Lesson The Physical Self

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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig




Moreover, this part summarizes the contents and importance of the module.
This is needed to prepare the mental set-up and to motivate the students.

Study Guide

This part should include the following

1. Definition and Concept of Physical Self
2. Physical Development
3. Physical Attractiveness
4. Body Image and Self-esteem
5. Improving Body Image

Learning Outcomes

1. Understand the physical changes that takes place with the development of the
primary and secondary sex characteristics;
2. Enhance oneself to be physically attractive
3. Improve body image and enhances self-esteem

Topic Presentation

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 It refers to the body, this marvelous

container and complex, finely tuned,
machine with which we interface with our
environment and fellow beings. It is the
concrete dimension, the tangible aspect
of the person that can be directly
observed and examined.
 It is the individual's perception of
themselves in areas of physical ability
and appearance. Physical ability
includes concepts such as physical
strength and endurance, while
appearance refers to attractiveness.
 Physical self includes physical development, attractiveness and
characteristics which are the defining features about a person.


 Self-image - the idea one has of one's abilities, appearance, and
 Self-concept - an idea of the self-constructed from the beliefs one
holds about oneself and the responses of others.
 Self-esteem-is an individual's subjective evaluation of their own worth.
Self-esteem encompasses beliefs about oneself.

High self-esteem means that you believe in yourself and know

that you are a great addition to this world. You recognize that you might have
a few weaknesses, but you also have a lot of strengths which really shape up
who you are.
Low self-esteem is characterized by a lack of confidence and
feeling badly about oneself.


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of puberty is the stage of physical transformation from childhood to

 It signifies the beginning of the biological and physical “growth spurt”
and development characterized by the changes in weight and body
 Females gain more weight between 7-25 kilos during puberty and slow
down at the time of the first menstrual period and continue until late
 Male teens gain 7-30 kilos during puberty.
 As much as 25% of the final height is gained during puberty.


 Primary Sex Characteristics- It is already present at the birth refers to
changes of the sexual organs that are directly concerned with
 Secondary Sex Characteristics-It refers to visible changes and
features that appear during puberty. The development of secondary
sex characteristics is usually earlier in girls than boys.


Body becomes muscular Enlargement of breasts

Growth of body hair, including underarm, Growth of body hair, most prominently
abdominal, chest hair and public hair underarm and public hair

Greater mass of thigh muscles in front of Greater development of thigh muscles at

the femur the back of the femur
Shoulders grow broader than hips Hips grow wider than the shoulder

Lower body fat percentage than Changed distribution in weight and fat: more
prepubescent or adult females or subcutaneous fat and fat deposits, mainly

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prepubescent males, on average around the buttocks, thighs, and hips

Enlargement of larynx (Adam’s apple) and Voice become melodious
deepening of voice

 It is a degree to which a person's
physical features are considered
aesthetically pleasing or beautiful.
 It includes universal perceptions across
cultures along with the individual’s view
of himself.
 It could be body movements, facial
features, body proportions, voice, smell
and others such as clothing, perfume
and style. There are also other factors
influencing physical attractiveness like
positive characteristics, intelligence and

Features most attractive to others across culture

1. Facial features - Men prefer women with feminine facial features while
women are more attracted to men with masculine features and display
a high degree of facial Symmetry.

2. Symmetry - Men tend to be more attracted to women who exhibit

symmetrical face and has youthful appearance.

3. Wait to hip ratio- Men become attractive to a women with low wait hip

4. Body Scent- both male and female are attracted to the natural scent
of facially attractive individual.

5. Movements pattern - Women are more attractive when walked with

hip, swaying; men are more attractive when they moved considerable agility.

6. Body built- women on the average tend to be attracted to men with

broad shoulder, narrow waist and a V-shaped torso.

7. Weight- both male and female are attracted to an individual with

normal weight and found them healthier and more attractive.

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8. Height- majority of women prefer men who are taller than them. On
the average, men tend to be attracted to women who are shorter than they

9. Hair- most men are more attracted to long-haired women.

What makes a woman physically attractive?

1. Stay in shape -Maintaining a good, healthy, and well-toned body

-Get enough exercise
-Eat healthy

2. Maintain good hygiene- Proper way of taking yourself

3. Get enough sleep- at least six to eight hours of sleep every night.

Benefits of getting enough sleep

Decreases obesity
Avoid illness
Less stress
Better mood Regulation

4. Smile- A woman who keeps smiling is more approachable, likeable, and

physically attractive.

5. Develop the right attitude- Show yourself in a way you expect other
people to see you. Be happy. Exercise Positivity.

6. Cultivate a sense of humor- Laughter is said to be the best medicine.

Laughter releases Serotonin which is the cause of our good moods.

