Assignment Briefing & Feedback Sheet: Yes No

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NB It is your responsibility as a student to eep a !older "ontainin# all your assessed
$or% in"ludin# brie!in# & !eedba" s&eets% to be 'ade a(ailable on re)uest !or internal
and e*ternal 'oderation+
.ro#ra''e/Course0 HND HNC
1alidatin# body0 EDEXCEL
Sub2e"t/unit/'odule0 Unit 6
Assi#n'ent no+/re!/title0 Business Decision Making
Tutor0 Pau Mat!e"s
Internal 'oderator0
Sele"ted !or internal 'oderation0 3es No
Issue date0
Sub'ission deadline0
Date sub'itted0
Date returned #$oo%ing inte"na
&o'e"ation i$ a((ica)e*0
Resub'ission deadline #i$
a((ica)e + see $ee')ack*0
,B- De"laration o! o$ners&ip #to )e co&(ete' ), t!e stu'ent*
T!is su)&ission is t!e "esut o$ &, o%n %o"k- A !e( an' a'.ice ot!e" t!an t!at "ecei.e' $"o& tuto"s !as )een
ackno%e'ge' an' ("i&a", an' secon'a", sou"ces o$ in$o"&ation !a.e )een ("o(e", att"i)ute'- S!ou' t!is
("o.e to )e unt"ue/ I "ecognise t!e "ig!t o$ t!e Coege to "eco&&en' %!at action s!ou' )e taken in ine %it!
t!e Reguations on assess&ent an' (agia"is&-
Si#ned0 Date0
,C- .urpose o! assi#n'ent #ea"ning outco&es0o) an' skis to )e assesse'*
456 Be a)e to use a .a"iet, o$ sou"ces $o" t!e coection o$ 'ata/ )ot! ("i&a", an' secon'a",
457 Un'e"stan' a "ange o$ tec!ni2ues to ana,se 'ata e$$ecti.e, $o" )usiness (u"(oses
458 Be a)e to ("o'uce in$o"&ation in a(("o("iate $o"&ats $o" 'ecision &aking in an
o"ganisationa conte3t
459 Be a)e to use so$t%a"e gene"ate' in$o"&ation to &ake 'ecisions in an o"ganisation
,D- Assi#n'ent tas,s- #see a''itiona s!eet $o" 'etaie' 2uestions/ i$ a((ica)e*
T!e assess&ent $o" t!is &o'ue is in t%o (a"ts an e3a&ination/ %!ic! $o"&s t!e )uk o$ t!e
assess&ent/ an' an assign&ent/ co(, attac!e'-
,E- Re!eren"e 'aterial #"eco&&en'e' "ea'ing0sou"ces o$ in$o"&ation*
,F- Assess'ent/#radin# "riteria #incu'ing in$o"&ation on %eig!ting/ i$ a((ica)e/ an' (oicies
on ate su)&ission an' "esu)&ission*
,G- Tutor Co''ents
Signe'4 Date
,H- Internal 'oderator "o''ents #i$ seecte' $o" &o'e"ation*
Signe'4 Date
,I- Assess'ent .oli"ies
For'ati(e Feedba"
Stu'ents a"e encou"age' to &eet %it! &o'ue tuto"s to "ecei.e $ee')ack at "egua" inte".as 'u"ing t!e
("e(a"ation o$ t!ei" cou"se %o"k- Eac! tuto" %i &ake t!ei" o%n a""ange&ents $o" t!is #("o)a), 'u"ing t!e
no"&a teac!ing sessions*-
Keepin# a "opy o! your $or
It is i&(o"tant to 5EEP A COP6 O7 6OUR ASSIGNMENT- T!is %i co.e" t!e e.entuait, o$ ,ou" assign&ent
)eing ost- I$ t!is "a"e e.ent occu"s/ ,ou %i )e a)e to "e8su)&it t!e assign&ent as "e2ui"e'-
Sub'ission o! assi#n'ent $or
A assign&ent %o"k s!ou' )e su)&itte' ), t!e SUBMISSION 'ate to "ece(tion in t!e St- 9o!ns cent"e- 6ou %i
"ecei.e a RECEIPT/ %!ic! s!ou' )e ke(t sa$e, to ("o.e ,ou" assign&ent !as )een o$$icia, gi.en to ,ou" tuto"-
Su''ati(e #rade & !eedba" turnaround
6ou" &o'ue tuto" %i &a"k ,ou" assign&ent an' %i gi.e it a g"a'e in "eation to t!e assess&ent c"ite"ia
attac!e' to t!e assign&ent )"ie$- 6ou" assign&ent %i g"a'e' as eit!e" Distinction/ Me"it o" Pass- In so&e
ci"cu&stances ,ou &a, )e aske' to "e8su)&it t!e assign&ent #"e$e"*/ a$te" 'iscussing %!e"e it cou' )e
i&("o.e' %it! ,ou" &o'ue tuto"- 6ou %i t!en !a.e u( to si3 %eeks to "esu)&it t!e assign&ent- 6ou" tuto" &a,
