IARI PHD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Soil Science & Chemistry

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Some of the key takeaways from the passage are that Bt cotton has been approved for commercial cultivation in India, the expected food grain production for 2010-11 is 235 million tonnes, and the objective of the 12th Five Year Plan is faster, more inclusive and sustainable growth.

Bt cotton and Bt brinjal have been approved for commercial cultivation in India.

The expected food grain production in India for 2010-11 is 235 million tonnes.

Post Graduate School"' Institute, New Delhi Indian Agricultural ~ e k a r c h


Examination f o r A d m i r i o n t0Ph.D. ~ r o ~ r a m m e 2011-201



: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistq

R o l l No.

Discipline Code : 21
Please Note:

(i) This question paper contains 13 pages. Please check whether all the pages are printed in this set. Report discrepancy, if any, immediately to the invigilator.


(ii)There sltaN be NEGATIVE marking for WRONG answers in the Multiple

Choice type questions (No. 1 to 130) which carry one mark each. For every wrong answer 0.25 mark will be deducted.

PART- I (General Agriculture)
Multiple choice questions (No. 1 to 30). Choose t h e c o r r e c t answer (a, b, c or d) a n d enter y o u r choice in t h e circle (by shading w i t h a pencil) on the OMR answer sheet a s p e r the instructions given on t h e a n s w e r sheet. To address the problems of sustainable and holistic development of rainfed areas, including appropriate farming and livelihood system approaches, the Government of lndia has set up the National Ralnfed Area Authority National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas National Mission on Rainfed Areas Command Area Development and Water Management Authority Which of the following sub-schemes are not covered under the Rashtriya Krishi Viltas Yojana? Extend~ngthe Green Revolution to eastern lndia Development of 60,000pulses and oiiseeds villages in identified watersheds Nationai Mission on Saffron Nationai Mission on Bamboo The minimum support price for the common variety of paddy announced by the Government of lndia for the year 2010-11 was
7 1030 1 1000

2 . Which of the following crops have been approved for commercial cultivation in india? a) Bt cotton and Bt brinjal b) Bt cotton and Golden Rice c) Bt maize and Bt cotton d) Bt cotton only

2. This year (2010-11)the expected food grain

production in lndia is a) b) c) d)

212 million tonnes 220 million tonnes 235 million tonnes 250 million tonnes
The genome of which of the following crops is still not completely sequenced? Rice Soybean Sorghum V,heat According to the Approach Paper to the 12Ih Five Year Plan, the baslc objective of the 12' Plan is inclusive growth Sustainable growth Faster, more inclus~ve and sustainable growth Inclusive and sustainable growth

a) b) c) d)

t 980 3 950
the Human Development Report 2010 of the Un~tedNations, ind~a's rank in terms of the human development index is a) 119 b) 134 c) d) 182
8. According to

a) b) c)

Subject : PhD - Soil Science and Agrloultural Chemistry 2011

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9. Which of the following does not apply to SRI

method of paddy cuitlvation? a) Reduced water application b) Reduced plant density C) increased application of chemical fertilizers d) Reduced age of seedlings 110. Which organic acid, often used as a preservative, occurs naturally in cranberries, prunes, cinnamon and cloves? a) Citric acid b) Benzoic acid C) Tartaric acid d) Lactic acid
11. Cotton belongs to the family

17. Which of the following is commonly referred to as muriate of potash? a) Potassium,nitrate b) Potassium chloride c) Potassium sulphate d) Potassium silicate
18. Inbred

a) b) c) d)

lines that have same genetic constitution but differ only at one locus are called Multl lines Monohybrid lsogenic lines, Pure lines

a) b) c) d)

Cruciferae Anacardlaceae Malvaceae Solanaceae

19. For applying 100 k g of nitrogen, how much urea would one use? a) 45 kg b) I l l k g C) 222 kg d) 333 kg

12. ~hotoperiodism is a) Bending of shoot towards source of light b) Effect of lighffdark durations on physiological processes c) Movement of chloroplast in cell in response to light d) Effect of light on chlorophyll synthesis 13. Ergot disease is caused by which pathogen

