Teaching 1
Teaching 1
Teaching 1
Prayogi English Education, Language and Art Faculty, State University of Surabaya 1 Himmawan Adi N., S.Pd., M.Pd Lecturer of S-1 English Education, Faculty of Language and Art, State University of Surabaya Abstract The background of this research is based on phenomenon that VIII-E Class students of SMPN 2 Taman in the academic year of 2012/2013 ability in speaking needs to be improved. Some of them were still lazy or even discourage to speak English because they dont have enough idea of what to speak. The use of films as media in teaching narrative is expected to activate students imagination, so that they will have some thing to speak. The purpose of this research can be stated as follow: (1) To describe the teaching narrative speaking using cartoon film that is implemented to improve students speaking skill at VIII-E class of SMPN 2 Taman in the academic year of 2012/2013. (2) To identify the students speaking ability after being taught using cartoon film. This is an action research. The objects of this research are the students in VIII-E class of SMPN 2 Taman in the academic year of 2012/2013. The instruments of collecting data are speaking test in the form of retelling story, observation checklist and field notes. The action is successful when at least 18 students or 70% of 24 students have good level in speaking ability. The result of this research shows that in cycle 1, the students average score is 42.70. The highest score was in students performance (13.95), and the lowest was grammar (6.45). There were only 9 students or 32.5% of 24 students who got good level in speaking ability. While in cycle 2, the students average score is 45.21. The highest score was still in students performance (13.95), and the lowest was grammar (7.91). There were 19 students or 79.16% of 24 students who got good level in speaking ability. It could be seen that there is a continuing progress of using cartoon films to teach narrative. The presence of cartoon films as media to improve students narrative speaking had given a significant progress toward their speaking ability. Since they were never taught by using films, the presence of this research also gave the students new perspective that they could also relate the material to their hobby like pictures, music, etc. Key words: Improving, speaking ability, cartoon Film. Abstrak Penelitian ini didasari oleh fenomena bahwa kemampuan berbicara bahasa inggris siswa di SMPN 2 Taman kelas VIII-E perlu untuk ditingkatkan. Beberapa dari siswa masih malas bahkan tidak berani berbicara dalam bahasa inggris karena kurangnya ide untuk disampaikan dalam bahasa inggris. Penggunaan film kartun sebagai media pembelajaran diharapkan akan membangkitkan imajinasi siswa, agar siswa memiliki dan mengerti ide apa yang akan disampaikan dalam bahasa inggris. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Untuk mengetahui penerapan film kartun dalam kelas berbicara bahasa inggris di kelas VIII-E SMPN 2 Taman. (2) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana kemampuan siswa di kelas VIII-E SMPN 2 Taman dalam berbicara bahasa inggris setelah diajarkan menggunakan film kartun. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Objek penelitian adalah siswa-siswa di kelas VIII-E SMPN 2 Taman tahun ajaran 2012/2013 pada smester kedua. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah tes berbicara dalam bentuk menceritakan kembali cerita pada film, dan observasi lapangan. Tindakan dalam Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini dinyatakan berhasil ketika sedikitnya 18 siswa atau 70% dari 24 siswa sudah memiliki level bagus dalam berbicara bahasa inggris. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di siklus pertama, nilai rata-rata untuk berbicara bahasa inggris siswa adalah 42.70 atau berada pada level bagus. Nilai rata-rata tertinggi ada pada penampilan (performance) siswa berbicara bahasa inggris di depan kelas, yakni 13.95 dan nilai rata-rata terendah ada pada penggunaan grammar, yakni 6.45. Namun jika dilihat secara individu, hanya 9 siswa atau 32.5% dari 24 siswa yang tergolong dalam level bagus untuk nilai berbicara bahasa inggris. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penelitian belum bisa dinyatakan berhasil dan siklus selanjutnya masih dibutuhkan. Sedangkan pada siklus kedua, nilai rata-rata siswa dalam berbicara bahasa inggris adalah 45.21 atau masih berada pada level bagus. Nilai tertinggi masih berada pada penampilan (performance) berbicara siswa di depan kelas, yakni 13.95, dan nilai terendah juga masih berada pada penggunaan grammar yakni 7.91. Secara individu, ada 19 siswa atau 79.16% dari 24 siswa yang sudah memiliki level bagus dalam kemampuan berbicara, dan
penelitian dinyatakan berhasil. Dapat dilihat bahwa penggunaan film kartun dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Penggunaan film kartun sebegai media pembelajaran memberikan peningkatan yang signifikan dalam kemampuan berbicara bahasa inggris siswa. Penggunaan film kartun juga memberikan pandangan kepada siswa untuk dapat menghubungkan pembelajaran dengan hobi mereka yang lain seperti penggunaan gambar, musik, dan sebagainya. Kata Kunci: Meningkatkan, Kemampuan Berbicara bahasa Inggris, Film Kartun proficiency of the students speaking is not caused mainly by the students low motivation, high anxiety, or limited vocabulary; rather, the primary cause of their poor skill is the technique the teachers use and the way to facilitate students speaking. The monotonous and inappropriate teaching technique used by the teacher might cause low motivation on the students in learning English which affect their ability in speaking. The students soon get bored and uninterested in learning when they are always exposed to the monotonous instructional activities; and therefore, they do not participate actively. This teaching and learning process happen even though the students are not showing their interest in this kind of classroom activity. Theoretically, it is impossible for the students learning English with low motivation to have good speaking ability if they are inactive during the instructional process. For example, the students with low motivation will be defensive to use their English in oral communication while monotonous classroom does not stimulate them to participate in classroom interaction. So, it can be said that the root of the three problems above is the monotonous and inappropriate teaching technique or media used by the teacher. Hence, it needs to propose the appropriate technique to overcome the students low speaking ability. It is the responsibility of the teacher to find out the effective media for presenting the materials in order to stimulate the students positive attitude toward the speaking class (Burns & Joice,1997:10) There are many media that can be used by the teacher to motivate and improve students speaking skill, and some of those techniques need media to help the teachers to apply it in more effective and easier way. According to Hamalik (1980:50-51), teaching media consist of several kinds, such as: 1. Supplementary materials including reading materials: book, comic, newspaper, magazine, bulletin, folder, pamphlet. 