49. Study the four statements (a–d) 55. Pheretima and its close relatives
given below and select the two correct derive nourishment from:
ones out of them: (i) A lion eating a deer (a) sugarcane roots
and a sparrow feeding on grain are (b) decaying fallen leaves and soil organic
ecologically similar in being consumers matter.
(ii) Predator star fish Pisaster helps in (c) soil insects
maintaining species diversity of some (d) small pieces of fresh fallen leaves of
invertebrates (iii) Predators ultimately maize, etc.
lead to the extinction of prey species (iv)
Production of chemicals such as 56. Which one of the following is not a
nicotine, strychnine by the plants are gaseous biogeochemical cycle in
metabolic disorders The two correct ecosystem?
statements are: (a) Sulphur cycle
(a) (ii) and (iii) (b) Phosphorus cycle
(b) (iii) and (iv) (c) Nitrogen cycle
(c) (i) and (iv) (d) Carbon cycle
(d) (i) and (ii)
57. Identify the possible link ―A‖ in the
50. The biomass available for following food chain: Plant insect - frog
consumption by the herbivores and the ―A‖ Eagle
decomposers is called: (a) Rabbit
(a) net primary productivity (b) WoIf
(b) secondary productivity (c) Cobra
(d) Parrot ecosystem?
(a) Lion
58. Which one of the following is not a (b) Grasshopper
function of an ecosystem (c) Wolf
(a) Energy flow (d) Phytoplankton
(b) Decomposition
(c) Productivity 66. When man eats fish which feeds on
(d) Stratification zooplankton which have eaten small
plants, the producer in the chain is
59. The upright pyramid of number is (a) Zooplankton
absent in (b) Small plants
(a) Pond (c) Fish
(b) Forest (d) Man
(c) Lake
(d) Grassland 67. Population of which of the following will
be highest in the foodchain?
60. The rate of formation of new organic (a) Decomposer
matter by rabbit in a grassland, is called (b) Primary Producer
(a) net productivity (c) Photosynthetic organism
(b) secondary productivity (d) Secondary consumers
(c) net primary productivity
(d) gross primary productivity 68. Mr. X is eating curd/yoghurt. For this
food intake in a food chain Mr. X should be
61. The second stage of hydrosere is considered as occupying
occupied by plants like (a) first trophic level
(a) Azolla (b) fourth trophic level
(b) Typha (c) second trophic level
(c) Salix (d) third trophic level
(d) Vallisneria
69. The primary producers of the deepsea
62. Natural reservoir of phosphorus is: hydrothermal vent ecosystem are
(a) Animal bones (a) bluegreen algae
(b) Rock (b) coral reefs
(c) Fossils (c) green algae
(d) Sea water (d) chemosynthetic bacteria
63. Which one of the following processes 70. which of the following is placed in upper
during decomposition is correctly most (highest) level of ecological pyramids.
described? (a) Herbivores
(a) Humification-Leads to the accumulation (b) Carnivors
of a dark coloured substance humus which (c) Primary and Secondary Producers.
undergoes microbial action at every fast (d) Primary and Secondary consumer
(b) Catabolism – Last step decomposition 71. Which one of the following is a
under fully anaerobic condition characteristic feature of cropland ecosystem?
(c) Leaching –water soluble inorganic (a) Absence of soil organisms
Nutrient rise to the top level of soil (b) Absence of weeds
(d) Fragmentation –Carried out by organisms (c) Ecological succession
such as earthworm. (c) Least genetic diversity
64. Secondary productivity is rate of 72. The enzyme responsible for the reduction
formation of new organic matter by of molecular nitrogen to the level of ammonia
(a) Parasite in the leguminous root nodule is
(b) Consumer (a) nitrite reductase
(c) Decomposer (b) nitrogenase
(d) Producer (c) nitrate reductase
(d) ammoneases
65. Which one of the following is a
primary consumer in maize field
73.ln a biotic community, the primary (b) Population
consumers are (c) Biotic Community
(a) carnivores (d) Species
(b) omnivores
(c) detritivores 81. Food chain in which microorganisms
(d) herbivores breakdown the food formed by primary
producers is
74. Whale is (a) parasitic food chain
(a) Primary producer (b) detritus food chain
(b) Herbivorous (c) consumer food chain
(c) Carnivorous, secondary consumer (d) predator food chain.
(d) A decomposer
82. Which two distinct microbial processes
75. In an ecosystem the rate of production of are responsible for the release of fixed
organic matter during photosynthesis is nitrogen as dinitrogen gas (N2) to the
termed as atmosphere?
(a) secondary productivity (a) Aerobic nitrate oxidation and nitrite
(b) net productivity reduction
(c) net primary productivity (b) Decomposition of organic nitrogen and
(d) gross primary productivity. conversion of dinitrogen to ammonium
76. The functional efficiency of ecosystem is (c) Enteric fermentation in cattle and
effected when decomposers are removed nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium in root
from it, because.. nodules of legumes
(a) Energy flow will stop (d) Anaerobic ammonium oxidation and
(b) Rest components decomposetion will Denitrification
become faster
(c) Herbivous will not get sun light 83. Which is the reason for highest biomass
(d) Flow of nutrient will stop in aquatic ecosystem?
