&na0 service '&siti&n9 2/. ;-& is a =.S. citiBen8 =.S. nati&na0 &r 0aw%30 'er)anent resident a0ien &% t-e =nited States9 3c. ;-& is at 0east 1 ,ears &% a+e at t-e c&))ence)ent &% service 3n0ess t-e )e)/er is &3t &% sc-&&0 and enr&00ed # i. in a %3006ti)e8 ,ear6r&3nd ,&3t- c&r's 2r&+ra) &r %3006ti)e s3))er 2r&+ra) as de%ined in t-e (ct 542 =.S.C. 125 2 5a7 52778 in w-ic- case -e &r s-e )3st /e /etween t-e a+es &% 16 and 258 inc03sive8 &r 1 ii. in a 2r&+ra) %&r ec&n&)ica00, disadvanta+ed ,&3t- as de%ined in t-e (ct 542 =.S.C. 125 2 5a75"778 in w-ic- case -e &r s-e )3st /e /etween t-e a+es &% 16 and 248 inc03sive9 and 2 iii. *as a -i+- sc-&&0 di'0&)a &r an e@3iva0enc, certi%icate 5&r a+rees t& &/tain a -i+- sc-&&0 di'0&)a &r its e@3iva0ent /e%&re 3sin+ an ed3cati&n award7 and w-& -as n&t dr&''ed &3t &% e0e)entar, &r sec&ndar, sc-&&0 in &rder t& enr&00 as an ()eriC&r's )e)/er 53n0ess enr&00ed in an instit3ti&n &% -i+-er ed3cati&n &n an a/i0it, t& /ene%it /asis and is c&nsidered e0i+i/0e %&r %3nds 3nder secti&n 4!4 &% t-e *i+-er Ed3cati&n (ct &% 1"658 2# =.S.C. 1#"178 &r w-& -as /een deter)ined t-r&3+- an inde'endent assess)ent c&nd3cted /, t-e 2r&+ra) t& /e inca'a/0e &% &/tainin+ a -i+- sc-&&0 di'0&)a &r its e@3iva0ent. 16" 3arent Or&ani=ation )eans a +rantee t-at is res'&nsi/0e %&r i)'0e)entin+ and )ana+in+ a Nati&na0 $irect ()eriC&r's &r Nati&na0 $irect Ed3cati&n (ward 2r&+ra). 1A" $er)ice 5ecipient )eans a c&))3nit, /ene%iciar, w-& receives a service &r /ene%it %r&) t-e service &% ()eriC&r's )e)/ers.

0round Decreasin& %arriers is a deterrent to attainin& 'ore people" Iarc Ia+ee Ia, 228 2##2
[Iarc Ia+ee is t-e %e00&w %&r CitiBens-i' and Nati&na0 Service at 22I]

In additi&n8 t-e c&))ittee a0s& inc03ded in t-e $e%ense (3t-&riBati&n /i00 t-e Ja,-6IcCain 'r&visi&n t& increase t-e 'resence &% )i0itar, recr3it)ent &n c&00e+e ca)'3ses /, c0&sin+ 0&&'-&0es in c3rrent recr3itin+ stat3tes t-at a00&w sc-&&0s t& av&id 'r&vidin+ )i0itar,

recr3iters wit- /&t- t-e in%&r)ati&n and '-,sica0 %aci0ities re@3ired %&r an e%%ective recr3itin+ 'r&+ra).