2. Audio visual media: a. Non projector media; blackboard/whiteboard, diagram, graphic, poster, cartoon, comic, picture. b. Three dimension media; model/natural thing like diorama, doll, mask, map, globe, school museum. c. Machined media; slides, filmstrip, film, record, radio, television, computer. 3. Society source: people, industry, history, area, custom, politic. 4. Material collection: chemist, seed, and leaves.
INTRODUCTION Learning a language means using it in communication in oral or written form. Burn and Joyce (1997: 54-55) stated that one of the aims of most language programs is to develop spoken language skills and most programs aim to integrate both spoken and written language. Especially for English Language learners, oral form or speaking is like the first assessment for them because the disability to speak may lead them to be unable to communicate, express their feeling, thoughts, messages, ideas and experiences in various contexts even in a simple form of conversation. In the same line, OMalley and Pierce (1996) said that speaking seems to be an important skill that a learner should acquire. Lado (1964: 51) also stated that to know the language is to use it. He further stated that students do not know a sentence until he can speak it. Unfortunately, the English teaching in some Senior High Schools does not demonstrate a satisfactory result. Many students fail to reach the goal of the English teaching. They are not able to communicate with the language either orally or in written form although they have learned English for many years (Lestari, 2000:27). Many of them were educated in a large class in schools where opportunities to speak are severely limited. Others were taught in schools where speaking was simply not encouraged. The problems of English teaching seem to be of particular importance. They have became interesting topics to be discussed and analyzed, especially by those who are directly involved with the teaching of English. However, the most important thing is that we, whom will be the English teachers, must try to look for the best solution to overcome the problems in order to reach the target of the teaching of English. Before conducting the research, the researcher conducted the preliminary study in SMPN 2 Taman on Friday, May 17th 2013. It was conducted in VIII- E class. The researcher found some problems related to the English language teaching and learning in this school. Those problems are: 1) the students have low speaking ability. The result of speaking ability can be seen at appendix 7. Most of students speaking level was fair and no one had good level; 2) the students have low motivation in learning English; and 3) the teacher still uses monotonous and inappropriate teaching techniques. Considering the problems that are faced by the teacher above, it can be said that the English teachers of SMPN 2 Taman still meet some serious problems in teaching and learning process. Those three problems are very close connected and correlate one another. The researcher conclude that the above unsatisfactory
5. Gesture: all action by the teacher in the class like moving hands, foot, body, and facial expression. Based on the statement above, one of the kinds of teaching media is audio visual media which consist of non projector media, three dimension media, and machined media. One example of machined media that can be used to teach is film. There are several kinds of film and one of them is cartoon film. Cartoons, by their very nature, usually exaggerate a particular facet that can help focus on a suitable teaching/learning point. As a neutral resource, students are able to respond, joke about possible interpretations, and react to the exaggerations alone, in pairs, small groups and eventually in large classes. A study conducted by Clark (2000) highlighted that cartoons can engage the attention of the learners and present information in a non-threatening atmosphere. Besides, cartoons have the potential to encourage thinking processes and discussion skills (Clark, 2000). Another study was carried out by Doring (2002) which focused on the effect of exposure to cartoons on language learning. The results of the study were indication of the fact that the language learners who had exposure to cartoons could produce oral answers that were very proactive and interesting in different discussions held in the classes. Moreover, the discussions were rich and the students had high confidence. It seems that the high confidence that the language learners acquired was due to exposure to cartoons which created low affective filter atmosphere for learning. In the same line, Rule and Ague (2005) conducted a study providing evidence of the students preferences to use cartoons in language learning. According to them, cartoons are preferred because they create low affective filter atmosphere which causes high degree of motivation. This high confidence and motivation achieved through exposure to cartoons which has the potential to enhance the memory. They also claimed that the students who use cartoons can improve different language skills and achieve higher test scores. However, they did not specify which language skill(s) can be improved through great amount of exposure to cartoons. Based on the reasons and the findings of some previous studies about the benefit of using cartoon film as a teaching media, the researcher observed the application of using cartoon film by the teacher in improving the speaking ability of VIII-E students of SMPN 2 Taman. This research was proposed to study the following problem: 1. How was the application of cartoon film in speaking class of VIII-E students of SMPN 2 Taman? 2. How was the speaking ability of VIII-E students in SMPN 2 Taman after being thought by using cartoon film? The result of this study is expected to give practical contribution to the teaching of English, particularly at SMPN 2 Taman where the research was conducted. It is hoped that the use of cartoon film becomes profitable source to the English teacher as a
