EMAS registration

By monitoring and systematically improving the environmental performance of your business, you can help to reduce your energy consumption, make sure that the resources you use protect the environment, and improve your reputation. As a company, you can request registration under the EU's Eco-management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).

Benefits of EMAS registration for your company

EMAS can help your company:

  • cut costs related to resources and waste management
  • minimise environmental risks and danger of fines related to environmental legislation
  • comply with regulatory requirements
  • benefit from environmental regulatory relief (for example, reporting requirements and inspections)
  • improve relations with internal and external stakeholders
  • continuously improve your environmental performance
  • achieve a competitive advantage by enhancing your credibility, transparency, and reputation among your customers

EMAS's registration process is transparent and the environmental management system is verified by an independent third party, which guarantees the credibility of the scheme. Only registered organisations may use the EMAS logo.

Requirements for EMAS registration

To obtain EMAS registration, you must take several steps, such as:

  • conduct an environmental review
  • adopt an environmental policy and programme in which you involve employees and external stakeholders
  • establish and implement an environmental management system
  • prepare an environmental statement
  • get the environmental management system verified and the environmental statement validated by an environmental verifier

For technical support and information on how to implement EMAS, you can contact the competent authority in your country:


If you are an SME, you can benefit from several advantages when you register for EMAS:

  • You can carry out the EMAS full verification every four years, instead of every three
  • The time period for an internal audit can be extended from one year to two
  • You can publish your environmental statement every two years instead of every year, provided that you forward the non-validated, updated environmental statement to the Competent Body every year
  • Environmental verifiers take into account SMEs' specific characteristics when evaluating their environmental management system and report
  • Fees are designed to be proportionate to the size of the organisation

Some regions and EU countries offer financial support Open as an external link for your EMAS application. To find out if this applies to your country, you can contact the competent authority.

Use the available tools and support

If you plan to apply for EMAS registration, you can use EMAS Easy, which is a comprehensive tool for EMAS implementation. EMAS Easy helps your company to implement EMAS in a way that takes into account the size, financial capacity and organisational culture of small businesses. Consult the EMAS Easy guidance and follow the steps for EMAS registration.

For further support for SMEs, check out the EMAS SME corner.

See also

EU legislation

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EMAS Helpdesk

Get assistance from the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) helpdesk

Do you have questions on operating a business cross-border, for example exporting or expanding to another EU country? If so, the Enterprise Europe Network can give you free advice.

You can also use the assistance service finder to find the right help for you.

Last checked: 19/07/2024
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