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality 12

4NC/!N5 6$tandards 8)idence7

Canada pro)es B eli'inatin& re(uire'ents do not attract 'ore people (ar&n Je0?in8 2##3
[(ar&n Je0?in8 2-.$. and 'r&%ess&r at :-e =niversit, &% Jer?e0e,8 -tt'.//www.'&0sci.3cs/.ed3/%ac30t,//i&s//e0?in.'-']

In Canada8 Steve DRves@3e8 a civi0ian &%%icia0 in t-e $e'art)ent &% Nati&na0 $e%ence8 c&))ented t-at inc03din+ +a,s and 0es/ians in t-e Canadian F&rces is >n&t t-at /i+ a dea0 %&r 3s. . . . On a da,6t&6da, /asis8 t-ere 'r&/a/0, -asn<t /een )3c- &% a c-an+e.A1# ( 1""5 interna0 re'&rt %r&) t-e Canadian +&vern)ent &n t-e 0i%tin+ &% t-e /an c&nc03ded8 >$es'ite a00 t-e anxiet, t-at existed t-r&3+- t-e 0ate !#s int& t-e ear0, "#s a/&3t t-e c-an+e in '&0ic,8 -ere<s w-at t-e indicat&rs s-&wPn& e%%ect.A

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality 13

4NC/!N5 6De#initions/Interpretations7
6 7 Nu'%er entails (uantity :-e ()erican *erita+eS Sted)anMs Iedica0 $icti&nar, 2##2
[-tt'.//dicti&nar,.re%erence.c&)//r&wse/n3)/er9 accessed O30, 12 2##6]

n3)1/er 5n)/r7 n. 1. ( s,)/&0 ex'ressive &% a certain va03e &r &% a s'eci%ic @3antit, deter)ined /, c&3nt. 6 7 3re)entin& an increase does not lead to a direct increase (0a/a)a v. Iic-ae0 *er)an J&Be)an8 2##1
[N&. ##64"28 S=2REIE CO=R: OF :*E =NI:E$ S:(:ES8 533 =.S. 1469 121 S. Ct. 2# "9 15# D. Ed. 2d 1!!9 2##1 =.S. DETIS 431#9 6" =.S.D.;. 44659 2##1 Ca0. $ai0, O'. Service 4 359 2##1 $ai0, O&3rna0 $(R 5!519 2##1 C&0&. O. C.(.R. 2"529 14 F0a. D. ;ee?0, Fed. S 35!]

Sec&nd8 even were we t& ass3)e %&r ar+3)entMs sa?e t-at t-e (+ree)ent exe)'ts vi&0ati&ns t-at8 viewed in ter)s &% t-e (+ree)entMs '3r'&ses8 are de minimis8 c%. (rtic0e IT 5statin+ t-at (+ree)ent Ns-a00 /e 0i/era00, c&nstr3ed s& as t& e%%ect3ate its '3r'&sesN78 we c&30d n&t sa, t-at t-e vi&0ati&n at iss3e -ere @3a0i%ies as trivia0. :-at is /eca3se t-e '3r'&se &% t-e Nn& ret3rnN 'r&visi&n cann&t /e as (0a/a)a and t-e S&0icit&r Genera0 descri/e it8 na)e0,8 as a si)'0e8 direct e%%&rt t& 'revent t-e interr3'ti&n &% re-a/i0itati&n. ( 'r&visi&n t-at 'revents returning a 'ris&ner w-& -as arrived in t-e receivin+ State d&es n&t direct0, increase the nu'%er &% da,s t-e 'ris&ner wi00 s'end in re-a/i0itati&n in t-e sendin+ State. Rat-er8 it direct0, and intenti&na00, decreases t-e n3)/er &% da,s t-at 'ris&ner wi00 s'end in t-e sendin+ State. Authori=e &rants to increase )olunteers *earin+ in 2r&vidence8 1""#
[C&))ittee Seria0 N&. 1#16121. *earin+ in 2r&vidence8 R.I.8 /e%&re t-e S3/c&) &n 2&stsec&ndar, Ed3cati&n8 t& c&nsider *.R. 433# 5s3))ar,8 '. 67. C&',ri+-t U 1""#8 C&n+ressi&na0 In%&r)ati&n Service8 Inc.]