reference of using cartoon film to improve the students speaking ability and a valuable media for teaching speaking in the classroom. The findings of this research were the procedures or guidelines in implementing cartoon film so other English teachers in different school can implement the strategy to teach their students. METHOD The design of this research was classroom action research. Susanto (2010) says that classroom action research was a research about implementation of teaching and learning in the classroom. It was an approach employed by a teacher and conducted with one or more researchers to improve the quality of education by first getting an evaluation from the unsuccessful previous study. In this research, there was one researcher who collaborated with a teacher. McNiff (1992:4) also stated that action research was an approach to improve education through change, by encouraging teacher to be aware of their own practice, to be critical of that practice, and to be prepared to change it. In other words, the problem of this research came from the classroom, so before conducting the research, the researcher first recognized the students capability and the weaknesses of the previous lesson. Here the researcher knew the students capability and the teachers teaching through discussion with the teacher and previewed the previous students speaking ability. From the definition of Action Research above, it can be concluded that action research is a critical research which is done by the teacher or his/her collaborator and does not have any desire in generalizing findings but focus more on suggestion and problem solving. Considering this idea, the researcher worked together with the teacher. The teacher was the English teacher of SMPN 2 Taman who had been teaching in this school for more than 5 years. In this research, the researcher aimed at observing the implementation of cartoon film to solve the problem of poor speaking ability of VIII-E Students of SMPN 2 Taman. The researcher and the teacher implemented the procedures of action research based on McNiff (1992:7). There are procedures or stages in one cycle. They are plan, action, observe, and reflect. This cycle would be continued until the action research reach the criteria of success in solving the problem, but before applying the first cycle, the teacher and the researcher discussed the main problem happened in the class, the weaknesses and potentials of the students in preliminary study. In this case, the researcher suggested the cartoon film as the media to improve the students speaking ability. The first stage of first cycle was planning stage. After the problems were identified, there was a need to develop a plan of action to improve the next situation. The researcher and the teacher designed the lesson plan as the guide to conduct the instructional activities. It was developed based on the syllabus of the School Based Curriculum for Eighth grader of Junior High School and was focused on the implementation of the use of cartoon film in the speaking class. The lesson plan covered
instructional objectives, instructional strategy, instructional materials and media, teaching procedure, and assessment procedure. Then, the researcher and the teacher continued to action and observation stages. These two stages happened at the same time. The English teacher acted as the practitioner, conducting the teaching in the class, while the researcher acted as an observer, observing the teaching and learning process. The time allocation of every meeting was 90 minutes. The teacher played a cartoon film which the duration of the cartoon film was not more than 7 minutes and played only once. After watching the cartoon film, the students were asked to retell the story. There were 24 students in VIII-E class and every student were given 3 minutes to write the summary of the story and presented it in front of the class individually for at least 2 minutes but not more than 3 minutes. It means that the total time that was needed to give a chance for all students to present their work was not more than 72 minutes, and the total duration to finish this teaching using cartoon film was not more than 78 minutes. The teacher still had time to give feed back to the students work in general until the time was over. The researcher observed the whole aspects of the implementation of the action covering the students participation in the classroom activities and during the performance in front of the class. The observations were done during the teaching and learning process. The observations which were done during the teaching and learning process dealt with the teachers and the students involvement in classroom activities and the students speaking performance when retelling the story of cartoon film in front of the class. At the end, the researcher analyzed the result in reflection stage. In this stage, the researcher and the teacher decided whether the research was successful or not by consulting the result with the criterion of success. When the criterion of success was not fulfilled, the researcher and the teacher had to discuss the plan for next cycle by revising the plan of previous cycle to solve the problems that caused the criterion of success had not fulfilled yet. There were two kinds of data that were collected. First, the data that showed the application of cartoon film in speaking class. Second, the data that showed the progress of students speaking ability after being thought by using cartoon film. These data were collected by using instruments of the study. To obtain the required data, it was very crucial for the researcher to use the appropriate instruments. The data were collected during the teaching and learning process. In this research, the researcher used speaking test, classroom observation checklist and field notes as the research instruments. 1. Speaking Test In each cycle, the teacher played the cartoon film and asked the students to retell the story of it in front of the class. The result of speaking test was in numerical form. The result of speaking test was the score of students speaking ability. The score of students speaking ability was the
