The document provides guidance and assessment criteria for a business decision making assignment. It outlines the learning outcomes being assessed, which involve collecting and analyzing data to make recommendations. The assignment tasks students to survey college students about factors impacting cafeteria use, analyze the findings, and provide conclusions and recommendations in a business report format. Assessment will be based on applying appropriate techniques, presenting findings, and demonstrating skills like synthesizing complex information.
The document provides guidance and assessment criteria for a business decision making assignment. It outlines the learning outcomes being assessed, which involve collecting and analyzing data to make recommendations. The assignment tasks students to survey college students about factors impacting cafeteria use, analyze the findings, and provide conclusions and recommendations in a business report format. Assessment will be based on applying appropriate techniques, presenting findings, and demonstrating skills like synthesizing complex information.
The document provides guidance and assessment criteria for a business decision making assignment. It outlines the learning outcomes being assessed, which involve collecting and analyzing data to make recommendations. The assignment tasks students to survey college students about factors impacting cafeteria use, analyze the findings, and provide conclusions and recommendations in a business report format. Assessment will be based on applying appropriate techniques, presenting findings, and demonstrating skills like synthesizing complex information.
The document provides guidance and assessment criteria for a business decision making assignment. It outlines the learning outcomes being assessed, which involve collecting and analyzing data to make recommendations. The assignment tasks students to survey college students about factors impacting cafeteria use, analyze the findings, and provide conclusions and recommendations in a business report format. Assessment will be based on applying appropriate techniques, presenting findings, and demonstrating skills like synthesizing complex information.
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NB It is your responsibility as a student to eep a !older "ontainin# all your assessed $or% in"ludin# brie!in# & !eedba" s&eets% to be 'ade a(ailable on re)uest !or internal and e*ternal 'oderation+ ,A- .ro#ra''e/Course0 HND HNC 1alidatin# body0 EDEXCEL Sub2e"t/unit/'odule0 Unit 6 Assi#n'ent no+/re!