Exploring The Challenges and Benefits For Scaling
Exploring The Challenges and Benefits For Scaling
Exploring The Challenges and Benefits For Scaling
Received: 25 February 2021 / Accepted: 9 October 2021 / Published online: 25 October 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2021
Organizations have increasingly applied agile project management; however, they face challenges in scaling up this approach
to large projects. Thus, this study investigates the key barriers and benefits of scaling agile methods to large projects. The
research approach is a literature review, applying bibliometrics and content analysis with Bibliometrix and UCINET soft-
ware. We conducted a sampling process in the Web of Science and Scopus databases and surveyed 76 articles in depth.
The results identified 53 barriers clustered into six main categories: organizational issues, managerial issues, agile method-
specific barriers, product/process issues, customer issues, and team issues. Thirty-two benefits were coded and clustered into
three categories: business, project, and team. Requirement management appears as a core topic, impacting both barriers and
benefits for scaling agile project management. We identified a strong relationship between the barriers and benefits. These
results can be used to create questionnaires to explore these barriers and benefits in practice.
1 Introduction However, for large projects, there are still several con-
cerns about APM. APM is considered “light” and more
Much has been studied about agile project management appropriate to small-scale projects, while “heavy” meth-
(APM), its characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages ods, which emphasize documentation and structure, respond
compared to traditional approaches. Companies have imple- better to medium- and large-scale projects [2]. For [62],
mented this methodology, introducing cross-functional self- the ideal format for using agile methodology in software
managed teams and customer focus, bringing acceleration to development is colocated teams of up to 15 people, with a
profitable growth and creating new generations of qualified defined and stable architecture and direct governance rules.
general managers [87]. For distinct project characteristics, APM could be chal-
A typical scenario for large software development organi- lenged and, in some cases, inadequate. Practitioners and
zations in the early 2000s was the implementation of defined other researchers understood that the agile approach would
development processes, including systems to ensure qual- best suit teams of up to 50 people, with easy access to users
ity through all the processes, which place constraints on who develop noncritical projects [108]. Thus, despite APM
the development team, limiting development practices and being an attractive approach, it was initially designed for
affecting how quickly they can develop software [67]. More small teams, and new challenges arise when scaling to large
recently, cases of software developments in larger projects projects in which the development team interacts with other
or multiple projects demonstrate the companies' interest in organizational units [29].
applying methodologies that provide better results, greater Despite this criticism, organizations are expanding APM
flexibility, and faster customer response [3, 7, 82]. applications to complex projects and are facing several chal-
lenges [5, 10, 77]. This is because companies hope, with
the use of agile, to reach a single mindset, providing sym-
* Paula de Oliveira Santos metrical and standardized solutions, above cultural, techni-
[email protected] cal, or environmental issues [41]. Large-scale transformation
is complex, with high costs and great risks; there is thus a
Polytechnic School - University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. significant challenge in accessing high-quality, independent
Luciano Gualberto, 1380, São Paulo 05508‑010, Brazil
advice from corporate governance teams [106], facing dif- value simplicity, sustainable development, technical excel-
ficulties in project control, which leads to product and cus- lence, and agility. It is expected that it will deliver properly
tomer problems with poor-quality results [73]. functioning software through constant face-to-face conversa-
Organizations are looking for benefits from the advan- tions that reflect on the work to make it increasingly effec-
tages promised by small-scale agile development [17], even tive, accepting changes.
though large-scale product development projects find more The product view encompasses tools and processes for
difficulties in maintaining the original assumptions. Con- communicating the simple project plan and iterative plan-
sequently, there is a need to adapt to the preconditions and ning to self-managed and self-directed teams. The teams
organizational conditions to reap the benefits of agility [58]. work on development, planning, monitoring activities, and
To narrow this research gap, this paper aims to answer the updating project plans [25]. The characteristics of self-
following research questions: management define the APM structure, vision, and itera-
tion presented [6].
– (RQ1) What are the key barriers to scaling APM to large APM generates iterative activity cycles designed to han-
projects? dle change, driven by value, intended to be executed only
– (RQ2) What are the main benefits observed for adopting when needed, providing the project team with flexible
APM for large projects? and adaptive training that enables them to manage change
– (RQ3) What is the relationship between barriers and ben- requests properly [97]. Consequently, the generation of prod-
efits? ucts that benefit the customer and create value for the pub-
lic [70] through continuous deliveries of valuable products
For answering the research questions, we performed a brings a competitive advantage [28].
literature review applying bibliometric and content analysis The focus of the agile approach on simplicity, team build-
with the assistance of Bibliometrix and UCINET software. ing, and products contrasts with process-oriented and matu-
This paper contributes by identifying relevant barriers and rity-oriented approaches that require established procedures
benefits of scaling APM to large and complex projects, and standards for product quality assurance [55]. Its accept-
exploring the alignment with program and portfolio perspec- ance in the industry comes with caveats in the development
tives based on an extensive survey of the current literature. of critical security systems, and it is considered an undis-
For the requirement engineering (RE) community, the study ciplined methodology regarding documentation and lacks
shows the critical role of requirement management to over- rigorous verification and validation techniques [5].