sum score of the students speaking fluency, students speaking grammar, students speaking pronunciation and students speaking performance. These score were given based on the speaking ability rating scale in table 2. 2. Classroom Observation Checklist and Field Notes Classroom Observation Checklist was used to gather all information concerning the teaching and learning process in every meeting. There were 4 criteria that were observed; they were teachers activity, students activity, material used, and media used. The researcher observed by giving checklist whether the indicators of each criterion were fulfilled or not. In order to support the result of observation checklist, the researcher made field notes by noting all important things that happened during the teaching and learning process. The results of observation checklist and field notes were used to know the problems happened in a meeting that needed to be solved in the next meeting. The researcher used the data from classroom observation checklist and field notes to describe the process of teaching speaking by using cartoon film in each meeting. The criteria that were observed were teachers activity, students activity, material and media. Next, the researcher described the results of students speaking test to show how was the students speaking ability of VIII-E students of SMPN 2 Taman after being thought by using cartoon film. There were five speaking components that were scored and described; they were pronunciation, fluency, performance, and grammar. The researcher obtained the data in form of students score result from the students speaking in front of the class. The students speaking in front of the class were analyzed and assessed by the researcher and the teacher by using the following speaking ability rating scale which was adapted and modified from Nunans (2005).See Appendix A. The researcher stored each students fluency, grammar, pronunciation, and performance score to the table. After all of scores had been stored in the table, the researcher measured the score of speaking ability for each student. Based on the score of speaking ability, the researcher gave the speaking ability level for each student based on the leveling rubric in Appendix B. After giving level for students speaking ability, the researcher consulted it with the criteria of success. The criteria of success are set in advance as a basis to determine whether the action implemented was successful or not. Since this research was aimed at improving the students speaking ability by using cartoon film, the criteria was set by considering a criteria/criterion as a basis to show that the students speaking ability after being thought by using cartoon film was better than the students speaking ability in preliminary study. In preliminary study, most of students speaking level was fair and no one had good level. Based on this problem, the action was considered successful
when at least 17 students or 70% of 24 students had good level in their speaking ability after being thought by using cartoon film. Result The Result in the First Cycle The researcher will describe the application of the first cycle. The application was based on the procedures of action research which has been explained in chapter III. It will be described as follows: Plan In the first stage of the cycle, the researcher and the teacher discussed the lesson plan for the first cycle. The standard of competence and basic competence of the lesson plan for the first cycle are same with the lesson plan that was used by the teacher in preliminary study. The changes were made in instructional objectives, learning material, learning steps and resources. The researcher and the teacher considered the cartoon film entitled The First Well as the learning material because it tells about narrative story and the duration is only 6.26 minutes. Action The application of cartoon film in the classroom was observed using classroom observation checklist and field notes. The first cycle was conducted on Thursday, May 23rd, 2013. Based on the lesson plan, the teacher played The First Well as the teaching and learning media. As usual, the lesson was started with greeting and checking the attendance list. After checking the attendance list, the teacher then powered on her laptop. At that time, the students looked curious about the material that would be given by the teacher. After greeting the students, the teacher introduced the topic of that days material. The teacher stimulated the students by asking the questions about the activity in the previous meeting. Some students tried to answer but in slow voice. Next, the teacher explained the activity that would be done that day. The teacher explained that she will play the cartoon film and the students will be asked to retell the story of the cartoon film. The teacher then powered on the LCD projector to show the slide about some keywords related to the cartoon film that would be played. The students were asked to note those keywords and their meaning. The keywords that the teacher explained were well, anxious, barren, thirst, general, determine, icicles, melt, lump, water seed, dwindle, vanish, dug, and sprout. After explaining the meaning of keywords, the teacher started to play the cartoon film. The students watched it enthusiastically. The teacher asked the students to try to understand what the film was about. After the cartoon film was over, the teacher explained about the film briefly. The students paid attention the explanation silently. It showed that the material and media were applicable. The students then were given 3 minutes to write the summary of the story that they would present in front of the class. The students worked seriously. It showed that the students understood the teachers instruction. Sometimes they were discussing with their friends. It showed that the material and media
