Green Mark NRB 2015 Criteria (Last Update 01082018)
Green Mark NRB 2015 Criteria (Last Update 01082018)
Green Mark NRB 2015 Criteria (Last Update 01082018)
Revised Version for Implementation: Minor wording amendments to: Pg 9, 15, 19,
R2 02/11/ 2016
22 - 24, 29, 32, 34, 37, 42, 53-55, 58, 62, 69, 71 - 74, 76
Revised Version to include annexes for specific building types Hawker Centres,
R3 Healthcare Facilities, Laboratory Buildings and Schools. Alternate option for 01/08/2018
scoring of Energy related items and other minor changes.
What is BCA Green Mark?
The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Green Mark scheme was launched in 2005 and is an
internationally recognised green building rating system tailored for the tropical climate. Green Mark sets
parameters and establishes indicators to guide the design, construction and operation of buildings towards
increased energy effectiveness and enhanced environmental performance.
BCA Green Mark comprises a number of distinct rating tools that together holistically rate the built environment
for its environmental performance. These include:
A streamlined rating scheme that addresses sustainability in a more balanced and holistic manner.
Greater emphasis on climatically contextual design, energy effectiveness, health and wellbeing of
building occupants, smart buildings, and a systematic approach to addressing embodied energy and
resource usage.
Recognition of the design processes which respond to site context and facilitate sustainability
considerations at the early project stages where there is the greatest opportunity for low cost, high
reward options to be implemented.
A collaborative framework with more than 130 industry members and academics involved in the
setting of metrics, assessment methods and performance levels.
The Green Mark NRB: 2015 Criteria should be read in conjunction with the following accompanying
handbooks and tools:
Buildings should demonstrate emissions reduction and resilience to the effects of climate change.
As stewards of the earth’s resources, buildings should use resources in an efficient manner to
reduce its environmental footprint over the building life cycle.
Liveable built environments are vital for our health and well-being.
Buildings should consider their wider impact on the biosphere through the integration of nature and
protection of natural systems including flora and fauna.
Assessment Process
The BCA Green Mark Certification Process is as follows:
Submittal of application with relevant supporting documents for certification upon finalisation of building design.
Upon acceptance of application and fee payable, a BCA Green Mark Assessor will be assigned for the duration of the project.
To be conducted when design and documentary evidences are ready.
Comprises design and documentary reviews to verify if the building project meets the intents of the criteria and certification level;
as well as the prerequisite requirements.
For projects with potential BCA Green Mark GoldPLUS and Platinum rating, a presentation to BCA panel for evaluation is required.
To be conducted upon project completion.
Includes review of delivery records, updated documents on green features and building energy performance data. Site inspection
and measurement will be conducted.
For projects with BCA GoldPLUS and Platinum rating, energy savings based on the actual building operating data and parameters will
be required to ascertain the energy performance of the building.
The Green Mark Score of the building design is the total of all the numerical scores assigned based on the degree
of compliance with the applicable criteria. The following table states the corresponding Green Mark Score to
attain the respective Green Mark ratings. Buildings must also fulfil their respective pre-requisite requirements to
be awarded Green Mark. The total points scored include the bonus points scored under Advanced Green Efforts,
as well as in the respective Annexes for buildings classified as hawker centres, healthcare, laboratories or
Criteria Overview
To dovetail the criteria with the sustainable outcomes of Green Mark NRB: 2015, the criteria has been re-
structured into 5 sections, with 16 criteria and 52 sustainability indicators. Each of the 4 main sections is
equally weighted in terms of points. The total point is 140 points, inclusive of 20 points from Section 5:
Advanced Green Efforts as well as additional credits scored under Annexes for specialised building types :
hawker centres, healthcare facilities, laboratory buildings and schools.
Within the main criteria, criteria within the grey boxes with the 'Advanced Green Efforts' icon are scored under
5.01 Enhanced Performance.
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................... 7
GM NRB: 2015 Criteria Summary ............................................................................. 10
GM NRB:2015 Summarised Criteria.......................................................................... 14
0. Pre-requisites .................................................................................................... 35
Pre-requisites Directory for P.1 to P.15 .................................................................................................. 35
Minimum Criteria Points Requirements .................................................................................................. 35
Energy Savings Requirements ................................................................................................................ 36
References............................................................................................................. 108
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ 112
Elective Requirements
Part 1 - Climatic Responsive Design 30 points
Provide Own Emission Factors with Source Justification (Advanced Green Efforts) 1 pt
Compute the Carbon Footprint of the Entire Development (Advanced Green Efforts) 2 pt
P.12 Refrigerants
P.14 Permanent Instrumentation for the Measurement and Verification of Chilled Water Air-Conditioning Systems
(iii) More Stringent VOC Limits for Interior Fittings and Finishes 2 pts
(iv) Use of Persistent Bio-cumulative and Toxic (PBT) free lighting 0.5 pt
Zero ODP Refrigerants with Low Global Warming Potential (Advanced Green Efforts) 1 pt
4.2 Spatial Quality 10 points
Annex 1: Energy Efficiency Features for Specialised Building [Hawker Centres] 15 points
Annex 2: Energy Efficiency Features for Specialised Building [Healthcare Facilities ] 10 points
1.1 Leadership
1.1a Climatic & Contextually Responsive Brief
Green Individuals:
Certified Green Mark Manager (GMM) or Green 0.25 point with at least one GMM or GMFM
Mark Facilities Manager (GMFM) with valid
Refresher Course Certification (valid for 2 years)
Green Mark Professional (GMP) or Green Mark 0.5 point with at least one GMP or GMFP
Facilities Professional (GMFP). (Up to 0.5 point for Green Individuals)
Part 1 – Climatic Responsive Design Green Mark Points
Green and Gracious Builder:
The main builder is a BCA Certified Green and 0.25 point for Certified or Merit; or
Gracious Builder. 0.5 point for Excellent or Star rating
(Up to 0.5 point for Green & Gracious Builder)
Green Companies:
Following companies with ISO14001 certification: 0.25 point each per consultant type IS014001
Architect, M&E Engineer, C&S Engineer, Developer
and Main Contractor.
Simulation Method
Overall Weighted Values Industrial Other 1 point for meeting notional façade stated
Buildings building
1 point for every 5% heat load reduction
Window U-Value 5.4 W/m2K 2.8 W/m2K
Wall U-Value 1.5 W/m2K 0.7 W/m2K
Overall Envelope U-value 2.4 W/m2K 1.6 W/m2K
Window-to-Wall Ratio
0.2 0.4
(Each façade)
Total Effective Glass Shading
0.6 0.4
Coefficient (SC1 x SC2)
Roof U-Value 1.1 W/m2K 0.8 W/m2K
Sky light/ Roof window U-Value 4.3 W/m2K 2.2 W/m2K
RTTV (where there are sky lights
for AC areas) 50 W/m2K 50 W/m2K
Non-Simulation Checklist for Industrial Buildings Overall Weighted Points for meeting or
Values reduction from baseline
Envelope U-Value 2.4 W/m2K 0.5 points for every 0.4
(Up to 2 points) W/m2K reduction
WWR (Excludes 0.2 0.5 pt for meeting baseline
Façade openings/ 0.5 pt for every 0.05
voids) reduction
(Up to 2 points)
Glass Shading 0.5 1 pt for meeting baseline
Coefficient (SC1) 0.5 pt for every 0.05
(Up to 2 points) reduction from baseline
Effective Sun - 1 pt for ≥ 10%
Shading effectiveness (North and
(Up to 2 points) South)
1 pt for 30% effectiveness
(East and West)
Roof U-Value 1.0 W/m2K 0.5 pt for every 0.1 W/m2K
(Up to 2 points) reduction
Sky light/ Roof 4.0 W/m2K 0.5 pt for meeting baseline
window U-Value 1 pt for U-Value of 2
(Up to 1 point) W/m2K
Air-conditioning Air-Conditioning
Efficient air-conditioning system
Efficient air-conditioning system
Peak Building Baseline for Total Design Points scored = 0.4 x (% improvement from baseline)
Cooling Load (RT) System Efficiency (kW/RT) (Up to 8 points)
<500 RT 1.08
≥500RT 0.98
*TDSE refers to combined efficiency of the cooling and air distribution
*For district cooling plants under Path B scenario, where the plant is excluded
from the computation, the baseline reference for the building air distribution
equipment can be taken as 0.28 kW/ton for the purposes of points
computation here.
(Up to 10 point for 2.1f)
2.1g Lighting System Performance
The use of energy efficient lighting can reduce the energy Points scored = 0.17 x (% improvement from
needed to illuminate a space.
Baseline: SS 530: 2014 - Code of Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for Building Services and Equipment
Design to comply with SS 531 – 1: 2006 (2013)– Code of
Practice for Lighting of Workplaces (Up to 6 point for 2.1g)
2.1h Building Systems Performance
Encourage effective design of building systems other than
space conditioning systems and lighting systems to reduce
building’s overall energy consumption
(i) Receptacle Load Efficiency
Points scored = 0.05 x (% improvement from
baseline) x (% of functional areas)
Receptacle loads Nominal Values
(Up to 2 points)
Computer Intensive Office 22W/m2
General office areas 16W/m2
Large conference areas 11W/m2
Schools (Tertiary/IHLs) 8W/m2
Schools (Primary/Secondary) 5W/m2
Server/Computer rooms 540W/m2
Part 2 – Building Energy Performance Green Mark Points
(ii) Car Park Ventilation Energy
Mode of ventilation Points
Natural Ventilation 1.5 points
Point scored =
Without CO 0.015 x %
sensor/without improvement
Mechanical Fume Extract from baseline
Ventilation (Up to 1 point)
With CO
sensor / Fume + 0.25 points
(Up to 1.5 points)
(iii) Energy Use Intensity 0.5 point for meeting 25th percentile EUI as per
prevailing BCA Building Energy Benchmarking Report
(Up to 0.5 point)
(iv) Energy Efficient Practices and Features Points scored = 0.5 x (% improvement from baseline
total building consumption)
(Up to 2 points)
3.1 Water
3.1a Water Efficient Systems
The design of water efficient mechanical systems and
strategies can minimise potable water consumption
in building operations.
