Paper Id (Me302) : Nav'.O (
Paper Id (Me302) : Nav'.O (
Paper Id (Me302) : Nav'.O (
of Pages:02
PaperID [ME302]
tvJU\, . a\a*baJ6'$o^'ffi. paper ri.r,trriq rDinoMR sheet) B.Tech. (Sem. - 6thlTth)
(10x2-20) Are the anglesof groove in a v-belt pulley equalto angleof v-belt? If not, why? Which theory shouldwe usefor designingclutch and why? What shouldbe the desirable properties of springmaterials? On what basisthe materialof flywheel is selected? Explain the failure modesof gears. What is the advantage ofgraduatingthe leavesof a laminatedleaf spring? What arevirtual teeth? What is rated life for a roller bearing?How is it different from median life? What i s de-energizingbrake? List at leastfour materialsfor flat belt.
b) c) d) e)
D s)
t) )
-B Section (4x5-20) anddisadvantages of Flatbelt,V -belt,ropeandchain. Q2) Listthe advantages the detaildesign process for computer aideddesign. Q3) Describe Discuss, how useof computers assist a designer in eachstage of the design process with respect to reducing thetimeandproviding widerspectrum to design solutions.
R-I28 [20s8]
is running on a drum of 600 mm in diameterthat Q4) Asimple bandbrakeoperates at200 rpm. The coefficientof friction is 0.25.The brakeband has a contact to be one toa fixed pin (that also happens angleof 270", one end is fastened end of the lever arm) and the other end is to the brake arm I25 mm from the placqdperpendicular to 1 - fixedp[n*fhe straightbrakearm is 750 mm longa-nd on a load of 7500N suspended 450 mm diameterhoisting drum that sustains the pull on the endof brakearmto sustain a rope.Determine(a) the necessary weight andthe directionof rotation,(b) width of the steelband(2 mm thick) if is 50 MPa. the allowablestress INhatAFBMA stands aredesignated? Speciff for? How ball androller bearings
the ball, roller,needle onebearingamongst which suitablyselect the conditions andtaperroller bearings. for the stress in the rim of a flywheel. Q6) Derive the expression Section- C (2x10-20) r 264mm.Normalmodule Q7) (a) A helicalgearhas30 teethandapitch diamete The tangential forceis angleis 20 degree. mn:6.5 mm, normalpressure 5125N. Find the power transmittedat 600 rpm andtheformative number ofteeth. Designanddraw suitableflywheel for a four stroke,four cylinder, 133kW engine runningat375 rpm. (b) Selecta suitablechain drive to transmit30 kW from an electric motor running at I2A0 rpm to a line shaft running at 250 rpm. Motor shaft diameteris 60 mm and the centredistanceis approximately600 mm. Service is 10 hrlday,6 days a week. Good lubrication condition is expected. in transmission system. of lubricationsystem Q8) (a) Discussthe designprocedure (b) Design a dry single plate friction clutch for following dataP: 25kW, N : 1440rpm, meanradius: 5 x facewidth. to a load varying from QD @) A spring is to be designedwhich is subjected 0.4 kN to 1 kN. Use properallow steelwire. (b) What shouldbe the desirable propertiesof a gearmaterial?Explain the completedesignprocedureof a spur gear.