Ip20c Mimo PDF

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IP-20C MIMO link

October 2014, ver6

• Line-of-Sight (LOS) MIMO
• LoS MIMO Benefits
• LOS MIMO Theory of Operation
• Installation of 2x2 MIMO link
• Configuration MIMO 2x2
• Installation of 4x4 MIMO link
• Configuration MIMO 4x4
• MIMO Recovery Mechanism
• Utilizing MIMO Configuration for Space Diversity
• 1+0 SD

• 2+0 SD

2 Proprietary and Confidential

FibeAir IP-20C
Sets a New Standard in Microwave Transmission

Enhanced by Multi-Core innovation

LoS 4x4 MIMO

Quadruples radio throughput using the same
spectrum, at half the form-factor
LoS: Line-of-Sight
MIMO: Multiple-Input & Multiple-Output
3 Proprietary and Confidential
Line-of-Sight (LOS) MIMO
• Using antenna separation to achieve uncorrelated receiver streams

• At each site the original data is split into 4 bit streams

• Two antennas, two polarization on each
• The receiver is able to distinguish between the streams due to a phase
difference caused by the antenna separation.

• Transmitting and receiving utilizing

the same frequency channel


Site 1 Site 2

4 Proprietary and Confidential


• NLoS MIMO originated as a non-line-of-sight (NLoS) technology, exploiting signal multi-

path caused by reflections from various physical obstacles by using multiple transmitters
and receivers to increase spectral efficiency by spatially multiplexing multiple bitstreams
over the same frequency channel.
• In LoS microwave, the non-LoS multipath signal is weak and unusable for the purpose of
MIMO. Instead, LoS MIMO achieves spatial multiplexing by creating an artificial phase de-
correlation by deliberate antenna distance at each site in deterministic constant distance.

5 Proprietary and Confidential

LoS MIMO Benefits
• Immunity to dispersive fading
• Similar to that achieved in space diversity

• Quadruple the capacity

• Compared to 1+0 SISO link

• System gain improvement

• Smaller Antennas
• Longer Links
• Spectrum decongestion

6 Proprietary and Confidential

QUADRUPLING the Capacity
Enabled by Multi Core Radio

Ch1 V
Ch1 V
Ch2 H
Ch1 H

1+0 vs. 4X4 MIMO

QUAD. Same Same

The Link Antenna
Capacity Distance Size
Mbps Km ft

Switching ON MIMO

1Gbps Radio Throughput on a 30/28MHz Channel

7 Proprietary and Confidential
Ceragon’s Implementation of LoS MIMO
• Using a single channel to quadruple the capacity

• 2 x Multi-Core units at each site

• Simple direct mount installation

4 x Capacity on the same Channel | 2Gbps radio throughput using a single 56MHz channel

8 Proprietary and Confidential

System Gain Benefit using MIMO


3dB f1
Operating in MIMO
30/28MHz 11dB
1024 to 64QAM V
Higher TX power
due to QAM change
452Mbps 4 x 133 = 532Mbps
1024QAM 64 QAM

Addition to System Gain
9 Proprietary and Confidential
Spectrum Decongestion using MIMO

6 GHz 11 GHz
Congested spectrum Link Parameters Uncongested spectrum
20 miles
99.999% availability
30MHz channel
Rain zone: K
Additional Benefits 256 QAM  32 QAM

• 2 X 6 ft. Antennas  4 X 3 ft. antennas – 3 ft.

• Lower tower weight load (up to 60% less weight) 6 ft.
• Lower tower wind load (up to 40% less wind load) 3 ft.
• Simpler and less expensive installation (need crane for 6ft. antenna)

• 200 Mbps  2 X 115 Mbps (15% more capacity) 15% more

200 Mbps

• Same spectral resources 115 Mbps 115 Mbps

10 Proprietary and Confidential

Site Optimization Using MIMO
2+0 XPIC vs. 4X4 MIMO

Double Double Same

Capacity Link Antenna
Mbps Distance Size
Km ft

Switching ON MIMO

Future Proof – Doubling the Capacity with no Network Re-planning!

11 Proprietary and Confidential
QUADRUPLING the Capacity

Quad QAUD. Same Same

Spectral The Link Antenna
Efficiency Capacity Distance Size
Bit/Hz Mbps Km ft

Switching ON MIMO

XPN– Stretching the Network Capabilities

12 Proprietary and Confidential

LOS MIMO Theory of Operation
LoS MIMO – Theory of Operation



𝑑21 h2

Signal A 𝑑12
h1 DSP A-B

Signal B

Description is for signal traversing from left to right. Link works in the same way from right to left.

15 Proprietary and Confidential

LoS MIMO – Theory of Operation
• The same signal will arrive at a different
phase in different antennas

• We control the phase by varying path

lengths (𝒅𝒊𝒋 )

• Path lengths are configurable by

controlling antenna separation (𝒉𝟏 , 𝒉𝟐 )

ℎ1 ∙ ℎ2 =
• The following equation formulates the 2𝑓
antenna separation distance required for
h1 , h2 : Antennas’ Separation [m]
optimal LoS MIMO operation
D: Link Distance [m]
c: Speed of Light 3 × 108
f: Link Frequency [Hz]

16 Proprietary and Confidential

LoS MIMO – Theory of Operation

Special case: 𝒉𝟏 = 𝒉𝟐 ≝ 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒍

𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒍 =

• Sub-Optimal (𝒉 ≠ 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒍 ) antenna separation on one

side can be offset by proper antenna separation on
opposite side

• A continuum of optimal installation scenarios

ℎ1 ∙ ℎ2 =

17 Proprietary and Confidential

LoS MIMO installation
Vertical Separation

Must be consistent

18 Proprietary and Confidential

MIMO 4x4 Technology
Ceragon’s MIMO technology is simple to deploy

Capacity vs. Antenna Separation Optimal Antenna Separation

Optimal Antenna Separation [m]

Link distance [km]

Achieving 70% of max capacity at half the optimal

antenna separation (On both ends!)