(Up to 8 points)
To encourage the use of sustainable products that do Singular products category Coverage ≥ 80%
not fall into the functional systems such as
Hardscape, building services and
Hardscape - Includes items such as 0.25 point per
M&E products certified by an
composite timber decking, outdoor product
approved local certification body
equipment, pre-cast kerbs and drains, wheel
stoppers in car parks, drainage cells etc. (Up to 2 points)
Building services and M&E products -
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing
equipment or products such as chillers,
circuit boards, transformers, water pipes
(Up to 10 points for 3.2c)
Part 3 – Resource Stewardship Green Mark Points
3.3 Waste
3.3a Environmental Construction Management Plan
An effective and holistic management plan can 1 point
facilitate better environmental performance of the
construction process and promote waste
minimisation. (Up to 1 point for 3.3a)
3.3b Operational Waste Management
Appropriate collection and recycling provisions can
facilitate the segregation of recyclable consumer
waste at source. Provisions for the treatment of
horticultural or wood waste for buildings with
landscaping can promote their reuse and recycling as
Facilities for the collection and storage of 1 point each
different recyclables such as paper, glass,
metal and plastic in commingled or sorted
Facilities or systems for food waste to be
treated and recycled, for buildings generating
large volumes of food waste.
Facilities or systems for the placement of
horticultural or wood waste for recycling. (Up to 3 point for 3.3b)
(iv) Use of Persistent Bio-cumulative and Toxic (PBT) 0.5 point for ≥ 90% of light fittings in the project.
free lighting
(i) Effective daylighting for common areas Points scored = 1.5 x (% count with daylighting for
Prorating the number of daylit transient common toilets, staircases, corridors, lift lobbies and atriums)
spaces with effective automatic lighting controls + 0.5 x (% areas of carpark with daylighting or having
against the total number of applicable spaces. no carpark.)
Note: Each toilet is counted as 0.5. (Up to 2 points for 4.2ai)
1.5 point
(ii) Acoustic Report
1.5 points can be scored for an acoustic design and
verification report adhering to the requirements in the
(Up to 2 points for 4.2b)
GM NRB: 2015 Technical Guide and Requirements.
Advanced Green Efforts Under Part 1 Climatic Responsive Green Mark Points
1.1b Integrative Design Process
4D, 5D & 6D BIM
4D (Time) BIM 1 point each
5D (Cost) BIM (Up to 3 points)
6D (Facilities Management) BIM
Thermal Bridging
Use of thermal break /insulating profiles 1 point
certified by approved local certification bodies
1 point
Energy Performance Contracting
Engagement an Energy Performance
Contracting (EPC) firm (accredited by SGBC) to
implement and deliver energy efficiency,
renewable energy and/or energy recovery
projects with an energy performance contract
wherein the EPC firm’s remuneration is based
on demonstrated energy savings. Operational
system efficiency should be guaranteed over a
minimum of 3 years.
0. Pre-requisites
The pre-requisites for Green Mark NRB:2015 sets the minimum environmental considerations that a project shall
demonstrate based on industry norms. All pre-requisites listed as follows must be fulfilled in order to be eligible to
score Green Mark points in the 5 Green Mark sections
Section Pre-Requisites
1. Climatic Responsive Design P.1 – P.3
2. Building Energy Performance P.4 – P.6
3. Resource Stewardship P.7
4. Smart and Healthy Building P.8 – P.15
2.3a Solar Energy Feasibility Study For buildings with a footprint ≥1,000m2 – 0.5 pt
3.2a Sustainable Construction 0.5 pt 2 pts 3.5 pts
3.2b Embodied Energy - 1 pts
Applicable to all projects targeting Green Mark GoldPLUS or Platinum rating.
The minimum energy savings to be demonstrated for the following rating tiers are as follows:
GoldPLUS 25%
Platinum 30%
For a building with air-conditioned area ≥ 5,000m2, an energy model shall be used to demonstrate the building's
designed energy savings compared to a prescribed reference model that reflects prevailing building standards
and codes of practice. The simulation shall be conducted in accordance with the Green Mark NRB: 2015 Technical
Guide and Requirements - Annex C: Energy Modeling Methodology and Requirements
For a building with air-conditioned areas < 5,000m2, detailed calculations can be provided in place of
energy modeling to justify the savings in energy consumption from a more efficient design.
For buildings served by existing DCS plants eligible for Path B as per the requirements outlined in the Green Mark
NRB: 2015 Technical Guide and Requirements, the energy savings to be demonstrated (excluding the consumption
of the DCS plant) are as follows:
Level of Green Mark Award Cooling Load Savings Energy Consumption Savings (excluding DCS plant)
For projects targeting Green Mark GoldPLUS or Platinum, the Energy Use Intensity should not exceed the 50th
percentile value of similar building type, stated in the annual Building Energy Benchmarking Report (BEBR). In
instances where the project exceeds the EUI stated, justification shall be provided and subjected to Green Mark
1. Climatic
Responsive Design
Buildings serve as structures sheltering their occupants from the variable external climate. With this
consideration, the built form should be considered to maximise its response to the local tropical
climate, and establish a contemporary tropical vernacular. By appreciating the site context, building
designers can capitalise on the physical environment and recognise opportunities for the urban built
form to maximise responsive design. Consideration of the building’s human centricity and whether it
is in sync with its surrounding context should also be given due account. It is paramount for such
climatically contextual design to be weaved into the early thinking of building design, and this is
enabled through upstream effective leadership, supported by a collaborative process of design with
the partnership of relevant stakeholders.
Applicable to building facades and roofs.
Where the buildings’ aggregate air-conditioned areas exceed 500 m2, as determined in accordance with the
formula set out in the BCA Code on Envelope Thermal Performance for Buildings, the Envelope Thermal Transfer
Value (ETTV) shall not exceed the following limits:
The average thermal transmittance (U-value) for the gross area of the building’s roof shall not exceed the
following limits:
The limits stipulated do not apply to roofs with skylight for buildings with aggregate air-conditioned area > 500m2.
However, the Roof Thermal Transfer Value (RTTV) of such roofs, computed in accordance with the Code on
Envelope Thermal Performance for Buildings, shall not exceed 50 W/m2.
The roof limits stipulated do not apply to open sided sheds, linkways, covered walkways, store rooms, utility
rooms, plant rooms and equipment rooms.
Applicable to all windows and curtain walls on the building envelope.
For windows and curtain wall systems, air leakage rates shall not exceed the limit specified in SS 212: 2007 –
Specification for Aluminium Alloy Windows and SS 381: 1996 (2007) – Materials and Performance Tests for
Aluminium Curtain Walls respectively.
Applicable to all building developments outlined below.
The following minimum quantity of bicycle parking lots shall be provided for the development. Lots are to be
installed and located in line with LTA’s Code of Practice - Street Work Proposal Relating to Development Works.
Applicable to all building developments.
1 point can be scored for a climatic and culturally responsive brief detailed with:
Target Setting and Brief: Setting of agreed achievable formal sustainability targets for the project. In
addition to the project’s targeted Green Mark rating, such targets should involve specific sustainable
outcomes and indicators. The selection, deployment and responsibilities of the project team, builders and
building operators should be detailed. This includes the identification of at least one member of the team to
take the lead in coordinating sustainability efforts and tracking of the targets throughout the project phase.
This could also include the client’s sustainable aspirations for the project, and identification of its green
potential benchmarked against similar projects.
Applicable to all building developments.
A maximum of 4 points can be scored for this section.
(i) Integrative team
2 points can be scored if the design team demonstrates an integrated design process. This encompasses the
establishment of a collaborative framework for the project team during the briefing and design phases to
encourage value-added contributions and constructive discussions. This process, which should be conducted in
a consultative and non-hierarchical manner, includes the:
Appointment of all relevant consultants early in the design phase
Identification of responsible parties within the team to implement relevant sustainability goals
and targets
Detailing of sustainable design methodology action plans and progress
Addressing of opportunities and challenges with integrative team strategies to achieve the targets
Organising of design charrettes at key stages within the project design
(ii) Design for operation
1 point can be scored by involving Facility Manager (FM) in the design stage and incorporating his inputs into
Collaborative BIM: The use of a coordinated BIM modeling framework that harmonises the
various disciplines’ designs in a 3D environment, to co-ordinate spatial design and reduce clashes
during construction.
Green BIM: The use of integrative BIM models to form the base models for at least one
environmental analysis and building performance simulations, the results of which can be used to
further optimise the building design.
1 point each can be scored for the 3 levels of SMART BIM under Advanced Green Efforts:
4D (Time) BIM – This links time information to the BIM model for project scheduling and coordination. With real time
construction activity on site linked to it, the 4D model can be used to review progress against the construction
programme and identify methods to assess delays, make up time and evaluate extensions of time claims.
5D (Cost) BIM – This consists of elemental details, finishes, fixtures and equipment within the model linked to data on
performance, manufacturers and specifications. The use of integrated scheduling tools can be incorporated to assist in
the preparation of cost and quantity schedules and tracking of the project budget.
6D (Facilities Management) BIM – This involves the updated as built model of the building complete with the procured
fixtures, finishes and equipment data.
Applicable to all building developments.
A maximum of 2 points can be scored for the project teams with the following credentials:
Applicable to all building developments with occupants/visitors.
A maximum of 3 points can be scored for the following:
Building user guide – 0.5 point: To be disseminated to all eventual occupants in the building, the user guide
should provide a detailed overview of the sustainable design strategies and green features employed in the
building, on how they are operated and benefit the user.
Sustainability Education Corner – 0.5 point: The Sustainability Education Corner should be dedicated to
education and promotion of green building elements and environmental sustainability as well as the green
features specific to the development. It should be located at a prominent area, easily accessible and
noticeable to all tenants, building occupants and/or visitors.
Sustainability Awareness & Education Programme – 0.5 point: Awareness & educational programme could
include regular scheduled events or tour to generate sustainability awareness
Green fit out guidelines – 1 point: To be disseminated to the relevant tenant management/ personnel, the
guidelines should detail recommended minimum environmental standards to assist them in making
sustainable fit-out decisions.
Green lease – up to 3 points: To be incorporated into the tenancy agreement, the green lease should establish
agreed levels of environmental performance between the landlord and the tenant for ≥ 60% of the net lettable
3 points for ≥ 60% of the net lettable area.
1 point for ≥ 25% of the net lettable area.
Displaying Green Mark credential – 1 point: Can be awarded upfront when building owner commits to
display the Green Mark Decal or Green Mark Plaque at prominent location (visible to public) when the project
is completed. Photos evidence of installed GM credential to be submitted to BCA.
Applicable to all building developments.
A maximum of 5 points can be scored under the following sub-criteria:
Creation of possible new ecology and natural ecosystems (Advanced Green Efforts)
1 point can be scored if the project can detail strategies in the EIA on how the completed project ‘heals the land’. Beyond
mitigation measures, it should have a net positive impact by enhancing the site ecology beyond its current state. The
regenerative features should be quantified in terms of an overall net improvement versus the building not being
constructed and the site remaining in the current context.