gave them chance to share their ideas. The students looked actively participate in the class. After 3 minutes writing, the students were asked to retell the story in front of the class one by one. At first, the teacher got difficulty when asking the students to perform in front of the class. The researcher then suggested something to give as reward for first 10 students whom ready to perform. The teacher also warned the students that their performance would be scored and it would affect to their final score in that semester. The teacher then called name by name randomly. The students were allowed to bring their summary to help them when they forgot what to say. Observe The researcher and the teacher observed the result of the students speaking test. In this first cycle, some students still looked nervous. The teacher said to the researcher that it was the first meeting which used cartoon film as teaching and learning media in that class. The aspects of speaking skill that were scored were fluency, grammar, performance and pronunciation. In general, the students speaking was pretty fluent although some students repeated some words sometimes. They got nervous and seemed in a hurry. (Student 1) The film is about..emm..em.. about kingdom. The kingdom is..is.. hot and the people dont have water. Mm.. The King call generals to..to.. find water While some other students had good fluency but sometimes used Indonesian word to show what they want to say. (Student 2) There is eh was a kingdom. No water to drink there. The King ask four generals to find water in allallapa itu . mm. arah mata angin!..apa oiya directions The researcher and the teacher gave score for their fluency. In this first cycle, based on the result of students speaking test, the average score of students fluency was 10.83 or in Good Level. It meant that speed and fluency seems strongly affected by language problems. The data showed that 5 of 24 students were good, 18 students were fair, and only a student was still poor in their speaking fluency. The second aspect was grammar. Most of students used inappropriate sentence when retelling the story in front of the class. One of possible factors that affected their grammar use was anxiety. Their focus was only retold the story in their own words as fluent and fast as possible so that the use of appropriate grammar was ignored. (Student 3) After some days, the generals back to the Kingdom. They meet (met) the King and say (said) that they cant (couldnt) find water. Many of students also ignored the use of suffix s for plural words.
(Student 4) .One of general (generals) met old women. She showed an ice cave. There were many icicle (icicles).. These grammar errors affected to the students grammar score. The researcher and the teacher gave score for their grammar when they performed in front of the class. In cycle 1, the data showed that 7 students of 24 students were in fair level and 17 students still in poor level. Next aspect was performance. In cycle 1, based on the result of students speaking test, t he researcher found that the average score of students performance was 13.95 or in Good level. It meant that the students had good creativity in arranging the story of the cartoon film, but lack of confidence in presenting it. The data showed that 1 student of 24 students got very good level, 17 students of 24 students got good level and 6 students still got fair level in performing the story retelling. The last aspect that was observed was pronunciation. In cycle 1, there were some words that were pronounced inappropriately, such as: - Kingdom was pronounced /kidom/, it should be pronounced /kidm/ - Children was pronounced /taldrn/, it should be pronounced /tldrn/ - Vanished was pronounced /vanis/, it should be pronounced /vnsd/ - Direction was pronounced /darekn/,it should be pronounced / drekn/ - Water was pronounced /watr/, it should be pronounced /w:tr/ These errors affected to the students pronunciation score. In cycle 1, the average score of students pronunciation was 11.45 or in good level. It meant that when the students were speaking in front of the class, there were mispronunciations that lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar or vocabulary. The data showed that 7 of 24 students got good level and 17 of 24 students got fair level for their speaking pronunciation. Reflect After analyzing the data, the researcher got the result of students speaking test in the first cycle. The result was simplified into the following table. Table1. The result in cycle 1 Students Average Score of Students Average Speaking Aspects in Cycle 1 Score of Speaking Ability in cycle 1 Fluency 10.83 Grammar Performance 6.45 13.95 42.7 (Good)
students still got difficulty in using appropriate grammar when they were retelling the story in front of the class. Next, the researcher and the teacher had to decide whether the next cycle was needed or not. Even though the average score of speaking ability of VIII-E students after being thought by using cartoon film in cycle 1 was 42.7 or in good level, the researcher could not make decision to continue or stop the cycle before seeing the students individual score. See Appendix C. This cycle was considered successful when at least 18 students or 70% of 24 students had good level in their speaking ability. There were only 9 students or 32.5% of 24 students who got good level and 15 students or 62.5% of 24 students still got fair level in speaking ability. It can be concluded that the second cycle was needed to give more improvement to the students speaking ability, especially in using appropriate grammar. The Result in the Second Cycle The researcher described the application of cartoon film in the second cycle in this research. It was described as follow. Revised-Plan Before conducting this second cycle, the researcher and the teacher revised the plan that had been used in the first cycle based on the students difficulties that the researcher and the teacher have found in the first cycle. The students got difficulties in using appropriate grammar when speaking. Some students also consulted to the teacher that actually they understood the story but the difficulty was in arranging the summary of the story. The difficulty in summarizing also affected to their readiness in performing it in front of the class. The researcher and the teacher then decided that the revision of lesson