c!oose a 'i$$e"ence engt! o$ ti&e 'e(en'ing on t!e natu"e o$ t!e assign&ent #eg a test0e3a&/ "oe (a,/
T!e assign&ent g"a'e an' $ee')ack %i )e "etu"ne' %it!in : %o"king %eeks o$ t!e su)&ission 'ate-
.enalties !or late sub'ission
I$ ,ou &iss t!e su)&ission 'ate #%it!out goo' "eason* ,ou" assign&ent %i )e 'o%n g"a'e' 'ue to LATE
SUBMISSION- I$ ,ou &iss t!e su)&ission 'ate/ t!e !ig!est g"a'e ,ou can "ecei.e is MERIT- I$ ,ou &iss t!e
su)&ission 'ate ), t%o %eeks o" &o"e/ t!e !ig!est g"a'e ,ou" assign&ent can "ecei.e' is a (ass-
Stu'ents a"e "e&in'e' t!at (agia"is& #co(,ing* is a 'isci(ina", &atte"- I$ ,ou use t!e %o"k o$ ot!e"s it s!ou'
)e att"i)ute' to t!ose aut!o"s- It is i&(o"tant t!at t!e sou"ces o$ &ate"ia o)taine' an' use' ), ,ou is
ackno%e'ge'- T!is is ac!ie.e' t!"oug! t!e use o$ a "e$e"ences s,ste&- On t!e HNC0D ("og"a&&e t!e s,ste&
to use is t!e HAR;ARD s,ste&- See ,ou" tuto" i$ ,ou nee' a "e&in'e" o$ !o% to acco&(is! t!is- It is i&(o"tant
t!at stu'ents sign t!e $"ont s!eet o$ t!e assign&ent )"ie$ acce(ting "es(onsi)iit, t!at it is 6OUR o%n %o"k-
Miti#atin# and e*"eptional "ir"u'stan"es a!!e"tin# your per!or'an"e
<!e"e stu'ents e3(e"ience situations o" e3ce(tiona $acto"s %!ic! a$$ect t!ei" (e"$o"&ance on t!e assign&ent/
t!ese s!ou' )e )"oug!t to t!e attention o$ t!e &o'ue tuto"- 6ou" tuto" %i gi.e ,ou t!e in$o"&ation on !o% t!is
("ocess o(e"ates- It is i&(o"tant t!at %e !a.e e.i'ence %!ic! "eates to ,ou" cai& $o" &itigation-
A"ade'i" appeals pro"edure
Stu'ents a"e "e&in'e' t!at t!e"e is an a((eas ("oce'u"e %!ic! is i'enti$ie' in t!e stu'ent !an')ook- I$ ,ou a"e
conce"ne' a)out ,ou" assess&ent in a &o'ue/ t!en ask ,ou" tuto" o" t!e ("og"a&&e tea& ea'e" $o" a'.ice on
So&eti&es/ &o'ue tuto"s attac! 'i$$e"ent %eig!tings to 'i$$e"ent (a"ts o$ t!e assign&ent- T!is &eans t!at so&e
tasks &a, )e .ie%e' as &o"e 'i$$icut o" &o"e 'e&an'ing t!an ot!e"s/ an' t!is %i )e "e$ecte' in t!e g"a'ing
st"uctu"e- T!is %i )e e3(aine' in t!e assign&ent )"ie$- I$ in 'ou)t ask ,ou" tuto"-
.art 6 T&e Assi#n'ent
T!e nu&)e" o$ stu'ent using t!e canteen at T!e Manc!este" Coege !as c!ange' o.e" t!e ast
si3 &ont!s- <it! t!e o(ening o$ ne% "estau"ants an' ot!e" =$ast $oo'> outets nea"),/ t!e nu&)e" o$
stu'ents eating in t!e coege !as )een $aing-
6ou !a.e )een aske' to su".e, t!e stu'ents to i'enti$, ke, $acto"s a"oun' t!is c!ange/ an' to
&ake "eco&&en'ations to t!e coege )oa"' $o" a(("o("iate c!anges to )e &a'e to t!e o(e"ation
o$ t!e canteen-
Pa"t one 'ata coection ?LO @-@/@-:/@-AB
@- ("e(a"e a (an $o" t!e coection o$ ("i&a", an' secon'a", 'ata to a''"ess t!e ("o)e&
:- 1usti$, t!e &et!o' use' $o" coecting 'ata/ an' t!e sa&(ing $"a&e use'
A- 'esign an a(("o("iate 2uestionnai"e to coect 'ata/ an' t"ia "un t!e 2uestionnai"e %it! :C
Pa"t t%o 'ata ("esentation an' ana,sis ?LO A-@/ A-A/ A-DB
@- P"e(a"e a $o"&a )usiness "e(o"t o$ ,ou" ana,sis- T!is "e(o"t s!ou' incu'e a )"ie$ outine
o$ ,ou" a(("oac! to t!e 2uestion/ an ana,sis o$ ,ou" $in'ings/ an' concusions an'
"eco&&en'ation o$ !o% t!e coege s!ou' ("ocee'-
T!e "e(o"t s!ou' incu'e t%o a((en'ices- T!e $i"st o$ t!ese s!ou' )e t!e 2uestionnai"e
itse$/ toget!e" %it! a )"ie$ ana,sis o$ ,ou" a(("oac! to t!e coection o$ 'ata/ toget!e" %it!