come the barriers for scaling APM. However, “agile development methods do not preclude
This article presents the theoretical background to agile the use of documentation in their processes” [88] (p. 117).
project management and definitions of large-scale projects Besides, adopting agile methodology in development pro-
in the second section. The third section presents the research jects can lead to some benefits, such as collaboration with
methodology, followed by the results from the analysis per- the client, processes to better deal with defects, team aware-
formed and discussions on research findings. The last sec- ness through the high level of autonomy and responsibility,
tion comprises conclusions, limitations, and an agenda for improvement in self-confidence, and increased quality of
future research. working life and interpersonal skills [37].
The agile wave of the early millennium, and the visible
challenges for organizations steeped in traditional system
2 Literature review development methodologies, cannot be ignored [74]. How-
ever, traditional project management can coexist with agile
2.1 Agile project management management to bring security and agility to team members,
allowing adaptations that best respond to the work to be
The agile project management (APM) approach became developed [69, 94].
world famous from a movement that happened in February
2001. This movement engaged software development profes-
sionals disappointed with the traditional project management 2.2 Large scale of projects
in creating the Agile Manifesto [1]. The central values are
individuals and interactions, working software, customer There is a lack of consensus in the literature about “large
collaboration, and responding to change. scale” applications to the APM context. One stream refers
The Agile Manifesto [1] established twelve principles, to the scalability from the lines of code in software devel-
which can be summarized in customer satisfaction through opment, amount of data, hardware relationships, number of
collaborative work between self-organized and motivated customers, users, and developers involved [100]. Another
teams, containing business people and developers, who stream has focused on the organization's size, different
sectors involved, and the degree of iteration among these the ScienceDirect database. However, for downloading
sectors for configuring the large-scale agile method [80]. the full papers, we have to search the publisher archives.
A third flow refers to the size of the project and takes into According to the flowchart presented in Fig. 1, initially, the
account the project cost [15], the project duration, and the search string and logic operators applied to the research
number of people involved [29]. Projects can be considered topics (title, abstract, and keywords) of the databases were
large scale when they have 2 to 9 collaborating teams [31] or the following: “scal*” And “agile” And “project.” The *
at least six different teams [29]. For being considered large allows different variations of the search string, such as
scale, the team has to be over 50 people in size [15, 29]. scaling and scale so scal*. Then, we applied two filters,
For this research, we defined large scale considering both document types (article and review) and language (Eng-
project size according to [31] and organizational environ- lish). This initial sample extracted 200 papers from the
ments when discussing the evolution of APM adoption to Scopus database and 112 from the ISI Web of Science
other areas according to [80], in order to obtain the larg- database. From these 312 articles, there were 83 duplicates
est possible scope of research from the literature, which is between the two databases, closing the first sample with
understood and will allow a more complete analysis of the 229 documents to be analyzed.
proposed theme. The 229 documents were screened considering two
selection criteria: (i) lack of scope fit, i.e., the relation-
ship with agile project management themes and discus-
3 Research methodology sions within complex and/or large-scale project environ-
ments, (ii) lack of research methods and/or lack of research
3.1 Sampling process background. According to the scope fit criterion, most of
the surveyed publications (122 articles) were excluded
The searching process was conducted in both Scopus and in this step. Considering the fit with APM, we identified
ISI Web of Science databases to identify studies con- papers using the term agility referring to the speed or the
ducted in different areas, which addressed agile project speed in executing an activity; there were also articles in
management. They provide a simultaneous search in vari- which the scale approach did not apply to this study, thus
ous sources and publishers through an interface that uses not responding to the research interest and scope. A few
a standard set of search fields, generating large amounts papers (7) were excluded because it was not possible to
of data [42]. Scopus is a comprehensive database that download the articles. Thus, the final sample of this study
indexes metadata from thousands of publishers, including consisted of 76 articles.
Search Strategy
Strings & Logic Operators
Search filters
(Document types and
WoS 112
WoS Ω Scopus = 83 papers
Initial Sample
(WoS and Scopus)
Scopus 200
229 papers
(Sample demographics and
Exclusion Criteria 76 papers citation analysis)
(Scope fit and Quality)
Sample screening Data Extraction
Content Analysis
3.2 Data analysis performed applying the IBM SPSS software, aiming to asso-
ciate variables and attributes [46]. Second, the core–periph-
Given the sample of 76 publications, bibliometric and con- ery analysis and network analysis were both performed by
tent analyses were performed. Such types of investigation the UCINET6 software [22].
allow the elaboration of a more robust analytical framework,
in order to respond to research questions [68] in a consistent
way, presenting analyses that complement each other and
4 Results
point out relevant points for discussions.