/title0 Business Decision Making Tutor0 Pau Mat!e"s Student0 Internal 'oderator0 Sele"ted !or internal 'oderation0 3es No Issue date0 Sub'ission deadline0 Date sub'itted0 Date returned #$oo%ing inte"na &o'e"ation i$ a((ica)e*0 Resub'ission deadline #i$ a((ica)e + see $ee')ack*0 ,B- De"laration o! o$ners&ip #to )e co&(ete' ), t!e stu'ent* T!is su)&ission is t!e "esut o$ &, o%n %o"k- A !e( an' a'.ice ot!e" t!an t!at "ecei.e' $"o& tuto"s !as )een ackno%e'ge' an' ("i&a", an' secon'a", sou"ces o$ in$o"&ation !a.e )een ("o(e", att"i)ute'- S!ou' t!is ("o.e to )e unt"ue/ I "ecognise t!e "ig!t o$ t!e Coege to "eco&&en' %!at action s!ou' )e taken in ine %it! t!e Reguations on assess&ent an' (agia"is&- Si#ned0 Date0 ,C- .urpose o! assi#n'ent #ea"ning outco&es0o) an' skis to )e assesse'* 456 Be a)e to use a .a"iet, o$ sou"ces $o" t!e coection o$ 'ata/ )ot! ("i&a", an' secon'a", 457 Un'e"stan' a "ange o$ tec!ni2ues to ana,se 'ata e$$ecti.e, $o" )usiness (u"(oses 458 Be a)e to ("o'uce in$o"&ation in a(("o("iate $o"&ats $o" 'ecision &aking in an o"ganisationa conte3t 459 Be a)e to use so$t%a"e gene"ate' in$o"&ation to &ake 'ecisions in an o"ganisation ,D- Assi#n'ent tas,s- #see a''itiona s!eet $o" 'etaie' 2uestions/ i$ a((ica)e* T!e assess&ent $o" t!is &o'ue is in t%o (a"ts an e3a&ination/ %!ic! $o"&s t!e )uk o$ t!e assess&ent/ an' an assign&ent/ co(, attac!e'- ,E- Re!eren"e 'aterial #"eco&&en'e' "ea'ing0sou"ces o$ in$o"&ation* ,F- Assess'ent/#radin# "riteria #incu'ing in$o"&ation on %eig!ting/ i$ a((ica)e/ an' (oicies on ate su)&ission an' "esu)&ission* ,G- Tutor Co''ents Signe'4 Date ,H- Internal 'oderator "o''ents #i$ seecte' $o" &o'e"ation* Signe'4 Date ,I- Assess'ent .oli"ies For'ati(e Feedba" Stu'ents a"e encou"age' to &eet %it! &o'ue tuto"s to "ecei.e $ee')ack at "egua" inte".as 'u"ing t!e ("e(a"ation o$ t!ei" cou"se %o"k- Eac! tuto" %i &ake t!ei" o%n a""ange&ents $o" t!is #("o)a), 'u"ing t!e no"&a teac!ing sessions*- Keepin# a "opy o! your $or It is i&(o"tant to 5EEP A COP6 O7 6OUR ASSIGNMENT- T!is %i co.e" t!e e.entuait, o$ ,ou" assign&ent )eing ost- I$ t!is "a"e e.ent occu"s/ ,ou %i )e a)e to "e8su)&it t!e assign&ent as "e2ui"e'- Sub'ission o! assi#n'ent $or A assign&ent %o"k s!ou' )e su)&itte' ), t!e SUBMISSION 'ate to "ece(tion in t!e St- 9o!ns cent"e- 6ou %i "ecei.e a RECEIPT/ %!ic! s!ou' )e ke(t sa$e, to ("o.e ,ou" assign&ent !as )een o$$icia, gi.en to ,ou" tuto"- Su''ati(e #rade & !eedba" turnaround 6ou" &o'ue tuto" %i &a"k ,ou" assign&ent an' %i gi.e it a g"a'e in "eation to t!e assess&ent c"ite"ia attac!e' to t!e assign&ent )"ie$- 6ou" assign&ent %i g"a'e' as eit!e" Distinction/ Me"it o" Pass- In so&e ci"cu&stances ,ou &a, )e aske' to "e8su)&it t!e assign&ent #"e$e"*/ a$te" 'iscussing %!e"e it cou' )e i&("o.e' %it! ,ou" &o'ue tuto"- 6ou %i t!en !a.e u( to si3 %eeks to "esu)&it t!e assign&ent- 6ou" tuto" &a, c!oose a 'i$$e"ence engt! o$ ti&e 'e(en'ing on t!e natu"e o$ t!e assign&ent #eg a test0e3a&/ "oe (a,/ ("esentation* T!e assign&ent g"a'e an' $ee')ack %i )e "etu"ne' %it!in : %o"king %eeks o$ t!e su)&ission 'ate- .enalties !or late sub'ission I$ ,ou &iss t!e su)&ission 'ate #%it!out goo' "eason* ,ou" assign&ent %i )e 'o%n g"a'e' 'ue to LATE SUBMISSION- I$ ,ou &iss t!e su)&ission 'ate/ t!e !ig!est g"a'e ,ou can "ecei.e is MERIT- I$ ,ou &iss t!e su)&ission 'ate ), t%o %eeks o" &o"e/ t!e !ig!est g"a'e ,ou" assign&ent can "ecei.e' is a (ass- .la#iaris' Stu'ents a"e "e&in'e' t!at (agia"is& #co(,ing* is