plan was made in the cartoon film used and the activity before the teacher played the cartoon film. In the first cycle, the teacher only showed the slide about some keywords related to the film that would be played, but in this second cycle, the teacher explained again about past tense and gave the summary of the cartoon film that had been played in the first cycle. It used to show the example on how to use appropriate grammar in retelling past event and how to summarize the story of the film effectively. The researcher and the teacher considered the cartoon film entitled Cheerfulness as the learning material because it also tells about narrative story and the duration is shorter than the previous cartoon film. The lesson plan for the second cycle can be seen in Appendix 3. Action The application of cartoon film was observed using classroom observation checklist and field notes which were also used in cycle 1. The result was described as follows. The second cycle was conducted on Friday, May 24th 2013. In this meeting, the teacher played Cheerfulness as the teaching material. The students were asked to retell the story of this film in which the duration
Pronunciation 11.45 The result sowed that in speaking aspects, the highest average score was in students performance (13.95), and the lowest was the average score of grammar (6.45). It meant that the problem in cycle 1 was VIII-E
of this cartoon film was shorter than the film in the previous cycle. The opening activity in the second cycle was not too different with in the first cycle. The different activity was in the activity before the teacher playing the film. The teacher gave more explanation about simple past tense and gave the instruction about how to summarize the story. She showed the power point slide about the summary of the previous cartoon film entitled The First Well. Since the genre of the story was narrative, the summary was arranged based on the list of events of the narrative text. The teacher asked 2 students to read aloud it in front of the class. The teacher then asked the students to pay attention to the underlined words. She explained again about past tense. After explaining it, the teacher asked the students to ask questions. None of them asked question so the teacher continued the activity with playing the cartoon film entitled Cheerfulness. There was no repetition in playing the cartoon film because of the limited time and it would be caused the students boredom. After watching the film, the students then were given 3 minutes to write the summary of the story that they would present in front of the class. The students looked actively participate the class. After 3 minutes writing, the students were asked to retell the story in front of the class one by one. At the end of the meeting, the teacher gave feedback before ending the class. The teacher said that the students speaking performance and fluency was better than the previous meetings. Observe In this second cycle, the researcher and the teacher also observed the result of the students speaking test. The aspects of speaking skill that were scored were same with in the previous meetings. The researcher and the teacher also used the same rubric in giving scores in this cycle. The average score of students speaking ability in cycle 2 was 45.21 or in Good level. In fluency aspect, in cycle 1, the data showed that 5 of 24 students were good, 18 students were fair, and only a student was poor in their speaking fluency. While in this second cycle, the data showed that 7 students were good and 17 students were fair. No student showed poor fluency anymore. The students fluency level in cycle 2 can be seen at Appendix 14. These improvements were because they knew what they had to do and they could understand the story and the points of the film. The average score of students fluency in cycle 2 was 11.45 or in Good level. The next aspect was grammar. In this cycle 2, the average score of students grammar was 7.91. There were 10 students of 24 students got poor level and 14 students got fair. Even though most of the students grammar level still in fair level until the cycle 2, there were improvements in some students grammar level. T he students who got poor level in cycle 1 were 17 students
but decreased to 10 students in cycle 2. The improvement can be seen at the number of students who were in fair level. There were 7 students who got fair in cycle 1 but it increased to 14 students in cycle 2. The third aspect was performance. In cycle 1, the data showed that 1 student of 24 students got very good level, 17 students of 24 students got good level and 6 students still got fair level in performing the story telling. But in this cycle 2, there were 19 students got good mark and 5 students got fair. The average score of students performance was 13.95 or in Good level. The improvements happened because before played the film, the teacher stimulated the students with the summary of the previous cartoon film to give example how to summarize the story effectively. The last aspect was speaking pronunciation. In cycle 1, the data showed that 7 of 24 students got good level and 17 of 24 students got fair level for their speaking pronunciation. But in this second cycle, it can be seen that 14 students got fair level, and 10 students got good level. It can be seen at appendix 17. The average score of students pronunciation was 12.08. There were no one got poor in cycle 1 and cycle 2. While the number of students who got fair level in cycle 1 was 17 students and decreased to 14 students in cycle 2. The improvement can be seen at the number of students in good level. The number of students who got good level in cycle 1 was 7 students, and increased to 10 students in cycle 2. It can be seen that cartoon film helps the students to have better pronunciation in front of the class. It proved by the number of students who got improvement in pronunciation level. Reflect After analyzing the data, the researcher got the result of students speaking test in the second cycle. The result can be simplified into following table. Table2. Students average score in cycle 2 Students Average Score of Speaking Aspects in Cycle 2 Fluency Grammar Performance 11.45 7.91 13.95 45.21 (Good) Students Average Score of Speaking Ability in cycle 2