The results obtained in this study are adequate to answer
3.2.1 Bibliometric analysis
the proposed research questions. To answer the question
(RQ1): “What are the key barriers to scaling APM to large
Bibliometrics reaches large volumes of digital bibliomet-
projects?”, 53 barriers found in the literature are presented in
ric data to distill reliable and easily processible informa-
Sect. 4.2.2, separated into 7 categories. Such barriers address
tion [10]. We used bibliometric analysis because it allows
organizational issues, management issues, agile method bar-
quantifying the results from the sample, providing research
riers, product and process issues, customer issues, and team
metrics from a data set extracted from the bases [50]. [60,
issues, as shown in Table 3.
61] summarize the SLR guidelines in three main phases
The Research Question (RQ2) “What are the main
that appear sequential but involve interaction: planning the
benefits observed for adopting APM for large projects?”
review, conducting the study, and reporting the review. We
responds in this study to 32 identified benefits, as presented
applied bibliometrics to sample demographics as the most
in Sect. 4.2.3. Benefits were categorized into business ben-
cited works, the leading journals on the topic, and the pub-
efits, process/product benefits, and team benefits and are
lications' evolution over the years.
shown in Table 4.
We performed bibliometric analysis through descrip-
Finally, the third research question (RQ3) “What is the
tive statistics and Bibliometrix software [8]. In this step,
relationship between barriers and benefits?” is answered in
we characterized the sample demographics by identifying
Sect. 4.4, which presents analyses that identify possible rela-
the most relevant authors and reference documents. Then,
tionships between management issues and benefits for the
in the Bibliometrix-Biblioshiny software, we performed the
team (Fig. 6), barriers of the agile method and all categories
conceptual structure and intellectual structure analysis [84],
of benefits (Fig. 7), as well as relationships between the bar-
running thematic mapping.
riers of the method agile (Fig. 8).
3.2.2 Content analysis
4.1 Sample demographics
In content analysis, it is necessary to make decisions about
what will be searched, and sometimes it is even required to The APM in the large-scale literature shows an increasing
review the categories previously selected [95]. It analyzes publications pattern. It is interesting to note that the last five
trends, categorizations, and evolution of the theme in the years represent 50% of the 18-year sample, highlighting the
literature over time [101], which directs this research to the growth in importance of the theme. This phenomenon can
entire reading of the sample. We developed a coding scheme reflect what [34] (p. 36) pointed out as the “second wave of
for the content analysis in an iterative process seeking to agile methods” which “address challenges of scale, replacing
identify core codes, frequencies, and literature traceability. advice from project management frameworks on address-
Coding allows ground hypotheses, discovering patterns, ing layered organizations with portfolios, addressing risks,
moving from a lower to a higher level of understanding [9]. increasing the number of roles and practices for coordination
We applied the Weber protocol for developing the cod- and alignment across teams.”
ing schema [36], which begins with recording unit defini- The sample demographics show that the 20 most cited
tion (word and text segments), coding categories definition, articles per year of the sample represent around 70% of the
identifying the codes, and testing on a sample of text to start total number of citations, as shown in Table 1. Table 1 shows
codebook development. As the content analysis progressed, the most cited articles per year of the sample. Together, they
it was crucial to assess the accuracy and reliability of the represent around 70% of the total number of citations from
sample coding and revise the coding rules while finishing the sample articles.
the codebook. After identifying the top reference in Table 1, we identi-
Further analyses were performed exploring the relation- fied the more productive and cited authors over time (see
ship among codes through cross-tabulation, core–periphery Fig. 2). The figure shows greater production referring to the
analysis, and network analysis. First, cross-tabulation was agile theme from the second decade of the 2000s onward, in
Table 1 Number of citations per year addition to highlighting authors with the highest number of
References Cited by Cited/year % citations, such as Dingsøyr and Moe.
To identify the trend topics over time, we used Bibliome-
Nerur et al. [74] 562 35.13 19.59 trix (Biblioshiny), as shown in Fig. 3. It is interesting that
Serrador and Pinto [94] 179 29.83 6.24 requirement engineering moves from an emerging topic to
Dingsøyr et al. [33] 60 20.00 2.09 a basic theme.
Boehm and Turner [19] 296 18.50 10.32
Ramesh et al. [83] 191 17.36 6.66 4.2 Content analysis
Hoda et al. [52] 59 14.75 2.06
Petersen and Wohlin [78] 134 11.17 4.67 To answer RQ1 and RQ2, we performed the codes fre-
Daneva et al. [27] 88 11.00 3.07 quency analysis and triangulated them with the qualitative
Shameem et al. [96] 11 11.00 0.38 content analysis of the articles, as presented in the following
Šmite et.al. [100] 41 10.25 1.43 sections.