a 'isci(ina", &atte"- I$ ,ou use t!e %o"k o$ ot!e"s it s!ou' )e att"i)ute' to t!ose aut!o"s- It is i&(o"tant t!at t!e sou"ces o$ &ate"ia o)taine' an' use' ), ,ou is ackno%e'ge'- T!is is ac!ie.e' t!"oug! t!e use o$ a "e$e"ences s,ste&- On t!e HNC0D ("og"a&&e t!e s,ste& to use is t!e HAR;ARD s,ste&- See ,ou" tuto" i$ ,ou nee' a "e&in'e" o$ !o% to acco&(is! t!is- It is i&(o"tant t!at stu'ents sign t!e $"ont s!eet o$ t!e assign&ent )"ie$ acce(ting "es(onsi)iit, t!at it is 6OUR o%n %o"k- Miti#atin# and e*"eptional "ir"u'stan"es a!!e"tin# your per!or'an"e <!e"e stu'ents e3(e"ience situations o" e3ce(tiona $acto"s %!ic! a$$ect t!ei" (e"$o"&ance on t!e assign&ent/ t!ese s!ou' )e )"oug!t to t!e attention o$ t!e &o'ue tuto"- 6ou" tuto" %i gi.e ,ou t!e in$o"&ation on !o% t!is ("ocess o(e"ates- It is i&(o"tant t!at %e !a.e e.i'ence %!ic! "eates to ,ou" cai& $o" &itigation- A"ade'i" appeals pro"edure Stu'ents a"e "e&in'e' t!at t!e"e is an a((eas ("oce'u"e %!ic! is i'enti$ie' in t!e stu'ent !an')ook- I$ ,ou a"e conce"ne' a)out ,ou" assess&ent in a &o'ue/ t!en ask ,ou" tuto" o" t!e ("og"a&&e tea& ea'e" $o" a'.ice on t!is- :ei#&tin# So&eti&es/ &o'ue tuto"s attac! 'i$$e"ent %eig!tings to 'i$$e"ent (a"ts o$ t!e assign&ent- T!is &eans t!at so&e tasks &a, )e .ie%e' as &o"e 'i$$icut o" &o"e 'e&an'ing t!an ot!e"s/ an' t!is %i )e "e$ecte' in t!e g"a'ing st"uctu"e- T!is %i )e e3(aine' in t!e assign&ent )"ie$- I$ in 'ou)t ask ,ou" tuto"- HND/C ;NIT < B;SINESS DECISI5N MAKING .art 6 T&e Assi#n'ent T!e nu&)e" o$ stu'ent using t!e canteen at T!e Manc!este" Coege !as c!ange' o.e" t!e ast si3 &ont!s- <it! t!e o(ening o$ ne% "estau"ants an' ot!e" =$ast $oo'> outets nea"),/ t!e nu&)e" o$ stu'ents eating in t!e coege !as )een $aing- 6ou !a.e )een aske' to su".e, t!e stu'ents to i'enti$, ke, $acto"s a"oun' t!is c!ange/ an' to &ake "eco&&en'ations to t!e coege )oa"' $o" a(("o("iate c!anges to )e &a'e to t!e o(e"ation o$ t!e canteen- Pa"t one 'ata coection ?LO @-@/@-:/@-AB @- ("e(a"e a (an $o" t!e coection o$ ("i&a", an' secon'a", 'ata to a''"ess t!e ("o)e& a)o.e :- 1usti$, t!e &et!o' use' $o" coecting 'ata/ an' t!e sa&(ing $"a&e use' A- 'esign an a(("o("iate 2uestionnai"e to coect 'ata/ an' t"ia "un t!e 2uestionnai"e %it! :C "es(on'ents Pa"t t%o 'ata ("esentation an' ana,sis ?LO A-@/ A-A/ A-DB @- P"e(a"e a $o"&a )usiness "e(o"t o$ ,ou" ana,sis- T!is "e(o"t s!ou' incu'e a )"ie$ outine o$ ,ou" a(("oac! to t!e 2uestion/ an ana,sis o$ ,ou" $in'ings/ an' concusions an' "eco&&en'ation o$ !o% t!e coege s!ou' ("ocee'- T!e "e(o"t s!ou' incu'e t%o a((en'ices- T!e $i"st o$ t!ese s!ou' )e t!e 2uestionnai"e itse$/ toget!e" %it! a )"ie$ ana,sis o$ ,ou" a(("oac! to t!e coection o$ 'ata/ toget!e" %it! it se.e"a sa&(e 2uestionnai"es ?not a :CB As a secon' a((en'i3 to ,ou" "e(o"t s!o% t!e g"a(!s an' c!a"ts 'is(a,ing t!e in$o"&ation coecte'- T!ese &ig!t incu'e ine/ (ie )a" c!a"ts an' !istog"a&s 4inin# Do"u'ent T!e assess&ent on t!is &o'ue $as is 'one in t%o %a,s @- T!e assign&ent :- T!e e3a&ination To o)tain t!e !ig!e" g"a'es ?&e"it/ an' 'istinctionB ,ou %i nee' to s!o% a nu&)e" o$ skis %!ic! a"e 'i$$icut to 'e&onst"ate %it!in t!e sco(e o$ t!e e3a&ination- T!e"e$o"e as (a"t o$ t!e assign&ent/ ,ou %i )e "e2ui"e' to4
