Real Estate Management System-FINAL PDF

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No. 070082


Issued by
Port of Tacoma
One Sitcum Plaza
P.O. Box 1837
Tacoma, WA 98401-1837


Contact: Heather Shadko, Procurement

Email Addresses: [email protected]

Phone: (253) 428-8697

Submittal Date MARCH 24, 2015 @ 2:00 PM (PST)


Request for Proposals (RFP) #070082
Real Estate Management System

The Port is soliciting proposals from firms interested in providing Software, consulting and
technical support services for a Real Estate Management System that is Software-as-a-
Service (SaaS), Cloud-based, or otherwise hosted off-premise.

The Port of Tacoma is a major center for container cargo, bulk, break-bulk, autos and
heavy-lift cargo. Created by Pierce County citizens in 1918, the Port of Tacoma has
become one of the largest container ports in North America and one of the top 50 in the
world. The Port of Tacoma manages a diverse set of business operations relating to
maritime trade. To learn more about the Port of Tacoma, visit
The Port of Tacoma owns approximately 2,200 acres of valuable industrial uplands in
Tacoma, WA. Of this total acreage, the Real Estate Department actively manages about
550 acres. The remaining property is used for marine terminals, bulk operations, auto
storage, public access, mitigation properties, and transportation infrastructure (rail and
truck queuing). Currently the Real Estate Department manages about 150 active leases
for land, office and warehouse space. The goal is to lease properties at market rates and
utilize the land in its highest and best use.
The Port maintains several enterprise and departmental software applications and
platforms, including Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft SharePoint, IBM Maximo Asset
Management, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Oracle Primavera Contract Management,
Microsoft Dynamics Prophix CPM and Esri ArcGIS. The Port manages these applications
on Microsoft Windows servers and Microsoft SQL databases. The Port has an in-house
Information Technology department and technical, functional, and business process staff.
The Port intends to implement a Real Estate Management software solution to manage
its properties and leases. A SaaS, cloud based, or otherwise off-premise hosted solution
is sought. The Port is keen to implement a solution that fits with and minimizes functional
overlaps between the Real Estate Management System and other software systems
within its enterprise software portfolio. Specific solution requirements are defined in
Attachment D.
The Port anticipates awarding a single contract to the selected vendor. The period of
performance of the contract is three (3) years, with an option to extend for additional one-
year terms to provide related services as required.
It should be noted by all vendors submitting proposals that procurement of a solution is
subject to project authorization by the Port’s IT Governance Committee. This
authorization will not be finalized until all project costs are known and authorization may
be declined.

Request for Proposals Page 2

The Port’s Standard Terms and Conditions are included as Attachment B to this RFP.
By submitting a Proposal, the Proposer represents that it has carefully read and agrees
to be bound by the Port’s Standard Terms and Conditions. Identify during the question
submittal and response period, any sections you consider onerous, clarify why you
consider these sections onerous, propose alternative language and describe why it is in
the Port’s best interests to adopt the alternative language.

Proposals submitted with altered or conditioned Terms and Conditions without prior
written agreement from the Port will be considered non-responsive and not considered
for evaluation.


Through this RFP the Port aims to select a Real Estate Management system that will
increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the Port’s property and lease management
Proposing vendors are expected to provide all required components of the Real Estate
Management solution. This is anticipated to consist of vendor supplied software,
implementation services (including design, configuration, testing and deployment),
hosting services, and ongoing support services.
The overall solution may include:
• Software and all required licenses or subscription fees
• Ongoing solution support and maintenance services
• Software implementation services, including software design and configuration
services for all solution components
• Training services
• Documentation
• Application hosting services

The overall solution implementation will be formally managed as a project by the vendor,
with a defined scope, schedule and budget. A work breakdown structure, task and
dependency-driven project schedule, and issues log are to be maintained. Solution
design, configuration, implementation and testing will be appropriately managed. Project
risks and task progress will be formally communicated. The Port will assign a Project
Manager to act as a focal point for vendor communications.
Services will be provided at the Port’s direction and discretion and may be provided in
collaboration with Port IT staff or third party support vendors. Services may be provided
onsite or remotely, at the Port’s discretion.