Akbar et al. [2] 30 10.00 1.05
Mergel [70] 47 9.40 1.64 4.2.1 Type of study
Alqudah and Razali [3] 44 8.80 1.53
Hobbs and Petit [51] 35 8.75 1.22 The type of study category is composed of four codes, as
Petersen and Wohlin [79] 94 8.55 3.28 shown in Table 2. According to the large-scale concepts
Bick et al. [17] 25 8.33 0.87 raised in Sect. 2.2, 50 articles conducted just the large-scale
Dingsøyr et al. [32] 23 7.67 0.80 project study (TS_01). Sixteen dealt only with the sched-
Dingsøyr et al. [31] 47 6.71 1.64 uling for the organizational environment (TS_02), with 5
Dingsøyr and Moe [30] 46 6.57 1.60 addressed both directions (TS_01 and TS_02), and another
Bass [11] 38 6.33 1.32 five did not specify the approach. Twenty-three papers
dealt only with the agile project management application
(TS_03), and the other 35 addressed only the hybrid system
of traditional project management methods with GAP or the
transition from the first to the second within organizations
Lines represents authors’ timeline.
Bubble size is proportional to the number of documents.
Color intensity is proportional to the total citation per year.
Fig. 2 Top authors’ production over time. Note Extracted using Biblioshiny
Type of study Scaling for large projects or multi-projects TS_01 55 72 [2, 4, 11–13, 15–18, 23, 24, 26–28, 30–35, 40, 41, 44, 45, 48, 51,
53, 54, 56, 59, 63, 65, 70–73, 75, 78, 82, 85, 86, 90, 93, 94, 96,
98–100, 102–105, 107, 110, 111]
Scaling for organizational environment TS_02 21 28 [3, 19, 20, 28, 30, 34, 38, 39, 43, 47, 49, 51, 57, 58, 64, 67, 70, 74,
76, 91, 109]
Only agile methods TS_03 25 33 [4, 7, 12, 13, 30–32, 34, 35, 41, 44, 52, 54, 57, 59, 65, 72, 73, 83,
85, 96, 102, 103, 109, 111]
Hybrid approaches TS_04 37 49 [2, 15–20, 23, 24, 26–28, 30, 33, 39, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 65, 67, 70,
71, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 91, 93, 94, 99, 100, 104, 105, 110]
(TS_04). Just two articles approached both aspects (TS_03 changes.” [51] (p. 5) address the challenges “related to the
and TS_04), describing the demands of studies of the clash between the agile and traditional cultures; for exam-
themes, while 16 did not clarify the type of scenario studied. ple, development process conflicts, variability in subsys-
tems developed that might not integrate easily, different life
4.2.2 Barriers cycles, and difficulty in using agile in legacy systems.”
Among the managerial barriers, architecture (MI_10) and
The barriers category comprises six categories and 53 codes, requirement (MI_01) issues are more often mentioned. [78]
as shown in Table 3: organizational issues (OI), managerial (p. 1486) highlight that in a large scale, “the architecture
issues (MI), agile method barriers (AMB), product/process receives little focus in agile development leading to bad
issues (PPI), customer issues (CI), and team issues (TI). design decisions” and “due to the complexity and the num-
In the organizational issues, culture (OI_01) is the most ber of people that have to be involved in each decision, the
mentioned issue (10 times), followed by approaches (OI_03) continuity of the requirements flow is thwarted.”
and transition (OI_04) with nine articles each, exploring The barriers to scaling the agile method most often men-
these barriers. [74] (p.74) highlight that “such changes may tioned are minimal documentation (AMB_06) (13 times)
impact several aspects of the organization including its and technologies/tools/methods (AMB_04) (11 times). As
structure, culture, and management practices.” The relation- [19] (p. 35) highlights, “unfortunately, most agile methods
ship between culture and process is also highlighted by [70] don't support the degree of documentation and infrastructure
(p. 522), who argue that the main challenge is “the cultural required for lower-level certification; it might, in fact, make
change that needs to go hand-in-hand with the procedural agile methods less effective.”
