Yannick Le Guern

Yannick Le Guern

Paris, Île-de-France, France
7 k abonnés + de 500 relations


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  • Graphique Université Paris Dauphine- PSL

    Université Paris Dauphine- PSL


    Activités et associations :Juinor d'entreprise. Association Contrôle Audit Dauphine.

  • -

    Activités et associations :Conseil Scientifique. Passage au statut de Grande Ecole. Junior entreprise.

Licences et certifications

  • Coach-praticien Neuro-Comportemental


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  • Migrant Integration Lab "A sustainable solution to a world-wide crisis"

    - aujourd’hui

    The “Migrant Integration Lab” is a holistic device of newcommers* sustainable integration designed and implemented by B1-AKT in 7 countries. It is based on the elaboration of:

    1.A Global Ecosystem regrouping National and International actors, Stakeholders, Institutions working on Sustainable integration issues

    2.A Global Process of Newcomers Integration:

    This is achieved by Training and Capacity building and/or reinforcement via LABS, based on 4 simultaneous…

    The “Migrant Integration Lab” is a holistic device of newcommers* sustainable integration designed and implemented by B1-AKT in 7 countries. It is based on the elaboration of:

    1.A Global Ecosystem regrouping National and International actors, Stakeholders, Institutions working on Sustainable integration issues

    2.A Global Process of Newcomers Integration:

    This is achieved by Training and Capacity building and/or reinforcement via LABS, based on 4 simultaneous PILLARS:

    Linguistic (social & cultural) pillar
    Economic integration (“job targeting” & “entrepreneurship” mentoring ) pillar
    Civism (citizenship) pillar
    Intercultural dialogue (sustainable communities, arts& hybrid identity) pillar

    3.The Training Methodology for newcomers and targeted public, but also for the main stakeholders at national level

    4. A European Network as to permit good practices exchange and enable transnational Cooperation.

    The Migrant Integration Labs are based on transnational frameworks that are giving policymakers a new lens with which to develop innovative public programs, and public-private partnerships across borders. MIL provides opportunities for businesses, social entrepreneurs, and governments.


    See project


    Extraits audio du livre "A L'AUBE DE L'HUMANITÉ, Idées concrètes pour changer le monde"

    L'extension du domaine de la violence et les crises globales impliquent la mise en oeuvre d'un nouveau modèle de société. Cet ouvrage présente une vision inédite, des idées concrètes et un projet évolutionnaire, pour créer une société apaisée, celle du bien-être en commun.

    Une (r)évolution citoyenne et un nouveau projet politique commun sont les conditions sine qua non pour produire un monde…

    Extraits audio du livre "A L'AUBE DE L'HUMANITÉ, Idées concrètes pour changer le monde"

    L'extension du domaine de la violence et les crises globales impliquent la mise en oeuvre d'un nouveau modèle de société. Cet ouvrage présente une vision inédite, des idées concrètes et un projet évolutionnaire, pour créer une société apaisée, celle du bien-être en commun.

    Une (r)évolution citoyenne et un nouveau projet politique commun sont les conditions sine qua non pour produire un monde plus solidaire, plus démocratique où la confiance l'emportera sur la peur.

    Auteurs: Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache, sont entrepreneurs, humanistes, professeurs-chercheurs, conseillers politiques, maîtres d'oeuvre d'un monde meilleur.

    Cet essai philosophique et politique est le fruit de leurs recherches et d'expérimentations concrètes depuis vingt ans au service de la mise en oeuvre de politiques publiques, de la création de projets de transformation sociétale et de réflexions citoyennes.

    ENGLISH: At the time when many have lost hope amidst pandemic times, terrorism, environmental destruction, economic inequality and breakdown of our democracies, this philosophic and politic essay provides ideas on how to rethink and reform our Society to create a better humanity.

    It challenges us to integrate participatory processes in our interactions and decisions with a clear vision and a strategy for a desired transformation for the well-being of all, by imagining the ‘Eudemonic society.’ For the authors, a citizen revolution is the ‘sine qua non’ condition for producing a new society; a world that is more united, more democratic, and socially happier, where ‘trust prevails over fear’.

    The authors Laura Petrache and Yannick are both social entrepreneurs, humanists, researchers, and political advisers.

    Other creators
    See project


    An entrepreneurial and economic project for a resilient, learning, and inclusive territory. A hybrid place of experimentation and innovation: a cultural, entrepreneurial, economic, citizen and societal place.

    A project incubator based on an international ecosystem of experts, mentors, and funders, to support concrete projects of societal, cultural and citizen innovation with a positive social impact. A place for accommodation, local telecommuting and coworking.

    A place for…

    An entrepreneurial and economic project for a resilient, learning, and inclusive territory. A hybrid place of experimentation and innovation: a cultural, entrepreneurial, economic, citizen and societal place.

    A project incubator based on an international ecosystem of experts, mentors, and funders, to support concrete projects of societal, cultural and citizen innovation with a positive social impact. A place for accommodation, local telecommuting and coworking.

    A place for training and inclusion that promotes local entrepreneurship and job creation. A place of learning and intergenerational transmission of technical, artisanal (craftsmanship), and artistic know-how of yesterday and tomorrow.

    An (inter)cultural and artistic place for all, hosting the international festival "La nuit des arts et des mondes" (promoting cultural diversity and creating bridges between cultures) with spaces for creation and international cultural exchanges, supporting cultural and creative entrepreneurs and developing cultural, creative industries.

    See project


  • Nuit des Arts et des Mondes


    - aujourd’hui


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