Request for Proposals Page 3


Deliverables will include:

Software Solution and Licenses: All software and licenses required to operate the
solution. If any third party software components are required, specify the required
components and any related licensing implications in your proposal.
Software licensing requirements will be dependent upon the licensing model of the
selected solution. For purposes of this proposal, Software licenses will be required to
support the following users and environments:
System administrators -2
Real Estate Users/Clients - 10
Environments - 2 (Dev/Test and Production)
Specific solution requirements are defined in Attachment D. If any defined requirements
have implications on licensing, ensure these are identified and included in the proposal
Hosting Agreement (as applicable): Software hosting agreement specifying levels of
service and SLA’s, security, management, data center infrastructure, etc.
Support and Maintenance Agreement (as applicable): Software technical support and
maintenance agreements, providing the Port with access to technical support staff,
software bug fixes and service packs, and the right to future releases of software
Project Management Deliverables: Work breakdown structure, task and
dependency-driven project schedule, weekly status reports including risk and task
progress updates, issues log, test scripts and results.
Training: End user and administrator training and training materials.
System Documentation: Comprehensive system documentation including
infrastructure designs and System Administration Manuals.
Solution Configurations: All configuration files and detailed documentation defining
system, infrastructure and environment configurations.
Solution Implementation: A tested and accepted solution implementation.


Proposals should present information in a straightforward and concise manner, while
ensuring complete and detailed descriptions of the firm’s/team’s abilities to meet the
requirement of this RFP. Emphasis will be on completeness of content. The written
proposals should be prepared in the sequential order as outlined below.
Proposals are limited to 25 numbered pages (8 ½ by 11 inch) including the cover letter
and all appendices. All pages shall be in portrait orientation with 1 inch margins. Font

Request for Proposals Page 4

size shall be 11 point or larger. Proposals that do not follow this format will not be
The cover letter shall include the RFP title and number as well as the name, title, email
address, phone number and address of the proposing team’s main contact and include
the following information:
• Describe any claim submitted by any client against the firm within the past two
years related to the services provided by the firm or its key personnel. For
purposes of this request, “claim” means a sum of money in dispute in excess of
5% of the firm’s fee for the services provided.
• Any real or perceived conflicts of interests for team members, inclusive of the
prime, sub-consultants and key team members.
Proposals are to address, and will be evaluated upon, the following criteria:


1. Qualifications & Experience 10 PTS

• Describe the qualification and experience of the firm submitting the proposal,
• Length of time in business; length of time offering software and services
similar to those proposed; market/vertical specializations.
• Business history including patterns of growth, mergers or acquisitions;
office locations.
• Number and experience of staff; staffing model including identifying the
level to which consultants used are staff or independent contractors.
• Number of customers; number of current, active users of the proposed

2. Solution 40 PTS
• Describe in detail the software solution proposed, including:
• Software system; modules proposed to meet the solution requirements;
functionality, features and capabilities; and other relevant information.
• Software version history, future lifecycle plan, version release model.
• Describe in detail the solution provisioning model proposed. Include information
on service type (SaaS, hosted, etc.), infrastructure utilized, security and
redundancy considerations, multi-tenancy environments, data centers including
third party information and physical locations, etc.
• Describe the how separate software modules or components can be used
independently of other components without compromising overall system

Request for Proposals Page 5

• Describe in detail, including utilizing diagrams, the overall system and solution
architecture and underlying technologies.
• Complete Attachment D, Solution Requirements. Define whether the software
proposed and the overall solution meets or does not meet each requirement.
Describe in functional and technical detail how each requirement is met, including
any restrictions or exceptions.