Level 1 site analysis and design that demonstrates sensitivity to the site condition – 1 point
Level 2 site analysis optimised design with at least 2 types of iterative simulations – 3 points
≥ 50% site coverage (at plan view) with mitigation measures – 0.5 point
≥ 80% site coverage (at plan view) with mitigation measures – 1 point
(iv) Green Transport
0.5 point each can be scored for the provision of the following:
Electrical vehicle charging and parking infrastructure: There shall be at least 1 lot per 100 lots (Up
to 5 lots)
Reduction of car parking provision up to 20% below the prevailing car park standard, subject to
LTA’s approval of ‘Range Based Car Parking Standard (RCPS)’
Provision of bicycle lots over and above requirements stated in LTA’s Code of Practice - Street Work
Proposal Relating to Development Works with at least 1 bicycle parking lot per 1,500m2 of GFA (Up to
30 lots)
Additional features to promote bicycle usage
Applicable to all building developments.
A maximum of 5 points can be scored under the following sub-criteria:
1 more point can be scored under Advanced Green Efforts if the project has a GnPR ≥ 5.
(ii) Tree Conservation
0.5 point each can be scored for the following:
The adoption of native species of greenery > 50% of the flora selected wherever possible to
maintain the local ecosystem
Projects that scored full points under 1.02a (i) for EIA
A landscape management plan established that covers:
The use of organic composts from horticultural wastes
The potential for onsite composting
General landscape maintenance and management plan during building occupation
Projects that have obtained PUB Active, Beautiful and Clean Waters (ABC Waters) certification – 1
Treatment of stormwater run-off from total area through the provision of infiltration or design
features before discharge to the public drains, to reduce storm surges and to treat the water
≥ 10% of run-off: 0.5 point
≥ 35% of run-off: 1 point
Applicable to facades and roofs bounding conditioned or non-conditioned spaces.
A maximum of 3 points can be scored for the façade performance, based on weighted average area, assessed
through either:
Simulation method: Through building physics software simulation, 1 point can be scored for meeting the notional
façade detailed as follows, and for every 5% heat load reduction of the envelope and solar insolation reduction of
the fenestrations against the notional façade.
Checklist method: Eligible for industrial buildings with a WWR ≤ 0.25, and other building types with a WWR ≤
0.5. Points can be scored as follows:
Vertical Greenery on the East and West Façade (Advanced Green Efforts)
1 point for more than 30% of east and west façade areas
0.5 point for more than 15% of east and west façade areas
Applicable to all building developments.
Up to 3 points can be scored for the following:
1 point can be scored for locating non-air-conditioned spaces, e.g. lift cores, staircases, toilets, electrical
plantrooms etc that covers 2/3 of the east and west facing walls to reduce thermal heat gain into
occupied spaces. 0.5 point can be scored for 1/3 of the east and west façades covered by these non-air-
conditioned spaces.
Prorating the number of transient common spaces, e.g. toilets, staircases, corridors, lift lobbies and
atriums by the mode of ventilation against the total number of applicable spaces – Up to 2 points
Number of NV spaces x 2 Number of MV spaces x 0.5 Number of AC spaces x 0
Total number of spaces
Note: Handicap toilets are excluded from count. Each toilet is counted as 0.5 each
Applicable for naturally ventilated occupied spaces and gathering spaces such as building atria.
A maximum 4 points can be scored for this sub-indicator based on the following options:
Points Minimum weighted Average Wind Velocity Thermal Comfort Air Quality
3 Moderate (0.2m/s) - -
Air Change Rate ≥4
Good (0.4m/s) -1.0 < PMV < +1.0
Air Exchange Efficiency ≥ 1
Air Change Rate ≥10
Very Good (0.6m/s) -0.8 < PMV < +0.8
Air Exchange Efficiency ≥ 1.2
2. Building Energy
The built environment is an important contributor towards reducing global carbon emissions and fossil
fuel consumption. This section builds on Section 1 – Climatic Responsive Design, and focuses on how
building projects can demonstrate the optimisation of building energy systems through energy
efficiency, effectiveness and replacement strategies to reduce their environmental impact.
The energy performance of a building is measured through the efficiency of its active mechanical and
electrical systems. In the urban tropics, this is mainly attributed to air conditioning systems, artificial
lighting and hot water production in some building types. In addition, to consider the energy
effectiveness of a building holistically, the extent of use of energy systems in terms of their absolute
energy consumption should also be taken into account. Further tapping unto opportunities to utilise
renewables in place of fossil energy sources, the energy performance of building projects can be
improved significantly.
An Energy Performance Points Calculator in Excel format has been formulated to aid the design team
to understand the buildings’ total energy performance, while providing options to reduce energy
consumption. This calculator can be used to compute this section’s points.
Applicable to air-conditioning systems serving the building comfort cooling needs.
Where the cooling capacity of any air-conditioning system exceeds 30 kW, the equipment (excluding air
distribution) shall comply with the relevant provisions of SS 530: 2014 - Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency
Standard for Building Services and Equipment.
Where the building’s aggregate air-conditioned areas exceed 500 m2, the Design Total System Efficiency (DSE)
and the efficiency of the cooling and air distribution components shall not exceed the limits in the tables below.
For buildings with different systems, the tables will apply for the system with a larger aggregate capacity. The
DSE is based on the expected part-load condition over the simulated average annual total cooling load profile for
chilled-water systems, and total weighted system efficiency for unitary systems.
Relevant equipment: Water-cooled chillers, chilled-water pumps, condenser water pumps, cooling towers, air
distribution system
Peak Building Cooling Load (RT) Remarks
Green Mark
<500 RT ≥500RT (ηc, ηa) shall meet their respective thresholds.
Minimum DSE ηt (kW/RT) ηc: System kW/ton excluding the air distribution equipment
Gold NA (0.75, N.A.) NA (0.68, NA) ηa: Air distribution equipment kW/ton
GoldPLUS 0.95 (0.7, 0.25) ηt= ηc+ηa
0.9 (0.65, 0.25)
Platinum 0.93 (0.68, 0.25)
c) District Cooling System (DCS) – Within or outside gazetted zones, operated by supplier of district cooling
services registered under the Energy Conservation Act
Relevant equipment: DCS plant (e.g. chillers, chilled-water pumps, condenser water pumps, cooling towers, network
pumps, thermal storage, heat exchangers, renewable energy or energy recovery systems within the plant vicinity),
building air-distribution system
*For DCS plants serving the building that were commissioned before October 2016, the supplier can meet the
requirements under alternative Path B stipulated in the GM NRB: 2015 Technical Guide and Requirements instead.
Applicable to artificial lighting provisions for the type of usage specified in Clause 7 of SS 530 : 2014 – Code of
Practice for Energy Efficiency Standard for Building Services and Equipment.
The maximum lighting power budget for artificial lighting and lighting controls shall comply with Clause 7 of SS
530: 2014. In hotel buildings, a control device shall be installed in every guestroom to automatically switch off the
lighting when unoccupied.
Applicable to all lifts and escalators, except typologies where such technology is not available.
Lifts and escalators shall be equipped with AC variable voltage and variable frequency (VVVF) motor drive and
sleep mode features.
Applicable to all the air-conditioning systems serving the building comfort cooling needs, including the air
distribution equipment.
100% non – air-conditioned building projects will score full points under this indicator.
The Energy Performance Points Calculator shall be used to calculate the percentage improvement of the
weighted total design system efficiency of all the various air conditioning systems used in the project, against
the code baseline. The figure should be based on the operational design load determined by the simulated
average annual total cooling load profile. A maximum of 5 points can be scored as follows:
For district cooling plants under Path B scenario, where the plant is excluded from the computation, the baseline
reference for the building air distribution equipment can be taken as 0.28 kW/ton for the purposes of points computation
Applicable to building interior lighting and landscape lighting, including tenant lighting provision. Carpark
and emergency lighting shall be excluded from the calculation.
The Energy Performance Points Calculator shall be used to calculate the percentage improvement of the
building’s weighted lighting power budget against the code baseline in SS 530: 2014 - Code of Practice for Energy
Efficiency Standard for Building Services and Equipment. A maximum of 3 points can be scored as follows:
The lighting should be designed to the recommended lux levels in SS 531 – 1: 2006 (2013)– Code of Practice for
Lighting of Workplaces.
Applicable to buildings with carparks. For building projects with no and open carpark, full points can be scored
The Energy Performance Points Calculator shall be used to generate the savings of the carpark lighting and
ventilation systems against code. A maximum of 2 points can be scored as follows:
Applicable to non-speculative buildings.
Where the procurement of energy efficient receptacle plug loads and process equipment can be committed and
quantified at the design stage, their aggregate savings against BCA’s reference receptacle power budget can be
generated using the Energy Performance Points Calculator. A maximum of 1 point can be scored as follows:
Beyond the points cap, further points can be scored for improvement of the design energy consumption against the
notional reference based on the above formula, up to a maximum of 2 points.
Applicable to all air-conditioning and ventilation systems design to maintain thermal comfort, including the air
distribution equipment and mechanical ventilation systems.
Up to 10 points can be scored based on the systems to achieve the intended thermal comfort of the spaces,
prorated by functional areas (excluding circulation, plant rooms and transit areas). Improvement is calculated
based on system efficiency of conditioning systems used in the project, against the code baseline. Project can
use single mode of ventilation for scoring if more than 90% of the functional space uses one mode of
<500 RT ≥500RT
Total Design System Efficiency (kW/RT)
1.08 0.98
*TDSE refers to combined efficiency of the cooling and air distribution components
*For district cooling plants under Path B scenario, where the plant is excluded from the
computation, the baseline reference for the building air distribution equipment can be taken
as 0.28 kW/ton for the purposes of points computation here.
* For buildings tapping on district cooling plants under Path A scenario, it will include district cooling
system efficiency as well as air and water distribution efficiency of the building.
* Not applicable to buildings tapping on district cooling plants under Path B scenario.
Applicable to building interior lighting and landscape lighting, including tenant lighting provision and
carpark lighting. Emergency lighting shall be excluded from the calculation.
Up to 6 points can be scored for energy efficient lighting design (including carpark lighting) based on percentage
improvement of the building’s weighted lighting power budget against the code baseline in SS 530 : 2014 - Code of
Practice for Energy Efficiency Standard for Building Services and Equipment.
The lighting should be designed to the recommended lux levels in SS 531 – 1: 2006 (2013) – Code of Practice for
Lighting of Workplaces.