Pronunciation 12.08 Based on the table above, it can be seen that in speaking aspects, the highest average score was still in students performance (13.95) and the lowest was still in the average score of grammar (7.91). It meant that until this cycle 2, the students still got difficulty in using appropriate grammar when they were retelling the story in front of the class. However, the average score of students fluency, pronunciation and grammar after being thought by using cartoon film in cycle 2 were higher than in cycle 1. As the last stage of the cycle, the researcher and the teacher had to decide whether the next cycle was needed or not. Even though the average score of speaking ability
of VIII-E students after being thought by using cartoon film in cycle 2 was 45.7 and better than the students average score of speaking ability in cycle 1, the researcher could not make decision to continue or stop the cycle before seeing the students individual score. This cycle was considered successful when at least 17 students or 70% of 24 students had good level in their speaking ability. The students speaking ability level can be seen at Appendix D. The results of students speaking test in the second cycle finally reach the criterion of success. There were only 5 students or 20.83% of 24 students who still got fair level and 19 students or 79.16% of 24 students finally got good level in speaking ability. It can be concluded that the second cycle was finally successful. Discussion In this part, the researcher is going to discuss the results of the research. The results of the research are the answers of the research questions in this research. They are: 1) how was application of cartoon film in teaching and learning speaking in VIII-E of SMPN 2 Taman, and 2) how was the students speaking ability in VIII -E of SMPN 2 Taman after being thought by using cartoon film? The Answers have been simplified into table in Appendix E. The Application of Cartoon Film There are three main points that the teacher must recognize in teaching speaking according to Arsham (2002). They are: a. The mechanic form such as: pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. b. The function of communication includes transaction and interaction. c. Social and culture rules and norms. It is the way of understanding on how to take into account who is speaking to whom, in what circumstances, about what, and for what reason. Based on the statement above, the teaching materials or media that is used in speaking class has to help the teacher to recognize those three main points, and this research has proven that cartoon film can be said as appropriate media in teaching speaking. By retelling the story of cartoon film, the teacher can recognize the mechanic form of students speaking includes fluency, grammar, pronunciation, and performance. The teacher also can encourage the students transaction and interaction with the classmates and the teacher when they are discussing the story about the film and retelling it in front of the class. The students also learn about social and culture rules from the story, such as the social and culture rules of a kingdom, how the people and generals talk to their King, and how a king as a leader solve a problem happened in his kingdom. Moreover, the students can learn and remember a moral value of the story. The design of this research was classroom action research. McNiff (1992:4) stated that action research is an approach to improve education through change, by encouraging teacher to be aware of their own practice, to be critical of that practice, and to be prepared to change
it. In other words, the researcher and the teacher do not have any desire in generalizing findings but focus more on suggestion and problem solving. Based on it definition, the application of cartoon film in speaking class of VIII-E students in SMPN 2 Taman was based on the problems happened in the previous meeting. The problems in every meeting were different, and it made the application of cartoon film in cycle 1 and cycle 2 were also different. The differences can be seen at the cartoon film that was used and the students activity before watching the film. The cartoon film and the activities before watching film in a meeting were applied to solve the problems happened in previous meeting. For example, in pre cycle, the students said that the narrative text was too long. They also got difficulty in understanding the story because the teacher did not give vocabularies related to the narrative text. Based on these problems, the researcher and the teacher chose the cartoon film entitled First Well because it was about narrative story, and the duration was not more than 7 minutes. Before playing the cartoon film, the teacher explained some vocabularies or keywords related to the cartoon film to help the students in understanding the story. These changes were made to solve the problem in pre cycle and to improve the students speaking ability. These changes gave positive results. The problems in pre cycle were solved and the students speaking ability was improved. Based on that positive result, the researcher can answer the research problem. The research problem is: How can the speaking ability of VIII-E students are improved by using cartoon film? The researcher concluded that the speaking ability of VIII-E students was increased after being thought using cartoon film because of four main factors. First, the application of cartoon film as learning material in cycle 1 and 2 was better than the application of written narrative text in preliminary study. The procedure of teaching speaking by using cartoon film in this research was in line with the theory of teaching speaking by Harmer (2001) which was stated in chapter II. One of procedures is retell the story, in which the teacher plays the film until the end of the story and then asks the students to retell what the story is about. The researcher and the teacher did not use the other recommended procedures because the students are difficult to be coordinated and it will spend a lot of time. Since the technique of teaching in this research was retell the story, the students had to memorize the story first before retelling the story. When the students can memorize the story well, the students know what they have to retell. When the students know what they have to retell, the students is able to retell it more fluently. In fact, the story in the form of film is easier to be memorized than the story in the form of written text. This made the use of narrative cartoon film in cycle 1 and cycle 2 was more effective in teaching speaking than the use of written narrative text in pre cycle. Second, the activities before playing the film helped the students in understanding the story. The