:-e Nati&na0 Service (ct &% 1""#8 t& esta/0is- ,&3t- v&03nteer service 'r&+ra)s. F&c3ses &n v&03nteer service 'r&+ra)s %&r c&00e+e and 3niversit, st3dents8 inc03din+ 'r&visi&ns t&. a. (3t-&riBe $e'art)ent &% Ed3cati&n +rants t& -i+-er ed3cati&n instit3ti&ns t& increase v&03nteer service &''&rt3nities %&r st3dents8 inc03din+ ex'ansi&n &% t-e St3dent Diterac, C&r's and esta/0is-)ent &% a de)&nstrati&n St3dent :3t&ria0 C&r's.

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality 14

/. 2er)it t-e de%erra0 &r 'artia0 cance00ati&n &% st3dent 0&ans %&r certain st3dents 'artici'atin+ in v&03nteer 'r&+ra)s.

4AC 6Interpretations7
6 7 5e'o)in& %arriers can lead to an increase in participants =nited States H. 4ir? F&rdice8 "2
[N&. "#612#58 S=2REIE CO=R: OF :*E =NI:E$ S:(:ES8 5#5 =.S. 1 9 112 S. Ct. 2 2 9 12# D. Ed. 2d 5 59 1""2 =.S. DETIS 45349 6# =.S.D.;. 4 6"9 "2 Ca0. $ai0, O'. Service 55 9 "2 $ai0, O&3rna0 $(R !!!59 6 F0a. D. ;ee?0, Fed. S 51!]

[FFFDEd*R"E] ["E] [FFFDEd*R11(] [11(](n&t-er c&nstit3ti&na00, 'r&/0e)atic as'ect &% t-e StateMs 3se &% t-e (C: test sc&res is its '&0ic, &% den,in+ a3t&)atic ad)issi&n i% an a''0icant %ai0s t& earn t-e )ini)3) (C: sc&re s'eci%ied %&r t-e 'artic30ar instit3ti&n8 wit-&3t a0s& res&rtin+ t& t-e a''0icantMs -i+- sc-&&0 +rades as an additi&na0 %act&r in 'redictin+ c&00e+e 'er%&r)ance. :-e =nited States 'r&d3ced evidence t-at t-e ()erican C&00e+e :estin+ 2r&+ra) 5(C:278 t-e ad)inisterin+ &r+aniBati&n &% t-e (C:8 disc&3ra+es 3se &% (C: sc&res as t-e s&0e ad)issi&ns criteri&n [F 3 ] &n t-e +r&3nd t-at it +ives an inc&)'0ete N'ict3reN &% t-e st3dent a''0icantMs a/i0it, t& 'er%&r) ade@3ate0, in c&00e+e. (''. 12#"6121#. One (C:2 re'&rt 'resented int& evidence s3++ests t-at Nit w&30d /e %&&0is-N t& s3/stit3te a 36 &r 46-&3r test in '0ace &% a st3dentMs -i+- sc-&&0 +rades as a )eans &% 'redictin+ c&00e+e 'er%&r)ance. Id.8 at 1"3. :-e rec&rd a0s& indicated t-at t-e dis'arit, /etween /0ac? and w-ite st3dentsM -i+- sc-&&0 +rade avera+es was )3c- narr&wer t-an t-e +a' /etween t-eir avera+e (C: sc&res8 t-ere/, s3++estin+ t-at an ad)issi&ns %&r)30a w-ic- inc03ded +rades w&30d increase the nu'%er &% /0ac? st3dents e0i+i/0e %&r a3t&)atic ad)issi&n t& a00 &% Iississi''iMs '3/0ic 3niversities. n1# 6 7 Counter interpretation+ 3olicy 'eans that there has to %e a pro'otion in the increase o# persons Dinda $ev&re8 Ex'ert witness %&r +ra))atica0 inter'retati&n at tria0s8 O30, ! 2##6 [>E%%ects is Iandated J, t-e Res&03ti&n V EvidenceA W-tt'.//
x.c&)/v//s-&wt-read.'-'XtY"6431!Z-i+-0i+-tYGra))ar[Res&03ti&n\ accessed O30, 12 2##6]

