Books List PDF
Books List PDF
Books List PDF
Besides great teachers and/or dedicated Self-Study, the following reference books are invaluable in helping you master your concepts in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics and crack the IIT-JEE and allied exams. It is made abundantly clear to the reader that any of the above references comprise a maximum of 75% of the requirement of the student for IIT-JEE. In fact, the combined use of all the mentioned references will also not make up 100% of the requirements. A number of ideas in IIT-JEE are beyond books and can be taught only by an experienced teacher. A list of references follows as compiled by the IITians Prashikshan Kendra academic think-tank.
Timeless Classics for all requirements : 1. Educative JEE Mathematics KD Joshi (University Press) 2. International Olympiad Problems Series MAA, Klamkin, Andrescuu & Reiman 3. William Lowell Putnam Competition Problems MAA 4. MAA Olympiad Collection (45 Books) 5. Springer Books on Problem Solving Strategies Engels & Polya
Internationally Acclaimed Text Books Useful for IIT-JEE : 1. Fundamentals of Physics (6th Ed. Onwards) Resnick & Halliday (Wiley) 2. Concepts of Physics (11th Ed.) Sears, Zemansky & Young (Prentice Hall) 3. Fundamentals of Physics Tipler & Tipler (CBS) 4. Text Books on Mechanics & Electromagnetism Irodov (CBS) 5. Introduction to Mechanics Kleppner & Kolenkow (McGraw Hills) Timeless Classics for all Requirements : 1. Course in Theoretical Physics (10 Volumes) Landau, Liphshitz et. al. 2. Berkeley Lectures in Physics (5 Volumes) Various Authors 3. Lectures in Physics (3 Volumes) Richard P. Feynman
Internationally Acclaimed Text Books Useful for IIT-JEE : 1. Physical Chemistry (3rd Ed. onwards) Peter Atkins (Oxford) 2. Physical Chemistry Maron & Prutton (Oxford) 3. Physical Chemistry Bruce H. Mahan (Narosa) 4. Physical Chemistry Behl & Behl (Sultan Chand) 6. Inorganic Chemistry Cotton & Wilkinson (Wiley) 7. Organic Chemistry with Study Guide Morrison & Boyd (Prentice Hall) 8. Organic Chemistry with Study Guide Solomons & Fryhle (Wiley) 9. Solved Problems in Organic Chemistry Schaum Series 10. Reaction Mechanisms Peter Sykes (Orient Blackswan) 11. Principles of Chemistry Seinko & Plane (Addison-Wesley)
Timeless Classics for all requirements : 1. Nature of the Chemical Bond Linius Pauling (Prentice Hall) 2. Organic Chemistry Ingold & E.Goud (Addison Wesley) 3. Advanced Organic Chemistry Jerry March (Wiley)
NB: Top IIT-JEE Coaching Institutes in India recommend a few of the above books to their students and complement it with classroom Lecture notes, Assignments, Tests and supplementary exam-oriented books published by the Institute.