Applicable to all buildings.
Up to 6 points can be scored for achieving lower building energy through lower receptacle load, more efficient
carpark ventilation and energy efficient practices and features.
(i) Receptacle Load Efficiency
Where the procurement of energy efficient receptacle plug loads and process equipment can be committed and
quantified at the design stage, their aggregate savings against BCA’s reference receptacle power budget, as
specified under can be computed against baseline receptacle load value. A maximum of 2 point can be scored as
Up to 1.5 point can be scored by prorating mode of ventilation for carpark and achieving least energy
consumption for carpark’s ventilation systems against code.
Mechanical Ventilation (Up to 1.25 points)
Natural Ventilation
Ventilation Mode Without CO sensor/without
With CO sensor / Fume Extract (1.5 points)
Fume Extract
Point scored = 0.015 x %
improvement from baseline + 0.25 points 1.5 points
(Up to 1 point)
Note: For building with no carpark, full point can be scored if building occupants is more than 10 pax.
Applicable to all building developments.
0.5 point can be scored for a solar feasibility report detailing the following aspects:
Applicable to projects that scored under 2.03a Solar Energy Feasibility Study. Where solar panels are installed under
2.03c Adoption of Renewable Energy, the area coverage of the feasible roof area by the panels can be counted
towards compliance under this indicator.
The project shall demonstrate its roof design for solar readiness for at least 50% of feasible roof area
determined through 2.3a. 0.5 points each can be scored for the following:
Structural readiness: Roof designed to accommodate optimised easy structural installation of solar
panels on rooftop spaces, and included proof that the building and roof can support any additional
static and wind load imposed by future PV systems
Electrical readiness: Provisions to accommodate optimised easy electrical installation of solar panels
on rooftop spaces
Spatial readiness: Roof designed to optimise the available non-shaded rooftop area for solar panels -
adoption of roof spatial optimisation recommendations outlined in 2.03a Solar Energy Feasibility Study
Applicable to building developments with on-site generation of renewable energy.
The Energy Performance Points Calculator or manual calculation can be used to calculate savings from
replacement of the building electricity consumption through the use of renewable energy.
This will also include the use of solar hot water systems and renewable energy sources such as solar panels.
Expected Energy Use Intensity (EUI) % Replacement of Building Electricity Consumption by Renewable
[kWh/m2/yr] Energy
≥ 220 1 point for every 0.5%
50 ≤ EUI < 220 1 point for every 1.25%
< 50 1 point for every 2.5%
Up to 5 more points can be scored for further percentage electricity replacement by renewable
With global use of resources increasing in the backdrop of the limited carrying capacity of the Earth, it
is imperative that we work towards conserving the Earth’s resources for future generations. “Resource
Stewardship” in the built environment refers to the responsible use and protection of the environment
through conservation and sustainable practices. This section rewards projects for the responsible use
and conservation of resources from the stages of construction through to building operations and
occupancy. Resources covered include water, construction materials, construction and operational
Applicable to all building developments with water fittings installed.
The project shall demonstrate the use of water efficient fittings that meet minimum requirements as detailed in
the following table:
Exemptions can be granted on a case-by-case basis, where there are special functional needs. As for all other
water fittings such as flush valves, bib taps that are not listed in the above table shall comply with the mandatory
standards stipulated in the Singapore Standard CP 48 : 2005 – Code of Practice for Water Services.
Applicable to all buildings with landscape irrigation, cooling towers or water fittings.
(i) Landscape Irrigation
0.5 point each can be scored for the following, maximum of 1 point:
Every 25% of the landscape areas that are served by water efficient irrigation systems with features such
as automatic sub-soil drip irrigation system with moisture or rain sensor control.
Every 20% of the landscape areas that comprises drought tolerant plants.
Provision of cooling tower water treatment system along with effective filtration system that can help
increase solubility of water and facilitate 7 or more cycles of concentration (CoC) at acceptable water quality.
Provision of devices that recovers waste heat from the condensers and helps reduce the water requirement
needed to remove heat through the cooling towers.
Up to 1 point can be scored should the project demonstrate the use of better WELS rated water efficient fittings
0.5 points for use of better WELS rated water efficient fittings for 100% of basin taps & mixer and dual
flush flushing cisterns
1 point for the use of better WELS rated water efficient fittings for 100% of applicable water fittings as
prescribed in P.07 whilst ensuring user requirements are not compromised.
Applicable to all buildings with potable water usage.
2 points can be scored under this section.
Provision of private meters for all major water uses in the development
Provision of smart remote metering system with alert features for leak detection
Applicable to all buildings with potable water usage.
Where alternative water sources are used for general application, for example landscape irrigation, toilet flushing,
cooling tower make-up water or washing of external areas/ carpark areas, up to a maximum of 3 points can be
scored based on the types of water recycling systems used as well as the extent of reduction in potable water
AHU condensate collection where > 50% of total condensate is collected – 1 point
NEWater supply – 1 point
On-site recycled water – 1 point
Rainwater harvesting – 1 point
Applicable to all structural and non-structural components constituting the building superstructure.
(i) Conservation and Resource Recovery
For projects built on sites with existing building structures, 1 point can be scored where either:
Adoption of sustainable building systems: Points can also be scored based upon the extent of use
of sustainable building systems as a percentage of the constructed floor area (CFA) as follows:
Points awarded
Sustainable Building Systems
0.5 points 1.0 point 1.5 points
Pre-stressed Concrete Elements
Hollow Core or Voided Concrete Elements
Light Weight Concrete Elements
High Strength Concrete Elements (Concrete grade >60MPa)
Structural Steel Elements Total coverage Total coverage Total coverage
Composite Structural Elements area ≥ 25% of area ≥ 50% of area ≥ 75% of
Engineered Timber Elements CFA CFA CFA
Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction units
Precast Concrete Elements
Leave-in Formwork
Others (to be accepted by BCA on case-by-case basis)
*Note: SGBC-certified concrete is deemed to have fulfilled the requirement of clinker content ≤ 400kg/m3
Replacement of coarse and fine aggregates – 0.5 point can be scored for every 5% replacement by mass of
coarse and fine aggregates with recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) and/ or washed copper slag (WCS)
from approved sources for the superstructure concrete mix. The usage should not fall below 1.5% x GFA for
RCA and/ or 0.75% x GFA for WCS for points scoring.
0.5 point can be scored for use of SGBC-certified 4-Tick concrete, as per above.
0.5 point can be scored for use of SGBC-certified reinforcement bars for structural reinforced concrete
A maximum of 2 points can be scored for the use of BCA Carbon Calculator to compute the embodied carbon
footprint of the development:
Provide Own Emission Factors with Source Justification (Advanced Green Efforts)
Up to 1 point can be scored for the provision of own material emission factors (0.25 pt per material).
Compute the Carbon Footprint of the Entire Development (Advanced Green Efforts)
2 points can be scored for computation of the carbon footprint of the entire development and a detailed carbon
footprint report based on all the materials used within the development.
Applicable to non-structural building components. Structural components are excluded.
A maximum of 8 points can be scored for (i) and (ii).
Functional System Category External Wall Internal Wall Flooring Doors Ceiling Roofing
Functional System Category External Wall Internal Wall Flooring Doors Ceiling Roofing
All products (only if used) within a Group for the stipulated coverage must be green certified to score for that
Group. Additionally, in order to score for a Finishes Group, projects must score for the respective Base Group
first. Detailed examples may be found in the GM NRB: 2015 Technical Guide and Requirements.
Up to 2 points can be scored for the use of products certified to higher tiers of environmental performance (per product).
Singapore Green Building Product Certification Rating Points per product (≥ 80% of the applicable use)
Very Good (2-ticks) 0.25
Excellent (3-ticks) 0.5
Leader (4-ticks) 1.0
Applicable to all buildings.
1 point can be scored for effective implementation of an environmental construction management plan on
construction sites through specific target setting, monitoring of energy and water use and construction waste
minimisation measures.
Applicable to all buildings.
1 point each can be scored for the provision of the following:
Facilities for the collection and storage of different recyclables such as paper, glass, metal and plastic in
commingled or sorted form.
Facilities or systems for food waste to be treated and recycled, for buildings generating large volumes of
food waste.
Facilities or systems for the placement of horticultural or wood waste for recycling.
The recycling facilities or systems provided should be applicable to the building type and occupancy base and
located at the convenience of use for building users.
4. Smart and
Healthy Building
Most of us spend a substantial proportion of our time within buildings, where we are psychologically,
physiologically and emotionally affected by our surrounding environment. Aspects of a healthy indoor
environment include better air quality, effective daylighting, quality artificial lighting, pleasant
acoustics, inclusivity as well as biophilic design features that evokes the experience of nature.
Designing for healthy buildings can be a sound economic investment that reaps healthy economic
returns, with measures to improve the indoor environment leading to manifold monetary savings from
improved health and well-being. A healing, positive environment nurtures healthier and happier
occupants. In spaces where people work and study, this can result in increased work quality and
productivity output. For social, recreational and commercial spaces, this can translate to an enhanced
consumer/ visitor experience and encourage more frequent patronage and human traffic.
At the same time, managing a building’s indoor environmental quality well necessitates operating the
building smartly. Smart controls, direct access to building data and early fault detection allow the
facility management team to gain a good understanding of the building’s health. This enables
necessary intervention and optimisation measures to suit the occupants’ health and well-being.
Generally applicable to all air conditioning systems serving occupied spaces of building developments.
The normal design dry-bulb temperature for comfort air-conditioning shall be within 23ºC - 25ºC, and resultant
relative humidity ≤ 65% in accordance with SS 553 : 2016 - Code of Practice for Air-Conditioning and Mechanical
Ventilation in Buildings.
Applicable to air-conditioning or mechanical ventilation systems in regularly occupied spaces of all building
The building’s air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation systems shall be designed to provide appropriate
minimum quantum of outdoor air rates as stated in Table 1 and Table 5 of SS 553 : 2016.
Applicable to air handling units (AHUs) or systems for dedicated treatment of outdoor air in air-
conditioned building developments.
AHUs or dedicated outdoor air units in the building shall be designed to accommodate fine dust filters of least a
rating of Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 14 (ASHRAE 52.2: 2012) or F8 (EN779: 2012), when the
outdoor pollution level is in the unhealthy range in accordance with MOH’s guidelines, as stipulated in SS 553 :
Applicable to all indoor paints including primers, sealers, base coats and top coats.
Low VOC paints certified by an approved local certification body shall be used for at least 90% of the total
painted internal wall areas.
