Destruction of The Earth in 2053

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Destruction of the earth in 2053 PLANET IMPACT


Kelompok 3 RizkiHidayatullah. IRA FitriRamzalena Ferry Hardianda DesyDeviani T. Evan Alfiadi

StmikAbulyatama (SekolahTinggiManajemenInformatika Computer)Aceh Besar (2012)

Destruction of the earth in 2053?

Praise be to Allah who controls the universe in his hand. His Qursyemcompasses the heavens and the earth.And only to Allah that we must worship. Shalawat and Salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, the Muslim leader and advocate on the day end. Allah SWT had replied on this matter within the surah of Al-quran, that is Al Furqaanayat 61:

Blessed be He Who hath placed in the heaven mansions of the stars, and hath placed therein a great lamp and a moon giving light!. [25. Al Furqaan: 61] Allah has created millions or even billions or even more stars in the heavens of His creation. A collection of stars we call the name of "galaxy (galaxy)". There are many galaxies that only Allah alone knows the number. One is the galaxy in which our earth is in it. The center of our galaxy is the sun. With the power of His Allah created the heavenly bodies and planets revolve around the sun. A collection of planets moving around the sun, then we refer to as the "solar system (solar system)". So it is with another galaxy that has its own center. Rotation of the central galaxy and the planet we know as the "orbital or orbit". Nevertheless by the will of Allah, were created the galaxies rotate in the period and the desired speed and direction of Allah. If we are diligent to hear explanations from the NASA website, they've said that already many planets turn around, if the planet earth is the sun still rises from the east, then a few years a new phenomenon, there are other planets that they have started reversed and the sun rises from the west. From the scientific side, this is the sign of the end times approach the end of the world, as the instructions of Rasullullahsallallaahu 'alaihiwasallam. Is then according to scientists from many planets turn around, they found a planet from another galaxy is moving into orbit in our solar system. The new planet was later named PLANET X (NIBIRU).

Planet X is attracted (pulled) by the force of gravity of the sun in our solar system, so then he goes into orbit of the planets in the state reversed course, and some time later Planet X will collide with Earth. Scientists call 50 years Planet X (Nibiru) will enter the orbit of our solar system, since he was discovered in 2003. End of the world should not happen in 2053? only Allah was his the owner. Humans were given only the eyes, brain and mind to see the signs of Allah Subhanahuwata'ala. Electromagnetic disruption on other planets that underlie modern astronomers to track the existence of Planet X. Is the change can indeed be considered to be caused by the passage of Planet X. Whatever she expected, certainly, from the last study before it can be seen that Planet X is actually detected as a cause of tremendous changes in the earth in a positive way. How could such a distant planet that can lead to changes in weather and other effects related to the earth? The sun that set the Earth's magnetic field was blocked by the trajectory of Planet X. Planet X movement is entering the solar system has led to the Earth's core to heat up due to the addition of rotary motion in it. When the core is unaffected align itself with the existing equilibrium in the solar system, which heats up the earth's core that's what brought on the weather patterns are unpredictable and increasing the activity of volcanoes and seismic.

If true this collision that started the apocalypse, then it is Allah SWT who still have an intention.And if the news that scientists say is wrong, then let us take as an afterthought and iktibar and muhasabah us to Allah, as have many of His verses in the Qur'an that say things like that. The humans only requested by Rasulullah SAW for reading,keeping,and spread AlQuran. case of doomsday is an possession absolute Allah SWT know's, not matter us.

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