19 Proprietary and Confidential

Installation of 2x2 MIMO link
Link Commissioning without MIMO
Master Master
Port #1 f1

Slave hoptimal hoptimal Slave

Port #2 f1

• Make link commissioning and antenna alignment for the planned frequency first for the Master antenna, than for the
Slave antenna

• Antenna separation based on calculation for MIMO link

21 Proprietary and Confidential

Configuration MIMO 2x2
Create 2x2 MIMO group

23 Proprietary and Confidential

Enable MIMO

• For 2x2 MIMO keep Role in Non-relevant mode

• Changing Admin State will cause unit reset

24 Proprietary and Confidential

Make sure…- MIMO 2x2

Common frequency channel for both carriers

XPIC group disabled
Multi Radio group disabled
ATPC disabled

25 Proprietary and Confidential

MRMC script for MIMO

• Make sure MIMO group already configured and enabled

• The same kind of MRMC script will be configured automatically

on the second carrier

26 Proprietary and Confidential

Final confirmation

Check Active Alarms for NO alarms regarding to MIMO configuration

27 Proprietary and Confidential
Installation of 4x4 MIMO link
Link Commissioning without MIMO
Master Master

hoptimal hoptimal
Slave Slave


• Make link commissioning and antenna alignment for the planned frequency first when
Master is transmitting only, than when Slave is transmitting only for Single polarization
• Antenna separation based on calculation for MIMO link

29 Proprietary and Confidential

Cabling for 4x4 MIMO

Source Sharing

Data Sharing
Prot MNG

30 Proprietary and Confidential

IP20C 4x4 MIMO
MNG Protection via Protection
splitter Y cable

Source sharing coax cable with TNC connector

Data sharing Eth#3 SFP opt

Traffic VID 10, 20 Eth#1 OMT

Traffic VID 20 Eth#2

Traffic VID
10, 20
Local MNG

31 Proprietary and Confidential

Cables for MIMO Connections
Marketing P/N Description




SOURCE_SHARING_5M Source_Sharing_5m

SOURCE_SHARING_10M Source_Sharing_10m

SOURCE_SHARING_20M Source_Sharing_20m

SOURCE_SHARING_30M Source_Sharing_30m

IP-20_MIMO_Prot_ mng_cbl_5m IP-20C MIMO or Prot management cable 5m

IP-20_MIMO_Prot_ mng_cbl_10m IP-20C MIMO or Prot management cable 10m

IP-20_MIMO_Prot_ mng_cbl_20m IP-20C MIMO or Prot management cable 20m

IP-20_MIMO_Prot_ mng_cbl_30m IP-20C MIMO or Prot management cable 30m

IP-20_MIMO_Prot_ mng_spltr IP-20C MIMO or Prot management odu spltr

32 Proprietary and Confidential

Configuration MIMO 4x4
4x4 MIMO group

34 Proprietary and Confidential

Enable MIMO

• For 4x4 MIMO configurations, select Master or Slave in the Role field

• Changing Admin State will cause unit reset

35 Proprietary and Confidential

Make sure…- MIMO 4x4

Common frequency channel for both carriers

XPIC group disabled
Multi Radio group enabled
ATPC disabled

36 Proprietary and Confidential

Final confirmation

Check Active Alarms for NO alarms regarding to MIMO configuration

37 Proprietary and Confidential
MIMO Recovery Mechanism
Switching Trigger
Switching into Half capacity mode is done when there
is problem with:
• Radio Hardware
• Source Sharing connection OMT
• Data Sharing connection
• MNG Protection connection


Traffic VID
10, 20

39 Proprietary and Confidential

Half Capacity MIMO
Half capacity

40 Proprietary and Confidential

MIMO Status via CLI

• You can check status of all MIMO connection via CLI access

41 Proprietary and Confidential

Utilizing MIMO Configuration for Space

MIMO configuration for SD
FibeAir IP-20C’s MIMO capabilities can also be utilized, with minor
adjustments, to provide Baseband Combining (BBC) Space Diversity (SD).

An SD configuration is based on either a 2x2 MIMO installation (for 1+0 SD)

or a 4x4 MIMO installation (for 2+0 SD, using two IP-20C units), with
antenna separation based on SD requirements.

• the transmitter connected to the diversity antenna is muted to achieve a

configuration that consists of a single transmitter and two receivers

• When IP-20C is configured for SD operation, the signal is combined at the

Baseband level to improve signal quality selective fading

43 Proprietary and Confidential

1+0 Space Diversity

Carrier 1
1+0 SD Carrier 1

Carrier 2
X Carrier 2

• Single IP-20C on each side of the link, with both radio carriers activated.
• The second carrier is muted.
• On the receiving side, the signals are combined to produce a single, optimized signal
• Configuration based on 2x2 MIMO configuration but with antenna separation based on SD

44 Proprietary and Confidential

2+0 Space Diversity
V Master
2+0 SD Data Sharing

Slave Slave
X Muted

• Two IP-20C units on each side of the link, with both radio carriers activated in each unit

• Both carriers of the slave unit are muted

• On the RX side, each unit receives a dual polarization signal from the remote master unit,
which includes the data streams from both carriers

• The slave unit shares the data stream it receives with the master unit, and the master unit
combines each data stream to produce a single, optimized signal for each carrier

• Configuration based on 4x4 MIMO configuration but with antenna separation based on SD

45 Proprietary and Confidential

Thank you


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