3. Work Approach 20 PTS

• Describe the consultant’s proposed project management approach. Include a draft
project plan defining project phases, tasks, resources (both consultant and Port)
and anticipated task durations.
• Assumptions and Risks: Define the assumptions made regarding accomplishing
the Scope of Services. Define the factors the consultant believes are risks to the
successful completion of this project and proposed mitigation strategies.
• Coordination & Communication: Provide a plan for communications and
coordination between the Consultants team and the Port.
• Describe the consultants considerations for onsite or remote access performance
of project tasks.
• Include a summary of innovative ideas and suggestions for enhancing the scope
of services.
• Technical Support: Define the consultant’s experience providing technical support
services and describe the organizational support structures and processes

4. Compensation 30 PTS
Present detailed information on the firm’s proposed recurring and non-recurring costs
for services proposed.
Compensation information MUST be provided separately from the proposal, in an
individual PDF document.
• Include in cost proposal separate line items specifying and itemizing the cost for
each proposed system component for hosting and maintenance.
• Implementation
o Provide an estimated range, based upon previous experience, of the total
services costs to implement the proposed solution.
• Specify all additional non-recurring fees, charges, expenses, etc. that are, or may
be, billable to the Port.
All rates and costs/fees quoted shall be:
• Fully burdened, including, but not limited to, administrative overhead and all
direct/indirect expenses.
• Quoted in US Dollars,

Request for Proposals Page 6

• Full cost inclusive of sales tax and other government fees, taxes and charges, and
• Valid throughout the contract period unless otherwise amended and agreed to by
both parties in writing.

5. References 20 PTS
Ensure completion of a minimum of 2 references submitted using Attachment C. All
references must be received by the Port by the proposal due date. The Port will evaluate
the reference checks to assess the proposed team’s overall performance and success of
previous, similar work. Reference checks will also be utilized to validate information
contained in the proposal. The Port may contact submitted reference sites directly to
accomplish this.


6. Interviews/Software Demonstrations 100 PTS

Software demonstrations will be conducted with the top-ranked proposers. Failure to
participate in the interview process will result in the proposer’s disqualification from
further consideration. Software demonstrations will be held at the Port of Tacoma,
Tacoma, WA. Travel costs will not be reimbursed for the interview.
Software demonstrations will be based on scripts provided by the Port. Software
demonstrations are to be conducted in real time with live systems and data.





Request for Proposals Page 7

Port of Tacoma Attachment A -
Request for Proposals Instructions for Proposing

Issuance of RFP FEBRUARY 27, 2015
Last Day To Submit Questions MARCH 16, 2015
Proposal packets due MARCH 24, 2015 @ 2:00 PM (PST)
Short List Consultants* APRIL 1, 2015
Interviews (if required)* APRIL 14, 2015
Final Selection* APRIL 21, 2015
Execute Contract* MAY 2015
*Dates are tentative.
All status updates on the above solicitation timeline will be announced on the Port’s website
for this solicitation.
Port of Tacoma Requests for Bids, Requests for Proposals and Requests for Qualifications
can be accessed on the Port’s website, under ‘Contracts’;
When viewing the details page for this procurement on the Port’s Website firms have the
option of subscribing to the Holder’s List.

By subscribing to the Holder’s List, firms will automatically be notified when new documents
or changes relating to this procurement occur.
*Only those who have subscribed to the Holder’s List will receive notifications
throughout the procurement process, up until a firm is selected.
Proposers who, relative to this scope of services, contact any individuals or Commission
members representing the Port, other than the Procurement Representative listed on the RFP
may be disqualified from consideration.
Written questions about the meaning or intent of the Solicitation Documents shall only be
submitted to the Procurement Department, [email protected] (Solicitation
Name in the subject line).
Proposers who may have questions about provisions of these documents are to email their
questions by the date listed above. The Port will respond to all written questions submitted
by this deadline.