it se.e"a sa&(e 2uestionnai"es ?not a :CB
As a secon' a((en'i3 to ,ou" "e(o"t s!o% t!e g"a(!s an' c!a"ts 'is(a,ing t!e in$o"&ation
coecte'- T!ese &ig!t incu'e ine/ (ie )a" c!a"ts an' !istog"a&s
4inin# Do"u'ent
T!e assess&ent on t!is &o'ue $as is 'one in t%o %a,s
@- T!e assign&ent
:- T!e e3a&ination
To o)tain t!e !ig!e" g"a'es ?&e"it/ an' 'istinctionB ,ou %i nee' to s!o% a nu&)e" o$ skis %!ic!
a"e 'i$$icut to 'e&onst"ate %it!in t!e sco(e o$ t!e e3a&ination- T!e"e$o"e as (a"t o$ t!e
assign&ent/ ,ou %i )e "e2ui"e' to4

Identi!y and apply strate#ies to !ind appropriate solutions
Sele"t/desi#n and apply appropriate te"&ni)ues
.resent and "o''uni"ate appropriate !indin#s
E a "ange o$ &et!o's an' tec!ni2ues !a.e )een a((ie'
E a "ange o$ sou"ces o$ in$o"&ation use'
E t!e seection o$ &et!o's an' tec!ni2ues0sou"ces 1usti$ie'
E t!e 'esign o$ &et!o's0tec!ni2ues 1usti$ie'
E co&(e3 in$o"&ation0'ata !a.e )een s,nt!esise' an' ("ocesse'
E a(("o("iate ea"ning &et!o's0tec!ni2ues a((ie'
E "ee.ant t!eo"ies an' tec!ni2ues !a.e )een a((ie'
E e$$ecti.e 1u'ge&ents !a.e )een &a'e
E co&(e3 ("o)e&s %it! &o"e t!an one .a"ia)e !a.e )een e3(o"e'
E an e$$ecti.e a(("oac! to stu', an' "esea"c! !as )een use'
E a(("o("iate st"uctu"e an' a(("oac! !as )een use'
E ogica an' co!e"ent a"gu&ents !a.e )een ("esente'
E tec!nica anguage accu"ate, use'
E a "ange o$ &et!o's o$ ("esentation !as )een use'
E a(("o("iate &e'ia use'
E $a&iia" an' un$a&iia" conte3ts !a.e )een use'
E it is a(("o("iate $o" $a&iia" an' un$a&iia" au'iences
;se "riti"al re!le"tion to e(aluate o$n $or and 2usti!y (alid "on"lusions ?t!is is t!e
!a"'est (a"t o$ t!is state&entB
Tae responsibility !or 'ana#in# and or#anisin# a"ti(ities
De'onstrate "on(er#in#% lateral and "reati(e t&inin#
E s,nt!esis !as )een use' to gene"ate an' 1usti$, .ai' concusions
E t!e .ai'it, o$ "esuts !as )een 1u'ge'
E se$ c"iticis& o$ a(("oac! !as taken (ace
E e.auation !as taken (ace using 'e$ine' c"ite"ia
E "eaistic i&("o.e&ents !a.e )een ("o(ose' against 'e$ine' c!a"acte"istics $o" success
autono&,0in'e(en'ence 'e&onst"ate'
E su)stantia acti.ities0("o1ects o" in.estigations !a.e )een (anne'/ &anage' an' o"ganise'
E 1oint0acti.ities o$ ot!e"s !a.e )een &anage'
E t!e un$o"eseen !as )een acco&&o'ate'
E t!e i&(o"tance o$ inte"'e(en'ence
!as )een "ecognise' i'eas gene"ate' an' 'ecisions taken
E se$ e.auation !as taken (ace
E con.e"gent an' ate"a t!inking !a.e )een a((ie'
E ("o)e&s !a.e )een so.e'
E ca(acit, $o" inno.ation an' c"eati.e t!oug!t !as )een use'
E "ece(ti.eness to ne% i'eas !a.e )een 'e&onst"ate'
E un$a&iia" conte3ts !a.e )een a((ie'
What does this all mean [in English]
Basically to get a merit, you need to justify your approach to the assignment, showing shy
you have taken a particular path to answering the question
To get a distinction you need to show more planning, organisation and a placing the suject in
a wider conte!t"
#viously [$] the aove is not a check or tick list, rather it should e used as indicative of
what a good%e!cellent%outstanding assignment should look like" The aove ideas should e
placed alongside the passing grade materials

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