P.12 Refrigerants
Controlling the use and release of ozone depleting substances and greenhouse gases can reduce their
potential damage to the ozone layer and curb global warming.
Applicable to all air conditioning systems within building developments.
Air conditioning systems shall use refrigerants with ozone depleting potential (ODP) of 0 or global warming
potential (GWP) of less than 100.
A refrigerant leak detection system shall also be installed in critical areas of plant rooms containing chillers
and/ or other equipment using refrigerants.
Applicable to mechanical and electrical equipment serving occupied spaces of building developments.
The relevant equipment as aforementioned shall be designed to comply with the recommended ambient
sound levels in Table 4 of SS 553 : 2016.
Applicable to chilled-water air-conditioning systems serving the building with aggregate cooling capacity
exceeding 30 kW. This applies also to district cooling systems (DCS) operated by suppliers of district cooling
services registered under the Energy Conservation Act.
Permanent measuring instruments for monitoring of chilled-water system (water cooled and air-cooled system)
operating efficiency shall be provided. The installed instrumentation shall have the capability to calculate the
resultant operating system efficiency (i.e. kW/RT) within 5% of its true value and in accordance with SS591. Each
measurement system shall include the sensor(s), any signal conditioning, the data acquisition system and wiring
connecting these components. The permanent instrumentation shall comply with the following:
Location and installation of the measuring devices to meet the manufacturer’s recommendation; location
of temperature sensors should be within reach to facilitate site verification
All data logging with capability to trend at 1-minute sampling time interval, and recorded to the 3rd decimal
Computation and display of air-side efficiency, water-side efficiency and total system efficiency.
Magnetic in-line flow meter, with 1% uncertainty and capable of electronic in-situ verification to within ±2%
of its original factory calibration. If installation of magnetic in-line meters is not possible, ultrasonic flow
meters or other flow meters that can meet the indicated performance may be used.
Temperature sensors are to be provided for chilled water and condenser water loop and shall have an end-
to-end measurement uncertainty not exceeding ±0.05°C over the entire measurement range. Provisions
shall be made for test-plugs or additional thermowells to be installed before and after each temperature
sensor along the chilled water and condenser water lines for verification of measurement accuracy. All
thermo-wells are recommended to be installed in a manner that ensures the sensors can be in direct
contact with the fluid flow. There shall be valid justification if direct immersion of the temperature sensor(s)
is/are not possible. Such projects will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Dedicated power meters (of IEC Class 1 or better) and metering current transformers, where applicable,
of Class 1 or better, are to be provided for each of the following groups of equipment where applicable:
chillers, chilled water pumps, condenser water pumps, cooling towers, air distribution sub-system (i.e.
A heat balance substantiating test for the water-cooled chilled-water system is to be computed in
accordance to SS 591 for verification of the accuracy of the M&V instrumentation. The heat balance
shall be computed over the entire normal operating hours with more than 80% of the computed heat
balance within ± 5% over a 1-week period. Heat balance readings should generate automatically from
Applicable to all building developments with GFA of 5,000m2 or more.
Subsystem measurement devices with remote capability shall be provided, linked to a monitoring system
and measure and trend energy consumption data of:
Each tenancy or floor, as well as high energy load areas exceeding 50kVA such as car park, data centres, IT
closets and process areas.
Applicable for normally occupied spaces air-conditioned for comfort purposes.
Up to 2 points can be scored for the provision of monitoring and trend logging for the following:
Provision for monitoring and trend logging of temperature and relative humidity through a centralised system – 0.5
Provision for monitoring and trend logging of common indoor air pollutants, such as formaldehyde, at each floor -
1.5 point
Applicable to all building developments with air conditioning systems supplying outdoor air to occupied
spaces. Full points can be scored here for buildings with no air-conditioned spaces.
(i) Ventilation Rates
A maximum of 1.5 points can be scored for the:
Measurement and monitoring of outdoor airflow volume in accordance with desired ventilation rates at
precool units (e.g. PAHUs and PFCUs) or all AHUs and FCUs - 0.5 point or 1 point respectively
Use of demand control ventilation strategies such as carbon dioxide sensors or equivalent devices to regulate
the quantity of fresh air and ventilation in accordance with the space requirements – 0.5 point
building occupants.
Applicable to buildings with relevant ventilations systems.
(i) Local Exhaust and Air Purging System
1 point each can scored for the provision of:
(iii) More Stringent VOC Limits for Interior Fittings and Finishes
A maximum of 2 points can be scored through the specification and use of products certified SGBP Very Good
or above, of which the VOC emission rate standards meet more stringent VOC emission limits. All products with
VOC content within a Functional System for ≥ 80% of applicable areas must be SGBP Very Good or above to
score for that System.
Zero ODP Refrigerants with Low Global Warming Potential (Advanced Green Effort)
Points can be scored for the use of refrigerants with Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) of 0 as well as low global
4.2a Lighting
Natural lighting has been linked to the positive mental wellbeing of building occupants. It connects enclosed indoor
environments with the external natural environment. In the tropics, special care must be taken to maximise
effective daylight while minimising visual discomfort and maintaining the façade’s thermal efficiency. This is made
possible by incorporating effective daylight design strategies at the beginning of the design process. Where
daylight is not possible, adherence to minimum quality standards for artificial lighting provisions ensures well-lit
and comfortable spaces for occupants.
Applicable to common spaces and occupied spaces of building developments.
Up to 6 points can be scored for the following:
Good light-output over life with a minimum lifespan rating of L70 ≥ 50,000 life hours - 0.5 point
Lighting designed to avoid flicker and stroboscopic effects, by using high frequency ballasts for
fluorescent luminaries and LED lighting with ≤ 30% flicker - 0.5 point
Meeting the minimum colour rendering index (Ra or CRI) in Clause 5 of SS 531 – 1 : 2006 (2013) – Code of
Practice for Lighting of Workplaces - 0.5 point
LED Luminaires certified under SGBP scheme - 1 point
4.2b Acoustics
An improved acoustical performance for normally occupied spaces can enhance the aural comfort of
its occupants, facilitating communication, reducing unwanted sound and aiding in speech privacy.
Applicable to occupied spaces of building developments.
(i) Sound Transmission Reduction
0.5 point can be scored for projects that demonstrate that the acoustic performance of the internal
partitions between adjoining spaces will be constructed to achieve the following performance levels:
Equivalent sound transmission metrics may also be used to qualify the range.
4.2c Wellbeing
Wellbeing refers to the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy. Providing nurturing, healing and inclusive
spaces can enhance the building occupant and user’s environment, and overall wellbeing. This includes
integrating within buildings places of respite, nature access, architecture that invoke a connection to nature as
well as accessible and inclusive spaces.
Applicable to all building developments.
A maximum of 2 points can be scored for the following:
The provision of accessible sky gardens, sky terraces, internal courtyards and rooftop gardens as areas for
respite – 1 point
The provision for at least 5% of the common areas or functional spaces to have fixed indoor planting – 0.5
Building design that adopt biomimicry designs – 1 point
Building design that takes after any natural shapes and forms/ creates ecological attachment to the place
– 0.25 point
Provision of images of nature for 5% of common areas – 0.25 point
Applicable to all buildings.
(i) Energy Portal and Dashboard
Up to 2 points can be scored. This requires the provision of energy management portal, dashboard or other
equivalent forms in the form of digital displays or web-based/ mobile application. 1 point each can be scored
for the provision of following functions in the energy portal and dashboard:
Display metered data, trending of energy consumption (historical data) and relevant parameters which
facilitate better management of energy consumption during building operation.
Enable individual tenants/space to monitor their own energy usages and consumption. Information
will include monthly consumption of 50% percentile line of the tenants/space, based on operating
hours, within the buildings. The information could also include 25% and 75% percentile line to facilitate
understanding of consumption range.
An additional 2 points can be awarded for provision of permanent measuring instruments for monitoring of energy
efficiency performance of Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) condensing units and air distribution subsystem. The installed
instrumentation shall have the capability to calculate resultant system efficiency (i.e. kW/RT or COP) within 10%
uncertainty. Each measurement system shall include the sensor, any signal conditioning, the data acquisition system
and wiring connecting them. All data are to be logged at 5 minute sampling time interval, and recorded to at least 1
decimal point, and data shall be available for extraction for verification purposes.
1 point for incorporation of Permanent Measurement and Verification, with performance requirement similar
to P.14, for central hot water system.
Applicable to buildings.
(i) ACMV Demand Control
A maximum of 2 points can be scored for the use of the following controls to regulate the temperature and/
or airflow of spaces served by air-conditioning and/ or mechanical ventilation systems:
Applicable to all buildings.
A maximum of 3 points can be scored for the following:
(i) Basic Integration and Analytics
0.5 point each can be scored for basic integration and analytics features such as (but not limited to):
An additional 1 point can be scored for additional advanced integration and analytical features beyond the points cap.
1 point can be scored for a proper system verification and handover of higher-order functional and system level
performance of buildings control systems, mechanical systems and electrical systems. The project shall
demonstrate a commitment to comply to verification requirements and show evidence of relevant schedules and
Expanded Post Occupancy Performance Verification by a 3rd Party (Advanced Green Effort)
0.5 point can be scored per energy subsystem (e.g. lighting controls, mechanical ventilation, hot water system, heat
recovery system, renewable energy system) up to 2 points, where the owner engages an independent competent
professional (either a BCA registered Energy Auditor or a Professional Engineer (PE) (Mech/Elect)) to verify the
operational performance and provide recommendations on system performance enhancement. This should be
conducted within one year from the building’s TOP.
1 point can be scored for engaging an Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) firm (accredited by SGBC) to implement
and deliver energy efficiency, renewable energy and/or energy recovery projects with an energy performance contract
wherein the EPC firm’s remuneration is based on demonstrated energy savings. Operational system efficiency should
be guaranteed over a minimum of 3 years.
5. Advanced Green
The Green Mark NRB: 2015 Advanced Green Efforts section recognises the implementation of industry
leading performance or innovative strategies, designs or processes that demonstrate exceptional
levels of sustainability. The 20 points in this section are bonus points that can be added to the base
Green Mark score to help projects demonstrate their holistic environmental performance and achieve
higher levels of Green Mark award.
The enhanced performance criteria have indicators placed within the 4 main sections of Climatic
Responsive Design, Building Energy Performance, Resource Stewardship and Smart and Healthy
Building that we have identified as practices that are pioneering initiatives in sustainable design.
The remaining criteria within this section recognise projects that undertake sustainability with the view
of market transformation, such as demonstrating cost neutrality. Other criteria recognise broader
aspects of sustainability including socio-economic indicators or global sustainability benchmarking
that address issues outside of green building rating tools.