Port of Tacoma Attachment A -
Request for Proposals Instructions for Proposing

The Port may make changes to this Solicitation. Oral or other interpretations, clarifications
or submittal instructions will be without legal effect. Any information modifying a solicitation
will be furnished in a formal, written addendum. If at any time, the Port changes, revises,
deletes, increases, or otherwise modifies the Solicitation, the Port will issue a written
Addendum to the Solicitation. Addenda will be posted to the Port’s web site and conveyed to
those potential submitters who have requested to be placed on the Holder’s List.
Proposals must be received via email on or before the date and time outlined on the front
page of this RFP. Send your electronic submittal to:
[email protected].
Name of Firm, RFP Title (Subject Line)
Please submit one electronic copy in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, including all appendices.
Submittals need to be limited to 9 MB in total email size. It is the Consultant’s responsibility
to verify the receipt of the submittal. Electronic verification will be provided upon request.
*Late proposals will not be accepted by the Port. Proposals received after the stated
date and time will not be reviewed and shall be deemed non-responsive.
All proposals submitted shall be valid and binding on the submitting firm for a period of ninety
days following the Proposal submittal deadline and for any extension of time granted by the
submitting firm.
An evaluation team will review each proposal and evaluate all responses received based
upon the criteria listed herein. The Port may request clarifications or additional information,
if needed. After the evaluation team individually scores each proposal, the scores are tallied
and the firms are ranked based on the scores.
A selection may be made based on the proposals and initial evaluation criteria alone.
Alternatively, the evaluation team may create a short list of the top ranked firms and invite the
short listed firms in for interview and/or check references. Scores for reference checks and
interviews will be tallied and added to the short listed firm’s initial evaluation scores. Final
selection will be based on reference checks and interviews.
The Port intends to select the Proposer who represents the best value to the Port and begin
the negotiation and award process based on the evaluated scores.
The selected Consultant will be invited to enter into contract negotiations with the Port.
Should the Port and the selected firm(s) not reach a mutual agreement, the Port will terminate
negotiations and move to the next highest ranked firm and proceed with negotiations.
The Port reserves the right to accept or reject any or all information in its entirety or in part
and to waive informalities and minor irregularities and to contract as the best interest of the
Port may require. The Port reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals submitted as non-
responsive or non-responsible.


Port of Tacoma Attachment A -
Request for Proposals Instructions for Proposing

Procedure When Only One Proposal is received

In the event that a single responsive proposal is received, the Proposer shall provide any
additional data required by the Port to analyze the proposal. The Port reserves the right to
reject such proposals for any reason.

News releases pertaining to this RFP, the services, or the project to which it relates, shall not
be made without prior approval by, and then only in coordination with, the Port.
All costs incurred in the preparation of a Proposal and participation in this RFP and
negotiation process shall be borne by the proposing firms.


The Port of Tacoma encourages participation in all of its contracts by MWBE firms certified by
the Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE). Participation may
be either on a direct basis in response to this solicitation/invitation or as a subcontractor to a
Bidder/Proposer. However, unless required by federal statutes, regulations, grants, or
contract terms referenced in the contract documents, no preference will be included
in the evaluation of bids/submittals, no minimum level of MWBE participation shall be required
as a condition for receiving an award and bids/submittals will not be rejected or considered
non-responsive on that basis. Any affirmative action requirements set forth in federal
regulations or statutes included or referenced in the contract documents will apply. The
selected firm will be required to show evidence of outreach.
Proposals submitted under this Solicitation will be considered public documents and, with
limited exceptions, will become public information and may be reviewed by appointment by
anyone requesting to do so following the conclusion of the evaluation, negotiation, and award
process. This process is concluded when a signed contract is completed between the Port and
the selected Consultant.
If a firm considers any portion of its response to be protected under the law, the vendor
shall clearly identify each such portion with words such as “CONFIDENTIAL,”
“PROPRIETARY” or “TRADE SECRET” on each page for which the protection is sought. If a
request is made for disclosure of such portion, the Port will notify the vendor of the request and
allow the vendor not less than ten (10) days to seek a protective order from the Courts or other
appropriate remedy and/or waive the claimed confidentiality. Unless such protective order is
obtained and provided to the Port by the stated deadline, the Port will release the requested
portions of the Proposals. By submitting a response the vendor assents to the procedure
outlined in this paragraph and shall have no claim against the Port on account of actions taken
under such procedure.


