DSP For Induction Motor Drive
DSP For Induction Motor Drive
DSP For Induction Motor Drive
It is programmable digital controller with a C2xx DSP central processing unit (CPU) as the
core processor.
DSP processors have fast cycle execution speeds, low interrupt latencies, and sophisticated
internal timers making them ideal as a source for the control signals to an inverter.
A DSP for motion control is just one that is dedicated to motion control tasks including
generating motion profiles or trajectories, closing the control loop, and sending control signals
to the motor drive.
The LF2407 peripheral set includes:
The LF2407 DSP Controller has three different allocations of memory it can use:
Data, Program, and I/O memory space. Data space is used for program
calculations, look-up tables, and any other memory used by an algorithm.
Program memory is the location of user's program code. Program memory on the
LF2407 is either mapped to the off-chip RAM (MP/MC-pin=1) or to the on-chip
flash memory (MP/MC-0), depending on the logic value of the MP/MC-pin.
Types of Physical Memory.
1) Random Access Memory (RAM)
The LF2407 has 544 words of 16 bits each in the on-chip DARAM. These 544
words are partitioned, into three blocks: B0, B1, and B2. Blocks B1 and B2 are
allocated for use only as data memory. Memory block B0 is different than B1
and B2. This memory block is normally configured as Data Memory, and hence
primarily used to hold data, but in the case of the B0 block, it can also be
configured as Program Memory. B0 memory can be configured as program or
data memory depending on the value of the core level "CNF" bit.
(CNF=0) maps BO to data memory. (CNF-1) maps BO to program memory.
The LF2407 also has 2K of single-access RAM (SARAM). The addresses
associated, with the SARAM can be used for both data memory and program
memory, and are software configurable to the internal SARAM or external
2) Non-Volatile Flash Memory
The LF2407 contains 32K of on-chip flash memory that can be mapped to
program space if the MP/MC-pin is made logic 0 (tied to ground). The
flash memory provides a permanent location to store code that is unaffected
by cutting power to the device. The flash memory can be electronically
programmed and erased many times to allow for code development.
Usually, the external RAM on the LF2407 Evaluation Module (EVM)
board is used instead of the flash for code development due to the fact that
a separate "flash programming" routine must be performed to flash code
into the flash memory. The on-chip flash is normally used in situations
where the DSP program needs to be tested where a JTAG connection is not
practical or where the DSP needs to be tested as a "stand-alone" device.
14 Software Tools
Texas Instrument's Code Composer Studio™ (CCS) is user-friendly Windows-based debugger for developing
and debugging software for the LF2407. CCS allows users to write and debug code in Cor in TI assembly
language. CCS has many features that can aid in developing code. CCS features include:
User-friendly Windows environment
Ability to use code written in Cand assembly
Memory displays and on-the-fly editing capability
Disassembly window for debugging
Source level debugging, which allows stepping through and setting
Breakpoints in original source code
CPU register visibility and modification
Real-time debugging with watch windows and continuous refresh
Various single step/step over/ step-into command icons
Ability to display data in graph formats
General Extension Language (GEL) capability, allows the user to create functions that extend the usefulness
of CCS
Becoming Aquatinted with Code Composer Studio (CCS)
This exercise will help you become familiar with the software and emulation
tools of the LF2407 DSP Controller. CCS, the current emulation and debugging
software, is user-friendly and a powerful development tool.
The hardware required for this exercise and all others is the Spectrum Digital
TMS320LF2407 EVM package, which includes LF2407 EVM board and the
XDS510PP Plus JTAG emulator pole. You will also need a Windows-based
Motor Sensorless control by DSP
The microcontrollers such as the family ™ C2000, become widespread when the
technology matures its manufacture.
Also when the characteristics of the applications are needed to efficiently solve the
tasks of digital signal processing. Usually, requiring reinforced architectures and
extension of the instructions repertoire of the MCU types as DSP’s.
Control Methodology
The control of an induction motor used is known in the literature as "sensorless
control" and allows to bring the induction motor to a stable state through simple
schemes fed by voltage, current making the estimation and control of the rotor
The control developed is based on the principle of the loop shown in Figure 1
where the value of the rotor speed depends on a magnetic flux and speed
estimators. The estimation of the stator magnetic flux based on the voltage model,
the stator current based with its proportionality with the rotor speed by means of
Clarke's transformations.
The sensorless control proposed is the scaling which is based in such a way that,
when the frequency is reduced, the voltage is reduced proportionally, that is, with
a constant Voltage/ Frequency or simply V/Hz command law.
Flow Estimator: The induction motor model can be expressed in the fixed
reference frame d-q by equations.
Speed estimator: The open-loop speed estimator is derived based on the
mathematical equations of the induction motor in the stationary reference frame
and the flux linkages along with the angle