20. The devastating impact of plant disease on human suffering and survival was first realized by epidehiic of a) Brownspot of rice in Bengal b) Late blight of potato in USA c) Late blight of potato in Europe d) Rust of wheat in India
21. The species of rice (Oryza) other than 0.

a) b) c) d)

on which host? Claviceps purpurea on rye Pucchia recondita on wheat Drechlera sorokinlana on wheat Albugo candlda on mustard

sativa that is cultivated is a) 0, rufipugon b) 0. longisteminata C) 0. glabemima d) 0. nivara

22. The enzyme responsible for the fixation of C 0 2 in mesophyll cells of C-4 plants is

14. Rocks are the chief sources of 'parent materials over 'which soils are developed. Granite, an important rock, is classified as a) Igneous rock b) Metamorphic rock c) Sedimentary rock d) Hybrid rock 15. Which one of the following is a Kharifcrop? a) Pearl millet b) Lentil c) Mustard d) Wheat
16. The

a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d)

Mallc enzyme Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase RuBP carboxyiase

23. Which one of the following is a 'Vertisol'?

Black cotton soil Red sandy loam soil Sandy loam sodic soil Submontane (Tarai) soil

a) b) c) d)

coefficient of variation calculated by the'formuia (Mean1S.D.) x 100 (S.D.IMean) x 100 S.D.iMean MeaniS.D.



24. What Is the most visible physical characteristic of cells in metaphase? a) Elongated chromosomes b) Nucleus visible but chromosomes not c) Fragile double stranded loose chr'omosomes d) Condensed paired chromosomes on the cell plate

Subject : PhD Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry 2011



25. All weather phenomena like rain, fog and mist occur in a) Troposphere b) Mesosphere c) ionosphere d) Ozonosphere 26. Which of the following elements is cominon to ail proteins and nucleic acids? a) Sulphur b) Magnesium c) Nitrogen d) Phosphorous 27. Silt has intermediate characteristics between a) Sand and loam b) Clay and loam c) Loam and gravel d) Sand and clay 28. a) b) c) d)
29. a) b) c) d)

33. a) b) c) d)

Which one Is not a'potash-bearing mineral? Feldspar Olivine , Muscovite Biotite

34. The concentration of HPOPand H2POi ions in solution Is equal at a pH of a) 5.6 b) 6.5 c) 7.2 d) 8.2 35. According to 6ick's law, diffusive flux of a nutrient is proportional to its a) Thicknesqof the plane b) Concentration gradient C) Molecular weight of the gas d) Atomic size of the gas 36. Two molecules that have the same chemical formula but are mirror images of each other are called a) Enantiomers b) Isomers C) Isotopes d) Mirrormers 37. The concept of nutrient mobility in soils was first proposed by a) R.H. Bray b) M.L. Jackson C) E. Mitscherlich d) E.W. Russell 38. Thermal diffusivity of a soil having thermal conductivity K and volumetric heat capacity C is given by

Certified seed is produced from Nucleus seed Breeder seed Foundation seed Truthful seed Seedless banana is an Autotriploid Autotetraploid Aliotriploid Allotetraploid

30. Which one of the following is used to test the goodness-of-fit of a distribution? a) Normal test b) t-test c) Chi-square test d) F-test

PART- I1 (Subject paper)

Multiple choice questions (No. 31 to 130). Choose the correct a n s w e r (a, b, c or d) and enter your choice In t h e circle (by shading with a pencil) on the OMR answer sheet as per the lnstructlons given on the answer sheet.

31. As ppr Beer-Lambert's law, the relationship between optical density (OD) and transmittance (%T) of a coloured solution Is given by a) OD= log T b) OD = log 2.0 - T c) OD = 2.0 -log T d) OD = log T 2.0

39.Which micronutrient is usually def~cient m

a) b) c) d) calcareous soils? Mn Mo Cu B

32. a) b) c) d)

The value of Avogardo's number is 6.013~10'~ 6.023~10~' 6.023~10'~~ 6.023~10~~

40. In the formation of organometallic complexes in soils, the metal ion acts as alan a) Ligand b) Electron donor c) Electron acceptor d) Inert ion