Organizational issues Organizational culture OI_01 10 13 [15, 19, 41, 43, 51, 52, 70, 74, 96, 105]
Organizational structure OI_02 6 8 [17, 19, 30, 40, 74, 96]
Organizational approach OI_03 9 12 [43, 51, 57, 58, 67, 70, 86, 96, 104]
Transition framework OI_04 9 12 [17, 39, 41, 43, 45, 51, 74, 76, 79]
Strategic management OI_05 4 5 [51, 58, 83, 86]
Managerial issues Requirement management MI_01 17 22 [4, 15, 16, 19, 26–28, 40, 41, 48, 65, 67, 78, 79, 83, 105,
Innovation management MI_02 1 1 [57]
Knowledge management MI_03 12 16 [4, 20, 27, 30, 31, 41, 52, 57, 70, 74, 96, 100]
Resource management MI_04 9 12 [2, 17, 39, 48, 49, 57, 79, 90, 103]
Scope management MI_05 14 18 [2, 7, 18, 27, 28, 40, 49, 51, 53, 65, 71, 78, 96, 102]
Configuration management MI_06 1 1 [78]
Cost management MI_07 5 7 [2, 18, 65, 83, 90, 96]
Schedule management MI_08 11 14 [2, 18, 32, 40, 49, 71, 78, 83, 90, 93]
Change management MI_09 4 5 [32, 65, 102, 103]
Architecture management MI_10 17 22 [4, 13, 28, 30, 32, 33, 38, 40, 48, 51, 57, 67, 71, 78, 82,
83, 85]
Portfolio management MI_11 5 7 [3, 30, 57, 102, 103]
Contractual criteria MI_12 4 5 [51, 53, 70, 81]
Agile Method_Barriers Knowledge of agile methods AMB_01 8 11 [4, 20, 39–41, 51, 93, 96]
People-centric AMB_02 1 1 [74]
Agile principles and values AMB_03 9 12 [19, 20, 26, 28, 40, 74, 78, 79, 100]
Technologies/tools/methods AMB_04 11 14 [24, 28, 41, 43, 65, 67, 74, 93, 96, 98, 104]
Development cycle AMB_05 7 9 [19, 26, 28, 30, 40, 41, 53]
Minimal documentation AMB_06 13 17 [4, 19, 20, 26, 28, 65, 67, 78, 81–83, 90, 96]
Over-optimism AMB_07 1 1 [48]
Ignorance to risk awareness AMB_08 4 5 [2, 19, 82, 111]
Product and process issues Quality PPI_01 4 5 [2, 4, 65, 81]
Reuse limitation PPI_02 2 3 [81, 111]
Mainly use in software PPI_03 3 4 [40, 45, 94]
Traceability PPI_04 2 3 [26, 28]
Certification processes PPI_05 3 4 [19, 40, 67]
Effort invested in the planning events PPI_06 3 4 [48, 65, 96]
Maintenance PPI_07 5 7 [19, 26, 28, 65, 78]
Project size PPI_08 11 14 [2, 27, 32, 40, 59, 78, 81, 96, 100, 105, 111]
Progress measurement PPI_09 4 5 [7, 19, 53, 79]
Legacy projects PPI_10 4 5 [4, 19, 23, 58]
Project/system portfolio PPI_11 7 9 [19, 35, 49, 57, 67, 102, 103]
Supplier management and partnering PPI_12 2 3 [40, 57]
Development interfaces PPI_13 4 5 [4, 26, 40, 58]
Regulatory compliance PPI_14 4 5 [20, 40, 53, 81]
Customer issues Customer adjustment CI_01 7 9 [15, 33, 41, 43, 51, 83, 96]
Customer relationship CI_02 11 14 [15, 27, 33, 40, 41, 49, 51, 53, 74, 96, 102]
Multiple customers CI_03 7 9 [24, 27, 33, 51, 58, 83, 105]
Table 3 (continued)
Description Code # % References
Team issues Team coordination TI_01 26 34 [4, 17–19, 26–28, 30–33, 40, 48, 51, 59, 65, 67, 72, 75,
78, 79, 90, 100, 105, 107, 111]
Management features TI_02 12 16 [19, 30, 39, 41, 49, 51, 70, 74, 75, 79, 86, 96]
Reward systems TI_03 4 5 [19, 74, 96, 103]
Teamwork TI_04 11 14 [3, 15, 32, 51, 52, 59, 74, 81, 93, 96, 100]
Overcommitment TI_05 1 1 [49]
Level of competence TI_06 7 9 [3, 40, 41, 65, 74, 100, 105]
Team maturity TI_07 8 11 [4, 11, 20, 49, 96, 98, 100, 105]
Time zone difference TI_08 5 7 [11, 39, 52, 59, 96]
Dependency TI_09 8 11 [11–13, 17, 32, 59, 65, 72]
Communication TI_10 16 21 [4, 15, 19, 39, 41, 52, 59, 65, 67, 73, 78, 90, 96, 100,
105, 107]
Geographic distribution TI_11 10 13 [11, 19, 39, 59, 67, 81, 90, 100, 105, 111]
Among the main barriers related to product and process grouped into the macro themes: business, product and pro-
issues, project size (PPI_08) is explored in 11 articles, as cess, and team.
stated by [27] (p.1336), “agile requirements engineering Among the business benefits, we can highlight fast
practices need to be implemented differently in large pro- cycle time (BB_05) and best financial and performance
jects because at a specific project size and mode of execu- results (BB_09), explored in more than 10 articles each.
tion (such as offshore outsourced),” and the size of product According to [57] (p. 417), “Agile software development
customization projects “measured in the actual effort (work models advocate short (no longer than a few weeks),
hours), beyond a certain level brings with it all the complexi- usually time-boxed development iterations” because the
ties of scale, and therefore impact the accuracy of the effort “highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early
estimates” [105] (p. 11). and continuous delivery of valuable software.” “The level
As regards customer issues, customer relationship of Agile used in a project does have a statistically signifi-
(CI_02) is the most indicated. [51] (p. 16) highlight that cant impact on all three dimensions of project success, as
“One of the biggest challenges is the relationship between judged by efficiency, stakeholder satisfaction, and percep-
the project and the client organization, which is related to tion of overall project performance” [94] (p. 1049).