K3esti&n. IMve +&t a @3esti&n c&ncernin+ t-e +ra))ar &% t-e nati&na0 -i+- sc-&&0 de/ate t&'ic9 it is t-e %&00&win+. Res&0ved. :-e =nited States %edera0 +&vern)ent s-&30d esta/0is- a '&0ic, s3/stantia00, increasin+ t-e n3)/er &% 'ers&ns servin+ in &ne &r )&re &% t-e %&00&win+ nati&na0 service 'r&+ra)s. ()eriC&r's8 CitiBen C&r's8 Seni&r C&r's8 2eace C&r's8 Dearn and Serve ()erica8 (r)ed F&rces. :-e cr3x &% t-e @3esti&n -as t& d& wit- t-e w&rd Nincreasin+.N :-e Ia,%ie0d *and/&&? &% :ec-nica0 and Scienti%ic ;ritin+ states t-at Nactive 'artici'ia0 adCectives are %&r)ed %r&) t-e 'resent 'artici'0es &% ver/s.

CNDI 06 LAB: Arnett/Burshteyn/Lin

Increase Topicality 15

:-e, descri/e n&3ns t-at are active0, ca3sin+ &r 'artici'atin+ in an acti&n.N ;e %irst )3st esta/0is- and a+ree &n a '&int ,&3 -ave n&t )ade. t-at N'&0ic,N is an active c&nce't and critica0 t& t-e )eanin+ &% Nincreasin+.N See ), %ina0 '&int /e0&w.

4AC 6Interpretations7

;it- t-is de%initi&n t& w&r? wit-8 t-e de/ate c&))3nit, -as /een e)/r&i0ed in a disc3ssi&n &ver w-at t-e %3ncti&n &% t-e w&rd Nincreasin+N act3a00, is in t-e res&03ti&n. :-e i)'&rtant 'art &% t-is @3esti&n is w-at ?ind &% N'&0ic,8N +ra))atica00, s'ea?in+8 NincreasesN t-e n3)/er &% 'e&'0e servin+ in t-&se +r&3'sX Jeca3se Nsittin+N )a, /e inter'reted in tw& wa,s8 t-ere is n& de%initive +ra))atica0 answer t& w-et-er it )eans Nca3ses an increaseN 5t-3s Nca3sin+ an acti&nN7 &r Nres30ts in an increaseN 5N'artici'atin+ in an acti&nN t-at 0eads t& a res30t7 in t-e n3)/er &% 'e&'0e servin+ in t-&se +r&3's. ;-et-er t-e w&rd )eans Nt-at increasesN &r Nres30ts in an increase8N in ), &'ini&n8 d&es n&t a%%ect t-e intenti&n &% t-e '&0ic,. :-is ar+3)ent -as centered ar&3nd w-et-er &r n&t t-ere is a +ra))atica0 /asis %&r an inter'retati&n &% Nincreasin+N w-ic- -&0ds t-at t-e NincreaseN )3st /e a 'ri)a %acie &ne. :-at is8 d&es t-e +ra))ar &% t-is res&03ti&n )ean t-at a '&0ic, )3st N&n6%aceN increase t-e n3)/er &% 'ers&ns servin+ in t-&se &r+aniBati&ns8 &r can a '&0ic, /e esta/0is-ed w-&se RES=D: is t& increase t-e n3)/er &% 'ers&ns servin+ 5&r is t-ere n& de%initive +ra))atica0 inter'retati&n %&r eit-er7X (+ain8 I t-in? t-e ?e, is t-e w&rd N'&0ic,8N w-ic- is a0wa,s en%&rcea/0e /, acti&n9 its '3r'&se is t& ca3se a res30t8 eit-er +3aranteed &r at 0east 'r&)&ted /, acti&n.

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