SubJeet : PhD- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry -2011

41. The c-axis spacing of smectite group of silicate clays is 'a) 0.66 nm b) 0.72 nm c) 1.01 nm d) 1.40 nm 42. The hydraulic conductivity and differential water capacity of a soii are 1 0 ' cm sec" and ~ cm-', respectively. The soii water diffusivity is a) 10.' cm2 set.' b) 10: cm2 sec: c) 10 cm2 seed) 10 cm2 sec-' 43. The saturation extract of a soil has EC 2.0 ' dS/m. What wouid be its osmotic potential (in bars)? a) -0.18 b) -0.36

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49. Which micronutrient is fixed on the same sites of the soil colloids as is phosphate? a) Boron ' b) Copper c) Zinc A) Molybdenum 50. which micronutrient is most strongly bound to organic matter?

51. The pH O a calcareous soii in equilibrium f with atmospheric C02 is ' a) 6.8 b) 7.5 c) 8.2 d) 8.5

\ 4 2 . The molarity of concentrated H2S04 (AR grade) is

, \

44. By increasing the electrolytic concentration, the thickness of diffuse double layer a) Increases h) Decreases c) Remains unaffected d) Depends on pH
45 If the nitrate formation in a soil were

3) b) C) d)

independent of the amount of ammoniacal-N, in that case the reaction wouid be considered as Zero order First order Second order Either first or second order'

53. Division of the factors of soil formation into active and passive groups was proposed by a) H. Jenny b) C.F. Marbut ,c) J.S. Joffe d) V.V. Dokuchaiev
54. a) b) c) d)

46. The first N fertilizer manufactured in lnd~a was a) Ammonium chloride k) Ammonium sulphate c) Urea d) CAN
47. Which one is a major component of organic P In soils? a) Nucleic acids b) Phos~holi~ids 9) lnositol phosphate d) ATP

Which one Is not a pedogenicprocess? Humification Calcification Laterizat~on . Ferruginization,



55. A subsoil layer of high bulk density which IS brittle when moist and very hard when dry, is known as a) Fragipan b) DuripZn c) Durinbdes d) Pllnthite
56. Uitlsols are comparable with Alfisols except for having a) High base saturation of the exchange comulex , b) LOW' base saturation of the exchange complex c) Untform soil profile d) High water table

48. Which position at the layer silicate has the maximum specificity for K Ion? a) e-position b) p-position 5) i-posilion d) Both e- and p- positions

SubJeet:PhD - Soil Science and ~gi.icultul'alCheinistry -2011

57. Total number of agro-ecological sub-reglons


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a) b)


(AESR) in lndla delineated by NBSS&LUP is 21 42 60 76

65. Which group' of microorganisms is most active at the terminal stage of composting? a) Actinomycetes b) Bacteria c) Fungi d) Protozoa 66.The presence of 'Hartig characteristic of a) Endomycorrhizae , Ectomycorrhizae b) C) Arbuscular mycorrhizae d) Ericoid mycorrhizae net' is a

58. In total N determination of a soil sample by Kjeldahl method, salicylic acid is added before digestion to include a) NH4-N b) NOS-N c) Amide-N d) Protein-N

, 59. Land area having definite boundary and contributing runoff to a single point Is known as a) Watershed b) Catchment area c) Command area d) A field unit
'60. a) b) c) d) Moisture content at wilting point is highest in Clay loam Silty clay loam Loam Sandy loam

67. In Soil Taxonomy, great groups are defined largely by a) Soil formin'g processes ,b) Presence or absence of diagnostic horizons c) Thermal regime d) Molsture regime 68. a) b) c) d) Rhizosphere is dominated by Gram positive spore forming bacteria Gram negative spqre forming bacteria Gram negative non-spore forming bacteria Gram positive non-spore forming bacteria

61. Darcy's law is applicable under unsaturated conditions if hydraulic conductivity is expressed as a function of a) Porosity b) Hydraulic gradient c) Hydraulic head .d) Water content 62. a) b) c) d) Capillary fringe in soil refers to Height of water rise in a capillary Saturated zone above the water table Water in capillary pores Depth of water table