Contract No. 070082 Page 1 of 3


Port of Tacoma Terms And Conditions

Personal Services Agreement
In consideration of the mutual covenants, place environment, and employment
obligations, and compensation to be paid by eligibility verifications as required by the
the Port to Consultant, it is agreed that: Immigration and Naturalization Service.
Consultant shall obtain all professional
1. Key Personnel licenses and permits required to
complete the scope of work as defined.
The Consultant and/or its
subconsultants’ key personnel, as 5. Records and other Tangibles
described in its Consultant selection
submittals, shall remain assigned for the Until the expiration of six years after the
duration of the Project unless otherwise term of this Agreement, Consultant
agreed to by the Port. agrees to maintain accurate records of
all work done in providing services
2. Relationship of the Parties specified by the Agreement and to
deliver such records to the Port upon
Consultant, its subconsultants and termination of the Agreement or
employees, is an independent otherwise as requested by the Port.
Contractor. Nothing contained herein
shall be deemed to create a relationship 6. Ownership of Work
of employer and employee or of
principal and agent. The services to be performed by
Consultant shall be deemed instruments
3. Conflicts of Interest of service for purposes of the copyright
laws of the United States. The Port has
Consultant warrants that it has no direct ownership rights to the plans,
or indirect economic interest which specifications, and other products
conflicts in any manner with its prepared by the Consultant. Consultant
performance of the services required shall not be responsible for changes
under this Agreement. Consultant made in the models, programs, reports
warrants that it has not retained any or other products by anyone other than
person to solicit this Agreement and has the Consultant. Consultant shall have
not agreed to pay such person any free right to retain, copy and use any
compensation or other consideration tangible materials or information
contingent upon the execution of this produced but only for its own internal
Agreement. purposes. Use of models, programs,
reports or other products prepared
4. Compliance with Laws under this Agreement for promotional
purposes shall require the Port’s prior
Consultant agrees to comply with all consent.
local, state, tribal and federal laws and
regulations applicable to the project, 7. Disclosure
including building codes and permitting
regulations existing at the time this All information developed by the
Agreement was executed and those Consultant and all information made
regarding employee safety, the work available to the Consultant by the Port,
Contract No. 070082 Page 2 of 3

and all analyses or opinions reached by subconsultants, or anyone directly or

the Consultant shall be confidential and indirectly employed by either of
shall not be disclosed by the Consultant them.
without the written consent of the Port.
b) With respect to claims other than
8. Compensation professional liability claims,
Consultant and its subconsultants
As full compensation for the agree to defend, indemnify and hold
performance of its obligations of this harmless the Port of Tacoma, its
Agreement and the services to be appointed and elective officers and
provided, the Port shall pay Consultant its employees from and against any
as specified in the Agreement. and all suits, claims, actions, losses,
costs, penalties and damages of
9. Payment Schedule whatever kind and nature, including
attorney fees and costs by reason of
Consultant shall submit detailed any and all claims and demands on
numbered invoices showing contract it, its officers and employees, arising
number, description of work items being from the negligent acts, errors or
invoiced, title of project, total authorized, omissions by the Consultant in the
total current invoice, balance of performance of the Consultant’s
authorization, labor categories, hours, professional services.
and hourly rate by the 10th of the month
to be paid by the end of the current c) With respect to professional liability
month, unless other terms are agreed to claims only, Consultant and its
by the parties. subconsultants agree to indemnify
and hold harmless the Port of
10. Costs and Disbursements Tacoma, its appointed and elective
officers and its employees from and
Consultant shall pay all costs and against any and all suits, claims,
disbursements required for the actions, losses, costs, penalties and
performance of its services under this damages of whatever kind and
Agreement. nature, including attorney fees and
costs by reason of any and all claims
11. Insurance - Assumption of Risk and demands on it, its officers and
employees, arising from the
a) As a further consideration in negligent acts, errors or omissions
determining compensation amounts, by the Consultant in the
the Consultant shall procure and performance of the Consultant’s
maintain, during the life of this professional services.
Agreement, such commercial
general and automobile liability 12. Standard of Care
insurance as shall protect
Consultant and any subconsultants Consultant shall perform its work to
performing work under this conform to generally accepted
Agreement from claims for damages professional standards. Consultant
from bodily injury, including death, shall, without additional compensation,
resulting there from as well as from correct or revise any errors or omissions
claims for property damage which in such work.
may arise under this Agreement,
whether arising from operations
conducted by the Consultant, any
Contract No. 070082 Page 3 of 3

