Smart Card Security System
Smart Card Security System
Smart Card Security System
Proposed System
Automated processing using smartcard Smart card stores all Functions
Can monitor the processes of multiple systems.
Feasibility Study
A feasibility study is an evaluation of a proposal designed to determine the difficulty in carrying out a designated task. In other words, a feasibility study is an evaluation or analysis of the potential impact of a proposed project. I. II. Economically Feasibility Technical feasibility
Economic Feasibility
System being developed is economical with respect to school or colleges point of view. Eliminates paper work. Hence, cost effective.
Calculations are automated which are made as per the user requirement. Hence, time effective.
Technical Feasibility
Requires Smart card and a card reader which is commonly used today.
Does not use any other additional hardware and software.
Behavioral Feasibility
The system working is quite easy to use and learn due to its simple but attractive interface. User requires no special training for operating the system.
Smart Cards
Based On Capabilities
Based On Mechanism
Memory based
p based
p based
Greater memory storage Greater security of data
Memory based
No processing power Function of card is fixed Cannot manage the data on the card
Contact Cards
Metallic chip is embedded inside plastic card With p and memory or only memory
Combination Cards
Combination of contact and contact less cards Read or written with or without contact with reader
Hybrid Cards
More than 2 technologies embedded inside one card Can use any of the above types
Module 1 Personal Identification
Door access control
4.Electronic Mail
Access control
Data integrity
Implementation Details
Frontend to be used o Java o XML o VB.NET Backend to be used o SQL
Card reader
Insert card
As Internet grows in scale almost every year, security measures are expected to become all the more important on campus. We have presented a design of secure campus card system where communication security was made an integrated part within the system.
Future scope
Electronic document interchange
Drivers license Medical entitlement Club membership Physical Access control
1. The 1997 edition of the R.O.C. White Paper on Government Computerization, English web page: 2. C. H. Yang, S. L. Yen, H. D. Liu, K. Liu , B. S. Jeng, K. Y. Chang, M. S. Chang, Y. L. Cheng, J. L. Liang, and D. M. Shien, Secure Official Document Mail Systems for Office Automation, Proc. 31st Annual 1997 International Carnahan Conf. On Security Technology, October, 1997, Australia, pp. 161-164. 3. Shy-Ming Ju, "An SGML-based Office Document Exchange and Management," Proc. SGML/XML Europe '98, 1998, pp. 269-282. 4.