the challenges with the role of product owner.” Product and process benefits, productivity (PPB_03)
Team coordination (TI_01) and communication (TI_10) and requirement management improvement (PPB_11) are
are more often mentioned among the team issues category. more often mentioned. [64] (p.9) highlights, “early adop-
“Larger organizations must pay specific attention to identi- ters of Scaled Agile Framework have reported significant
fying how to synchronize teams” [19] (p. 31), because “the improvement in terms of productivity and quality.” Also,
team must be able to communicate and coordinate with other according to [47] (p. 293) “Agile requirements handling
teams in the organization, and the developed software must entails that knowledge be managed when available, mini-
integrate smoothly with a larger software system” [67] (p. mizing the strain and wasted effort of eliciting information
30). that is not yet available.”
In the team benefits, frequent feedback (TB_01) and
communication (TB_04) are the most cited benefits. [78]
4.2.3 Benefits (p. 1481) corroborates when identifying there were “bet-
ter knowledge transfer due to better communication and
The benefit codes are composed of three categories (busi- frequent feedback from each iteration.” “The short cycle
ness, product and process, and team) and 32 codes, as shown time and frequent feedback help an agile development
in Table 4. The 32 kinds of benefits obtained using APM team create better estimates for each iteration, especially
in more than one company's project or department were after gaining experience over several cycles” [83] (p. 463).
Business benefits Customer engagement BB_01 10 13 [15, 17, 23, 26, 27, 44, 56, 65, 91, 104]
Stakeholders satisfaction BB_02 5 7 [18, 67, 73, 91, 94]
Sharing the benefits BB_03 1 1 [103]
Business process integration BB_04 5 7 [34, 47, 57, 91, 109]
Fast cycle time BB_05 15 20 [18, 39, 45, 49, 53, 54, 57, 64, 65, 67, 76, 79, 104,
110, 111]
Better resource management BB_06 6 8 [48, 67, 76, 91, 109, 111]
Stakeholders management BB_07 1 1 [44]
Change management BB_08 3 4 [12, 44, 83]
Best financial and performance results BB_09 12 16 [27, 39, 48, 49, 64, 67, 70, 75, 78, 91, 94, 109]
Product and process benefits Quality PPB_01 8 11 [45, 51, 63, 67, 76, 79, 91, 104]
Reliability PPB_02 2 3 [45, 99]
Productivity PPB_03 12 16 [3, 47, 51, 64, 65, 67, 91, 93, 99, 104, 109, 111]
Simplicity PPB_04 4 5 [3, 64, 93, 103]
Compliance PPB_05 1 1 [91]
Flexibility PPB_06 3 4 [19, 49, 103]
Prototyping and experimentation PPB_07 6 8 [26, 56, 64, 75, 103, 111]
Lean features PPB_08 4 5 [57, 63, 76, 93]
Better risk and failure management PPB_09 9 12 [12, 39, 48, 65, 70, 76, 79, 91, 104]
Documentation amount PPB_10 3 4 [32, 75, 79]
Requirements management improvement PPB_11 12 16 [18, 39, 47, 48, 54, 63, 73, 78, 79, 83, 91, 110]
Team benefits Frequent feedback TB_01 20 26 [17–19, 23, 27, 28, 39, 47, 48, 51, 64, 65, 75, 76, 78,
79, 83, 104, 110, 111]
Learning TB_02 10 13 [39, 44, 63, 64, 67, 75, 78, 104, 109, 111]
Practice community TB_03 3 4 [100, 109, 111]
Communication TB_04 19 25 [3, 18, 26, 27, 32, 39, 44, 48, 49, 65, 67, 78, 79, 83,
91, 93, 104, 110, 111]
Transparency TB_05 10 13 [18, 27, 39, 48, 70, 78, 93, 99, 104, 111]
Control TB_06 5 7 [39, 44, 78, 93, 104]
Responsiveness TB_07 8 11 [39, 44, 57, 64, 91, 99, 104, 110]
Leadership TB_08 4 5 [51, 57, 64, 111]
Work life quality and team motivation TB_09 7 9 [39, 44, 49, 51, 57, 67, 111]
High level of trust TB_10 2 3 [39, 111]
Cooperation TB_11 7 9 [3, 39, 64, 75, 79, 93, 111]
Customer commitment TB_12 3 4 [56, 73, 99]
Customer Issues
Organizational Issues
Business Benefits
Managerial Issues
Team Issues
Team Benefits
Agile Method Barriers (TB)
Fig. 6 Relationship between all barrier categories and benefit categories. Note Based on content analysis data using the UCINET software. Line
thickness represents the intensity of relations
[74]. The approaches adopted will always have advantages company may encounter when scaling its agile team. In
and disadvantages that need to be assessed to maximize the addition, other teams involved in the project [72], stake-
advantages and minimize the disadvantages. holder involvement, and adjustment [15] can present
The survey of the points of attention or challenges por- problems in large-scale scenarios, affecting the aspect of
trays the importance of understanding the main problems in autonomy of self-managed teams in small groups.
