Do you create content for your business? Yes? Then come closer, because I have something you won’t want to miss. 🔹🔸🔹 Starting on December 1, you can Countdown to Christmas with my Content Inspiration Advent Calendar. ⭐️ 24 posts over 24 days ⭐️ 24 places to find content inspiration ⭐️ Practical tips to help you find the gold ⭐️ And spin it into audience-friendly content. There’s a goldmine of content inspiration for creating blog articles, social media posts, videos, podcasts and anything else you can think of. 🔹🔸🔹 You can open your first window on Sunday at 8.00am (GMT). Make sure you never miss a post by following the hashtag #JennysContentGoldmine The full article will drop in the New Year. #ContentCreation #ContentInspiration #ContentIdeas
Woohoooo!! Looking forward to this Jenny Lucas and it looks like I'm the first follower of your hashtag #JennysContentGoldmine too 👍
I love how you've made content creation fun and accessible with a daily dose of inspiration. Jenny Lucas ✅
Love this Jenny, perfect reason to pop on here every day in December x
Looking forward to this 😀 Now following!
Love this idea!
And it begins…👏🏽
Looking forward to it Jenny Lucas
Let’s goooooooooo!🎉🎉
Impressive Jenny Lucas
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3wI could dig into this Jenny Lucas any chocolate come with it?