69. The toxiclty of oxygen for strict anaerobe is due to the production of a) Hydroxyl radical b) Superoxide radical c) Hydrogen peroxide d) Cyanide
70. The specificity between legume host and Rhizobium spp, is governed by .a) Flavonoids b ) Tryptophan c) Polysaccharides dji;$ndole acetic acid


71. Th&p.otassium adivity ratio (AR: ) is expressed as 'II.

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63. Dehydrogenase activity is a good index of biological activity of soil because it plays role in a) Carbon metabolism -b) Respiration c) Sydthesis of cell macromolecules d) Cell division 64. Association of two microorganisms in which one is benefitted while other remalns unaffected is known as a) Commensalism b) Protocooperation c) Ammensalism d) Competition ~



Subject : PhD -Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry -2011

72. a) b) c) d)

The size of mlcro-watershed is 10,000 20,000 ha 1,000 - 10,000 ha 100 - 1,000 ha 1 0 - 100 ha

80. The number of diagnostic surface hor~zons (epipedons) included in Soil Taxonomy is a) 6 ,b) 9 c) 12 'Argillic' horizon is rich in Fe and Al-oxides Sodium CaC03 xl) Silioate clay 82. phosphate-fixation is minimum at soil p~ between a) 8 and 9 b) 7 and 8 C) 6 and7 d) 5 a n d 6 83. The DTPA-TEA-CaCIz extractant is designed to prevent excessive dissolution of a) CaS04 b) CaO C MgC12 ) d) CaC03 84. Intensity of blue colour in phosphorus determination is measured at a wavelength of a) 420 nm b) 470nm c) 540nm d) 660 nm 65. a) b) c) d) Chlorite are the minerals belonging to Tectosilicates Cyclosiiicates lnoslicates Phyllosilicates Montmorillonite minerals surface area (mZlg) of 80-150 ' 150-180 180-250 250-300, have external 81. a) b) c)

73. Some microorganisms produce organiq ligands to chelate iron in the soil and make it available to the plants. These organic ligands are known as a) Porphyrins A) Siderophores c) Chromophores d) Ferrodoxins 74 Soil-test-based fertilizer recommendation for targeted yield of crops was first introduced in India by a) J.S Kanwar b) N.P Datta .c) B. Ramamoorthy d) R.V. Tamhane 4 5 . In absorption measurements, minimum error ' occurs at the transmittance of a1 10%

76. TDR is a method of monitoring a) Soil wetness b) Vapour pressure C) Salt concentration d) Solar radiation 77. Which one is not a process of chemical weathering? a) Hydration b) Hydrolysis c) Precipitation d) Carbonation 78. In the Jenjy's factors of soil formation, factor 'b' refers to a) Biological factor b) Biochemical factor c) Base-exchange d) Biosphere

a) b) c) d)

79. Sediments deposited in fresh water lakes are called a) Delta b) Aeolian c) Lacustrine d) Outwash

87. Which of the following is not a slow-release fertilizer? -a) N-serve b) LCU c) SCU d) NCCU 88. a) b) c) Capillary porosity is given by the formula I-Field capacity Field capacity x Bulk density Field capacity x Particle density Bulk density ]xlOO Field capacity

Subject : YhD Soil Science and Agrlcultural Chemistry -2011

' 89. Azomethine-H is used in determination of

a) b) c) d) Molybdenum Sulphur Boron Caic~um The journal "Commun~cationsin Soii Science and Plant Analysis" is published by Elsevier Kluwer CSlRO Francis and Taylor

97. Double rings infiltrometer is used for a) Maximizing the vertical and horizontal flows b) Reducing the vertical flow c) Reducing the upward flow ,d) Minimizing the horizontal flow

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a) b) C) d)

98. Which one is not a. resource conservation technology (ROT)? a) Zero tillage b) Puddling c) Laser leveilng d) Bed planting 99. Aspergillus ehamori is a a) K-mobilizer b) Organicmatter decomposer c) S-oxidizer, d) P-solubilizer

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91. Measured concentration of an ion is usually not equal to the actual concentration in soil due to ,a) Complexation and ion-pair formation b) .Delayed equilibrium c) inefficiency of measuring device d) Non-ideal pK values 92. The first compound hydrolysis is a) Ammonium carbonate ,b Ammonium carbamate c) Anhydrous ammonia d) Ammonium hydroxide formed on urea

.l ,.