large-scale agile development to obtain the most significant In large traditional organizations, it is necessary to
benefits [78]. Even a management methodology that allows review their organizational cultures and management
flexibility and agility, such as agile project management, has modes to apply APM in large proportions and produce
points that must be analyzed and mixed with other manage- good results [51, 70]. This issue also collides with the
ment forms to provide better results. adoption of a new work methodology that is no longer
restricted to just one group but becomes part of the routine
5.1 Large‑scale agile barriers of a significant portion of the organization. [109] high-
lights the importance of leaders' responsibility for promot-
The scalability of the agile project management method- ing the change, developing the vision and strategy that
ology highlights some features as evidence that when it help identify the necessary improvements and support the
is applied alone or to pilot projects, it may not be evident teams to achieve business goals.
or be overlooked due to the excellent counterpart results Traditional management aspects, such as requirements,
[19, 78]. However, these are relevant issues for a broader scope, costs, and timelines, also have to be raised when
set of projects or applications across multiple sectors of an agile management takes on more significant proportions
organization. within the organization, be it in multiple projects or mul-
Project size, geographic distribution, regulatory compli- tiple sectors. The complexity, number of people involved,
ance [81], cultural and organizational complexities, and many stakeholders, a large number of partners, the waiting
corporate strategy issues [51] are critical factors that a for creations and the prioritization and re-prioritization
Fig. 7 Relationship between agile methods barriers and benefits. Note Based on content analysis data using the UCINET software. Line thick-
ness represents the intensity of relations
process in large-scale development using agile methods self-implemented practices, but rather regard the interface
are challenges for management [14, 27, 78]. between these practices and other existing ones [67].
One of the reasons for focusing on such aspects is the Such a structure may require product owners to take on
certification requirements observed in bodies such as ISO, new roles, primarily because of the need to manage multiple
CMMI, and other certifying or process regulating bod- development teams elsewhere, and it will probably include
ies [19]. By focusing on meeting demands quickly, devel- other countries while customers are in the organization's
opment teams focus on implementing functionality, no host country [11]. The autonomy and improvisation inher-
longer documenting requirements or specifications [83]; ent to the agile approaches directly affect the agile project
this means that companies do not have enough records to portfolio, which requires greater coordination among pro-
prove their actions toward facing certification processes jects to ensure the portfolio being built is aligned with the
and which may not be sufficient for the stakeholder knowl- intended portfolio [103].
edge required [92]. Leaders who will implement agile management in larger
Hence, the challenges of implementing large-scale agile projects can face challenges other than those routinely exist-
methodologies are not in the agile project or in the new ing due to dealing with the coordination among teams, such
as difficulties in estimations and communication [105]; it can sharing information, logistical issues, and difficulties vari-
require more planning structure and effort to coordinate all ability [19], as well as multi-site development with teams
those involved toward the same goal [78]. Although smaller geographically distributed working together, which exacer-
projects have colocated teams, the different teams are prob- bates the bias of underestimation of the efforts required to
ably distributed across multiple locations, including in other accomplish the project [105].
countries with different time zones, making network prac- Agile teams tend to improve internal communication but
tices necessary to consider the distances among them [100]. become more isolated from the business context. It could be
Development teams must interact with other organiza- a problem when trying to scale agile project management at
tional units, understanding that organizational forms and the organization level because the involvement of key deci-
innovation-driven cultures can adopt agile methods more sion-makers and the bureaucratic nature of the business can
quickly than those built around bureaucracy and formali- work in opposition to the principles of agility [15]. The use
zation [74]. To develop a product that goes beyond soft- of flexible planning, extensive communication, and social
ware, having embedded systems and hardware is even more bonding can be proposed to promote understanding, col-
required from the large-scale agile methodology. Core prod- laboration, and coordination of the distributed work [111].
ucts with significant investments in areas other than pro- Therefore, the coordination of teams in large-scale agile
ject teams tend to become a priority, which raises issues applications is crucial, involving constant iterations and
about the appropriate distribution of development resources deliveries. At different levels of team, project, and program,
within programs and the portfolio [40]. More than project it is possible to identify work proposals that allow greater
size related to team size, for a successful application of agile support to companies [72]. To contribute to adopting the
project management on a large scale, it is essential to note large-scale agile methodology, it needs to be more organic
that transformational leadership, agility, and value congru- in this relevant aspect; structural models have been launched
ence are significant factors for successful outcomes in these in the market.
scenarios [86]. Project managers have to work so that teams [49] discussed some examples of structured models such
are less impacted by problems encountered in applying as the Large_Scale Scrum (LeSS®) framework and Scaled
agile on a large scale, such as competition, difficulties in Agile Framework® (SAFe). In LeSS®, development teams
are maintained over time; there are levels of product owners frequent feedback and interact more directly with product
by area and combinations of areas that manage the backlog development [23], establishing greater trust and transpar-
[49]. According to the official Web site, LeSS is based on ency in the team environment [99].
