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to our
for SY 2022-
I’m Your Teacher

•Ms. Sheril A. Babaran

Look at each picture then
write BOOK if the sentence is
a FACT and write FAIRY if
the sentence is MAKE
Try this one!
Using your knowledge and
experience, identify the following
images if they are real or make-
believe. Write Yes or NO.


Real or
Fact or
Non-Fact Images
Quarter 1
After going through this lesson, you
are expected to develop the Most
Essential Learning Competency
(MELC) which is to:

-identify real or
make-believe, fact or
non-fact images;
What are Images?
The word “image” came from the
Latin word “imago” which refers to
any item that depicts visual
perception, such as a photograph
or other two-dimensional picture,
resembling an object.
Story: Goldilocks
Once upon a time, there was a little
girl named Goldilocks. She went for a
walk in the forest. Pretty soon, she came
upon a house. She knocked and, when no
one answered, she walked right in. At the
table in the kitchen, there were three
bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was
hungry. She tasted the porridge from the
first bowl.
"This porridge is too hot!" she
So, she tasted the porridge from the
bowl. "This porridge is too cold,"
she said.
So, she tasted the last bowl of
"Ahhh, this porridge is just right,"
she said happily and she ate it all up.
After she'd eaten the three
bears' breakfasts, she decided she
was feeling a little tired. So, she
walked into the living room where
she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat
in the first chair to rest.
"This chair is too big!" she
So she sat in the second chair.
"This chair is too big, too!" she
So she tried the last and smallest
"Ahhh, this chair is just right," she
sighed. But just as she settled down
into the chair to rest, it broke into
Goldilocks was very tired by this
time, she went upstairs to the
bedroom. She lay down in the first
bed, but it was too hard.
Then she lay in the second bed,
but it was too soft. Then she lay
down in the third bed and it was just
right. Goldilocks fell asleep.
As she was sleeping, the three
bears came home.
"Someone's been eating my
porridge," growled the Papa bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my
chair," said the Mama bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my
chair and they've broken it to
pieces," cried the Baby bear.
They decided to look around
some more and when they got
upstairs to the bedroom, Papa bear
"Someone's been sleeping in my
"Someone's been sleeping in my
bed, too" said the Mama bear.
"Someone's been sleeping in my
bed and she's still there!" exclaimed
the Baby bear.
Just then, Goldilocks woke up. She
saw the three bears. She screamed,
"Help!" And she jumped up and ran
out of the room. Goldilocks ran
down the stairs, opened the door, and
ran away into the forest. She never
returned to the home of the three
1. What is the title of the story?
2. Who is the author?
3. Who are the main characters?
4. Give the events which you like in
the story.
5. What are the events that you
didn’t like?
6. Which do you think are the real
objects, places, happenings and
characters in the story?
7. Which are unlikely to be real or
make believe? Why?
Real things- things exist and we
can see, hear, feel, taste, or touch
Make-believe- is when
something cannot happen in real
life because it does not actually
Study the event in the story,
analyze why they are real and why
they are make-believe.
List down/tell the events that you
can recall which seems to be real
and make-believe.
Study the event in the story,
analyze why they are real and why
they are make-believe.
List down/tell the events that you
can recall which seems to be real
and make-believe.
Here are some list of events in
the story that are real:
1. Goldilocks was hungry and the
porridge looked good.
2. Goldilocks woke up and
jumped out of the bed.
Here are some list of events in
the story that are make-believe:
1. Father bear, mother bear and
baby bear had very hot
porridge for breakfast.
2. Baby bear said, “Somebody has
been sitting in my chair and has
broken it!”

Real images are those that exist or

present in the real world and not just
merely products of imagination.

Identifying real images suggests that

there are basis of its existence, they
are seen, felt, smelled, heard and even
Make-believe images are created by the
mind, and which do not exist in reality. They
are developed to entertain people’s eyes and

Identifying make-believe objects or fantasy

means believing or knowing that these
images are not real and not true because
they are not seen, felt, smelled, heard nor
Real images are true; they
are facts that can be
proven. They can be
experienced or witnessed
by a person.
Babies cry when
they are hungry.
There are seven
days in a week.