13. Time 16. Disputes

Time is of the essence in the If a dispute arises relating to this

performance by the Consultant of the Agreement and cannot be settled
services required by this Agreement. through direct discussions, the parties
agree to endeavor to settle the dispute
14. Assignability through a mediation firm acceptable to
both parties, the cost of which shall be
Consultant shall not assign any interest divided equally. The Port reserves the
in this Agreement and shall not transfer right to join any dispute under this
any interest in the Agreement to any Agreement with any other claim in
party without prior written consent of the litigation or other dispute resolution
Port. forum, and the Consultant agrees to
such joinder, so that all disputes related
15. Term of this Agreement to the project may be consolidated and
resolved in one forum. Venue for any
The effective dates of this Agreement litigation shall be the Pierce County
are as specified. This Agreement may Superior Court of the state of
be terminated by the Port for cause Washington and the prevailing party
when the Port deems continuation to be shall be entitled to recover its costs and
detrimental to its interests or for failure reasonable attorney’s fees.
of the consultant to perform the services
specified in the Agreement. The Port 17. Extent of Agreement
may terminate this Agreement at any
time for government convenience in This Agreement represents the entire
which case it shall provide notice to the and integrated understanding between
Consultant and reimburse the the Port and Consultant and may be
Consultant for its costs and fees amended only by written instrument
incurred prior to the notice of signed by both the Port and Consultant.


Proposers are allowed three (3) completed reference questionnaires. The completed references
questionnaires must be from individuals, companies, or agencies with knowledge of the proposer’s
experience that is similar in nature to the products or services being requested by this RFP, and are
within the last 3 years from the date this RFP was issued.

References not received prior to the RFP Closing Date and time will receive a score of “0” for that
reference. References outside the 3 of years, and references determined to be not of a similar
nature to the products or services requested by this RFP will also receive a score of zero (0) points.
Determination of similar will be made by using the information provided by the reference in
Section II of the Reference Questionnaire, General Information and any additional information
provided by the reference.

If more than three (3) qualifying references are received, the first three (3) fully completed
references received will be used for evaluation purposes. References will be averaged.

1. Proposers must complete the following information on page 2 of the “Reference’s Response To”
document before sending it to the Reference for response.

a. Print the name of your reference (company/organization) on the “REFERENCE NAME” line.

b. Print the name of your company/organization on the “PROPOSER NAME” line.

c. Enter the RFP Closing date and time in Instruction 5 (see the INSTRUCTIONS block.)

2. Send the “Reference’s Response To” document to your references to complete.

NOTE: It is the proposer’s responsibility to follow up with their references to ensure timely receipt of
all questionnaires. Proposers may e-mail the Procurement Representative prior to the RFP closing
date to verify receipt of references.
RFP Number: 070082
RFP Title: Real Estate Management System

REFERENCE NAME (Company/Organization): ________________________________________

PROPOSER NAME (Company/Organization): _________________________________ has

submitted a proposal to the Port of Tacoma, provide the following services: Real Estate
Management System. We’ve chosen you as one of our references.


1. Complete Section I. RATING using the Rating Scale provided.

2. Complete Section II. GENERAL INFORMATION (This section is for information only and will not
be scored.)

3. Complete Section III. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT by manually signing and dating the document.
(Reference documents must include an actual signature.)

4. E-mail THIS PAGE and your completed reference document, SECTIONS I through III to:

Procurement Representative: Heather Shadko

E-mail: [email protected]

5. This completed document MUST be received no later than March 24, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. (Pacific
Time). Reference documents received after this time will not be considered. References
received without an actual signature will not be accepted.