Keeping men physically attractive

In the past it is said men are attractive to women if they are financially
stable and committed to the relationship. However, in the recent researches,
EFFORT has been driven into finding out what women find physically
attractive in men.

1. Get enough sleep- to keep Physically Attractive

-Adults between 18-64 ages require seven to nine hours of
sleep per night.
-Teenagers require eight to ten hours of sleep per night

*If you have a difficulty on acquiring a good sleep at night or have

medical condition such as insomnia or sleep apnea, consult a Doctor about
treatments of these conditions.

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2. Maintain a clean haircut- consider getting a new haircut that can best
complement your facial features.

3. Keep your skin clear- Having a clear skin indicates that someone is
healthy and happy.

4. Dress appropriately to feel confident- Keep your clothes neat and

clean, wear clothes that will bring you comfort.

5. Be yourself- Being yourself also plays a key role on how other people
perceive you.

6. Maintain a good posture- Keep your posture by being aware of how

you sit and stand. Bad posture shows lack of confidence and makes you
less attractive to others.

7. Maintain good hygiene- Personal Hygiene is necessary to make you

Physically Attractive.

There is no such definite/specific Standard on what makes us

Attractive or appealing. We only need to learn how to love ourselves, take
good care, and be true to our self. We cannot please everyone that
surrounds us. “Beauty is on the eyes of the beholder”.


 It refers to how attractive you

perceive yourself. It is one part of
your self-image that becomes the
focus of your attention when you
reach the age of puberty where you
undergo several changes as a
result of the development of
secondary sex characteristics.
 Body image is a major factor in

Poor Body Image

 It comes from negative thoughts and feelings about your appearance.
 As your body changes, your image also changes which may not be all
physically attractive that can bring down your self-esteem.

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 Negative views about one’s image are usually an effect of the society’s
beauty standards, or messages about the “ideal” body. (Eating
Disorder Hope, 2018)

Positive Body Image

 Having a positive body image means feeling pretty satisfied with the
way you look, appreciating your body for its capabilities, and accepting
its imperfections.

Body image is a major factor in self-esteem.

Self-esteem is made up of thoughts about
your self-worth and how much you feel other
people value you.

 It is important because feeling good

about you can affect your mental health
and how you behave and it is not fixed.
 Compliments from other people to
counteract the negative thoughts and
feelings that oftentimes bother them.
 People with high self-esteem tend to be
more realistic and have better
knowledge of themselves.

 By age 18, girls and boys are more satisfied with their bodies than they
were in their earlier teens. But not everyone’s body changes at the
same time or even at the same pace. It takes time for some people to
feel comfortable in their changing bodies.

 Adolescent females tend to be more pre-occupied with body weight

and slimness than adolescent males. Adolescent males may want to
increase body mass.

- Women's greater interest in appearance is socially learned —

that it derives purely from social promotion and marketing of a feminine

-The greater importance of physical appearance for women's

mate value is confirmed by the fact that their bodies have been more
extensively remodeled by sexual selection than is true of men.
(Psychology Today)

Developing a positive body image

 It can probably like and accept yourself the way you are, even if you
don’t fit some media ‘ideal”. This healthy attitude allows you to explore
other aspects of growing up, such as developing good friendships,

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becoming more independent from your parents, and challenging

yourself physically and mentally.

 A positive, optimistic attitude can help people develop strong self-

 Knowing what makes you happy and how to meet your goals can help
you feel capable, strong, and in control of your life. A positive attitude
and a healthy lifestyle are a great combination for building good self-



1. Recognize that your body

is your own, no matter
what shape or size it
comes in. Try to focus on
how strong and healthy your
body is and the things it can
do, not what’s wrong with it or
what you feel you want to
change about it.

2. Identify which aspects of

your appearance you can
realistically change and
which you can’t. Humans
are imperfect. It is what
makes each of us unique and

3. If there are things about yourself that you want to change and
can, do this by making goals for yourself. If you want to get fit,
make a plan to exercise every day and eat healthy.

4. When you have negative comments coming from within, tell

yourself to stop. Appreciate that each person is more than just how
he or she looks on any given day.

5. Try building your self-esteem by giving yourself three

compliments every day. While you’re at it, every evening list three
things in your day that really gave you pleasure.

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Some people with physical disabilities or differences may feel they are not
seen for their true selves because of their bodies and what they can and can’t


Home Activity 3: Describe your physical self in your own words. Are you happy with
your own appearance? Why? If there is a part/parts of your body that you would like
to change what will it be and why? 150 words minimum


Tomas, R. et al.(2018). The Physical Self. In Understanding the Self (pp. 27-35).
Mutya Publishing House, Inc.

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