100. in India, the work on 'biogas' was first carried out by a) J.N. Mukherjee b) S.V. Desai c) N.P. Datta d) N.N. Goswami 101. Real-time N management refers to a) N supply as per plant demand b) N supply as per soil test c) N supply as per fertilizer schedule d) N supply at different growth stages 102. 'cfu' is a unit for measuring a) Soil poliution b) Metal contamination c) Soil quality d) Microbial population 103. Conventional deficiency thresholds (mglkg soil) of Zn and Fe for Indian soils are a) 0.2 and 2.0 b) 0 6 and 4.5 c) 1.0 and 2.0 d) 3.0 and 6.0 104. The correct order of preference of anions for positive sites is a) CI- > PO?> SO? b) CI- > SO:-> PO:,

93. Uniform chlorosis of the youngestgrowth is a symptom of. a) K deficiency, b) S deficiency c) Mg deficiency d) Fe deficiency

94. in the universal soil loss equation, factor 'S stands for a) Slope-length b) Slope gradient c) Soii texture d) Soil erodibility 95. The volumetric heat capacity of a wet soil (C,) is expressed by a) C = P, (o , +) I, c ,

where, c = heat capacity of soil on mass basis , 0 = soil water &tent on mass basis , .. p, = bulk density -96. The process of bringing bulk soil sample to the desired quantity is called a) Reduction b) Minimization c) Quartering d) Partit~oning

' 0

105. Acid suiphate soils are formed mainly due to a) Reduction of sulphates b) Oxidation of sulphides c) Evolution of hydrogen suiphide d) Rice cultivation using ammonium suiphate

Subject : PhD - Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry - 2011

~ 1 0 629.5 mg of an organlc compound containing . nitrogen was digested according to Kjeldahl's method and the evolved ammonia was absorbed in 20 mL of 0.1 M HCI solution. The excess of the acid required 15 mL of 0.1 M NaOH solution for complete neutralization The percentage of nitrogen in the compound is a) 23.7 b) 29.5 c) 47.4 d) 59.0 107. Find out the most appropriate order of oraanic soii nitroaen in order of their ease of m$erallzation: a) Urea > amino acids > proteins > nuclelc acids > amino sugars > humified N , rb) Urea > amino sugars > proteins > amino acids > humlfied N > nuclelc acids 1 Urea > nuclelc acids > proteins > amlno c) acids > humified N > amlno sugars d) Urea > amino acids > nucleic acids > humified N > proteins > amino sugars

112 if 2 mL of I N K2Cr00, solution was consumed for oxidation of organic C present in 1 gram of a soil, the organlc matter percentage of the soii is a) 0.3 b ) 0.6 C) 1.0 , d) 1.5 113. Eriochrome Black-T determination of a) Lime requirement ) Gypsum requirement c) Organic-C d) Boron determination




108. The numerical notation 2.5 YR 516 indicates equivalent soil colour name as a) Yeilow b) Yeilow red c) Red d) Red yellow 109. If total soil water potential at a point A in so11 is -150 cm and at point B is -200 cm, then 4 Water will flow from point A to B b) Water will flow from point B to A C There will be no flow of water between ) points A & B d) More information Is needed to draw conclusion on direction of flow of water 110.Number of recognlsed land capability classes given by Soil conservation Service of USA is a) IV b) VI n) Viii d) X r

114. The corr'ect sequence which shows decreasing order of CIN ratio is a) Prokaryotes > earth worm > matured soil t Sesbania sesban > wheat straw > saw dust b) Matured soil > prokaryotes > earth worm1 r Sesbania sesban > wheat straw > saw dust c) Prokaryotes > Sesbania sesban > earth worm > matured soil > saw dust > wheat straw d) Saw dbst > wheat straw > Sesbaqa sesban > msured soil > earth worm > prokaryotes -~ ".. 115. Anion exchange capacity is highest in a) Vermiculite b) Montmoriilonite c) Kaoiinite d) lllite 116. DRlS approach was given by a) Bray p) Beaufils c) Jackson d) Nemeth 117. Amount of micronutrients required by various crops can be arranged in an order: ,) a -Fe > M Zn > Cg > Mo b) M n > Z n > F e > C u > M o c) F e > Z n s M n > C u > M o d) M o > C u > Z n > M n > F e 118. Mitscherlich related the potential yield of a crop to the amount of a given nutrient with the following equation: Log (A-Y) = log A Cb in the equation 'b' denotes Proportionality constant Potential yield Amount of given form of nutrient present in the soil Growth factor specific to a crop when ail other factors are not limiting