My grandmother
is still alive at the
age of 93.
Real images are pictures which depict visuals of
objects or happenings that exist in real life. These are
also known as fact images.
The purposes of these images can be:

To inform To tell stories

To entertain To persuade
Make-believe images
 have no existence;
 they are not true;
 they are in our imagination;
 they are non-fact and difficult to be
 Make-believe images are created in our
 They are exaggerated most of the time
that is why they are unbelievable to
The tree talked to the boy.

The fisherman caught a mountain of

fish last night but still was penniless.

It was raining cats and dogs; the

water flooded the city, and it almost
reached the clouds.
Make-believe images are pictures which illustrate something
that is not real. Though these images may have some realistic
features, they are just product of imagination, thus, do not exist
in real life. These are also known as non-fact images.

To tell fiction

To entertain

To persuade
Now, you are ready to apply what
you have learned about Reality and
Fantasy. Do this fun activity.
Think wisely, use your
experience/knowledge and do
critical thinking to correctly
choose the group of words that will
complete the following sentences
1. To make my bones strong,
__________ (Reality).
A. I will drink milk once a year
B. I will drink milk everyday
C. I will drink milk every
minute, everyday
1. To make my bones strong,
__________ (Reality).

B. I will drink milk everyday

2. To get a perfect score in the

A. I will use my superpowers to

read my teacher’s mind
B. I will study overnight
C. I will sleep early.
2. To get a perfect score in the

A. I will use my superpowers to

read my teacher’s mind.
3. To buy my dream bicycle,
A. I will save money in my
piggy bank
B. I will ask Santa Claus to give
it as a Christmas present
C. I will get along with my mom
and dad
3. To buy my dream bicycle,

B. I will ask Santa Claus to give

it as a Christmas present
4. To go to Hongkong Disneyland,

A. I will ride in an airplane

B. I will ride on a magic carpet
C. I will soar like an eagle on air
4. To go to Hongkong Disneyland,

A. I will ride in an airplane

5. In order to grow more plants in my
A. I will talk, kiss and hug them
B. I will look after and water them
C. I will let the animals play in the
5. In order to grow more plants in my

B. I will look after and water them


Real images are those that exist or

present in the real world and not just
merely products of imagination.

Identifying real images suggests that

there are basis of its existence, they
are seen, felt, smelled, heard and even
Make-believe images are created by the
mind, and which do not exist in reality. They
are developed to entertain people’s eyes and

Identifying make-believe objects or fantasy

means believing or knowing that these
images are not real and not true because
they are not seen, felt, smelled, heard nor
Now, you are ready to apply what
you have learned about Reality and
Fantasy. Do this fun activity.
Think wisely, use your
experience/knowledge and do
critical thinking to correctly
choose the group of words that will
complete the following sentences
1. To make my bones strong,
__________ (Reality).
A. I will drink milk once a year
B. I will drink milk everyday
C. I will drink milk every
minute, everyday
1. To make my bones strong,
__________ (Reality).

B. I will drink milk everyday

2. To get a perfect score in the

A. I will use my superpowers to

read my teacher’s mind
B. I will study overnight
C. I will sleep early.
2. To get a perfect score in the

A. I will use my superpowers to

read my teacher’s mind.
3. To buy my dream bicycle,
A. I will save money in my
piggy bank
B. I will ask Santa Claus to give
it as a Christmas present
C. I will get along with my mom
and dad
3. To buy my dream bicycle,

B. I will ask Santa Claus to give

it as a Christmas present
4. To go to Hongkong Disneyland,

A. I will ride in an airplane

B. I will ride on a magic carpet
C. I will soar like an eagle on air
4. To go to Hongkong Disneyland,

A. I will ride in an airplane

5. In order to grow more plants in my
A. I will talk, kiss and hug them
B. I will look after and water them
C. I will let the animals play in the
5. In order to grow more plants in my

B. I will look after and water them

Strengthening your
knowledge and skills.

Read the sentences. Do you

think they can happen or exist
in real life? Write the word real
if they can and make-believe if
they cannot
1. The Carreon family lived in a remote
sitio in the town of Igbaras.
2. Kapres lived in the mountains of
3. The kapres appeared at night to
frighten the village people.
4. The fathers in the built houses
were made of nipa hut.
5. Many villagers were eaten by the


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