5.1 Enhanced Performance (15 pts)
5.2 Demonstrating Cost Effective Design (2 pts)
5.3 Complementary Certifications (1 pt)
5.4 Social Benefits (2 pts)
A maximum of 15 points for enhanced performance indicators can be scored for each project. Submission
requirements for assessment shall follow the guidance for each enhanced performance indicator within the
main Green Mark sections, or for other outcome beyond what is specified, based on 2 points for high impact
items, 1 points for medium impact items and 0.5 point for low impact items.
1 point can be scored where the project demonstrates that it is certified through a local or international
complementary certification or rating tool that assesses the project beyond the environmental indicators within
Green Mark NRB: 2015.
1 or 2 points respectively can be scored for demonstration of cost effective or cost neutral design beyond the
norm through a detailed quality surveyor’s report of the building.
A maximum of 2 points can be scored for projects that demonstrate their social benefits or how social
sustainability has been incorporated into the project, beyond core functionality of the building. This can (but not
limited to) include efforts that demonstrate enhanced considerations to further wellbeing, welfare, community
integration as well as the purchase of clean energy (e.g. solar energy) through third party leasing contracts. 0.5
point for each distinct benefit.
Energy Efficiency & Other
Green Features for
Specialised Building (up to
15 pts)
The Green Mark NRB: 2015 recognises the need
for context specific criteria to enhance the
sustainability value to the project. Annexes for
specialised building list the additional
sustainability features relevant to specific
building types. The points scored under the
respective Annex are bonus points that can be
added to the base Green Mark score (140).
Annex 1: Hawker Centres (15 pts)
Annex 2: Healthcare Facilities (10 pts)
Annex 3: Laboratory Buildings (10 pts)
Annex 4: Schools (10 pts)
Photo courtesy of CapitaLand Limited and RSP Architects Planners & Engineers (Pte) Ltd
The below quick references table, highlights the various scorable, possibly scorable and unlikely-scorable credits
for the different annexes
: Scorable credits
: unlikely-scorable credits
Applicable to naturally ventilated hawker centre building.
A maximum of 15 points can be scored for the following:
Applicable to healthcare facilities including hospitals, medical centres etc
A maximum of 10 points can be scored for the following:
a. Use of energy efficient Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems – 1 point
b. Use of Low-loss service transformer – 1 point
c. Computation of Service Hot Water Demand – for patients’ wards, kitchen and restaurant/ café and
additional service hot water demand for clinical & surgery, supply and sterilisation – 1 or 2 points
d. Provision of solar thermal hot water system or heat pumps or combines heat & power (CHP) system or
Photovoltaic Thermal (PV/T) or other low and zero carbon technology hot water system to meet service
hot water heating demand. The performance of service hot water system shall meet the efficiencies as
described below – 1 point. Thereafter, additional point for every 10% improvement from minimum
efficiency stated for each category (max 5)
Solar Thermal Hot water system – Solar Factor (SF) of 0.5 or Solar Energy Factor (SEF) of 2
Hot Water System Ratio (HWSR) of 1.60 or Heat Pump – COP of 3.5
Combustion turbine – based CHP – Effective electrical efficiency of 0.5
Reciprocating engine based CHP – effective electrical efficiency of 0.7
e. Promote airside energy recovery to all healthcare ventilation system through provision of energy –
recovered device with no-recirculation (i.e. 100% of the room air to be exhausted). The energy transfers
efficiency of energy – recovered device shall meet the below prescribed requirement – 1 point
Run Around coil – min 45% energy transfer efficiency
Plate heat exchanger – min 50% energy transfer efficiency
Thermal Wheel - 60% energy transfer efficiency
Other types – min 50% energy transfer efficiency
f. Provision of process water management - 1 point
g. Prevent air-borne contaminate releases and NOx emission from Fuel burning process – 1 point
h. Thermal comfort & control for clinical area or/and operating theatre – 0.5 or 1 point respectively
i. Control of indoor thermal environment by re-heating the air by provision of site – recovered energy
(including condenser heat) or site solar energy – 1 point
Applicable to buildings with laboratories.
A maximum of 10 points can be scored for the following:
Applicable to primary, secondary educational buildings.
A maximum of 10 points can be scored for the following:
a. Provision, communication and dissemination of environmental policy that covers energy, waste and water
management plan and green procurement– 0.5 point
b. Raising Awareness on Environmental Sustainability through creation of Sustainability Education – 2 points
(0.5 point each)
Develop framework for Environmental Sustainability Education, such as incorporating bespoke
curriculum to be taught to students of different levels,
Setting up of environmental club
Spread awareness on environmental sustainability amongst staff and students through posters,
courses, competitions programmes or green corner.
Implement student-led programmes or activities related to environmental sustainability.
% Non-air-conditioned Points
60% to ≤ 70% 1
70% to ≤ 80% 1.5
≥ 80% 2
e. Minimising energy used to provide unnecessary or over-cooling – 2 points
Setting room temperature of air-conditioned computer and LAN rooms to 24 degrees or above – 1
Setting temperature of water in the water cooler to 15 degrees or above – 1 point
f. Points achieved under the following credits carries double weightage;
1.2a(iii) Urban Heat Island – 1 point
3.1b(ii) Water Usage Portal and Dashboard – 1 point
4,2a(ii) Quality of Artificial Lighting – 1 point
4.2c Biophilic Design –2 points
4.3a (i) Energy Portal and Dashboard – 1 point
Energy Modeling Requirements [14] ISO 14001 (2004) ‘Environmental Management’; International
[1] BCA (2016) ‘Green Mark NRB: 2015 Technical Guide and Organisation for Standardisation
Requirements Annex C: Energy Modeling Methodology and
[15] Singapore Green Building Council (2015) ‘Directory of Certified
[2] BCA (2016) ‘BCA Building Benchmarking Report (2015)’; services
1.01d Building Information Modeling
[3] BCA (2016) 'Energy Audit Report (GM NRB: 2015)'; http://
[16] BCA (2013) ‘Singapore BIM Guide (Version 2.0)’;
[4] BCA (2016) 'Energy Modeling Form Template (GM NRB: 2015)';
1.1 e User Engagement
_Template_(GM_NRB2015).doc [17] BCA (2014) ‘BCA Green Lease Toolkit';
P.1 Envelope and Roof Thermal Transfer
[5] BCA (2008) ‘Code on Envelope Thermal Performance for 1.2 a Sustainable Urbanism
[18] ASTM E1980 -11 (2001) ‘Standard Practice for Calculating Solar
Reflectance Index of Horizontal and Low Sloped Opaque Surfaces’;
P.2 Air Tightness and Leakage ASTM International
[6] Singapore Standard 212 : 2007 ‘Specification for Aluminium Alloy [19] Code of Practice (Version 1.2) ‘Street Work Proposal Relating to
Windows’; SPRING Singapore Development Works’; Land Transport Authority
[7] SS 381 : 1996 (2007) – Materials and Performance Tests for 1.2 b Integrated Landscape and Waterscape
Aluminium Curtain Walls. [20] National Parks Board (2013) ‘NParks Flora and Fauna Web’;
P.3 Bicycle Parking
[8] Code of Practice (Version 1.2) ‘Street Work Proposal Relating to [21] National Parks Board (2015) ‘Landscape Excellence
Development Works’; Land Transport Authority Assessment Framework (LEAF)’;
1.01a Climatic & Contextually Responsive Brief
[22] PUB, Singapore's National Water Agency (2014) ‘Active
[9] Singapore Institute of Architects (2013) ‘Attributes of a
Beautiful Clean Waters Design Guidelines; http://
Sustainable Built Environment’; SIA Publishing
[10] Sinclair, D. (2013) ‘Guide to Using the RIBA Plan of Work Documents/ABC_DG_2014.pdf
2013’; RIBA Publishing
1.3 a Tropical Façade Performance
1.01b Integrative Design Process
[23] ASHRAE Standard 90.1 (2013) ‘Energy Standard for Buildings
[11] ASHRAE Standard 189.1 (2010) ‘Standard for the Design of High- Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings – Section 5.4’; American
Performance Green Buildings – Informative Appendix H –Integrated Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
Design’; American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
[24] BCA (2008) ‘Code on Envelope Thermal Performance for
Conditioning Engineers
1.01c Environmental Credentials of Project Team
[12] BCA (2015) ‘Certified GMFM / Certified GMFP / GMM/ GMP; 1.03c Ventilation Performance
[25] BCA (2016); ‘Green Mark NRB: 2015 Technical Guide and
[13] BCA (2015) ‘Green and Gracious Builder Award’; Requirements Annex A: Ventilation Simulation Methodology and Requirements’
P.04 Total Air Conditioning System Efficiency/ P.05 Lighting 3.02a Sustainable Construction
Efficiency and Controls/ 2.01Energy Efficiency [41] BCA Singapore Demolition Protocol (2009) ’Pre-Demolition Audit,
[26] ASHRAE Standard 90.1 (2013) ‘Energy Standard for Buildings Sequential Demolition and Site Waste Management Plan’;
[27] Energy Star (2011) ‘Energy Star Certified Products’; [42] Singapore Standard 544-1 Concrete (2014) ‘Complementary to
[39] Singapore Standard CP 48 : 2005 ‘Code of Practice for water P.08 Thermal Comfort
services’; SPRING Singapore [53] Singapore Standard 553 : 2016 ‘Code of Practice for Air-
Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings”; SPRING
[40] Singapore Standard SS577 : 2012 ‘Water Efficiency Management
Systems – Requirements with guidance for use’; SPRING Singapore
P.8 Thermal Comfort [66] Singapore Standard 591: 2013 ‘Code of Practice for Long Term
[54] Singapore Standard 553 : 2016 ‘Code of Practice for Air- Measurement of Central Chilled Water System Energy Efficiency';
P.15 Electrical Sub-Metering % Monitoring
P.9 Minimum Ventilation Rate [67] Singapore Standard 553 : 2016 ‘Code of Practice for Air-
Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings”; SPRING
[55] Singapore Standard 553 : 2016 ‘Code of Practice for Air-
Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings”; SPRING
Singapore [68] Singapore Standard CP 5 : 1998 ‘Code of Practice for Electrical
Installations’; SPRING Singapore
P.10 Filtration Media for Times of Pollution
[56] Singapore Standard 553 : 2016 ‘Code of Practice for Air- 4.1 a Indoor Air Quality
conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings’; SPRING [69] ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2012 ‘Method of Testing General
Singapore Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle
Size’; American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
[57] Singapore Standard 554 : 2016 ‘Code of Practice for Indoor
Conditioning Engineers
Air Quality for Air-Conditioned Buildings’; SPRING Singapore
[70] ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2013 ‘Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor
P.11 Low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Paints
Air Quality’; American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
[58] Singapore Environment Council (2016) ‘Singapore Green Conditioning Engineers
Labelling Scheme Directory;
[71] National Environment Agency (1996) ‘Guidelines for Good
Indoor Air Quality in Office Premises’ Institute of Environmental
[59] Singapore Green Building Council (2015) ‘Singapore Epidemiology, Singapore’;
Green Building Product Certification others/NEA_Office_IAQ_Guideli nes.pdf
[72] Singapore Green Building Council (2015) ‘Singapore Green
Building Product Certification Directory’;
P.12 Refrigerants
[60] United Nations Environment Programme (2016) ‘The Ozone [73] Singapore Standard 553 : 2016 ‘Code of Practice for Air-
Secretariat’; Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings’; SPRING
Substances’; [74] Singapore Standard 554 : 2016 ‘Code of Practice for Indoor Air Quality for Air-Conditioned Buildings’; SPRING Singapore
substances 4.2 a Lighting
[75] BCA Singapore ‘Green Mark NRB: 2015 Technical Guide and
P.13 Sound Level
Requirements Annex B: Effective Daylighting Simulation and Pre-
[62] Singapore Standard 553 : 2016 ‘Code of Practice for Air-
Simulated Daylight Availability Tables Methodology and
Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings’; SPRING
[76] BCA Singapore ' Green Mark NRB: 2015 Pre-Simulated Daylight
P.14 Permanent Instrumentation for the Measurement and
Availability Tables';
Verification of Air Conditioning Systems
[63] AHRI Standard 550/590 (2011) ‘Standard for Performance
[77] Singapore Green Building Council (2015) ‘Singapore Green
Rating Of Water-Chilling and Heat Pump Water-Heating Packages
Building Product Certification Directory’;
Using the Vapour Compression Cycle’; Air-Conditioning, Heating and
Refrigeration Institute
[78] Singapore Standard 531 - 1 : 2006 (2013) ‘Code of Practice for
[64] ASHRAE Guideline 22 (2012) ‘Instrumentation for Monitoring
Lighting of Workplaces - Indoor’; SPRING Singapore
Central Chilled-Water Plant Efficiency’; American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers 4.02b Acoustics
[65] BCA (2011) ‘FAQs on Instrumentation for Permanent [79] AS/ NZS 2107 (2000) ‘Acoustics – Recommended Design Sound
Measurement and Verification for Water-cooled Chilled Water Plant Levels and Reverberation Times for Building Interiors’ Standards
System’; Australia
4.02b Acoustics
4.2 c Wellbeing
The launch of Green Mark for Non-Residential Buildings: NRB 2015 is indeed a monumental achievement, and is a result of our extensive
industry collaboration across the construction value chain. We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to all internal and external
stakeholders for their invaluable support and contribution towards the development of Green Mark NRB: 2015 that will enable us to develop
a sustainable environment for our current and future generations.