students understanding affected to the students creativity in summarizing the story of the film. In this case, summarizing meant changing the story of the film into their words. Their creativity in summarizing was one of criteria in speaking performance rubric. It meant that the activities before watching the film affected to the students performance and the students speaking ability. Third, the cartoon film that was used in this research was supported with subtitle. By paying attention to the subtitle when watching the cartoon film, the students learned about the grammar usage and the pronunciation of spoken narrative. It meant that subtitle in cartoon film affected to the students grammar and pronunciation score. The main point was that in every meeting, the researcher found that the students tried to pay attention to the film given. It meant that cartoon film is one of teaching media that help the teacher to make the students more focus on the teaching and learning process. The Students Speaking Ability after being thought by using cartoon film Based on the result of students speaking test, the researcher found that there were improvements in students speaking ability after being thought by using cartoon film. The improvement in cycle 1 and cycle 2 can be seen at the progress of the students speaking score below: a. The progress of average score of students speaking fluency, pronunciation, grammar, and performance. b. The progress of average Score of speaking ability c. The progress of students speaking ability level The highest score was in the students performance until the last meeting, but the lowest was still in grammar score. However, the average score of students speaking aspects and speaking ability after using cartoon film in cycle 2 (42.7) was better than the average score of students speaking aspects and speaking ability after using cartoon film in cycle 1 (45.2). The students speaking ability level in cycle 1 and cycle 2 were also progressing. There were only 9 students or 32.5 % of 24 students who got good level in cycle 1, but increased to 79.16% of .24 students or 19 students who got good in cycle 2 and the research was considered successful. CONCLUSION Based on the result of observation in the use of cartoon film in teaching speaking, the researcher can conclude that cartoon film can improve students speaking ability. It can be seen at students speaking fluency, grammar, pronunciation and performance. After being thought by using cartoon film, the highest score was in students performance and 19 students or 79.16% of 24 students were in good level in speaking ability. Besides that, the students were attentive and involved in the learning process. Both the teacher and the students have built
good interaction during the teaching and learning process by using cartoon film. Cartoon film is a media which can create relax atmosphere and make the students are motivated to speak without feel shy and fear. It can be seen at the progress of the students performance from the first until the last meeting. The teacher had successfully made the students speak out about the cartoon film they had watched. Finally, it can be concluded that the cartoon film is a good media in teaching speaking.
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Appendices Appendix A Components Pronunciation Speaking Ability Rating Scale by Nunan (2005) Score Citeria 25 No conspicuous mispronunciations, mostly like native pronunciation, with no trace of Foreign accent in presenting idea Marked foreign accent and occasional mispronunciation which do not interfere with understanding in presenting idea Foreign accent requires concentrated listening and mispronunciations lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar or vocabulary in presenting idea Frequent gross errors and a very heavy accent make understanding difficult, require frequent repetition Pronunciation in the vocabulary frequently unintelligible Speech is fluent and effortless Speed of speech seems slightly affected by language problems Speed and fluency seems strongly affected by language problems Usually hesitant , often force into silence by language limitation Speech is so halting The student has a good creativity in arrangi ng the story of the cartoon film, good confidence in expressing the performance with loud voice in presenting it. The student has a loud voice, good creativity in arranging the story of the cartoon film, but lack of confidence in presenting the idea. The student has good creativity in arranging the story of the cartoon film, but lack of confidence in presenting it. The student makes very simple summary with low confidence in presenting it. The student makes a reckless summary with bad expression in performing it. Makes few noticeable errors of grammar or word order Occasionally makes grammatical errors which do not obscure meaning Makes frequent errors of grammar and word order which occasionally obscure meaning Frequent grammar errors occur which make re phrasing and reconstructing of utterance Errors in grammar is severe Level Excellent
Very Good
5 Fluency 25 20 15 10 5 25
Very Good
10 5 Grammar 25 20 15 10
Appendix B Leveling Rubric Score of Criteria Speaking Ability 81-100 61-80 41-60 21-40 1-20 Appendix C Students Number The students speaking ability level in cycle 1 Score Level Poor Fair 0 15 (62.5%) 9 (37.5%) 0 0 Good Very Good Excellent Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
1. 40 2. 40 3. 40 4. 40 5. 40 6. 60 7. 45 8 40 9 40 10 45 11. 45 12. 40 13. 40 14. 50 15. 45 16. 40 17. 40 18. 40 19. 40 20. 45 21. 45 22. 45 23. 35 24. 45 Number of Students
Appendix D Students Number The students speaking ability level in cycle 2 Score Level Poor Fair Good 0 5 (20.83%) 19 (79.16%) 0 0 Very Good Excellent
1. 45 2. 45 3. 50 4. 50 5. 50 6. 50 7. 45 8 40 9 45 10 45 11. 45 12. 45 13. 40 14. 50 15. 45 16. 40 17. 45 18. 55 19. 40 20. 45 21. 45 22. 45 23. 35 24. 45 Number of Students