Module 6
Module 6
Module 6
This is the part of yourself where you learn and understand your
sexual development and how people's sexual activity, beliefs,
misconceptions and unlimited access from the internet on sex can
influence your own sexual behaviors and responses. Your sexual
self speaks of your sexual health, sexual orientation, gender
identity and expression and values around sexuality.
Sigmund Freud's
Stages of
Development and
the Concept of
Erogenous Zone
Psychosexua Erogenous Fixations Conflicts Results
l Stage Zone
Oral Stage Mouth Oral Frustration-Fed on a Schedule-Fed tight lipped people who eat only for
(birth 2 years (centered on Incorporative or Oral schedule to meet nutritional requirements nourishment Demand-Fed: gives rise to oral
old) feeding) Aggressive Overindulgence Child is fed at any time pleasures (onting, drinking, smoking oral sex) child is
the child wants self absorbed and egoistical
Anal Stage Anus Anal Retentive or Frustration-parents demand exacting Controlling withholding stringent, selective with
(2 to 3 years (centered on Anal Expulsive control of bowel habits. friends (controlled, hoarding) Uncontrolled-gullible,
old) toilet training) Overindulgence parents allow child easily trusts, lax, disorganized
freedom, or is lenient in bowel
Phallic Stage Genital area Oedipus/ Elektra Heterosexualizing interactions. Jealousy Boy will grow up seeking a woman like his mother
(3 Years old) Complex Castration develops Problems with parent- Girl will grow up wanting to have a male child
Anxiety Penis Envy identification Homosexuality will occur if normal identifications are
Latency Secondary Sexual Maturation Repression of oedipal attachments Reality Principle and learning of skills Establishing
Stage (6 sexual Reduction of Sexuality in the child Gender identity
yeurs- characteristics
Genital Whole body Mating, Dating and Sexual Instincts and Sexual Conflicts Sublimate sexual energy into emotional commitments
Stage Social interaction reappear to sports,
(Puberty- Death Instincts reappears cheerleading, music, band, academies. politics,
onwards) Sexual Instincts are repressed church, or other endeavors. Hostility, rebelliousness
or juvenile delinquency. Vows of celibacy, attractions
to mystical philosophies, gangs. religions or cults
The Human
The Female Reproductive System.
Puberty in girls usually starts between
ages 8-13, along with all the bodily
changes (breast, hair, skin, hips, voice)
it is also where Menarche (from the
Greek words 'moon' and beginning'), the
first menstrual period, would seal the
growth spurt and signal the female's
sexual maturity.
The Male Reproductive System
1) Excitement (desire/arousal)
3) Orgasm
4) Resolution
Sexuality is much
more than sexual
feelings or sexual
The Five Circles of Sexuality
1) Sensuality is awareness and feeling about your own body, and other people's bodies,
especially the body of a sexual partner.
2) Sexual Intimacy is the ability to be emotionally close to another human being and to accept
closeness in return.
3) Sexual identity is a person's understanding of who he/she is sexually, including the sense of
being male or of being female.
4) Reproduction and Sexual Health are a person's capacity to reproduce and the behaviors
and attitudes that make sexual relationships healthy and enjoyable.