Business Research Method
Business Research Method
Business Research Method
Definition of research
Purpose of research
Characteristic goods research
Types of research
Scientific method as a source of knowledge
Process of research
Chapter one: Introduction
Research comprises
- defining and redefining problems,
- formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions;
- collecting, organizing and evaluating data;
- making deductions and reaching conclusions;
and last carefully testing the conclusions to determine
whether they fit the formulated hypothesis.
d. Exploratory Research
Is carried out to investigate the possibilities
of undertaking a particular research study.
Is also called a ‘feasibility study’ or a ‘pilot
It is usually carried out when a researcher
wants to explore areas about which s/he has
little or no knowledge.
a. Quantitative Research
– Is based on the measurement of quantity or
– Is applicable to phenomena that can be
expressed in terms of quantity.
b. Qualitative Research
4. Professional Literature
Consultation of research reports, bibliographies of
books and articles, periodicals, research abstracts…
5. Technological and social Change
Changes in technology or social environment such
as changes in attitudes, preferences, policies of a
2.1.3.Considerations in selecting a research
Communication among
cockpit members
Training of cockpit
Step 3
The less the communication among the crew members themselves, the
greater is the probability of air safety violations since very little information is
shared among them. For example, whenever safety is threatened, timely
communication b/n the navigator and pilot is most unlikely. Each member
will be preoccupied with his or her work and lose sight of larger picture.
When ground crew fails to give the right information at the right time,
mishaps are bound to occur with aborted flights and collusions. Coordination
b/n ground cockpit crew is at the very heart of air safety. Thus, the less
coordination b/n ground control and cockpit crew there is, the greater the
possibility of air safety violations taking place. Both of the above factors are
exacerbated by the management philosophy of airlines, which often
emphases decentralization. This philosophy might have worked before the
deregulation of the airlines when the number of flights was manageable. But
with deregulation and increased flights overall in mid-air, and with all airlines
operating many more flights, centralized coordination and control assume …
a. Preliminary parts
b. Chapter One-Introduction/the problem
and its Background
c. Chapter Two-Literature Review
d. Chapter Three-Methodology
e. Annex
Components… cont’d
a. Prefatory parts
1. Title Page
On separate lines and centered, the title
page has the title of the study, the author’s
name, the institutional affiliation, and date.
Ch1… cont’d