(a) Nano plankton, blue green algae and
77. During ecological succession green algae
(a) the numbers and types of animals remain (b) Sea grass and slime moulds
constant (c) Benthoic and brown algae
(b) the changes lead to a community that is (d) Diatoms
in near equilibrium with the environment
and is called pioneer community 84. Which one of the following is not a
(c) the gradual and predictable change in functional unit of an ecosystem?
species composition occurs in a given area (a) Energy flow
(d) the establishment of a new biotic (b) Decomposition
community is very fast in its primary phase (c) Productivity
(d) Stratification
78. Which age group in pyramid indicate less
reproductive potential ? 85. Which one of the following is not used for
(a) Bell shaped construction of ecological pyramids?
(b) Triangular (a) Fresh weight
(c) Inverted Bell shaped (b) Dry weight
(d) All of them have equal( same) potential (c) Number of individuals
(d) Rate of energy flow
79. Vertical distribution of different species
occupying different levels in a biotic 86. Mass of living matter at a trophic level in
community is known as an area at any time is called
(a) divergence (a) humus
(b) zonation (b) standing state
(c) pyramid (c) standing crop
(d) stratification (d) detritus
80. If earth is considered a unit region then 87. Which ecosystem has the maximum
biosphere can be compared to.... biomass ?
(a) Eco-System (a) Grassland ecosystem
(b) Pond ecosystem present in the soil at any given time, is
(c) Lake ecosystem referred as :
(d) Forest ecosystem (a) Standing crop
(b) Climax
88. What type of ecological pyramid would be (c) Climax community
obtained with the following data? (d) Standing state
Secondary consumer : 120 g
Primary consumer : 60 g
Primary producer : 10 g
(a) Inverted pyramid of biomass
(b) Pyramid of energy
(c) Upright pyramid of biomass
(d) Upright pyramid of numbers
72. 81.
(b) nitrogenase (b) The dead organic matter of plants or
73. animals is called as detritus. While a part of
(d) In a biotic community, the primary it remains on the soil surface as litter, the
consumers or first-order consumers are other part enters the soil. Many animals
herbivores, they feed on producers. They are such as protozoans, nematodes, insects etc.,
also called key industry animals because depend on detritus and hence they are called
they convert plant material into animal as detritivores. Even the human beings are
material detritivores when they eat cooked food. From
74. detritus, the chain proceeds to detritivores,
(c) Secondary consumers are mainly then to carnivores and finally to top
carnivores who prey on other animals. carnivores.
Omnivores, who feed on both plants and
animals, can also be considered a secondary 82.
consumer. Examples of secondary
(d) Denitrification is a chemical process in 88 (a)
which nitrates in the soil are reduced to the inverted pyramid of biomass, usually
molecular nitrogen (N.) which is released into found in aquatic ecosystem.
the atmosphere. It is done by denitrifying • Pyramid of energy is always upright
bacteria like Pseudomonas denitrificans. • Upright pyramid of biomass and numbers
Anaerobic oxidation of ammonium (NH4) also are not possible, as the data depicts
releases nitrogen in the atmosphere. primary producer is less than primary
consumer and this is less than secondary
83. consumers.
(c) The benthic region includes all the sea
floor from the wavewashed shoreline to the 89(d)
greatest depths. Depending upon the ecological pyramid is a diagram that shows
penetration of light it is subdivided into two the relative amounts of energy or matter or
main zones : the lighted or littoral zone and numbers of organisms within each trophic
the deep sea system. Due to abundance of level in a food chain or food.
light, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide and less The pyramid of biomass in sea is
salinity of water, the tidal zone is inverted because biomass of fish exceeds
characterized by exhorbitant growth of that of phytoplankton and in this scenario
plants. The dense growth of vegetation, on the biomass of trophic level depends on the
the other hand, provides shelter and food for reproductive potential and the longevity of
animals. A wide variety of algae, few grasses the member. Marine environment
and animals of every phylum of animal
have inverted biomass pyramids.
kingdom are represented in this region.
84. GPP is always more than NPP
(d) functional unit of an ecosystem
85. • Fourth trophic level — Vulture
(a) Ecological pyramids represents the • Second trophic level — Rabbit
trophic structure and trophic function of an • First trophic level—Grass
ecosystem. In an ecological pyramid, the first • Third trophic level — Crow
trophic level forms the base and successive
trophic levels the tiers which make up the 92(a) Respiration losses
apex. Ecological pyramids may be of three 93 (a) Standing crop
general types pyramid of number, pyramid of
biomass and pyramid of energy. Pyramid of
biomass i.e. the living weight of the
organisms of the food chain present at any
time in an ecosystem forms the pyramids of
biomass. The pyramid of biomass indicates
the decrease or the gradual reduction in
biomass at each trophic levels from base to
apex. Fresh weight is not used in ecological
(c) A standing crop is the total dried biomass
of the living organisms present in a given
environment. This includes both natural
ecosystems and agriculture
87. (d)
Forest ecology is the scientific study of the
interrelated patterns, processes, flora, fauna
and 4ecosystems in forests. The
management of forests is known as forestry,
silviculture, and forest management. In
forest ecosystems productivity is also high
that contributes to maximum biomass.