111. Rhizobium japontcum fixes N in symbiotic relationship with a) Pea group b) Lupin group ,c) Soybean group d) Phaseolus group

a) b) c) ,) d

Subject : PIID

- Soil Science and Agricuttural Chemistry - 2011

v 125. Soil that contains

119. Prokaryotes in soil include the following groups of organisms a) Fungi, Actinomycetes, Bacteria, Algae 'b) Bacteria, Archaea, Actinomycetes, BGA c) Protozoa, Bacteria, Fungi, Archaea d) Algae, Protozoa, Fungi, Bacteria 120. Which one of the following organisms is an obligate chemoautotroph? a) Frankia /b) Nitrosomonas c) Rhizobium d) Anabaena 121. Efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizer is dependent on various factors like water, fertilizers and presence of other agronomic management practices. To calculate the 'Apparent Nitrogen Recovery' (ANR) in relation to crop yield, the correct approach is
a) ANR=
(uplake of N fmm fertilizer N Uptake of N fmm wntml)


l o 3 bacterial cells per gram is treated with organic matter. Bacteria in the soil can double every 4 hours. The ntlmber of bacterial cells after 36 hours will be 4x10'

Amount of Napplled (uptake of N from ferlilirer N Uptake of N (,om wnlroi) Uptake of N fmm control


126. There are number of fundamerltal assumptions upon which the validity of Stokes' law 4s based. Which one of the assumptions given below is not correct? a) The pagicles must be large in compari:;on to liquidmoiecules. Particles hust not be rigid and smooth. b , ) c) There must be no slipping between the particle and the liquid. d) The velocity of the fall must not exceed a certain critical value so that the viscosity of the liquid remains the only resistance to the fail of the particles. 127. Which one of the foilowing minerals would weather most rapidly? a) Muscovite, b) Albite, c) Quartz ~ d) ~ Microiine, -128. Which of the following processes-explains, the formation of secondary cryztailine colloids from t h e ~ i c a feldspars present and in the parent rock? ,a) Hydrolysis b) Solution c) Coagulation d) Carbonation 129. The crystal units of rnontmorillonite are held together by a) 0 0 linkages b) 0 H linkages c) H bonding, d) K* ions






(uptake of Nfrom fertilizer N Uptake of N fmm wntmi) Uptake of N fmm feniiizer N




(Grain yleld in Nfertilized plot-Graln yleld In w n t d p l ~ t ) ~ , Amount of Nspplied

122. In nitrification, the oxidation state of N changes from a) -3 to +3 b) +3 to -5 c) -3 to +5 d) +3to-3

_, 123. Suppose

- b)

a) C) d)

that jQO kg of green manure containing 40% C and 2 % 6 is decomposed by bacteria wrth C to 'N ratio of 5:l and C assimilation efficacy of 5%. What will be the quantity. of N mineralized or immobilized from the addicon oGreen manure? 0.4 kg N immobilized 1.6 kg N mineralized 2 kg N immobilized 2 kg N mineralized

124. 'BiOLOG' is used for determining a) Genetic fingerprints of soil microorganisms b) Taxonomic changes of soil microorganisms c) Metabolic fingerprints of soil bacteria d) All of the above

130. Carbon-14 (j4c) is used for C dating. What is the half Iit'Sof I4c? a) 8370 years J) 5230 years c) 1620 years d) 13 years

Subject : PhD Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry -2011


Matching type questions (No. 131 to 140); all questions carry equal marks. Choose the correct answer (a, b, c, d or e) for i each sub-question (i, i,iii, iv and v) and enter your choice in the circle (by shading with a pencil) on the OMR answer sheet as per the instructions given on the answer sheet.


