Hyper LP Instruction Manual

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WaterBasedLocalFire FightingSystem

lnstruction Manual

Kashiwa Co.,Ltd.

Conventional fixedgasfire extinguishing systerns havea iatd |Hlataage; ddayed start of fire extinguishing dueto complete evacuatbn of crewfrom tE gEiE runIn orderto solvethis problem, ll\4O focused attenti]fron rder rdst fE fig iq|stems as a methodof suppressing and extinguishing fire at its ealy sfagBd, rurgh time for evacuation and safetyof crew. In contrast with usualspdnkler system, thisnraler rist spn l|as a sitifcant suffocating effect producedby sprayingextremelyfine mist r der llich Gartprorire eftctive conhol of oil fires. For shipskeel-laid on and after1st July2002,the instaldbn cJttE!sysEns b required in thoseareaswith a highfire risk,in machinery spacesirdudirg i*enrd combustion main engines,auxiliary engines, burners for boibrs,incinefab(s,kE{t gas genefators and CO. purifiers.

1 . Caution
Hyper-LP systemis not a flre fightingsystemfor entrre machinery spaces, but is a systemfor initial fire fighting or suppresston for particular equiprnent in machjnery spaces. The mainfire extinguishing system mustbe ready for use whena fire ts Deyond the control of thissystem. Ship's crews are required to be familiar wiihoperation of thefire extinguishjng systern for entire machjnery spaces as wellas thissystem.

2. Outlineof Hyper-Lp system

Thissystem mainly consists of a exclusive centrifugal pump, automatic control valves, mist nozzles and control panels. The Hyper-LP waterpumpdmwsfreshwaterfromthe hulltankand discharges through selected distribution valvesto the spraynozzles, whichspraymist partjctes for at least 20 minutes.

3. Specifications
A) Hyper-LP waterpump TYpe :Centrifugal pump j Design rate : 65.0Uminat 1.05N/pa, 3 1 3 . 3 L/min at 1.05 Mpa, N4otor : i1 kW,2 poles,60 Hz, 15kW, poles, 2 60 Hz, Drivemethod : Djrectdriventypewith coupltng B) Distribution valve Type : Motordrivenballvalve lvlaterial of body: Caststainless sreel C) Pump suction valve Type : [,,lotor drivenballvalve Material of body ; Caststainless sreel D) Water mistnozzle

Type Flow rate lvlatedal

: Drytype (WN3) : 16.2119 .0Llmin at 0.8/1 .1 N4pa : Stainless steel

E) Levelswitchfor the freshwatertank Type : Electromagnetic float l.4aterial of float :Stainless steei F) Control panel(l\,4ain controlpanel& Localcontrolbox) The sysiemcan be startedand stopped from the main control panetinstalled outside the machinery room,e.g. in a fire contror station, and from rocar contror boxes located neareachprotected area, which are inside the rnachinery space and

positions at easilyaccessible in the ev:-::"-=

4. Operation
|\lanual remoteoperation START 1. Press thestartbutton corresponding to the:-::::: =-== =- :. tr:^:o. canel. Water is discharged protected intotheselecied area STOP 1. Pressthe Stopbutton panej. on the control a-: :: s_.-<:"s:cJS. OtheMise the system willautomatically stopafter20 minutes c'--

Recommendation ln caseHighexpansion foamsystem is usedas le -3 - == ex:aguisning system ltr.f in the engine room, watermistwillcollapse :ca- :,1;-=_=e:io.r me system and I reduce the performance of thesystem signiica-:r lmmedjate stoppingof the Hyper-LP syster s sr:-.: _.'eco-nrnended when the Highexpansion foamsystem is activated.

5. Alarms
A) An audibleand visualdischargealarm js acT/aret - --. orotected area, wheel house,and enginecontrol roomwhereHyper-Lrs re eased_ B) A freshwatertanklow levelalarm(LOWALAitt s 3rcvided on the maincontrol panel. Payclose attention to thewaterlevelr:-e E-< :o ensure fullwater suoolv

6. Restoration afteruse
Restore the system afterdischarging wateri't.s: -:: :=:e.led areasfollowing the f$ procedure I below: A) Turnoffthepower breaker on themainm^i-! :a-e. B) Openthe distribuUng valvemanually in i1e :rctecredareaswherewaterwas discharged. C) Drain remaining waterin the pipelinethrough thedrainvalve or drainplugs. D) Blowair through the pipeto remove thewaterbetween the distributinq valveand mist nozzles completely. E) Close thedrain valve or drainplugs. F) Turnon the power panel. breaker on the maincontrol The automatic valve willbe automatically closed. js satisfjed. G) lvlake surethatevery condjtion listed in paragraph 7-A)below

7. Routine checkand maintenance

A) Everyday 1. Makesuresufficient water is available in thefresh water tank. 2 l\4ake surepower is prcperry suppried to the operation paners and the starier of the Hyper-Lp pump. waier "Lamp 3. Press & Buzzer Test,button to makesureall theindicating lumps lighted andthe buzzer sound. 4. Makesurethe drain valve andthetestvalveareclosed. 5. Keeptheareaaround the Hyper_Lp waterpumpclear of anyobstructtons whjch Interfere withthe operation. 6. lf Hyper-LP WaterpumpStarter is equipped withfollowing switches, check them as follows. . Change-over SW: Check thatit js turned to 'REMOTE'. . CoilHeating SW: Turnjt on jf condensation ts expected. B) Every 6 months 1. Conduct functional testof thesystem as follows. a. Unplug power supply lineinside of thestarter panel for Hyper-Lp waterpump so thatit won,t accidentally startrunning. b. Remove restriction cover on ,,System Stad,,button. "System c. Press Start,'button on operation panels andmakesurethefollowing. 'Suctjonvalveand branch valveof Hyper-Lp waterpumpare openeo, and "Suctjon Valve Open" lumpon maincontrol panel is lighted. . "Run" lumpfor Hyper_Lp waterpumpon majncontrol panelis lighted. . "MistDischarge', lumpson maincontrol panel and on alarm,onnol-p"n", areIighted. . Alarms jn protected areaandon alarmmonjtor panel sound. Reinstate thesystem after making sureallthese. 2. l\,4ake a testrunof Hyper-Lp waterpump, discharge water fromthetestttne. Drain water afterconducting thetest. *) TestRun a. Turnoff the power of the maincontrol panel, thenopenmanual valveand automatic valve on thesuctjon linemanually. b. Openthe manual valve for thetestlinemanually. c. Activate the Hyper_Lp waterpumpfromthestarter panel manually to check theoperation. NOTE: . ldling and closedoperatjon of the Hyper_Lp water pump are stricfly prohibited. Makesurethatwaterjs suppJied whenactivating the Hyper_Lp waterpurnp.

. The electricball valve providedby Kashiwaautomatically closes when poweris fed. Therefore, DO NOT tum m lhe power for the majn controlpanerwnen conducting operation testfor ItE pump. Restore the system to the oritird conditjon afterconducting test run. Drainwaterfromthe testline. C)Annually 1. Checkand cleanthe strainer of ttE Flyper-Lp waterpumpsuctionline. 2. Conduct the testacmrdingto'OrS.d test method,' in finaldrawings.X ',Onboard X lf onboardtest has been corducbd by the shipyard, Test Method', mightnot be inserted in finaldrawirgs-lf that is the case,pleasecontacr us. D) MistNozzles Checkand cleanthe strainers insirre the mist nozzles usedfor discharging waterto protected areasafteroperation. Also, cleaning the strainers inside all mist nozzles js recommended durino maintenance at a dockyard.
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