large-scale work, whereby several teams work together on a Through combined identification of critical path and team
product, using Scrum's principles, purposes, and elements dependencies [39], the approach focused on requirements
[66]. SAFe has three layers (portfolio, program, and team), prioritization reduces waste on non-profit or non-viable
whose backlogs are divided into resources that are group- items [49], increasing quality, capability to perform tests,
ings of stories organized among teams, which have dedicated and the traceability of requirements from process optimiza-
product owners [49]. SAFe combines agile practices with tion and the pursuit of gradual improvements [63].
other methodologies, including a lean approach through These approaches, coupled with early defect detection
planning guidelines and continuous delivery iterations [89]. and resolution [76] facilitated by agile initiatives, contribute
Other compatible methods are also common when agile is to higher product quality [79]. Thus, it is possible to envis-
practiced in other organizational environments, such as the age a sharing of benefits through broader standardization,
Lean philosophy, as agile principles may not guide an organ- which contributes to self-organization among projects [103],
ization in the most efficient way with respect to portfolio greater effectiveness in cost [70], when considering the level
management and program levels, for example [64]. of programs or portfolio.
Despite what has been pointed out about the limitations The use of agile practices can lead to benefits, but such
found in the application of agile large-scale project man- results may justify the emergence of new barriers or dif-
agement, some researchers found benefits in such scenarios. ficulties because they require new behavior and actions not
Different viewpoints, differences of opinion, and tensions previously practiced. An example is the case of increased
are inevitable in any large-scale movement [111]. Therefore, transparency and control, identified as advantages, simulta-
it is vital to have a strategic alignment by sharing the vision neously generating the need for greater management coor-
behind the change, its motivators, goals, value, and mean- dination when applied to large projects and large numbers
ing [109], adapting to new ways of working to be coherent of people involved, which is a challenge [78].
and motivating. Adaptations of agile management to existing work meth-
Agile project management on a large scale contributes to odologies are referenced to minimize the negative impacts
adding flexibility to mature organizations, showing that it is observed in agile deployment, allowing the organization to
suitable even for large systems with long life cycles, highly enjoy its benefits. Companies need to analyze the relation-
complex projects, and safety criticality since the corporate ship between methods to avoid unnecessary conflicts and
culture is convergent and promotes the acceptance of the efforts [67].
proposed methodology [67]. Although the adoption of agile project management in a
The shared knowledge and the perception of the benefits large-scale context can bring benefits, this research did not
[93] when adopting agile project management are differen- identify a systematized approach that analyzes the relation-
tials that motivate teams to continue on the path to scaling ships between benefits and barriers. Figures 6, 7, and 8 point
such principles in the work environment. Communities of out some interesting insights for future research because they
practices are a positive influence, as they promote knowl- suggest some propositions.
edge exchange among different teams, increasing the fre- Some barriers and benefits appear simultaneously in sev-
quency of communication and networking, facilitating team eral papers, generating interest in the possibility of a cor-
coordination informally [100]. relation between them and the effect of one on the other. In
Increasing trust between teams, maturity, knowledge Fig. 6, the managerial barriers (MI) appear strongly related
integration, and sharing of ideology provides well-being to all the benefit categories, which suggest the following
and pride in the work performed [44], promoting a better proposition for a future research agenda:
quality of life for employees, fostering understanding and P1 Managerial barriers (MI) influence the achievement
learning. Communication at frequent planning events leads of the potential. However, the MI effect on each benefit cat-
to a greater understanding of business requirements and the egory (BB, TB, and PPB) can have a distinctive magnitude.
alignment of the next steps. These enable revisions as well as Similar reasoning can be applied to the relationship
sharing responsibilities across the organization [48]. These between the barriers specifically related to the team issues
aspects also influence the involvement and commitment of (TI) and the three categories of benefits (BB, TB, and PPB).
clients, who become part of the project, seeking and support- There is a lack of studies bridging AMB and business ben-
ing the search for quick solutions [110]. They also receive efits, while the team benefit (TB) and product and process
benefits are more often explored, as shown in Fig. 7. There- This paper presents limitations related to the methodolog-
fore, this is a research gap that may be better explored and ical approach adopted. First, the searching strategies adopted
could contribute to the decision-making for adopting agile (databases selected, search strings, logical operators applied,
in large projects and large organizations. Therefore, the fol- search filters, and exclusion criteria) can narrow the sample.
lowing proposition should be investigated in depth. The inherent subjectivity of the qualitative content analysis
P2 The barriers of scaling agile methods to large projects process by researchers may also present limitations.
(AMB) affect the achievement of benefits.
Figure 8 presents the relations between agile methods Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial
support of the Brazilian research funding agencies CNPq (National
issues in the sample analyzed. It is possible to identify that Council for Scientific and Technological Development).
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