i) Infrared thermometer
ii) Psychrometer i~i) Spectro-radiometer iv) Anemometer v) Mass spectrometer 137. i) Ratio law ii) Bragg's law iii) ZPC

a) Wind veloc~ty b) Reflectance c) Stable isotopes d) Canopy temperatu)e e) Relative humtdiiy

131. i) Karl Fisher reagent ii) EBT ~ndicator iil) Ascorbic acid iv) Alkaline permanganate v) Grigg's reagent

a) P determination b) Available N estimation c) Available Mo estimation d) Moisture determinat~on ~nurea e) Ca estimat~on

a) Variable charge surface b) Selectivity coefficient C) Donnan membrane equilibrium' iv) Osmo-regulation . d) X-ray diffraction e) Salt-tolerance of crops v) Gapon equation 138. i) Environmental Soil Phvsics 6) Physical Chemistry and ' ine era lo^^ of soil. iii) Soil Conditions and Plant Growth lv) Soil Fertility : Theory and Practice v) Chemical Equilibria in Soils 139. i) Truog's reagent ii) Egner's reagent iii) Morgan's reagent iv) Olsen's reagent v) DTPA reagent


132. i) Production of Hzas feedstock ii) Slngle superphosphate iii) Ammonium chloride iv) Beneficiation of rockwhoswhate V) ~ m i o n i synthesis a 133. i) Phospholipid fatty acids ~ i )Phenyl mercuric acetate iii) Fumigation extraction iv) Tri-~henvl tetrazolium chloride V) P-nitrophenol 134. i) Deflorination ii) Floatation iii) Anti-caking iv) LCC v) Pyrolysis 135. I ' ' i) Hornblende ii) Olivine iii) Feldspar iv) Pyroxene v) Mica

a) C.E. Marshall bj D. Hiilel c) W.L. Lindsay

d) E.W. Russell

a) SoivaY's Process

b) Froth floatation c) Haber-Bosch d) Steam reforming e) EID (Parry) ~ t d .

e) J.S. Kanwar

a) Phosphatase b) Dehydrogenase c) B~odiversity d) Microbial biomass-C e) Urease inhibitor

a) b) c) d) 'e)

pH 7.3 pH 8.5 pH 4.8 pH 3.0 pH 3.8


r\hotoautrophs ii) Chemoautotrophs iii) Anaerobes iv) Non-symbiotic N2 fixers v) Photoheterotrophs

a) b) c) d) e)

Potassic fertilizers Nitrogenous fertilizers Biochar Conditioners Phosphatic fertilizers

a) Energy from sunlight. C from CO1 b) Exist as free livincl organisms but fix^^ c) Energy from sunlight, C from organic matter d) Can use chemical species other than free oxygen as electron acceptors e) Energy from oxidation of inorganid,substances, C from C02 -

Subject : PhD -Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry -2011

Short questions (No. 141 to 146); each question carries FIVE marks. Write answers, including computation I mathematical calculations if any, in the space provided for each question on the question paper itself.
141. "Soil health~deterioration the major second generation problem of Green Revolution". Substantiate is

the statement with appropriate reasons. _ _ _ .



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A .

142. ~ive-(he working principles of flame photometry and atomic absorption speclrophotornetry and explain the basic difference between these two techniques. " h .L
~ ~

Subject : PIID Soil Science and Agricultural Cllemistry 2011


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waterlogging tends to stabilize near 143. "Irrespective oi the oriiinal pH, pH ofthe soil upon .. --nl(r-li*$l" S~~noort vour answer by taking an example of acidicJiJsol and s o d l ~ ~ o l .

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1441 "Natural vegetation promotes below ground biodiversity".Briefly describe.



Subject : PlrD Soil Science and Agrlculturnl Chemistry - 2011

145. Enumerate the soil-related conditions congenial for occurrence of Akiochi d~seasein rice What measures will you suggest for the alleviation of the same? -

146. Def~ne lime requirement and lime potential. Calcium chloride (CaCI*) contains 53% calcium. Express this on an equivalent calcium oxide. Can calcium chloride be used as a liming agent? Give reasons in support of your answer. . A,, ., , n (\: :--- .-3ddQ

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