BCA Working Group (Building and Construction Authority) Mr Tony Khoo (IFMA, Singapore Chapter)
Mr Ang Kian Seng Er Vincent Han, Co-Chair (Vincent Han & Associates)
Mr Jeffery Neng Kwei Sung Green Mark Advisory Committee (Apr 2016 – Jun 2019)
Ms Leong-Kok Su Ming Er Lee Chuan Seng, Chair (Beca Asia Holdings Pte Ltd)
Mr Toh Eng Shyan Mr Tang Kok Thye, Deputy Chair (ADDP Architects LLP)
Er Lam Siew Wah Deputy Chair (Building and Construction
Mr Benjamin Henry Towell
Mr Neo Choon Keong, Deputy Chair (Building and Construction
Mr Derek Ang Wei Xiang Authority)
Ms Jacquelin Teresa Britto Mr Ang Kian Seng (Building and Construction Authority)
Ms Michelle Tan Minxuan Dr Er Johnny Wong (Housing and Development Board)
Workgroup Leads Mr Ang Kok Kiat (National Environment Agency)
Ms Alice Goh Mr Anthony Goh (City Developments Limited)
Mr Benjamin Henry Towell Dr Ho Nyok Yong (Samwoh Corporation Pte Ltd)
Ms Chan Soo Cheng Mr Joseph Loh (G-Energy Global Pte Ltd)
Ms Chris Tay Yi Hui Mr Koh Chwee (Jurong Town Corporation)
Ms Denise Kwok Hui Ying Er Koh Kin Teng (Squire Mech Pte Ltd)
Mr Francis Tay Prof Lam Khee Poh (Nanyang Technological University)
Ms Grace Cheok-Chan Mr Lim Fatt Seng (Comfort Management Pte Ltd)
Mr Ivan Lim You Feng Er Lim Ming Sing, Alfred (CapitaLand Singapore Ltd)
Ms June Bek Mr Lim Tow Fok (Keppel Land Limited)
Mr Lee Jang Young Prof Raymond Wong (Nanyang Technological University)
Mr Leow Yock Keng Ms Susannah West (JLL)
Dr Li Ruixin Mr Tan Phay Ping (Building System and Diagnostics Pte Ltd)
Mr Low Giau Leong Mr Tan Szue Hann (Surbana Jurong Pte Ltd)
Ms Magdalene Tan Mr Tan Tian Chong (Building and Construction Authority)
Mr Max Xu Mingfeng Mr Teo Orh Hai (Building and Construction Authority)
Ms Ong Hui Wen Er Tony Tay (Parsons Brinckerhoff Pte Ltd)
Mr Thomas Pang
Ms Tracy Liu
Mr Wee Kai Siong Air-Side Measurement Taskforce (GMAC)
Mr Toh Eng Shyan, Co-Chair (Building and Construction Authority)
Green Mark Advisory Committee (Sept 2013 – Mar 2016) Er Vincent Han, Co-Chair (Vincent Han & Associates)
Er Lee Chuan Seng, Chair (Beca Asia Holdings Pte Ltd) Mr Ahmad Sulaiman Bin Sumani (Kaer Pte Ltd)
Prof Heng Chye Kiang, Deputy Chair (National University of Mr Anatoli Kolmakov (Honeywell Building Solutions)
Mr David Lau (Kruger Engineering Pte Ltd)
Er Lam Siew Wah Deputy Chair (Building and Construction
Mr Goh Hok Liok (National Metrology Centre)
Mdm Goh Swee Lee (Asia AMCA Pte Ltd)
Mr Ang Kian Seng (Building and Construction Authority)
Er Koh Kin Teng (Squire Mech Pte Ltd)
Dr Er Johnny Wong (Housing and Development Board)
Mr Laurance Lee (Carrier Singapore Pte Ltd)
Mr Ananda Ram Bhaskar (National Environment Agency)
Mr Liew Kwong Chin (ASHRAE Singapore Chapter / Trane
Mr Allen Ang (Keppel Land Limited)
Mr Chin Chi Leong (Building and Construction Authority)
Mr Lim Fatt Seng (Comfort Management Pte Ltd)
Prof Lee Siew Eang (National University of Singapore)
Mr Liu Xiao Feng (G-Energy Global Pte Ltd)
Mr Lim Fatt Seng (Comfort Management Pte Ltd)
Dr Lu Lu (Engie Services Singapore Pte Ltd)
Mr Lim Tow Fok (Keppel Land Limited)
Ms Lydia Goh (National Environment Agency)
Mr Poon Hin Kong (CapitaLand Singapore Ltd)
Ms Michelle Ang (Kele & Associates Pte Ltd)
Prof Raymond Wong (Nanyang Technological University)
Mr Raymond Tan (Daikin Air-conditioning Singapore Pte Ltd)
Mr Tan Tian Chong (Building and Construction Authority)
Mr Steve Seah (DTZ Facilities & Engineering (S) Limited)
Mr Tang Kok Thye (ADDP Architects LLP)
Mr Steven Kang (Measurement & Verification Pte Ltd)
Mr Theodore Chan (Singapore Institute of Architects)
Ms Tan Tin Tin (Asia AMCA Pte Ltd)
Mr Wong Yew Wah (Nanyang Technological University)
Envelope Taskforce
Air-conditioning (Water-side) Taskforce Prof Chou Siaw Kiang, Co-Chair (National University of Singapore)
Ms Leong-Kok Su Ming, Co-Chair (Building and Construction
Er Koh Kin Teng, Co-Chair (Squire Mech Pte Ltd) Authority)
Mr Toh Eng Shyan, Co-Chair (Building and Construction Authority) Mr Amos Seah (Technoform Bautec Asia Pacific Pte Ltd)
Ms Irene Yong (Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner (S.E.Asia) Pte Ltd) Mr Gan Geok Chua (Singapore Safety Glass Pte Ltd)
Mr Ero Rodjio (Ascendas Services Pte Ltd) Ms Maggie Low (Technoform Bautec Asia Pacific Pte Ltd)
Mr Alfred Lim (CapitaLand Singapore Ltd) Mr Mathieu S. Meur (Meinhardt Façade Technology International)
Er Tong Kok Kwang (Nanyang Technological University) Prof Wong Nyuk Hien (National University of Singapore)
Mr Vincent Low (G-Energy Global Pte Ltd) Dr Uma Maheswaran (Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd)
Mr Yong Ping Quen (Building System and Diagnostics Pte Ltd)
Mr Steven Kang (Measurement & Verification Pte Ltd) Green Products and Materials Taskforce
Mr Benjamin Lai (Kaer Pte Ltd) Ms Leong-Kok Su Ming, Co-Chair (Building and Construction
Mr Liew Kwong Chin (ASHRAE Singapore Chapter / Trane Authority)
Singapore) Ms Yvonne Soh, Co-Chair (Singapore Green Building Council)
Mr Yow Kuan Yow (Trane Singapore) Mr Edwin Fong (SPRING Singapore)
Er Tan Kiat Leong (TW International Counsel Pte Ltd) Mr Eugene Yong (The Singapore Contractors Association Ltd)
Mr Raymond Tan (Daikin Air-conditioning Singapore Pte Ltd) Mr Goh Su-Liang (Singapore Green Building Council)
Mr Laurance Lee (Carrier Singapore Pte Ltd) Ms Jennifer Yap (National Environment Agency)
Mr See Ann Seg (Johnson Controls (S) Pte Ltd) Ms Joanna Shen (National Environment Agency)
Ms Nikita Yu (Johnson Controls (S) Pte Ltd) Mr Kavickumar S/o Muruganathan (Singapore Environment Council)
Mr Ke Yam Cheong (Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd) Mr Kuan Chee Yung (CPG Consultants Pte Ltd)
Mr Sam Ringwaldt (Smardt Chillers Pte Ltd) Mr Lim Tow Fok (Real Estate Developers’ Association of Singapore)
Mr Ng Wee Kok (Singapore Manufacturer Federation)
Architectural Taskforce Mr Pang Tong Teck (Singapore Civil Defence Force)
Mr Cheong Yew Kee, Chair (2B Architects) Dr Song Bin (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology)
Ms Jaye Tan, Co-Chair (Studio Green Pte Ltd)
Ms Leong-Kok Su Ming, Co-Chair (Building and Construction IEQ Taskforce
Authority) Mr Lim Fatt Seng, Chair (Comfort Management Pte Ltd)
Mr Siow Zhi Xiang, Co-Chair (CPG Consultants Pte Ltd) Mr Toh Eng Shyan, Co-Chair (Building and Construction Authority)
Ms Astee Lim (Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd) Mr Beh Lean Hooi (CapitaLand Singapore Limited)
Ms Chang Yen Lin (KPK Quantity Surveyors (Singapore) Pte Ltd) Mr Callan Lam (Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd)
Mr Kuan Chee Yung (CPG Consultants Pte Ltd) Mr Ke Yam Cheong (Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd )
Mr Sonny Chionh (RSP Architects Planners & Engineers Pte Ltd) Mr Lenz Wong (Pure Science International Pte Ltd)
Mr Tan Szue Hann (Surbana Jurong Pte Ltd) Mr Leong Cheng Wee (Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Association)
Dr To Kien (Singapore University of Technology and Design) Mr Lim Sin On (Keppel Land Limited)