6. DO NOT return this document to the Proposer.

7. In addition to this document, the Port may contact references by phone for further clarification if
Section I. RATING

Using the Rating Scale provided below, rate the following numbered items by circling the
appropriate number for each item:

Rating Scale
Category Score

Poor or Inadequate Performance 0

Below Average 1–3

Average 4–6

Above Average 7-9

Excellent 10

Circle ONE number for each of the following numbered items:


1. Rate the overall quality of the firm’s services for changes or maintenance issues:

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2. Rate the response time of this firm:

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

3. Rate how well the agreed upon, planned implementation schedule was consistently met and
deliverables provided on time. (This pertains to delays under the control of the firm):

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

4. Rate the overall customer service and timeliness in responding to customer service inquiries,
issues and resolutions:

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

5. Rate the knowledge of the firm’s assigned staff and their ability to accomplish duties as

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6. Rate the accuracy and timeliness of the firm’s billing and/or invoices:

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

7. Rate the firm’s ability to quickly and thoroughly resolve a problem related to the services

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

8. Rate the firm’s flexibility in meeting business requirements:

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

9. Rate the likelihood of your company/organization recommending this firm to others in the future:

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


1. Please include a brief description of the services provided by this firm for your business:

2. During what time period did the firm provide these services for your business?

Month:_________ Year:_________ to Month:_________ Year:_________


I affirm to the best of my knowledge that the information I have provided is true, correct, and factual:

____________________________________ ________________________________
Signature of Reference Date

____________________________________ ________________________________
Print Name Title

____________________________________ ________________________________
Phone Number Email Address
Attachment D - Solution Requirements
The following table provides a summary of the minimum, high level, requirements of a Real Estate Management system. The Port of Tacoma
Real Estate Department manages approximately 150 active leases for land, office and warehouse space in Tacoma, WA.

Requirement Met Not Description of How Requirement is Met, including

Met Restrictions and Exceptions

Real Estate Requirements:

Provides the ability to create and manage Real Estate Leases,
Properties, and Billing.

Properties / Leases are searchable by tenant, county parcel,

Port parcel, and common address. Includes standard data
fields for:
• Street Address
• Lessee ID
• Lessee Name
• Type of Lease (M to M, Term Lease, Hold Over)
• Option to Extend
• Date of Start of Lease
• Date of Lease Termination
• Monthly Rent (Building , Land, Easement, Cell Tower,
Sign) forecast monthly amount for 5 years or duration
of lease
• Other Rent (Equipment, Wharfage, Dockage) forecast
monthly amount for 5 years or duration of lease

Provides the ability to escalate leases based on timing and

methods set forth in agreements, such as:
• Escalation Type (CPI-U, Fixed %, Min/Max, Date of
Escalation Anniversary)
Allows categorization of property by property type.
Provides the ability to store insurance information.
Provides the ability to store security deposit information.
Provides the ability to store property deed information.
Provides the ability to create and store/maintain lease
Provides the ability to store easement and encumbrance
information related to leases or properties, and where
needed account for them (payments, etc.).
Provides Document Management and Records Management
functionality including advanced search capabilities.
Provides the ability to archive past tenant information.
Provides a workflow, escalation or alerting capabilities, such
• Renewal reminder triggers for insurance.
• Reminders for security deposits.
• Reminders for all escalations (and related items).
• Reminders for regularly scheduled inspections.
Provides the ability to distribute Automatic Notifications for
key events such as when new leases are signed, leases are
terminated, etc., to specified stakeholders.
Provides a capability for reporting items coming due in the
coming month, including rents and other charges.
Provides ability to facilitate verification of first month rent,
insurance certificates and approved security deposit
collection before occupancy.
Provides ability to facilitate Tenant move-in inspection,
including recording property condition both narratively and
with digital photos.
Provides the ability to track property projects, including the
following data points: start date, incremental steps, current
status, and completion date.
Provides a capability to track and maintain a log of tenant
Provides basic asset management functionality:
• Track and schedule repairs and inspections
• Track expected useful life for major building or
property systems, components, assets, etc.
• Track historical repairs and capital improvements.
Provides a Prospect tracking capability, to track & store
prospect contact and interaction information.
Provides Reports/Reporting capabilities to create reports,
such as:

