Dangerous Goods Risk Assess
Dangerous Goods Risk Assess
Dangerous Goods Risk Assess
Yes No Yes No Refer to Section 9. If YES go to Section 4. Yes No If YES - document changes in Section 8 & 4. If NO Risk assessment must be conducted Section 5-7. Yes No If YES print copy from CHEMWATCH database. Refer to AS 3833:1998. If NO go to Section 4.
Section 4 Minor Storage. Are there any heating or ignition sources? Is their adequate ventilation? Is the dangerous good kept closed when not in use? Are their spillage-retention measures? Is the transport of the Dangerous good done is a safe manner? Is PP/E worn when handing substance? Is there a fire extinguisher of suitable type along an exit route? Does the Dangerous Good require special storage conditions (eg temperature control)? Next Review date:.. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
Section 6 Class 3 (Flammable liquids) If exceeds minor storage quantities, refer to AS 19401993 Is there any ignition sources? Is their safe entry to and exit from all working locations? All chemical containers clearly labelled? Procedures in place for the handling of specialty chemicals? Are packages kept closed when not in use? Is a spill kit present? Is a suitable cabinet used to store flammables? Is their correct signage in place? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
Section 7 Class 8 (Corrosive) If exceeds minor storage quantities, refer to AS 3780 - 1994 Packages shall not be kept near incompatible substances? Are packages kept away from class 3 substances? Are packages kept away from heat sources? Are packages kept closed when not in use? Is a spill kit present? Is appropriate PPE worn? Section 8 Proposed control measures. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No
Next Review date:.. WEU-HAZSTOP FORM Number: 011 Page 2 of 2
Attachment 1. MINOR STORAGE QUANTITIES OF DANGEROUS GOODS 1. In the table below, "kg or L" means, where this combination of letters immediately follows numbers, the combined total of-(a) the number of kilograms of non-liquid dangerous goods; and (b) the number of litres of liquid dangerous goods; and (c) the capacity of containers of Class 2 dangerous goods-Description of Dangerous Goods Packing Group Minor Storage (if less than quantity)
Class 2
Class 2.1
500 L
2000 L
5000 L
Class 2.3
50 L
5000 L
Cryogenic Fluids
1000 L
Packing Group
50 kg or L
250 kg or L
1000 kg or L
Class 9
1000 kg or L
5000 kg or L
Mixed Packing Groups in Class 9 with the quantity of each Packing Group 5000 kg or L below the specified quantity for the Packing Group.
Packing Group
Mixed Classes of dangerous goods where none of the Classes, types or Packing Groups (if any) present N/A exceeds the quantities specified for the relevant quantity in Items 1, 2 and 3 of this Table.
5000 kg or L-The quantity only applies where the Placarding Quantity for an individual Class that is present is 5000 kg or L.
2000 kg or L-The quantity only applies where the Placarding Quantity for all of the Classes present is 2000 kg or L or less.
C1 combustible liquids stored N/A and handled with fire risk Next Review date:..
Packing Group
Goods too dangerous to be transported that are not kept N/A in a laboratory.
0 kg or L
C1 combustible liquids in bulk stored and handled in N/A isolation from other dangerous goods.
10 000 L
C1 combustible liquids stored and handled in packages in N/A isolation from other dangerous goods.
50 000 L
C1 combustible liquids in bulk and in packages stored and handled in isolation from N/A other dangerous goods provided the quantity in bulk is 10 000 L or less.
50 000 L
Note: For the purposes of item 3 in the Table, where Class 9 dangerous goods do not have a Packing Group assigned to them, they are deemed to be assigned to Packing Group III.