Mr Lui Wing Sin (GETC Asia Pte Ltd)
District Cooling Taskforce
Mr Steven Kang (Measurement and Verification Pte Ltd)
Mr Ang Kian Seng, Co-Chair (Building and Construction Authority)
Ms Swen Tan (Daikin Air-conditioning (Singapore) Pte Ltd)
Er Lee Chuan Seng, Co-Chair (Beca Asia Holdings Pte Ltd)
Mr Tan Phay Ping (Building System and Diagnostics Pte Ltd)
Ms Leong-Kok Su Ming (Building and Construction Authority)
Mr Vincent Low (G-Energy Global Pte Ltd)
Mr Ler Seng Ann (Urban Redevelopment Authority)
Mr Lim Fatt Seng (Comfort Management Pte Ltd) Lighting Taskforce
Mr Lim Tow Fok (Keppel Land Limited) Er Yvonne Soh, Co-Chair (Singapore Green Building Council)
Prof Raymond Wong (Nanyang Technological University) Mr Eddy Lau, Co-Chair (Singapore Green Building Council)
Mr Roland Tan (National Environment Agency) Ms Leong-Kok Su Ming, Co-Chair (Building and Construction
Mr Toh Eng Shyan (Building and Construction Authority)
Dr Gao Chun Ping, Co-Chair (Building and Construction Authority)
Er Tony Tay (Parsons Brinckerhoff Pte Ltd)
Mr Adrian Ting (CapitaLand Limited)
Mr Yee Peng Huey (JTC Corporation)
Dr Chien Szu-Cheng (Berkeley Education Alliance for Research in
Energy Modeling Taskforce
Mr Dan Foreman (Arup Singapore Pte Ltd)
Er Lee Chuan Seng, Co-Chair (Beca Asia Holdings Pte Ltd)
Mr Gaurav Jain (Lighting Planners Associates (S) Pte Ltd)
Mr. Jeffery Neng, Co-Chair (Building and Construction Authority)
Ms Irene Yong (Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner (S.E.Asia) Pte Ltd)
Ms Irene Yong (Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner (S.E.Asia) Pte Ltd)
Mr Kevin Sturrock (iLab Pte Ltd)
Mr Joseph Loh (G-Energy Global Pte Ltd)
Ms Ong Swee Hong (ONG&ONG Pte Ltd)
Mr Kim Dong Kyun (Building System and Diagnostics Pte Ltd)
Mr Rodney Lim (Singapore Green Building Council)
Prof Raymond Wong (Nanyang Technological University)
Ms Toh Yah Li (Light Collab LLP)
Mr Steven Kang (Measurement and Verification Pte Ltd)
Er Tay Cher Seng (Natflow Pte Ltd) Noise and Acoustics Taskforce
Er Vincent Han, (Vincent Han & Associates) Prof Lee Siew Eang, Co-Chair (National University of Singapore)
Mr Yong Ping Quen (Building System and Diagnostics Pte Ltd) Mr Alvin Cheong (Alfem Engineering Consultancy Pte Ltd)
Ms Emily Tan Hui Ching (Earth-In-Mind Pte Ltd) Mr Desmond Chan (Singapore Economic Development Board)
Mr Gabriel Anthony Vincent (CPG Consultants Pte Ltd) Mr Chia Ming Hang, Lester (Housing and Development Board)
Dr Kenny Yap (Acoustics & Environmental Solutions Pte Ltd) Mr Christophe Inglin (Phoenix Solar Pte Ltd / Sustainable Energy
Er Koh Kin Teng (Squire Mech Pte Ltd) Association of Singapore)
Mr Lai Kok Heng (City Developments Ltd) Dr Er Johnny Wong (Housing and Development Board)
Er Tan Kiat Leong (Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner (S.E.Asia) Pte Ltd) Mr Johnny Lim Chin Huat (Surbana International Consultants Pte
Dr Xu Jingfeng (Arup Singapore Pte Ltd)
Ms Kavita Gandhi (Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore)
NV Taskforce Mr Kong Wei Jie (Energetix Pte Ltd)
Ms Leong-Kok Su Ming, Co-Chair (Building and Construction Dr Liu Licheng (Saferay Pte Ltd)
Mr Mark Netto (Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore)
Prof Wong Nyuk Hien, Co-Chair (National University of Singapore)
Ms Olivia Oo (Singapore Economic Development Board)
Mr Allen Ang (Keppel Land Limited)
Dr Thomas Reindl (Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore /
Mr Chang Tze Lum (Housing and Development Board) National University of Singapore)
Dr George Xu (Parsons Brinckerhoff Pte Ltd) Er Tony Tay (Parsons Brinckerhoff Pte Ltd)
Dr Henry Feriadi (Duta Wacana Christian University) Mr Yong Ping Quen (Building System and Diagnostics Pte Ltd)
Dr Kang Zhijian (MOH Holdings Pte Ltd)
Mr Markus Cheng (ADDP Architects LLP) Sustainable Construction and Carbon Taskforce
Dr Norman Wu (MOH Holdings Pte Ltd) Mr Jeffery Neng, Co-Chair (Building and Construction Authority)
Mr Ong Joe Cher Shyan (Mott MacDonald Singapore Pte Ltd) Er Lim Peng Hong, Co-Chair (Association of Consulting Engineers
Mr Po Woei Ken (Building System and Diagnostics Pte Ltd) Singapore)
Dr Poh Hee Joo (Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR) Er Chia Wah Kam (ARUP Singapore Pte Ltd)
Dr Tai Chin Hoe Jonathan (C2D Solutions Pte Ltd) Dr Ho Nyok Yong (Singapore Contractors Association Limited)
Mr Tan Phay Ping (Building System and Diagnostics Pte Ltd) Er Joseph Goh (Institution of Engineers Singapore)
Mr Wee Amir Kim Hor (CFD Research (Singapore) Pte Ltd) Er Lauw Su Wee (LSW Consulting Engineers Pte Ltd)
Mr Ang Kian Seng, Co-Chair (Building and Construction Authority) Dr Tan Guan (T.Y. Lin International Group)
Er Quak Cheow Swee (Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner (S.E.Asia) Pte
Assoc Prof Tseng King Jet, Co-Chair (Singapore Green Building
Er Yvonne Soh (Singapore Green Building Council)
Mr Adrian Cheong Wah Onn (Land Transport Authority)
Mr Ananda Ram Bhaskar (National Environment Agency)
Academic Collaborations
Dr Chien Szu-Cheng (Berkeley Education Alliance for Research in
Singapore) Prof Bert Blocken (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Mr Edwin Chan Yiu Wing (Nanyang Technological University) Asst Prof J. Alstan Jakubiec (Singapore University of Technology
and Design)
Dr Er Johnny Wong (Housing and Development Board)
Assoc Prof Tham Kwok Wai (National University of Singapore)
Ms Fong Pin Fen (Singapore Economic Development Board)
Mr Guo Dongbin (Land Transport Authority)
Ms Liaw Wee Lin (Housing and Development Board)
BCA would also like to thank the following organisations who have
Er Lee Chuan Seng (Beca Asia Holdings Pte Ltd) made invaluable contributions during the criteria conceptualisation
Mr Lim Yong Ching (Nanyang Technological University) and piloting phase:
Ms Tan Ai Li (JTC Corporation) ARUP Singapore Pte Ltd
Smart Control Taskforce Building System and Diagnostics Pte Ltd
Mr Toh Eng Shyan, Co-Chair (Building and Construction Authority) Jurong Town Corporation
Er Tony Tay, Co-Chair (Parsons Brinckerhoff Pte Ltd) Land Transport Authority
Mr Alex Ng (Honeywell Building Solutions) LendLease Pte Ltd
Mr Benjamin Lai (Kaer Pte Ltd) National Environment Agency
Mr Lim Sin On (Keppel Land Limited) Nu Wasser Pte Ltd
Dr Lu Lu (Engie Services Asia Pacific Pte Ltd) PUB, Singapore's National Water Agency
Mr Melvin Tan (Accenture Singapore) Singapore Green Building Council
Ms Michelle Ang (Kele Singapore) Singapore Institute of Architects
Mr Ng Eng Sin (JTC Corporation)
Mr Raymond Kang Chi Chye (Johnson Controls (S) Pte Ltd)
Mr Shinwe Yeow (G Element Pte Ltd)
Mr Sin Jia Hau (Schneider Electric Singapore Pte Ltd)
Er Teo Yann (Squire Mech Pte Ltd)
Ms Yong Seow Kin (Singapore Health Services Pte Ltd)
Solar PV Taskforce
Mr Ang Kian Seng, Co-Chair (Building and Construction Authority)
Er Lee Chuan Seng, Co-Chair (Beca Asia Holdings Pte Ltd)
Mr Allen Ang (Keppel Land Limited)