don't get lost, 'kay?

# yukoki themes
# yukoki pages
all codes portfolio

make a promise

By using my themes, you agree not to remove credit, claim any part as yours, redistribute any code as your own (in part or whole). Feel free to edit the themes to your liking. I will not be accepting any asks regarding themes released under [yukoki].


finders keepers

◍ oxygen theme.

Links: preview | alt preview | install | features

Oxygen is a console gaming-inspired theme which features reminiscent console buttons as navigation links. More thoroughly introduce yourself through an integrated user profile section.

Features: console buttons navigation, windowed style, custom google fonts, sidebar profile with avatar and hp + sp bars, user profile section with long bio + skills/progress + to-do list, social media links


1,851 notes21 Jan 20222:04am
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Moved to @xuethms!
I'm not gone, I've just rebranded. This blog will no longer be updated, but will remain up as an archive of my old works and resources. Thanks for visiting!
i've moved to @xuethms
4 Jun 2021: I've rebranded! Check out my new themes, pages, resources and more at my new blog!