Me"it Identi!y and apply strate#ies to !ind appropriate solutions Sele"t/desi#n and apply appropriate te"&ni)ues .resent and "o''uni"ate appropriate !indin#s E a "ange o$ &et!o's an' tec!ni2ues !a.e )een a((ie' E a "ange o$ sou"ces o$ in$o"&ation use' E t!e seection o$ &et!o's an' tec!ni2ues0sou"ces 1usti$ie' E t!e 'esign o$ &et!o's0tec!ni2ues 1usti$ie' E co&(e3 in$o"&ation0'ata !a.e )een s,nt!esise' an' ("ocesse' E a(("o("iate ea"ning &et!o's0tec!ni2ues a((ie' E "ee.ant t!eo"ies an' tec!ni2ues !a.e )een a((ie' E e$$ecti.e 1u'ge&ents !a.e )een &a'e E co&(e3 ("o)e&s %it! &o"e t!an one .a"ia)e !a.e )een e3(o"e' E an e$$ecti.e a(("oac! to stu', an' "esea"c! !as )een use' E a(("o("iate st"uctu"e an' a(("oac! !as )een use' E ogica an' co!e"ent a"gu&ents !a.e )een ("esente' E tec!nica anguage accu"ate, use' E a "ange o$ &et!o's o$ ("esentation !as )een use' E a(("o("iate &e'ia use' E $a&iia" an' un$a&iia" conte3ts !a.e )een use' E it is a(("o("iate $o" $a&iia" an' un$a&iia" au'iences Distinction ;se "riti"al re!le"tion to e(aluate o$n $or and 2usti!y (alid "on"lusions ?t!is is t!e !a"'est (a"t o$ t!is state&entB Tae responsibility !or 'ana#in# and or#anisin# a"ti(ities De'onstrate "on(er#in#% lateral and "reati(e t&inin# E s,nt!esis !as )een use' to gene"ate an' 1usti$, .ai' concusions E t!e .ai'it, o$ "esuts !as )een 1u'ge' E se$ c"iticis& o$ a(("oac! !as taken (ace E e.auation !as taken (ace using 'e$ine' c"ite"ia E "eaistic i&("o.e&ents !a.e )een ("o(ose' against 'e$ine' c!a"acte"istics $o" success autono&,0in'e(en'ence 'e&onst"ate' E su)stantia acti.ities0("o1ects o" in.estigations !a.e )een (anne'/ &anage' an' o"ganise' E 1oint0acti.ities o$ ot!e"s !a.e )een &anage' E t!e un$o"eseen !as )een acco&&o'ate' E t!e i&(o"tance o$ inte"'e(en'ence !as )een "ecognise' i'eas gene"ate' an' 'ecisions taken E se$ e.auation !as taken (ace E con.e"gent an' ate"a t!inking !a.e )een a((ie' E ("o)e&s !a.e )een so.e' E ca(acit, $o" inno.ation an' c"eati.e t!oug!t !as )een use' E "ece(ti.eness to ne% i'eas !a.e )een 'e&onst"ate' E un$a&iia" conte3ts !a.e )een a((ie' What does this all mean [in English] Basically to get a merit, you need to justify your approach to the assignment, showing shy you have taken a particular path to answering the question To get a distinction you need to show more planning, organisation and a placing the suject in a wider conte!t" #viously [$] the aove is not a check or tick list, rather it should e used as indicative of what a good%e!cellent%outstanding assignment should look like" The aove ideas should e placed alongside the passing grade materials
Monotheist God. Emanation Reinterpreted in Terms of Creation, Not To Mention Other Appropriate Improvements. in This Christianized Form, Plato's Thought Exercised Enormous, Though Indirect, Influe