• Inventory Report by type (office, warehouse, land)

with various characteristics:
 Size parameters (square footage, acreage,
 Rail access
 Water access
 Heavy lift
 Paved, gravel or dirt surface
 Warehouse parameters – level entry, dock
height, ceiling height
• Property Utilization Report by category – warehouse,
land (yard), office
• Occupancy/Vacancy Report – trend line analysis.
• Capital Improvements / major repair history.
• Building stacking chart
• Lease Expiration Report – Property Availability report.
• Hold Harmless Expirations
• Insurance due dates. We normally have three policies
per lease.
• Rent escalation dates and calculations
• Rent Roll Reports
• Security deposit expiration and/or escalation (bonds,
cash, secured CD)

Provides advanced graphical reporting capabilities.

Reports are downloadable to Microsoft Excel.
Provides the ability to create forms such as:
1. Property Inquiry – completed by prospect (paper and
2. Property Flyers
3. Tenant Contact Form – All tenant contact and
emergency contact Information.
4. Tenant Use Statement.
5. Hold Harmless Agreements – provide tenants and
contractors temporary access.
6. Tenant Improvement Requests
7. Maintenance Matrix
8. Lease templates (month to month, Long-term,
terminal) that can be “auto-populated”
9. Lease Abstract providing a summary of individual
leases and/or tenants.
10. Template letters – security deposit, insurance issues,
escalations, late payments, other miscellaneous
11. Term Sheets

Technical Requirements:
Solution is Software as a Service (SaaS), cloud based, or Failure to meet this requirement will eliminate proposals from
otherwise off-premise hosted. consideration.
Data centers utilized are located within the United States.
Data centers, server, storage, and network infrastructure
utilized provide high levels of redundancy and availability.
Network, server and storage infrastructure is actively
monitored and managed for availability and performance.
All solution components, including the code base, application,
servers, web servers, databases, data at rest and in motion,
and network infrastructure including firewalls, are developed,
configured and maintained using industry standard
cybersecurity best practices.
Service Level Agreement provides for monthly 99.9% uptime
guarantee with service credits if missed.
Technical Support is available 07:00 to 18:00 PST/PDT.
System provides a Mobile capability accessible through
Windows, iOS and Android mobile device app’s or mobile
browsers and allowing access to property information,
drawings, and other information stored in the system.
System provides the ability to work offline and synchronize
information when reconnected.

Data Management Requirements:

Allows bi-directional automated data transfers between the
proposed system and other Port databases.
Utilizes Web Services and/or published API’s to maintain
business rules and application logic.
Provides an interface to the Port’s ArcGIS database for the
display of GIS maps and data layers within the proposed
Accommodates the Port’s data structure for Asset
Management data, consisting of the following object
hierarchy: Parcel, Location, Space, Lease, and Lease Line.
All software components can be used independently of other
components without compromising overall system
Accommodates Omni Class Construction data classification
Solution utilizes a role-based access control security
authentication/access model.

Budgeting Requirements:
Provides the capability to assist in budgeting future revenues.
Provides the capability to use system data for projecting
future revenues based on lease criteria (i.e. CPI, and other
factors in the lease).
Provides the ability to access system data for use within the
Port’s budgeting software system, Prophix, through an
integration, ETL process, etc.

Finance Requirements:
Ability to support some form of Integration with GP for Billing
(push or pull data)
Ability to create custom Finance reports.
Ability to project revenues, by period, for the life of each
lease and summarize in a report.
Ability to budget revenues by property, by period, and
summarize in a report.
Ability to produce budget vs. actual reporting for revenues by
property, period, location, etc.

Billing Requirements:
Ability to process monthly rent billing showing detailed
statement for various leased parcels, buildings, equipment,
etc., and with appropriate general ledger distribution.
Ability to generate Utility billing by lease on an allocated
Ability to generate and output a batch billing invoice data file.
Ability to bill mid-month and manually bill anytime.
Ability to handle Special billings (Balloon payments, reset to
market rates).

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